1 | # react-native-mauron85-background-geolocation
2 |
3 | # Donation
4 |
5 | Please support my work and support continuous development by your donation.
6 |
7 | [![Donate](https://img.shields.io/badge/Donate-PayPal-green.svg)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=6GW8FPTE6TV5J)
8 |
9 | ## Description
10 | React Native fork of [cordova-plugin-background-geolocation](https://github.com/mauron85/cordova-plugin-background-geolocation)
11 | with battery-saving "circular region monitoring" and "stop detection".
12 |
13 | Plugin can be used for geolocation when app is running in foreground or background.
14 |
15 | You can choose from following location providers:
17 | * **ACTIVITY_PROVIDER** (Android only)
18 | * **RAW_PROVIDER**
19 |
20 | See [Which provider should I use?](/PROVIDERS.md) for more information about providers.
21 |
22 | ## Breaking changes
23 |
24 | ### 0.4.x:
25 |
26 | * start method doesn't accept callback (use .on("start") event)
27 | * stop method doesn't accept callback (use .on("stop") event)
28 | * for background syncing syncUrl option is required. In version 0.3.x if syncUrl was not set url was used.
29 | * plugin constants are in directly BackgroundGeolocation namespace. (check index.js)
30 | * location property locationId renamed to just id
31 | * iOS pauseLocationUpdates now default to false (becuase iOS docs now states that you need to restart manually if you set it to true)
32 | * iOS no more requires to call finish method. Instead you can optionally start long running task with startTask
33 |
34 | ## Compatibility
35 |
36 | Due to the rapid changes being made in the React Native ecosystem, this module will support
37 | only latest version of React Native. Older versions will only be supported, if they're
38 | compatible with this module.
39 |
40 | | Module | React Native |
41 | |------------------|-------------------|
42 | | 0.1.0 - 0.2.0 | 0.33 |
43 | | >=0.3.0 | >=0.47 |
44 |
45 | If you are using an older version of React Native with this module some features may be buggy.
46 |
47 | If you are using react-native-maps or another lib that requires react-native-maps such as Exponent.js or airbnb's react-native-maps then aditionally to the instalation steps described here, you must also change `node_modules/react-native-mauron85-background-geolocation/android/lib/build.gradle` in order to `gms:play-services-locations` match the same version used by those libraries. (in this case `9.8.0`)
48 |
49 | ```
50 | dependencies {
51 | ...
52 | compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:9.8.0'
53 | ...
54 | }
55 | ```
56 |
57 | ## Submitting issues
58 |
59 | All new issues should follow instructions in [ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mauron85/react-native-background-geolocation/master/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md).
60 | Properly filled issue report will significantly reduce number of follow up questions and decrease issue resolving time.
61 | Most issues cannot be resolved without debug logs. Please try to isolate debug lines related to your issue.
62 | Instructions how to prepare debug logs can be found in section [Debugging](#debugging).
63 | If you're reporting app crash, debug logs might not contain all needed informations about the cause of the crash.
64 | In that case, also provide relevant parts of output of `adb logcat` command.
65 |
66 | ## Example Apps
67 |
68 | Repository [react-native-background-geolocation-example](https://github.com/mauron85/react-native-background-geolocation-example) is hosting example app for both iOS and Android platform.
