1 | 'use strict';
2 | import type {
3 | ILayoutAnimationBuilder,
4 | LayoutAnimationFunction,
5 | LayoutAnimationsValues,
6 | } from './reanimated2/layoutReanimation';
7 | import type { StyleProps } from './reanimated2/commonTypes';
8 | import type { NestedArray } from './createAnimatedComponent/commonTypes';
9 |
10 | const mockTargetValues: LayoutAnimationsValues = {
11 | targetOriginX: 0,
12 | targetOriginY: 0,
13 | targetWidth: 0,
14 | targetHeight: 0,
15 | targetGlobalOriginX: 0,
16 | targetGlobalOriginY: 0,
17 | targetBorderRadius: 0,
18 | windowWidth: 0,
19 | windowHeight: 0,
20 | currentOriginX: 0,
21 | currentOriginY: 0,
22 | currentWidth: 0,
23 | currentHeight: 0,
24 | currentGlobalOriginX: 0,
25 | currentGlobalOriginY: 0,
26 | currentBorderRadius: 0,
27 | };
28 |
29 | function getCommonProperties(
30 | layoutStyle: StyleProps,
31 | componentStyle: StyleProps | Array<StyleProps>
32 | ) {
33 | let componentStyleFlat = Array.isArray(componentStyle)
34 | ? componentStyle.flat()
35 | : [componentStyle];
36 |
37 | componentStyleFlat = componentStyleFlat.filter(Boolean);
38 |
39 | componentStyleFlat = componentStyleFlat.map((style) =>
40 | 'initial' in style
41 | ? style.initial.value
42 | : style
43 | );
44 |
45 | const componentStylesKeys = componentStyleFlat.flatMap((style) =>
46 | Object.keys(style)
47 | );
48 |
49 | const commonKeys = Object.keys(layoutStyle).filter((key) =>
50 | componentStylesKeys.includes(key)
51 | );
52 |
53 | return commonKeys;
54 | }
55 |
56 | function maybeReportOverwrittenProperties(
57 | layoutAnimationStyle: StyleProps,
58 | style: NestedArray<StyleProps>,
59 | displayName: string
60 | ) {
61 | const commonProperties = getCommonProperties(layoutAnimationStyle, style);
62 |
63 | if (commonProperties.length > 0) {
64 | console.warn(
65 | `[Reanimated] ${
66 | commonProperties.length === 1 ? 'Property' : 'Properties'
67 | } "${commonProperties.join(
68 | ', '
69 | )}" of ${displayName} may be overwritten by a layout animation. Please wrap your component with an animated view and apply the layout animation on the wrapper.`
70 | );
71 | }
72 | }
73 |
74 | export function maybeBuild(
75 | layoutAnimationOrBuilder:
76 | | ILayoutAnimationBuilder
77 | | LayoutAnimationFunction
78 | | Keyframe,
79 | style: NestedArray<StyleProps> | undefined,
80 | displayName: string
81 | ): LayoutAnimationFunction | Keyframe {
82 | const isAnimationBuilder = (
83 | value: ILayoutAnimationBuilder | LayoutAnimationFunction | Keyframe
84 | ): value is ILayoutAnimationBuilder =>
85 | 'build' in layoutAnimationOrBuilder &&
86 | typeof layoutAnimationOrBuilder.build === 'function';
87 |
88 | if (isAnimationBuilder(layoutAnimationOrBuilder)) {
89 | const animationFactory = layoutAnimationOrBuilder.build();
90 |
91 | if (__DEV__ && style) {
92 | const layoutAnimation = animationFactory(mockTargetValues);
93 | maybeReportOverwrittenProperties(
94 | layoutAnimation.animations,
95 | style,
96 | displayName
97 | );
98 | }
99 |
100 | return animationFactory;
101 | } else {
102 | return layoutAnimationOrBuilder;
103 | }
104 | }