1 | import * as React from 'react';
2 | import { StyleProp, TextInput as NativeTextInput, TextStyle, ViewStyle } from 'react-native';
3 | import { Props as TextInputAffixProps } from './Adornment/TextInputAffix';
4 | import { Props as TextInputIconProps } from './Adornment/TextInputIcon';
5 | import type { RenderProps, TextInputLabelProp } from './types';
6 | import type { ThemeProp } from '../../types';
7 | export type Props = React.ComponentPropsWithRef<typeof NativeTextInput> & {
8 | /**
9 | * Mode of the TextInput.
10 | * - `flat` - flat input with an underline.
11 | * - `outlined` - input with an outline.
12 | *
13 | * In `outlined` mode, the background color of the label is derived from `colors?.background` in theme or the `backgroundColor` style.
14 | * This component render TextInputOutlined or TextInputFlat based on that props
15 | */
16 | mode?: 'flat' | 'outlined';
17 | left?: React.ReactNode;
18 | right?: React.ReactNode;
19 | /**
20 | * If true, user won't be able to interact with the component.
21 | */
22 | disabled?: boolean;
23 | /**
24 | * The text or component to use for the floating label.
25 | */
26 | label?: TextInputLabelProp;
27 | /**
28 | * Placeholder for the input.
29 | */
30 | placeholder?: string;
31 | /**
32 | * Whether to style the TextInput with error style.
33 | */
34 | error?: boolean;
35 | /**
36 | * Callback that is called when the text input's text changes. Changed text is passed as an argument to the callback handler.
37 | */
38 | onChangeText?: Function;
39 | /**
40 | * Selection color of the input. On iOS, it sets both the selection color and cursor color.
41 | * On Android, it sets only the selection color.
42 | */
43 | selectionColor?: string;
44 | /**
45 | * @platform Android only
46 | * Cursor (or "caret") color of the input on Android.
47 | * This property has no effect on iOS.
48 | */
49 | cursorColor?: string;
50 | /**
51 | * Inactive underline color of the input.
52 | */
53 | underlineColor?: string;
54 | /**
55 | * Active underline color of the input.
56 | */
57 | activeUnderlineColor?: string;
58 | /**
59 | * Inactive outline color of the input.
60 | */
61 | outlineColor?: string;
62 | /**
63 | * Active outline color of the input.
64 | */
65 | activeOutlineColor?: string;
66 | /**
67 | * Color of the text in the input.
68 | */
69 | textColor?: string;
70 | /**
71 | * Sets min height with densed layout. For `TextInput` in `flat` mode
72 | * height is `64dp` or in dense layout - `52dp` with label or `40dp` without label.
73 | * For `TextInput` in `outlined` mode
74 | * height is `56dp` or in dense layout - `40dp` regardless of label.
75 | * When you apply `height` prop in style the `dense` prop affects only `paddingVertical` inside `TextInput`
76 | */
77 | dense?: boolean;
78 | /**
79 | * Whether the input can have multiple lines.
80 | */
81 | multiline?: boolean;
82 | /**
83 | * @platform Android only
84 | * The number of lines to show in the input (Android only).
85 | */
86 | numberOfLines?: number;
87 | /**
88 | * Callback that is called when the text input is focused.
89 | */
90 | onFocus?: (args: any) => void;
91 | /**
92 | * Callback that is called when the text input is blurred.
93 | */
94 | onBlur?: (args: any) => void;
95 | /**
96 | *
97 | * Callback to render a custom input component such as `react-native-text-input-mask`
98 | * instead of the default `TextInput` component from `react-native`.
99 | *
100 | * Example:
101 | * ```js
102 | * <TextInput
103 | * label="Phone number"
104 | * render={props =>
105 | * <TextInputMask
106 | * {...props}
107 | * mask="+[00] [000] [000] [000]"
108 | * />
109 | * }
110 | * />
111 | * ```
112 | */
113 | render?: (props: RenderProps) => React.ReactNode;
114 | /**
115 | * Value of the text input.
116 | */
117 | value?: string;
118 | /**
119 | * Pass `fontSize` prop to modify the font size inside `TextInput`.
120 | * Pass `height` prop to set `TextInput` height. When `height` is passed,
121 | * `dense` prop will affect only input's `paddingVertical`.
122 | * Pass `paddingHorizontal` to modify horizontal padding.
123 | * This can be used to get MD Guidelines v1 TextInput look.
124 | */
125 | style?: StyleProp<TextStyle>;
126 | /**
127 | * @optional
128 | */
129 | theme?: ThemeProp;
130 | /**
131 | * testID to be used on tests.
132 | */
133 | testID?: string;
134 | /**
135 | * Pass custom style directly to the input itself.
136 | * Overrides input style
137 | * Example: `paddingLeft`, `backgroundColor`
138 | */
139 | contentStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle>;
140 | /**
141 | * Pass style to override the default style of outlined wrapper.
142 | * Overrides style when mode is set to `outlined`
143 | * Example: `borderRadius`, `borderColor`
144 | */
145 | outlineStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
146 | /**
147 | * Pass style to override the default style of underlined wrapper.
148 | * Overrides style when mode is set to `flat`
149 | * Example: `borderRadius`, `borderColor`
150 | */
151 | underlineStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
152 | };
153 | interface CompoundedComponent extends React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Props & React.RefAttributes<TextInputHandles>> {
154 | Icon: React.FunctionComponent<TextInputIconProps>;
155 | Affix: React.FunctionComponent<Partial<TextInputAffixProps>>;
156 | }
157 | type TextInputHandles = Pick<NativeTextInput, 'focus' | 'clear' | 'blur' | 'isFocused' | 'setNativeProps'>;
158 | /**
159 | * A component to allow users to input text.
160 | *
161 | * ## Usage
162 | * ```js
163 | * import * as React from 'react';
164 | * import { TextInput } from 'react-native-paper';
165 | *
166 | * const MyComponent = () => {
167 | * const [text, setText] = React.useState("");
168 | *
169 | * return (
170 | * <TextInput
171 | * label="Email"
172 | * value={text}
173 | * onChangeText={text => setText(text)}
174 | * />
175 | * );
176 | * };
177 | *
178 | * export default MyComponent;
179 | * ```
180 | *
181 | * @extends TextInput props https://reactnative.dev/docs/textinput#props
182 | */
183 | declare const TextInput: CompoundedComponent;
184 | export default TextInput;
185 | //# sourceMappingURL=TextInput.d.ts.map |
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