69 |
70 | ## Quick example
71 |
72 | ```javascript
73 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
74 | import { Alert } from 'react-native';
75 | import BackgroundGeolocation from 'react-native-mauron85-background-geolocation';
76 |
77 | class BgTracking extends Component {
78 | componentDidMount() {
79 | BackgroundGeolocation.configure({
80 | desiredAccuracy: 10,
81 | stationaryRadius: 50,
82 | distanceFilter: 50,
83 | locationTimeout: 30,
84 | notificationTitle: 'Background tracking',
85 | notificationText: 'enabled',
86 | debug: true,
87 | startOnBoot: false,
88 | stopOnTerminate: false,
89 | locationProvider: BackgroundGeolocation.ACTIVITY_PROVIDER,
90 | interval: 10000,
91 | fastestInterval: 5000,
92 | activitiesInterval: 10000,
93 | stopOnStillActivity: false,
94 | url: '',
95 | httpHeaders: {
96 | 'X-FOO': 'bar'
97 | }
98 | });
99 |
100 | BackgroundGeolocation.on('location', (location) => {
101 | // handle your locations here
102 | // to perform long running operation on iOS
103 | // you need to create background task
104 | BackgroundGeolocation.startTask(taskKey => {
105 | // execute long running task
106 | // eg. ajax post location
107 | // IMPORTANT: task has to be ended by endTask
108 | BackgroundGeolocation.endTask(taskKey);
109 | });
110 | });
111 |
112 | BackgroundGeolocation.on('stationary', (stationaryLocation) => {
113 | // handle stationary locations here
114 | Actions.sendLocation(stationaryLocation);
115 | });
116 |
117 | BackgroundGeolocation.on('error', (error) => {
118 | console.log('[ERROR] BackgroundGeolocation error:', error);
119 | });
120 |
121 | BackgroundGeolocation.on('start', () => {
122 | console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation service has been started');
123 | });
124 |
125 | BackgroundGeolocation.on('stop', () => {
126 | console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation service has been stopped');
127 | });
128 |
129 | BackgroundGeolocation.on('authorization', (status) => {
130 | console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation authorization status: ' + status);
131 | if (status !== BackgroundGeolocation.AUTHORIZED) {
132 | Alert.alert('Location services are disabled', 'Would you like to open location settings?', [
133 | { text: 'Yes', onPress: () => BackgroundGeolocation.showLocationSettings() },
134 | { text: 'No', onPress: () => console.log('No Pressed'), style: 'cancel' }
135 | ]);
136 | }
137 | });
138 |
139 | BackgroundGeolocation.on('background', () => {
140 | console.log('[INFO] App is in background');
141 | });
142 |
143 | BackgroundGeolocation.on('foreground', () => {
144 | console.log('[INFO] App is in foreground');
145 | });
146 |
147 | BackgroundGeolocation.checkStatus(status => {
148 | console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation service is running', status.isRunning);
149 | console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation service has permissions', status.hasPermissions);
150 | console.log('[INFO] BackgroundGeolocation auth status: ' + status.authorization);
151 |
152 | // you don't need to check status before start (this is just the example)
153 | if (!status.isRunning) {
154 | BackgroundGeolocation.start(); //triggers start on start event
155 | }
156 | });
157 |
158 | // you can also just start without checking for status
159 | // BackgroundGeolocation.start();
160 | }
161 |
162 | componentWillUnmount() {
163 | // unregister all event listeners
164 | BackgroundGeolocation.events.forEach(event => BackgroundGeolocation.removeAllListeners(event));
165 | }
166 | }
167 |
168 | export default BgTracking;
169 | ```
170 |
171 | ## Instalation
172 |
173 | Add package to your project
174 |
175 | ```
176 | npm install react-native-mauron85-background-geolocation --save
177 | ```
178 |
179 | ### Android setup
180 |
181 | In `android/settings.gradle`
182 |
183 | ```gradle
184 | ...
185 | include ':react-native-mauron85-background-geolocation', ':app'
186 | project(':react-native-mauron85-background-geolocation').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-mauron85-background-geolocation/android/lib')
187 | ...
188 | ```
189 |
190 | In `android/app/build.gradle`
191 |
192 | ```gradle
193 | dependencies {
194 | ...
195 | compile project(':react-native-mauron85-background-geolocation')
196 | ...
197 | }
198 | ```
199 |
200 | In `android/src/main/res/values/strings.xml`
201 |
202 | Properties `@account_type` and `@content_authority` should be prefixed with your application package class.
203 |
204 | ```xml
205 | <resources>
206 | <!-- Make sure you override following in your app res/values/strings.xml -->
207 | <string name="app_name">APP_NAME</string>
208 | <string name="account_type">com.yourcompany.account</string>
209 | <string name="content_authority">com.yourcompany.authority</string>
210 | </resources>
211 | ```
212 |
213 | Register module (in `MainApplication.java`)
214 |
215 | ```java
216 | import com.marianhello.react.BackgroundGeolocationPackage; // <--- Import Package
217 |
218 | public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
219 | ...
220 | /**
221 | * A list of packages used by the app. If the app uses additional views
222 | * or modules besides the default ones, add more packages here.
223 | */
224 | @Override
225 | protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
226 | return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
227 | new MainReactPackage(),
228 | new BackgroundGeolocationPackage() // <---- Add the Package
229 | );
230 | }
231 | ...
