1.16 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="react" />
2import type { FlingGestureHandlerEventPayload } from './GestureHandlerEventPayload';
3import { BaseGestureHandlerProps } from './gestureHandlerCommon';
4export declare const flingGestureHandlerProps: readonly ["numberOfPointers", "direction"];
5export interface FlingGestureConfig {
6 /**
7 * Expressed allowed direction of movement. It's possible to pass one or many
8 * directions in one parameter:
9 *
10 * ```js
11 * direction={Directions.RIGHT | Directions.LEFT}
12 * ```
13 *
14 * or
15 *
16 * ```js
17 * direction={Directions.DOWN}
18 * ```
19 */
20 direction?: number;
21 /**
22 * Determine exact number of points required to handle the fling gesture.
23 */
24 numberOfPointers?: number;
26export interface FlingGestureHandlerProps extends BaseGestureHandlerProps<FlingGestureHandlerEventPayload>, FlingGestureConfig {
28export declare const flingHandlerName = "FlingGestureHandler";
29export type FlingGestureHandler = typeof FlingGestureHandler;
30export declare const FlingGestureHandler: import("react").ComponentType<FlingGestureHandlerProps & import("react").RefAttributes<any>>;