16.8 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Project: https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-reanimated
2// TypeScript Version: 2.8
4declare module 'react-native-reanimated' {
5 import { ComponentClass, ReactNode, Component } from 'react';
6 import {
7 ViewProps,
8 TextProps,
9 ImageProps,
10 ScrollViewProps,
11 StyleProp,
12 ViewStyle,
13 TextStyle,
14 ImageStyle,
15 TransformsStyle,
16 View as ReactNativeView,
17 Text as ReactNativeText,
18 Image as ReactNativeImage,
19 ScrollView as ReactNativeScrollView
20 } from 'react-native';
21 namespace Animated {
22 type Nullable<T> = T | null | undefined;
24 class AnimatedNode<T> {
25 constructor(
26 nodeConfig: object,
27 inputNodes?: ReadonlyArray<AnimatedNode<any>>,
28 );
29 isNativelyInitialized(): boolean;
30 /**
31 * ' __value' is not available at runtime on AnimatedNode<T>. It is
32 * necessary to have some discriminating property on a type to know that
33 * an AnimatedNode<number> and AnimatedNode<string> are not compatible types.
34 */
35 ' __value': T;
36 }
38 class AnimatedClock extends AnimatedNode<number> {
39 constructor();
40 }
42 export enum Extrapolate {
43 EXTEND = 'extend',
44 CLAMP = 'clamp',
45 IDENTITY = 'identity',
46 }
48 interface InterpolationConfig {
49 inputRange: ReadonlyArray<Adaptable<number>>;
50 outputRange: ReadonlyArray<Adaptable<number>>;
51 extrapolate?: Extrapolate;
52 extrapolateLeft?: Extrapolate;
53 extrapolateRight?: Extrapolate;
54 }
55 type Value = string | number | boolean;
56 class AnimatedValue<T extends Value> extends AnimatedNode<T> {
57 constructor(value?: T);
59 setValue(value: Adaptable<T>): void;
61 interpolate(config: InterpolationConfig): AnimatedNode<number>;
62 }
64 export type Mapping = { [key: string]: Mapping } | Adaptable<any>;
65 export type Adaptable<T> =
66 | T
67 | AnimatedNode<T>
68 | ReadonlyArray<T | AnimatedNode<T> | ReadonlyArray<T | AnimatedNode<T>>>;
69 type BinaryOperator<T = number> = (
70 left: Adaptable<number>,
71 right: Adaptable<number>
72 ) => AnimatedNode<T>;
73 type UnaryOperator = (value: Adaptable<number>) => AnimatedNode<number>;
74 type MultiOperator<T = number> = (
75 a: Adaptable<number>,
76 b: Adaptable<number>,
77 ...others: Adaptable<number>[]
78 ) => AnimatedNode<T>;
80 export interface AnimationState {
81 finished: AnimatedValue<number>;
82 position: AnimatedValue<number>;
83 time: AnimatedValue<number>;
84 }
86 export interface PhysicsAnimationState extends AnimationState {
87 velocity: AnimatedValue<number>;
88 }
90 export type DecayState = PhysicsAnimationState;
92 export interface DecayConfig {
93 deceleration: Adaptable<number>;
94 }
95 export interface BackwardCompatibleWrapper {
96 start: (callback?: (data: { finished: boolean }) => any) => void;
97 stop: () => void;
98 }
100 export interface TimingState extends AnimationState {
101 frameTime: AnimatedValue<number>;
102 }
103 export type EasingFunction = (value: Adaptable<number>) => AnimatedNode<number>;
104 export interface TimingConfig {
105 toValue: Adaptable<number>;
106 duration: Adaptable<number>;
107 easing: EasingFunction;
108 }
110 export type SpringState = PhysicsAnimationState;
112 export interface SpringConfig {
113 damping: Adaptable<number>;
114 mass: Adaptable<number>;
115 stiffness: Adaptable<number>;
116 overshootClamping: Adaptable<number> | boolean;
117 restSpeedThreshold: Adaptable<number>;
118 restDisplacementThreshold: Adaptable<number>;
119 toValue: Adaptable<number>;
120 }
122 interface SpringConfigWithOrigamiTensionAndFriction {
123 tension: Adaptable<number>;
124 mass: Adaptable<number>;
125 friction: Adaptable<number>;
126 overshootClamping: Adaptable<number> | boolean;
127 restSpeedThreshold: Adaptable<number>;
128 restDisplacementThreshold: Adaptable<number>;
129 toValue: Adaptable<number>;
130 }
132 interface SpringConfigWithBouncinessAndSpeed {
133 bounciness: Adaptable<number>;
134 mass: Adaptable<number>;
135 speed: Adaptable<number>;
136 overshootClamping: Adaptable<number> | boolean;
137 restSpeedThreshold: Adaptable<number>;
138 restDisplacementThreshold: Adaptable<number>;