232 | }
233 | ```
234 |
235 | #### Dependencies
236 | You will need to ensure that you have installed the following items through the Android SDK Manager:
237 |
238 | | Name | Version |
239 | |----------------------------|---------|
240 | | Android SDK Tools | 24.4.1 |
241 | | Android SDK Platform-tools | 23.1 |
242 | | Android SDK Build-tools | 23.0.1 |
243 | | Android Support Repository | 25 |
244 | | Android Support Library | 23.1.1 |
245 | | Google Play Services | 29 |
246 | | Google Repository | 24 |
247 |
248 |
249 | ### iOS setup
250 |
251 | 1. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click `Libraries` ➜ `Add Files to [your project's name]`
252 | 2. add `./node_modules/react-native-mauron85-background-geolocation/ios/RCTBackgroundGeolocation.xcodeproj`
253 | 3. In the XCode project navigator, select your project, select the `Build Phases` tab and in the `Link Binary With Libraries` section add **libRCTBackgroundGeolocation.a**
254 | 4. add `UIBackgroundModes` **location** to `Info.plist`
255 |
256 | For iOS before version 11:
257 |
258 | 5. add `NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription` **App requires background tracking** to `Info.plist`
259 |
260 | For iOS 11:
261 |
262 | 5. add `NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription` **App requires background tracking** to `Info.plist`
263 | 6. add `NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription` **App requires background tracking** to `Info.plist`
264 |
265 | ## API
266 |
267 | ### configure(success, fail, options)
268 |
269 | | Parameter | Type | Platform | Description |
270 | |-----------|---------------|----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
271 | | `options` | `JSON Object` | all | Configure options |
272 |
273 | Configure options:
274 |
275 | | Parameter | Type | Platform | Description |
276 | |---------------------------|-------------------|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
277 | | `locationProvider` | `Number` | all | Set location provider **@see** [PROVIDERS](/PROVIDERS.md) |
278 | | `desiredAccuracy` | `Number` | all | Desired accuracy in meters. Possible values [0, 10, 100, 1000]. The lower the number, the more power devoted to GeoLocation resulting in higher accuracy readings. 1000 results in lowest power drain and least accurate readings. @see Apple docs |
279 | | `stationaryRadius` | `Number` | all | Stationary radius in meters. When stopped, the minimum distance the device must move beyond the stationary location for aggressive background-tracking to engage. |
280 | | `debug` | `Boolean` | all | When enabled, the plugin will emit sounds for life-cycle events of background-geolocation! See debugging sounds table. |
281 | | `distanceFilter` | `Number` | all | The minimum distance (measured in meters) a device must move horizontally before an update event is generated. **@see** [Apple docs](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/CoreLocation/Reference/CLLocationManager_Class/CLLocationManager/CLLocationManager.html#//apple_ref/occ/instp/CLLocationManager/distanceFilter). |
282 | | `stopOnTerminate` | `Boolean` | all | Enable this in order to force a stop() when the application terminated (e.g. on iOS, double-tap home button, swipe away the app). (default true) |
283 | | `startOnBoot` | `Boolean` | Android | Start background service on device boot. (default false) |
284 | | `startForeground` | `Boolean` | Android | If false location service will not be started in foreground and no notification will be shown. (default true) |
285 | | `interval` | `Number` | Android | The minimum time interval between location updates in milliseconds. **@see** [Android docs](http://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/LocationManager.html#requestLocationUpdates(long,%20float,%20android.location.Criteria,%20android.app.PendingIntent) for more information. |
286 | | `notificationTitle` | `String` optional | Android | Custom notification title in the drawer. |
287 | | `notificationText` | `String` optional | Android | Custom notification text in the drawer. |
288 | | `notificationIconColor` | `String` optional | Android | The accent color to use for notification. Eg. **#4CAF50**. |
289 | | `notificationIconLarge` | `String` optional | Android | The filename of a custom notification icon. See android quirks. |
290 | | `notificationIconSmall` | `String` optional | Android | The filename of a custom notification icon. See android quirks. |
291 | | `activityType` | `String` | iOS | [AutomotiveNavigation, OtherNavigation, Fitness, Other] Presumably, this affects iOS GPS algorithm. **@see** [Apple docs](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/CoreLocation/Reference/CLLocationManager_Class/CLLocationManager/CLLocationManager.html#//apple_ref/occ/instp/CLLocationManager/activityType) for more information |
292 | | `pauseLocationUpdates` | `Boolean` | iOS | Pauses location updates when app is paused (default: false). **@see* [Apple docs](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/cllocationmanager/1620553-pauseslocationupdatesautomatical?language=objc)
293 | | `saveBatteryOnBackground` | `Boolean` | iOS | Switch to less accurate significant changes and region monitory when in background (default: true) |
294 | | `url` | `String` | all | Server url where to send HTTP POST with recorded locations **@see** [HTTP locations posting](#http-locations-posting) |
295 | | `syncUrl` | `String` | all | Server url where to send fail to post locations **@see** [HTTP locations posting](#http-locations-posting) |
296 | | `syncThreshold` | `Number` | all | Specifies how many previously failed locations will be sent to server at once (default: 100) |
297 | | `httpHeaders` | `Object` | all | Optional HTTP headers sent along in HTTP request |
298 | | `maxLocations` | `Number` | all | Limit maximum number of locations stored into db (default: 10000) |
299 |
300 | Following options are specific to provider as defined by locationProvider option
301 | #### ACTIVITY_PROVIDER provider options
302 |
303 | | Parameter | Type | Platform | Description |
304 | |-----------------------|-----------|----------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
305 | | `interval` | `Number` | Android | Rate in milliseconds at which your app prefers to receive location updates. **@see** [android docs](https://developers.google.com/android/reference/com/google/android/gms/location/LocationRequest.html#getInterval()) |
306 | | `fastestInterval` | `Number` | Android | Fastest rate in milliseconds at which your app can handle location updates. **@see** [android docs](https://developers.google.com/android/reference/com/google/android/gms/location/LocationRequest.html#getFastestInterval()). |
307 | | `activitiesInterval` | `Number` | Android | Rate in milliseconds at which activity recognition occurs. Larger values will result in fewer activity detections while improving battery life. |
308 | | `stopOnStillActivity` | `Boolean` | Android | stop() is forced, when the STILL activity is detected (default is true) |
309 |
310 | Location callback will be called with one argument - location object, which tries to mimic w3c [Coordinates interface](http://dev.w3.org/geo/api/spec-source.html#coordinates_interface).
