1 | import * as React from 'react';
2 | import { TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps, StyleProp, ViewStyle } from 'react-native';
3 | import { IconSource } from '../Icon';
4 | declare type Route = {
5 | key: string;
6 | title?: string;
7 | icon?: IconSource;
8 | badge?: string | number | boolean;
9 | color?: string;
10 | accessibilityLabel?: string;
11 | testID?: string;
12 | };
13 | declare type NavigationState = {
14 | index: number;
15 | routes: Route[];
16 | };
17 | declare type TabPressEvent = {
18 | defaultPrevented: boolean;
19 | preventDefault(): void;
20 | };
21 | declare type TouchableProps = TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps & {
22 | key: string;
23 | route: Route;
24 | children: React.ReactNode;
25 | borderless?: boolean;
26 | centered?: boolean;
27 | rippleColor?: string;
28 | };
29 | declare type Props = {
30 | /**
31 | * Whether the shifting style is used, the active tab icon shifts up to show the label and the inactive tabs won't have a label.
32 | *
33 | * By default, this is `true` when you have more than 3 tabs.
34 | * Pass `shifting={false}` to explicitly disable this animation, or `shifting={true}` to always use this animation.
35 | */
36 | shifting?: boolean;
37 | /**
38 | * Whether to show labels in tabs. When `false`, only icons will be displayed.
39 | */
40 | labeled?: boolean;
41 | /**
42 | * State for the bottom navigation. The state should contain the following properties:
43 | *
44 | * - `index`: a number representing the index of the active route in the `routes` array
45 | * - `routes`: an array containing a list of route objects used for rendering the tabs
46 | *
47 | * Each route object should contain the following properties:
48 | *
49 | * - `key`: a unique key to identify the route (required)
50 | * - `title`: title of the route to use as the tab label
51 | * - `icon`: icon to use as the tab icon, can be a string, an image source or a react component
52 | * - `color`: color to use as background color for shifting bottom navigation
53 | * - `badge`: badge to show on the tab icon, can be `true` to show a dot, `string` or `number` to show text.
54 | * - `accessibilityLabel`: accessibility label for the tab button
55 | * - `testID`: test id for the tab button
56 | *
57 | * Example:
58 | *
59 | * ```js
60 | * {
61 | * index: 1,
62 | * routes: [
63 | * { key: 'music', title: 'Music', icon: 'queue-music', color: '#3F51B5' },
64 | * { key: 'albums', title: 'Albums', icon: 'album', color: '#009688' },
65 | * { key: 'recents', title: 'Recents', icon: 'history', color: '#795548' },
66 | * { key: 'purchased', title: 'Purchased', icon: 'shopping-cart', color: '#607D8B' },
67 | * ]
68 | * }
69 | * ```
70 | *
71 | * `BottomNavigation` is a controlled component, which means the `index` needs to be updated via the `onIndexChange` callback.
72 | */
73 | navigationState: NavigationState;
74 | /**
75 | * Callback which is called on tab change, receives the index of the new tab as argument.
76 | * The navigation state needs to be updated when it's called, otherwise the change is dropped.
77 | */
78 | onIndexChange: (index: number) => void;
79 | /**
80 | * Callback which returns a react element to render as the page for the tab. Receives an object containing the route as the argument:
81 | *
82 | * ```js
83 | * renderScene = ({ route, jumpTo }) => {
84 | * switch (route.key) {
85 | * case 'music':
86 | * return <MusicRoute jumpTo={jumpTo} />;
87 | * case 'albums':
88 | * return <AlbumsRoute jumpTo={jumpTo} />;
89 | * }
90 | * }
91 | * ```
92 | *
93 | * Pages are lazily rendered, which means that a page will be rendered the first time you navigate to it.
94 | * After initial render, all the pages stay rendered to preserve their state.
95 | *
96 | * You need to make sure that your individual routes implement a `shouldComponentUpdate` to improve the performance.
97 | * To make it easier to specify the components, you can use the `SceneMap` helper:
98 | *
99 | * ```js
100 | * renderScene = BottomNavigation.SceneMap({
101 | * music: MusicRoute,
102 | * albums: AlbumsRoute,
103 | * });
104 | * ```
105 | *
106 | * Specifying the components this way is easier and takes care of implementing a `shouldComponentUpdate` method.
107 | * Each component will receive the current route and a `jumpTo` method as it's props.
108 | * The `jumpTo` method can be used to navigate to other tabs programmatically:
109 | *
110 | * ```js
111 | * this.props.jumpTo('albums')
112 | * ```
113 | */
114 | renderScene: (props: {
115 | route: Route;
116 | jumpTo: (key: string) => void;
117 | }) => React.ReactNode | null;
118 | /**
119 | * Callback which returns a React Element to be used as tab icon.
120 | */
121 | renderIcon?: (props: {
122 | route: Route;
123 | focused: boolean;
124 | color: string;
125 | }) => React.ReactNode;
126 | /**
127 | * Callback which React Element to be used as tab label.