139 toValue: Adaptable<number>;
140 }
142 type SpringUtils = {
143 makeDefaultConfig: () => SpringConfig;
144 makeConfigFromBouncinessAndSpeed: (prevConfig: SpringConfigWithBouncinessAndSpeed) => SpringConfig;
145 makeConfigFromOrigamiTensionAndFriction: (prevConfig: SpringConfigWithOrigamiTensionAndFriction) => SpringConfig
146 }
148 export const SpringUtils: SpringUtils
150 export type TransformStyleTypes = TransformsStyle['transform'] extends (readonly (infer T)[] | undefined) ? T : never
151 export type AdaptTransforms<T> = { [P in keyof T]: Adaptable<T[P] extends string ? number | string : T[P]> }
152 export type AnimatedTransform = (AdaptTransforms<TransformStyleTypes>)[]
154 export type AnimateStyle<S extends object> = {
155 [K in keyof S]: K extends 'transform' ? AnimatedTransform : (S[K] extends ReadonlyArray<any>
156 ? ReadonlyArray<AnimateStyle<S[K][0]>>
157 : S[K] extends object
158 ? AnimateStyle<S[K]>
159 :
160 | S[K]
161 | AnimatedNode<
162 // allow `number` where `string` normally is to support colors
163 S[K] extends (string | undefined) ? S[K] | number : S[K]
164 >)
165 };
167 export type AnimateProps<
168 S extends object,
169 P extends {
170 style?: StyleProp<S>;
171 }
172 > = {
173 [K in keyof P]: K extends 'style'
174 ? StyleProp<AnimateStyle<S>>
175 : P[K] | AnimatedNode<P[K]>
176 };
178 type CodeProps = {
179 exec?: AnimatedNode<number>
180 children?: () => AnimatedNode<number>
181 };
183 // components
184 export class View extends Component<AnimateProps<ViewStyle, ViewProps>> {
185 getNode(): ReactNativeView;
186 }
187 export class Text extends Component<AnimateProps<TextStyle, TextProps>> {
188 getNode(): ReactNativeText;
189 }
190 export class Image extends Component<
191 AnimateProps<ImageStyle, ImageProps>
192 > {
193 getNode(): ReactNativeImage;
194 }
195 export class ScrollView extends Component<
196 AnimateProps<ViewStyle, ScrollViewProps>
197 > {
198 getNode(): ReactNativeScrollView;
199 }
200 export class Code extends Component<CodeProps> {}
201 export function createAnimatedComponent(component: any): any;
203 // classes
204 export {
205 AnimatedClock as Clock,
206 AnimatedNode as Node,
207 AnimatedValue as Value,
208 };
210 // base operations
211 export const add: MultiOperator;
212 export const sub: MultiOperator;
213 export const multiply: MultiOperator;
214 export const divide: MultiOperator;
215 export const pow: MultiOperator;
216 export const modulo: MultiOperator;
217 export const sqrt: UnaryOperator;
218 export const log: UnaryOperator;
219 export const sin: UnaryOperator;
220 export const cos: UnaryOperator;
221 export const tan: UnaryOperator;
222 export const acos: UnaryOperator;
223 export const asin: UnaryOperator;
224 export const atan: UnaryOperator;
225 export const exp: UnaryOperator;
226 export const round: UnaryOperator;
227 export const floor: UnaryOperator;
228 export const ceil: UnaryOperator;
229 export const lessThan: BinaryOperator<0 | 1>;
230 export const eq: BinaryOperator<0 | 1>;
231 export const greaterThan: BinaryOperator<0 | 1>;
232 export const lessOrEq: BinaryOperator<0 | 1>;
233 export const greaterOrEq: BinaryOperator<0 | 1>;
234 export const neq: BinaryOperator<0 | 1>;
235 export const and: MultiOperator<0 | 1>;
236 export const or: MultiOperator<0 | 1>;
237 export function proc<T extends (Adaptable<Value> | undefined)[]>(
238 func: (...args: T) => AnimatedNode<number>
239 ): typeof func;
240 export function defined(value: Adaptable<any>): AnimatedNode<0 | 1>;
241 export function not(value: Adaptable<any>): AnimatedNode<0 | 1>;
242 export function set<T extends Value>(
243 valueToBeUpdated: AnimatedValue<T>,
244 sourceNode: Adaptable<T>,
245 ): AnimatedNode<T>;
246 export function concat(
247 ...args: Array<Adaptable<string> | Adaptable<number>>,
248 ): AnimatedNode<string>;
249 export function cond<T1 extends Value = number, T2 extends Value = number>(
250 conditionNode: Adaptable<number>,
251 ifNode: Adaptable<T1>,
252 elseNode?: Adaptable<T2>,
253 ): AnimatedNode<T1 | T2>;
254 export function block<T1 extends Value = number, T2 extends Value = any>(
255 items: ReadonlyArray<Adaptable<T2>>,