311 |
312 | | Callback parameter | Type | Description |
313 | |--------------------|-----------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|
314 | | `id` | `Number` | ID of location as stored in DB (or null) |
315 | | `provider` | `String` | gps, network, passive or fused |
316 | | `locationProvider` | `Number` | Location provider |
317 | | `debug` | `Boolean` | true if location recorded as part of debug |
318 | | `time` | `Number` | UTC time of this fix, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970. |
319 | | `latitude` | `Number` | latitude, in degrees. |
320 | | `longitude` | `Number` | longitude, in degrees. |
321 | | `accuracy` | `Number` | estimated accuracy of this location, in meters. |
322 | | `speed` | `Number` | speed if it is available, in meters/second over ground. |
323 | | `altitude` | `Number` | altitude if available, in meters above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid. |
324 | | `bearing` | `Number` | bearing, in degrees. |
325 |
326 | Note: Android currently returns `time` as type of String (instead of Number) [@see issue #9685](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/9685)
327 |
328 | ### start()
329 | Platform: iOS, Android
330 |
331 | Start background geolocation.
332 |
333 | ### stop()
334 | Platform: iOS, Android
335 |
336 | Stop background geolocation.
337 |
338 | ### isLocationEnabled(success, fail)
339 | Deprecated: This method is deprecated and will be removed in next major version.
340 | Use `checkStatus` as replacement.
341 |
342 | Platform: iOS, Android
343 |
344 | One time check for status of location services. In case of error, fail callback will be executed.
345 |
346 | | Success callback parameter | Type | Description |
347 | |----------------------------|-----------|------------------------------------------------------|
348 | | `enabled` | `Boolean` | true/false (true when location services are enabled) |
349 |
350 | ### checkStatus(success, fail)
351 |
352 | Check status of the service
353 |
354 | | Success callback parameter | Type | Description |
355 | |----------------------------|-----------|------------------------------------------------------|
356 | | `isRunning` | `Boolean` | true/false (true if service is running) |
357 | | `hasPermissions` | `Boolean` | true/false (true if service has permissions) |
358 | | `authorization` | `Number` | BackgroundGeolocation.{NOT_AUTHORIZED | AUTHORIZED} |
359 |
360 | ### showAppSettings()
361 | Platform: Android >= 6, iOS >= 8.0
362 |
363 | Show app settings to allow change of app location permissions.
364 |
365 | ### showLocationSettings()
366 | Platform: iOS, Android
367 |
368 | Show system settings to allow configuration of current location sources.
369 |
370 | ### getLocations(success, fail)
371 | Platform: iOS, Android
372 |
373 | Method will return all stored locations.
374 | This method is useful for initial rendering of user location on a map just after application launch.
375 |
376 | NOTE: Returned locations does not contain location.id.
377 |
378 | | Success callback parameter | Type | Description |
379 | |----------------------------|---------|--------------------------------|
380 | | `locations` | `Array` | collection of stored locations |
381 |
382 | ```javascript
383 | BackgroundGeolocation.getLocations(
384 | function (locations) {
385 | console.log(locations);
386 | }
387 | );
388 | ```
389 |
390 | ### getValidLocations(success, fail)
391 | Platform: iOS, Android
392 |
393 | Method will return locations, which has not been yet posted to server.
394 | NOTE: Locations does contain location.id.
