1 | /// <reference types="react" />
2 | import type { PanGestureHandlerEventPayload } from './GestureHandlerEventPayload';
3 | import { BaseGestureHandlerProps } from './gestureHandlerCommon';
4 | export declare const panGestureHandlerProps: readonly ["activeOffsetY", "activeOffsetX", "failOffsetY", "failOffsetX", "minDist", "minVelocity", "minVelocityX", "minVelocityY", "minPointers", "maxPointers", "avgTouches", "enableTrackpadTwoFingerGesture", "activateAfterLongPress"];
5 | export declare const panGestureHandlerCustomNativeProps: readonly ["activeOffsetYStart", "activeOffsetYEnd", "activeOffsetXStart", "activeOffsetXEnd", "failOffsetYStart", "failOffsetYEnd", "failOffsetXStart", "failOffsetXEnd"];
6 | interface CommonPanProperties {
7 | /**
8 | * Minimum distance the finger (or multiple finger) need to travel before the
9 | * handler activates. Expressed in points.
10 | */
11 | minDist?: number;
12 | /**
13 | * Android only.
14 | */
15 | avgTouches?: boolean;
16 | /**
17 | * Enables two-finger gestures on supported devices, for example iPads with
18 | * trackpads. If not enabled the gesture will require click + drag, with
19 | * enableTrackpadTwoFingerGesture swiping with two fingers will also trigger
20 | * the gesture.
21 | */
22 | enableTrackpadTwoFingerGesture?: boolean;
23 | /**
24 | * A number of fingers that is required to be placed before handler can
25 | * activate. Should be a higher or equal to 0 integer.
26 | */
27 | minPointers?: number;
28 | /**
29 | * When the given number of fingers is placed on the screen and handler hasn't
30 | * yet activated it will fail recognizing the gesture. Should be a higher or
31 | * equal to 0 integer.
32 | */
33 | maxPointers?: number;
34 | minVelocity?: number;
35 | minVelocityX?: number;
36 | minVelocityY?: number;
37 | activateAfterLongPress?: number;
38 | }
39 | export interface PanGestureConfig extends CommonPanProperties {
40 | activeOffsetYStart?: number;
41 | activeOffsetYEnd?: number;
42 | activeOffsetXStart?: number;
43 | activeOffsetXEnd?: number;
44 | failOffsetYStart?: number;
45 | failOffsetYEnd?: number;
46 | failOffsetXStart?: number;
47 | failOffsetXEnd?: number;
48 | }
49 | export interface PanGestureHandlerProps extends BaseGestureHandlerProps<PanGestureHandlerEventPayload>, CommonPanProperties {
50 | /**
51 | * Range along X axis (in points) where fingers travels without activation of
52 | * handler. Moving outside of this range implies activation of handler. Range
53 | * can be given as an array or a single number. If range is set as an array,
54 | * first value must be lower or equal to 0, a the second one higher or equal
55 | * to 0. If only one number `p` is given a range of `(-inf, p)` will be used
56 | * if `p` is higher or equal to 0 and `(-p, inf)` otherwise.
57 | */
58 | activeOffsetY?: number | [activeOffsetYStart: number, activeOffsetYEnd: number];
59 | /**
60 | * Range along X axis (in points) where fingers travels without activation of
61 | * handler. Moving outside of this range implies activation of handler. Range
62 | * can be given as an array or a single number. If range is set as an array,
63 | * first value must be lower or equal to 0, a the second one higher or equal
64 | * to 0. If only one number `p` is given a range of `(-inf, p)` will be used
65 | * if `p` is higher or equal to 0 and `(-p, inf)` otherwise.
66 | */
67 | activeOffsetX?: number | [activeOffsetXStart: number, activeOffsetXEnd: number];
68 | /**
69 | * When the finger moves outside this range (in points) along Y axis and
70 | * handler hasn't yet activated it will fail recognizing the gesture. Range
71 | * can be given as an array or a single number. If range is set as an array,
72 | * first value must be lower or equal to 0, a the second one higher or equal
73 | * to 0. If only one number `p` is given a range of `(-inf, p)` will be used
74 | * if `p` is higher or equal to 0 and `(-p, inf)` otherwise.
75 | */
76 | failOffsetY?: number | [failOffsetYStart: number, failOffsetYEnd: number];
77 | /**
78 | * When the finger moves outside this range (in points) along X axis and
79 | * handler hasn't yet activated it will fail recognizing the gesture. Range
80 | * can be given as an array or a single number. If range is set as an array,
81 | * first value must be lower or equal to 0, a the second one higher or equal
82 | * to 0. If only one number `p` is given a range of `(-inf, p)` will be used
83 | * if `p` is higher or equal to 0 and `(-p, inf)` otherwise.
84 | */
85 | failOffsetX?: number | [failOffsetXStart: number, failOffsetXEnd: number];
86 | }
87 | export declare const panHandlerName = "PanGestureHandler";
88 | export type PanGestureHandler = typeof PanGestureHandler;
89 | export declare const PanGestureHandler: import("react").ComponentType<PanGestureHandlerProps & import("react").RefAttributes<any>>;
90 | export declare function managePanProps(props: PanGestureHandlerProps): PanGestureHandlerProps & Partial<Record<"failOffsetXStart" | "failOffsetYStart" | "failOffsetXEnd" | "failOffsetYEnd" | "activeOffsetXStart" | "activeOffsetXEnd" | "activeOffsetYStart" | "activeOffsetYEnd", number>>;
91 | export {};