1.97 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="react" />
2import type { NativeViewGestureHandlerPayload } from './GestureHandlerEventPayload';
3import { BaseGestureHandlerProps } from './gestureHandlerCommon';
4export declare const nativeViewGestureHandlerProps: readonly ["shouldActivateOnStart", "disallowInterruption"];
5export interface NativeViewGestureConfig {
6 /**
7 * Android only.
8 *
9 * Determines whether the handler should check for an existing touch event on
10 * instantiation.
11 */
12 shouldActivateOnStart?: boolean;
13 /**
14 * When `true`, cancels all other gesture handlers when this
15 * `NativeViewGestureHandler` receives an `ACTIVE` state event.
16 */
17 disallowInterruption?: boolean;
20 * @deprecated NativeViewGestureHandler will be removed in the future version of Gesture Handler. Use `Gesture.Native()` instead.
21 */
22export interface NativeViewGestureHandlerProps extends BaseGestureHandlerProps<NativeViewGestureHandlerPayload>, NativeViewGestureConfig {
24export declare const nativeViewProps: readonly ["id", "enabled", "shouldCancelWhenOutside", "hitSlop", "cancelsTouchesInView", "userSelect", "activeCursor", "mouseButton", "enableContextMenu", "touchAction", "waitFor", "simultaneousHandlers", "blocksHandlers", "onBegan", "onFailed", "onCancelled", "onActivated", "onEnded", "onGestureEvent", "onHandlerStateChange", "shouldActivateOnStart", "disallowInterruption"];
25export declare const nativeViewHandlerName = "NativeViewGestureHandler";
27 * @deprecated NativeViewGestureHandler will be removed in the future version of Gesture Handler. Use `Gesture.Native()` instead.
28 */
29export type NativeViewGestureHandler = typeof NativeViewGestureHandler;
31 * @deprecated NativeViewGestureHandler will be removed in the future version of Gesture Handler. Use `Gesture.Native()` instead.
32 */
33export declare const NativeViewGestureHandler: import("react").ComponentType<NativeViewGestureHandlerProps & import("react").RefAttributes<any>>;