1 | 'use strict';
2 | import NativeReanimatedModule from './NativeReanimated';
3 | import { isWeb, shouldBeUseWeb, isFabric } from './PlatformChecker';
4 | import type {
5 | AnimatedKeyboardOptions,
6 | SensorConfig,
7 | SensorType,
8 | SharedValue,
9 | Value3D,
10 | ValueRotation,
11 | } from './commonTypes';
12 | import { makeShareableCloneRecursive } from './shareables';
13 | import { initializeUIRuntime } from './initializers';
14 | import type { LayoutAnimationBatchItem } from './layoutReanimation/animationBuilder/commonTypes';
15 | import { SensorContainer } from './SensorContainer';
16 |
17 | export { startMapper, stopMapper } from './mappers';
18 | export { runOnJS, runOnUI, executeOnUIRuntimeSync } from './threads';
19 | export { createWorkletRuntime, runOnRuntime } from './runtimes';
20 | export type { WorkletRuntime } from './runtimes';
21 | export { makeShareable, makeShareableCloneRecursive } from './shareables';
22 | export { makeMutable } from './mutables';
23 |
24 | const SHOULD_BE_USE_WEB = shouldBeUseWeb();
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 | export const isReanimated3 = () => true;
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 | export const isConfigured = isReanimated3;
41 |
42 |
43 | if (SHOULD_BE_USE_WEB) {
44 | global._WORKLET = false;
45 | global._log = console.log;
46 | global._getAnimationTimestamp = () => performance.now();
47 | }
48 |
49 | export function getViewProp<T>(
50 | viewTag: number,
51 | propName: string,
52 | component?: React.Component
53 | ): Promise<T> {
54 | if (isFabric() && !component) {
55 | throw new Error(
56 | '[Reanimated] Function `getViewProp` requires a component to be passed as an argument on Fabric.'
57 | );
58 | }
59 |
60 |
61 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
62 | return NativeReanimatedModule.getViewProp(
63 | viewTag,
64 | propName,
65 | component,
66 | (result: T) => {
67 | if (typeof result === 'string' && result.substr(0, 6) === 'error:') {
68 | reject(result);
69 | } else {
70 | resolve(result);
71 | }
72 | }
73 | );
74 | });
75 | }
76 |
77 | function getSensorContainer(): SensorContainer {
78 | if (!global.__sensorContainer) {
79 | global.__sensorContainer = new SensorContainer();
80 | }
81 | return global.__sensorContainer;
82 | }
83 |
84 | export function registerEventHandler<T>(
85 | eventHandler: (event: T) => void,
86 | eventName: string,
87 | emitterReactTag = -1
88 | ): number {
89 | function handleAndFlushAnimationFrame(eventTimestamp: number, event: T) {
90 | 'worklet';
91 | global.__frameTimestamp = eventTimestamp;
92 | eventHandler(event);
93 | global.__flushAnimationFrame(eventTimestamp);
94 | global.__frameTimestamp = undefined;
95 | }
96 | return NativeReanimatedModule.registerEventHandler(
97 | makeShareableCloneRecursive(handleAndFlushAnimationFrame),
98 | eventName,
99 | emitterReactTag
100 | );
101 | }
102 |
103 | export function unregisterEventHandler(id: number): void {
104 | return NativeReanimatedModule.unregisterEventHandler(id);
105 | }
106 |
107 | export function subscribeForKeyboardEvents(
108 | eventHandler: (state: number, height: number) => void,
109 | options: AnimatedKeyboardOptions
110 | ): number {
111 |
112 |
113 | function handleAndFlushAnimationFrame(state: number, height: number) {
114 | 'worklet';
115 | const now = global._getAnimationTimestamp();
116 | global.__frameTimestamp = now;
117 | eventHandler(state, height);
118 | global.__flushAnimationFrame(now);
119 | global.__frameTimestamp = undefined;
120 | }
121 | return NativeReanimatedModule.subscribeForKeyboardEvents(
122 | makeShareableCloneRecursive(handleAndFlushAnimationFrame),
123 | options.isStatusBarTranslucentAndroid ?? false
124 | );
125 | }
126 |
127 | export function unsubscribeFromKeyboardEvents(listenerId: number): void {
128 | return NativeReanimatedModule.unsubscribeFromKeyboardEvents(listenerId);
129 | }
130 |
131 | export function registerSensor(
132 | sensorType: SensorType,
133 | config: SensorConfig,
134 | eventHandler: (
135 | data: Value3D | ValueRotation,
136 | orientationDegrees: number
137 | ) => void
138 | ): number {
139 | const sensorContainer = getSensorContainer();
140 | return sensorContainer.registerSensor(
141 | sensorType,
142 | config,
143 | makeShareableCloneRecursive(eventHandler)
144 | );
145 | }
146 |
147 | export function initializeSensor(
148 | sensorType: SensorType,
149 | config: SensorConfig
150 | ): SharedValue<Value3D | ValueRotation> {
151 | const sensorContainer = getSensorContainer();
152 | return sensorContainer.initializeSensor(sensorType, config);
153 | }
154 |
155 | export function unregisterSensor(sensorId: number): void {
156 | const sensorContainer = getSensorContainer();
157 | return sensorContainer.unregisterSensor(sensorId);
158 | }
159 |
160 | if (!isWeb()) {
161 | initializeUIRuntime();
162 | }
163 |
164 | type FeaturesConfig = {
165 | enableLayoutAnimations: boolean;
166 | setByUser: boolean;
167 | };
168 |
169 | let featuresConfig: FeaturesConfig = {
170 | enableLayoutAnimations: false,
171 | setByUser: false,
172 | };
173 |
174 | export function enableLayoutAnimations(
175 | flag: boolean,
176 | isCallByUser = true
177 | ): void {
178 | if (isCallByUser) {
179 | featuresConfig = {
180 | enableLayoutAnimations: flag,
181 | setByUser: true,
182 | };
183 | NativeReanimatedModule.enableLayoutAnimations(flag);
184 | } else if (
185 | !featuresConfig.setByUser &&
186 | featuresConfig.enableLayoutAnimations !== flag
187 | ) {
188 | featuresConfig.enableLayoutAnimations = flag;
189 | NativeReanimatedModule.enableLayoutAnimations(flag);
190 | }
191 | }
192 |
193 | export function configureLayoutAnimationBatch(
194 | layoutAnimationsBatch: LayoutAnimationBatchItem[]
195 | ): void {
196 | NativeReanimatedModule.configureLayoutAnimationBatch(layoutAnimationsBatch);
197 | }
198 |
199 | export function setShouldAnimateExitingForTag(
200 | viewTag: number | HTMLElement,
201 | shouldAnimate: boolean
202 | ) {
203 | NativeReanimatedModule.setShouldAnimateExitingForTag(
204 | viewTag as number,
205 | shouldAnimate
206 | );
207 | }
208 |
209 | export function jsiConfigureProps(
210 | uiProps: string[],
211 | nativeProps: string[]
212 | ): void {
213 | if (!SHOULD_BE_USE_WEB) {
214 | NativeReanimatedModule.configureProps(uiProps, nativeProps);
215 | }
216 | }