395 |
396 | | Success callback parameter | Type | Description |
397 | |----------------------------|---------|--------------------------------|
398 | | `locations` | `Array` | collection of stored locations |
399 |
400 | ### deleteLocation(locationId, success, fail)
401 | Platform: iOS, Android
402 |
403 | Delete location with locationId.
404 |
405 | Note: Locations are not actually deleted from database to avoid gaps in locationId numbering.
406 | Instead locations are marked as deleted. Locations marked as deleted will not appear in output of `BackgroundGeolocation.getLocations`.
407 |
408 | ### deleteAllLocations(success, fail)
409 | Note: You don't need to delete all locations. Plugin manages number of locations automatically and location count never exceeds number as defined by `option.maxLocations`.
410 |
411 | Platform: iOS, Android
412 |
413 | Delete all stored locations.
414 |
415 | ### switchMode(modeId, success, fail)
416 | Platform: iOS
417 |
418 | Normally plugin will handle switching between **BACKGROUND** and **FOREGROUND** mode itself.
419 | Calling switchMode you can override plugin behavior and force plugin to switch into other mode.
420 |
421 | In **FOREGROUND** mode plugin uses iOS local manager to receive locations and behavior is affected
422 | by `option.desiredAccuracy` and `option.distanceFilter`.
423 |
424 | In **BACKGROUND** mode plugin uses significant changes and region monitoring to receive locations
425 | and uses `option.stationaryRadius` only.
426 |
427 | ```
428 | // switch to FOREGROUND mode
429 | BackgroundGeolocation.switchMode(BackgroundGeolocation.FOREGROUND_MODE);
430 |
431 | // switch to BACKGROUND mode
432 | BackgroundGeolocation.switchMode(BackgroundGeolocation.BACKGROUND_MODE);
433 | ```
434 |
435 | ### getLogEntries(limit, success, fail)
436 | Platform: Android, iOS
437 |
438 | Return all logged events. Useful for plugin debugging.
439 | Parameter `limit` limits number of returned entries.
440 | **@see [Debugging](#debugging)** for more information.
441 |
442 | ### removeAllListeners(event)
443 |
444 | Unregister all event listeners for given event
445 |
446 | ## Events
447 |
448 | Event listeners can registered with:
449 |
450 | ```
451 | const eventSubscription = BackgroundGeolocation.on('event', callbackFn);
452 | ```
453 |
454 | And unregistered:
455 |
456 | ```
457 | eventSubscription.remove();
458 | ```
459 |
460 | Note: Components should unregister all event listeners in `componentWillUnmount` method,
461 | individually, or with `removeAllListeners`
462 |
463 | | Name | Callback param | Platform | Description |
464 | |---------------------|---------------------|----------|----------------------------------------|
465 | | `location` | `Location` | all | on location update |
466 | | `stationary` | `Location` | all | on device entered stationary mode |
467 | | `error` | `{ code, message }` | all | on plugin error |
468 | | `authorization` | `status` | all | on user toggle location service |
469 | | `foreground` | | android | app entered foreground state (visible) |
470 | | `background` | | android | app entered background state |
471 |
472 |
473 | ## HTTP locations posting
474 |
475 | All locations updates are recorded in local db at all times. When App is in foreground or background in addition to storing location in local db,
476 | location callback function is triggered. Number of location stored in db is limited by `option.maxLocations` a never exceeds this number.
477 | Instead old locations are replaced by new ones.
478 |
479 | When `option.url` is defined, each location is also immediately posted to url defined by `option.url`.
480 | If post is successful, the location is marked as deleted in local db.
481 |
482 | When `option.syncUrl` is defined all failed to post locations will be coalesced and send in some time later in one single batch.
483 | Batch sync takes place only when number of failed to post locations reaches `option.syncTreshold`.
484 | Locations are send only in single batch, when number of locations reaches `option.syncTreshold`. (No individual location will be send)
485 |
486 | Request body of posted locations is always array, even when only one location is sent.
487 |
488 | ### Example of backend server
489 |
490 | [Background-geolocation-server](https://github.com/mauron85/background-geolocation-server) is a backend server written in nodejs.
491 | There are instructions how to run it and simulate locations on Android, iOS Simulator and Genymotion.
492 |
493 | ## Debugging
494 |
495 | See [DEBUGGING.md](/DEBUGGING.md)
496 |
497 | ## Geofencing
498 | Try using [react-native-geo-fencing](https://github.com/surialabs/react-native-geo-fencing). Let's keep this plugin lightweight as much as possible.
499 |
500 | ## Changelog
501 |
502 | See [CHANGES.md](/CHANGES.md)