128 | */
129 | renderLabel?: (props: {
130 | route: Route;
131 | focused: boolean;
132 | color: string;
133 | }) => React.ReactNode;
134 | /**
135 | * Callback which returns a React element to be used as the touchable for the tab item.
136 | * Renders a `TouchableRipple` on Android and `TouchableWithoutFeedback` with `View` on iOS.
137 | */
138 | renderTouchable?: (props: TouchableProps) => React.ReactNode;
139 | /**
140 | * Get label text for the tab, uses `route.title` by default. Use `renderLabel` to replace label component.
141 | */
142 | getLabelText?: (props: {
143 | route: Route;
144 | }) => string | undefined;
145 | /**
146 | * Get accessibility label for the tab button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the tab.
147 | * Uses `route.accessibilityLabel` by default.
148 | */
149 | getAccessibilityLabel?: (props: {
150 | route: Route;
151 | }) => string | undefined;
152 | /**
153 | * Get the id to locate this tab button in tests, uses `route.testID` by default.
154 | */
155 | getTestID?: (props: {
156 | route: Route;
157 | }) => string | undefined;
158 | /**
159 | * Get badge for the tab, uses `route.badge` by default.
160 | */
161 | getBadge?: (props: {
162 | route: Route;
163 | }) => boolean | number | string | undefined;
164 | /**
165 | * Get color for the tab, uses `route.color` by default.
166 | */
167 | getColor?: (props: {
168 | route: Route;
169 | }) => string | undefined;
170 | /**
171 | * Function to execute on tab press. It receives the route for the pressed tab, useful for things like scroll to top.
172 | */
173 | onTabPress?: (props: {
174 | route: Route;
175 | } & TabPressEvent) => void;
176 | /**
177 | * Custom color for icon and label in the active tab.
178 | */
179 | activeColor?: string;
180 | /**
181 | * Custom color for icon and label in the inactive tab.
182 | */
183 | inactiveColor?: string;
184 | /**
185 | * Whether animation is enabled for scenes transitions in `shifting` mode.
186 | * By default, the scenes cross-fade during tab change when `shifting` is enabled.
187 | * Specify `sceneAnimationEnabled` as `false` to disable the animation.
188 | */
189 | sceneAnimationEnabled?: boolean;
190 | /**
191 | * Whether the bottom navigation bar is hidden when keyboard is shown.
192 | * On Android, this works best when [`windowSoftInputMode`](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element#wsoft) is set to `adjustResize`.
193 | */
194 | keyboardHidesNavigationBar?: boolean;
195 | /**
196 | * Safe area insets for the tab bar. This can be used to avoid elements like the navigation bar on Android and bottom safe area on iOS.
197 | * The bottom insets for iOS is added by default. You can override the behavior with this option.
198 | */
199 | safeAreaInsets?: {
200 | top?: number;
201 | right?: number;
202 | bottom?: number;
203 | left?: number;
204 | };
205 | /**
206 | * Style for the bottom navigation bar. You can pass a custom background color here:
207 | *
208 | * ```js
209 | * barStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#694fad' }}
210 | * ```
211 | */
212 | barStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
213 | /**
214 | * Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach.
215 | */
216 | labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier?: number;
217 | style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
218 | /**
219 | * @optional
220 | */
221 | theme: ReactNativePaper.Theme;
222 | };
223 | declare const _default: React.ComponentType<Pick<Props, "style" | "navigationState" | "renderScene" | "renderIcon" | "renderLabel" | "renderTouchable" | "getLabelText" | "getBadge" | "getColor" | "getAccessibilityLabel" | "getTestID" | "activeColor" | "inactiveColor" | "keyboardHidesNavigationBar" | "barStyle" | "labeled" | "sceneAnimationEnabled" | "onTabPress" | "onIndexChange" | "shifting" | "safeAreaInsets" | "labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier"> & {
224 | theme?: import("@callstack/react-theme-provider").$DeepPartial<ReactNativePaper.Theme> | undefined;
225 | }> & import("@callstack/react-theme-provider/typings/hoist-non-react-statics").NonReactStatics<React.ComponentType<Props> & {
226 | ({ navigationState, renderScene, renderIcon, renderLabel, renderTouchable, getLabelText, getBadge, getColor, getAccessibilityLabel, getTestID, activeColor, inactiveColor, keyboardHidesNavigationBar, barStyle, labeled, style, theme, sceneAnimationEnabled, onTabPress, onIndexChange, shifting, safeAreaInsets, labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier, }: Props): JSX.Element;
227 | /**
228 | * Function which takes a map of route keys to components.
229 | * Pure components are used to minimize re-rendering of the pages.
230 | * This drastically improves the animation performance.
231 | */
232 | SceneMap(scenes: {
233 | [key: string]: React.ComponentType<{
234 | route: Route;
235 | jumpTo: (key: string) => void;
236 | }>;
237 | }): ({ route, jumpTo, }: {
238 | route: Route;
239 | jumpTo: (key: string) => void;
240 | }) => JSX.Element;
241 | }, {}>;
242 | export default _default;