1 | 'use strict';
2 | import type { StyleProps } from '../reanimated2';
3 | import type {
4 | IAnimatedComponentInternal,
5 | AnimatedComponentProps,
6 | IInlinePropManager,
7 | ViewInfo,
8 | } from './commonTypes';
9 | import { flattenArray } from './utils';
10 | import { makeViewDescriptorsSet } from '../reanimated2/ViewDescriptorsSet';
11 | import type {
12 | ViewDescriptorsSet,
13 | ViewRefSet,
14 | } from '../reanimated2/ViewDescriptorsSet';
15 | import { adaptViewConfig } from '../ConfigHelper';
16 | import updateProps from '../reanimated2/UpdateProps';
17 | import { stopMapper, startMapper } from '../reanimated2/mappers';
18 | import { isSharedValue } from '../reanimated2/isSharedValue';
19 | import { shouldBeUseWeb } from '../reanimated2/PlatformChecker';
20 |
21 | const SHOULD_BE_USE_WEB = shouldBeUseWeb();
22 |
23 | function isInlineStyleTransform(transform: unknown): boolean {
24 | if (!Array.isArray(transform)) {
25 | return false;
26 | }
27 |
28 | return transform.some((t: Record<string, unknown>) => hasInlineStyles(t));
29 | }
30 |
31 | function inlinePropsHasChanged(
32 | styles1: StyleProps,
33 | styles2: StyleProps
34 | ): boolean {
35 | if (Object.keys(styles1).length !== Object.keys(styles2).length) {
36 | return true;
37 | }
38 |
39 | for (const key of Object.keys(styles1)) {
40 | if (styles1[key] !== styles2[key]) {
41 | return true;
42 | }
43 | }
44 |
45 | return false;
46 | }
47 |
48 | function getInlinePropsUpdate(inlineProps: Record<string, unknown>) {
49 | 'worklet';
50 | const update: Record<string, unknown> = {};
51 | for (const [key, styleValue] of Object.entries(inlineProps)) {
52 | if (isSharedValue(styleValue)) {
53 | update[key] = styleValue.value;
54 | } else if (Array.isArray(styleValue)) {
55 | update[key] = styleValue.map((item) => {
56 | return getInlinePropsUpdate(item);
57 | });
58 | } else if (typeof styleValue === 'object') {
59 | update[key] = getInlinePropsUpdate(styleValue as Record<string, unknown>);
60 | } else {
61 | update[key] = styleValue;
62 | }
63 | }
64 | return update;
65 | }
66 |
67 | function extractSharedValuesMapFromProps(
68 | props: AnimatedComponentProps<
69 | Record<string, unknown>
70 | >
71 | ): Record<string, unknown> {
72 | const inlineProps: Record<string, unknown> = {};
73 |
74 | for (const key in props) {
75 | const value = props[key];
76 | if (key === 'style') {
77 | const styles = flattenArray<StyleProps>(props.style ?? []);
78 | styles.forEach((style) => {
79 | if (!style) {
80 | return;
81 | }
82 | for (const [styleKey, styleValue] of Object.entries(style)) {
83 | if (isSharedValue(styleValue)) {
84 | inlineProps[styleKey] = styleValue;
85 | } else if (
86 | styleKey === 'transform' &&
87 | isInlineStyleTransform(styleValue)
88 | ) {
89 | inlineProps[styleKey] = styleValue;
90 | }
91 | }
92 | });
93 | } else if (isSharedValue(value)) {
94 | inlineProps[key] = value;
95 | }
96 | }
97 |
98 | return inlineProps;
99 | }
100 |
101 | export function hasInlineStyles(style: StyleProps): boolean {
102 | if (!style) {
103 | return false;
104 | }
105 | return Object.keys(style).some((key) => {
106 | const styleValue = style[key];
107 | return (
108 | isSharedValue(styleValue) ||
109 | (key === 'transform' && isInlineStyleTransform(styleValue))
110 | );
111 | });
112 | }
113 |
114 | export function getInlineStyle(
115 | style: Record<string, unknown>,
116 | shouldGetInitialStyle: boolean
117 | ) {
118 | if (shouldGetInitialStyle) {
119 | return getInlinePropsUpdate(style);
120 | }
121 | const newStyle: StyleProps = {};
122 | for (const [key, styleValue] of Object.entries(style)) {
123 | if (
124 | !isSharedValue(styleValue) &&
125 | !(key === 'transform' && isInlineStyleTransform(styleValue))
126 | ) {
127 | newStyle[key] = styleValue;
128 | }
129 | }
130 | return newStyle;
131 | }
132 |
133 | export class InlinePropManager implements IInlinePropManager {
134 | _inlinePropsViewDescriptors: ViewDescriptorsSet | null = null;
135 | _inlinePropsMapperId: number | null = null;
136 | _inlineProps: StyleProps = {};
137 |
138 | public attachInlineProps(
139 | animatedComponent: React.Component<unknown, unknown> &
140 | IAnimatedComponentInternal,
141 | viewInfo: ViewInfo
142 | ) {
143 | const newInlineProps: Record<string, unknown> =
144 | extractSharedValuesMapFromProps(animatedComponent.props);
145 | const hasChanged = inlinePropsHasChanged(newInlineProps, this._inlineProps);
146 |
147 | if (hasChanged) {
148 | if (!this._inlinePropsViewDescriptors) {
149 | this._inlinePropsViewDescriptors = makeViewDescriptorsSet();
150 |
151 | const { viewTag, viewName, shadowNodeWrapper, viewConfig } = viewInfo;
152 |
153 | if (Object.keys(newInlineProps).length && viewConfig) {
154 | adaptViewConfig(viewConfig);
155 | }
156 |
157 | this._inlinePropsViewDescriptors.add({
158 | tag: viewTag as number,
159 | name: viewName!,
160 | shadowNodeWrapper: shadowNodeWrapper!,
161 | });
162 | }
163 | const shareableViewDescriptors =
164 | this._inlinePropsViewDescriptors.shareableViewDescriptors;
165 |
166 | const maybeViewRef = SHOULD_BE_USE_WEB
167 | ? ({ items: new Set([animatedComponent]) } as ViewRefSet<unknown>)
168 | : undefined;
169 | const updaterFunction = () => {
170 | 'worklet';
171 | const update = getInlinePropsUpdate(newInlineProps);
172 | updateProps(shareableViewDescriptors, update, maybeViewRef);
173 | };
174 | this._inlineProps = newInlineProps;
175 | if (this._inlinePropsMapperId) {
176 | stopMapper(this._inlinePropsMapperId);
177 | }
178 | this._inlinePropsMapperId = null;
179 | if (Object.keys(newInlineProps).length) {
180 | this._inlinePropsMapperId = startMapper(
181 | updaterFunction,
182 | Object.values(newInlineProps)
183 | );
184 | }
185 | }
186 | }
187 |
188 | public detachInlineProps() {
189 | if (this._inlinePropsMapperId) {
190 | stopMapper(this._inlinePropsMapperId);
191 | }
192 | }
193 | }