256 ): AnimatedNode<T1>;
257 export function call<T>(
258 args: ReadonlyArray<T | AnimatedNode<T>>,
259 callback: (args: ReadonlyArray<T>) => void,
260 ): AnimatedNode<0>;
261 export function debug<T>(
262 message: string,
263 value: AnimatedNode<T>,
264 ): AnimatedNode<T>;
265 export function onChange(
266 value: Adaptable<number>,
267 action: Adaptable<number>,
268 ): AnimatedNode<number>;
269 export function startClock(clock: AnimatedClock): AnimatedNode<0>;
270 export function stopClock(clock: AnimatedClock): AnimatedNode<0>;
271 export function clockRunning(clock: AnimatedClock): AnimatedNode<0 | 1>;
272 // the return type for `event` is a lie, but it's the same lie that
273 // react-native makes within Animated
274 type EventArgFunc<T> = (arg: T) => AnimatedNode<number>;
275 type EventMapping<T> = T extends object ? { [K in keyof T]?: EventMapping<T[K]> | EventArgFunc<T[K]> } : Adaptable<T> | EventArgFunc<T>;
276 type EventMappingArray<T> = T extends Array<any> ? { [I in keyof T]: EventMapping<T[I]> } : [EventMapping<T>]
277 export function event<T>(
278 argMapping: T extends never ? ReadonlyArray<Mapping> : Readonly<EventMappingArray<T>>,
279 config?: {},
280 ): (...args: any[]) => void;
282 // derived operations
283 export function abs(value: Adaptable<number>): AnimatedNode<number>;
284 export function acc(value: Adaptable<number>): AnimatedNode<number>;
285 export function color(
286 r: Adaptable<number>,
287 g: Adaptable<number>,
288 b: Adaptable<number>,
289 a?: Adaptable<number>,
290 ): AnimatedNode<number>;
291 export function diff(value: Adaptable<number>): AnimatedNode<number>;
292 export function diffClamp(
293 value: Adaptable<number>,
294 minVal: Adaptable<number>,
295 maxVal: Adaptable<number>,
296 ): AnimatedNode<number>;
297 export function interpolate(
298 value: Adaptable<number>,
299 config: InterpolationConfig,
300 ): AnimatedNode<number>;
301 export function interpolateColors(
302 animationValue: Adaptable<number>,
303 {
304 inputRange,
305 outputColorRange
306 }: {
307 inputRange: ReadonlyArray<Adaptable<number>>;
308 outputColorRange: (string | number)[];
309 }
310 ): AnimatedNode<number>;
311 export const max: BinaryOperator;
312 export const min: BinaryOperator;
314 // animations
315 export function decay(
316 clock: AnimatedClock,
317 state: DecayState,
318 config: DecayConfig,
319 ): AnimatedNode<number>;
320 export function timing(
321 clock: AnimatedClock,
322 state: TimingState,
323 config: TimingConfig,
324 ): AnimatedNode<number>;
325 export function spring(
326 clock: AnimatedClock,
327 state: SpringState,
328 config: SpringConfig,
329 ): AnimatedNode<number>;
330 // backward compatible API
331 export function spring(
332 node: AnimatedNode<number>,
333 config: SpringConfig,
334 ): BackwardCompatibleWrapper;
335 export function timing(
336 node: AnimatedNode<number>,
337 config: TimingConfig,
338 ): BackwardCompatibleWrapper;
339 export function decay(
340 node: AnimatedNode<number>,
341 config: DecayConfig,
342 ): BackwardCompatibleWrapper;
344 // hooks
345 export function useCode(
346 exec: () => Nullable< AnimatedNode<number>[] | AnimatedNode<number> > | boolean,
347 deps: Array<any>,
348 ): void
349 export function useValue<T extends Value>(
350 initialValue: T
351 ): AnimatedValue<T>;
353 // configuration
354 export function addWhitelistedNativeProps(props: { [key: string]: true }): void;
355 export function addWhitelistedUIProps(props: { [key: string]: true }): void;
356 }
358 export default Animated;
360 interface EasingStatic {
361 linear: Animated.EasingFunction;
362 ease: Animated.EasingFunction;
363 quad: Animated.EasingFunction;
364 cubic: Animated.EasingFunction;
365 poly(n: Animated.Adaptable<number>): Animated.EasingFunction;
366 sin: Animated.EasingFunction;
367 circle: Animated.EasingFunction;
368 exp: Animated.EasingFunction;
369 elastic(bounciness?: Animated.Adaptable<number>): Animated.EasingFunction;
370 back(s?: Animated.Adaptable<number>): Animated.EasingFunction;
371 bounce: Animated.EasingFunction;
372 bezier(
373 x1: number,
374 y1: number,
375 x2: number,
376 y2: number,
