1 | import * as React from 'react';
2 | import { StyleProp, Animated, LayoutRectangle, ViewStyle } from 'react-native';
3 | import type { $Omit } from '../../types';
4 | declare type Props = {
5 | |
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8 | visible: boolean;
9 | |
10 |
11 |
12 | anchor: React.ReactNode | {
13 | x: number;
14 | y: number;
15 | };
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22 | statusBarHeight?: number;
23 | |
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26 | onDismiss: () => void;
27 | |
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29 |
30 | overlayAccessibilityLabel?: string;
31 | |
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34 | children: React.ReactNode;
35 | |
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37 |
38 | contentStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
39 | style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
40 | |
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42 |
43 | theme: ReactNativePaper.Theme;
44 | };
45 | declare type Layout = $Omit<$Omit<LayoutRectangle, 'x'>, 'y'>;
46 | declare type State = {
47 | rendered: boolean;
48 | top: number;
49 | left: number;
50 | menuLayout: Layout;
51 | anchorLayout: Layout;
52 | opacityAnimation: Animated.Value;
53 | scaleAnimation: Animated.ValueXY;
54 | };
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101 | declare class Menu extends React.Component<Props, State> {
102 | static Item: React.ComponentType<Pick<{
103 | title: React.ReactNode;
104 | icon?: import("../Icon").IconSource | undefined;
105 | disabled?: boolean | undefined;
106 | onPress?: (() => void) | undefined;
107 | style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
108 | contentStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; /**
109 | * Extra margin to add at the top of the menu to account for translucent status bar on Android.
110 | * If you are using Expo, we assume translucent status bar and set a height for status bar automatically.
111 | * Pass `0` or a custom value to and customize it.
112 | * This is automatically handled on iOS.
113 | */
114 | titleStyle?: StyleProp<import("react-native").TextStyle>;
115 | theme: ReactNativePaper.Theme;
116 | testID?: string | undefined;
117 | accessibilityLabel?: string | undefined;
118 | }, "style" | "title" | "onPress" | "testID" | "accessibilityLabel" | "icon" | "disabled" | "titleStyle" | "contentStyle"> & {
119 | theme?: import("@callstack/react-theme-provider").$DeepPartial<ReactNativePaper.Theme> | undefined;
120 | }> & import("@callstack/react-theme-provider/typings/hoist-non-react-statics").NonReactStatics<React.ComponentType<{
121 | title: React.ReactNode;
122 | icon?: import("../Icon").IconSource | undefined;
123 | disabled?: boolean | undefined;
124 | onPress?: (() => void) | undefined;
125 | style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
126 | contentStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; /**
127 | * Extra margin to add at the top of the menu to account for translucent status bar on Android.
128 | * If you are using Expo, we assume translucent status bar and set a height for status bar automatically.
129 | * Pass `0` or a custom value to and customize it.
130 | * This is automatically handled on iOS.
131 | */
132 | titleStyle?: StyleProp<import("react-native").TextStyle>;
133 | theme: ReactNativePaper.Theme;
134 | testID?: string | undefined;
135 | accessibilityLabel?: string | undefined;
136 | }> & {
137 | ({ icon, title, disabled, onPress, style, contentStyle, testID, titleStyle, accessibilityLabel, theme, }: {
138 | title: React.ReactNode;
139 | icon?: import("../Icon").IconSource | undefined;
140 | disabled?: boolean | undefined;
141 | onPress?: (() => void) | undefined;
142 | style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
143 | contentStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; |
144 |
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148 |
149 | titleStyle?: StyleProp<import("react-native").TextStyle>;
150 | theme: ReactNativePaper.Theme;
151 | testID?: string | undefined;
152 | accessibilityLabel?: string | undefined;
153 | }): JSX.Element;
154 | displayName: string;
155 | }, {}>;
156 | static defaultProps: {
157 | statusBarHeight: any;
158 | overlayAccessibilityLabel: string;
159 | };
160 | static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps: Props, prevState: State): {
161 | rendered: boolean;
162 | } | null;
163 | state: {
164 | rendered: boolean;
165 | top: number;
166 | left: number;
167 | menuLayout: {
168 | width: number;
169 | height: number;
170 | };
171 | anchorLayout: {
172 | width: number;
173 | height: number;
174 | };
175 | opacityAnimation: Animated.Value;
176 | scaleAnimation: Animated.ValueXY;
177 | };
178 | componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props): void;
179 | componentWillUnmount(): void;
180 | private anchor?;
181 | private menu?;
182 | private backHandlerSubscription;
183 | private dimensionsSubscription;
184 | private isCoordinate;
185 | private measureMenuLayout;
186 | private measureAnchorLayout;
187 | private updateVisibility;
188 | private isBrowser;
189 | private focusFirstDOMNode;
190 | private handleDismiss;
191 | private handleKeypress;
192 | private attachListeners;
193 | private removeListeners;
194 | private show;
195 | private hide;
196 | render(): JSX.Element;
197 | }
198 | declare const _default: React.ComponentType<Pick<Props, "style" | "anchor" | "children" | "visible" | "contentStyle" | "statusBarHeight" | "onDismiss" | "overlayAccessibilityLabel"> & {
199 | theme?: import("@callstack/react-theme-provider").$DeepPartial<ReactNativePaper.Theme> | undefined;
200 | }> & import("@callstack/react-theme-provider/typings/hoist-non-react-statics").NonReactStatics<React.ComponentType<Props> & typeof Menu, {}>;
201 | export default _default;
202 |
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