377 ): Animated.EasingFunction;
378 in(easing: Animated.EasingFunction): Animated.EasingFunction;
379 out(easing: Animated.EasingFunction): Animated.EasingFunction;
380 inOut(easing: Animated.EasingFunction): Animated.EasingFunction;
381 }
382 export const Easing: EasingStatic;
384 export interface TransitioningViewProps extends ViewProps {
385 transition: ReactNode;
386 }
388 export class TransitioningView extends Component<TransitioningViewProps> {
389 animateNextTransition(): void;
390 }
392 export class Transitioning extends Component {
393 static View: typeof TransitioningView;
394 }
396 export interface TransitionProps {
397 delayMs?: number;
398 durationMs?: number;
399 interpolation?: 'linear' | 'easeIn' | 'easeOut' | 'easeInOut';
400 propagation?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right';
401 }
403 export interface TransitionInOutProps extends TransitionProps {
404 type?: 'fade' | 'scale' | 'slide-top' | 'slide-bottom' | 'slide-right' | 'slide-left';
405 }
407 export class Transition extends Component {
408 static In: ComponentClass<TransitionInOutProps>;
409 static Out: ComponentClass<TransitionInOutProps>;
410 static Change: ComponentClass<TransitionProps>;
411 static Together: ComponentClass<{}>;
412 static Sequence: ComponentClass<{}>;
413 }
415 export class Clock extends Animated.Clock {}
416 export class Value<T extends string | number | boolean> extends Animated.Value<T> {}
417 export class Node<T> extends Animated.Node<T> {}
418 export const add: typeof Animated.add
419 export const sub: typeof Animated.sub
420 export const multiply: typeof Animated.multiply
421 export const divide: typeof Animated.divide
422 export const pow: typeof Animated.pow
423 export const modulo: typeof Animated.modulo
424 export const sqrt: typeof Animated.sqrt
425 export const log: typeof Animated.log
426 export const sin: typeof Animated.sin
427 export const cos: typeof Animated.cos
428 export const exp: typeof Animated.exp
429 export const round: typeof Animated.round
430 export const lessThan: typeof Animated.lessThan
431 export const eq: typeof Animated.eq
432 export const greaterThan: typeof Animated.greaterThan
433 export const lessOrEq: typeof Animated.lessOrEq
434 export const greaterOrEq: typeof Animated.greaterOrEq
435 export const neq: typeof Animated.neq
436 export const and: typeof Animated.and
437 export const or: typeof Animated.or
438 export const defined: typeof Animated.defined
439 export const not: typeof Animated.not
440 export const tan: typeof Animated.tan
441 export const acos: typeof Animated.acos
442 export const asin: typeof Animated.asin
443 export const atan: typeof Animated.atan
444 export const proc: typeof Animated.proc
445 export const block: typeof Animated.block
446 export const concat: typeof Animated.concat
447 export const event: typeof Animated.event
448 export const call: typeof Animated.call
449 export const debug: typeof Animated.debug
450 export const clockRunning: typeof Animated.clockRunning
451 export const stopClock: typeof Animated.stopClock
452 export const startClock: typeof Animated.startClock
453 export const set: typeof Animated.set
454 export const cond: typeof Animated.cond
455 export const abs: typeof Animated.abs
456 export const acc: typeof Animated.acc
457 export const color: typeof Animated.color
458 export const interpolateColors: typeof Animated.interpolateColors
459 export const diff: typeof Animated.diff
460 export const diffClamp: typeof Animated.diffClamp
461 export const interpolate: typeof Animated.interpolate
462 export const Extrapolate: typeof Animated.Extrapolate
463 export const max: typeof Animated.max
464 export const min: typeof Animated.min
465 export const onChange: typeof Animated.onChange
466 export const floor: typeof Animated.floor
467 export const ceil: typeof Animated.ceil
468 export const useCode: typeof Animated.useCode
469 export const decay: typeof Animated.decay
470 export const timing: typeof Animated.timing
471 export const spring: typeof Animated.spring
472 export const SpringUtils: typeof Animated.SpringUtils
473 export const useValue: typeof Animated.useValue