1 |
2 | 'use strict';
3 |
4 | import { isJest } from "./PlatformChecker.js";
5 | import { ReanimatedError } from "./errors.js";
6 | const defaultFramerateConfig = {
7 | fps: 60
8 | };
9 | const isEmpty = obj => Object.keys(obj).length === 0;
10 | const getStylesFromObject = obj => {
11 | return obj === undefined ? {} : Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(([property, value]) => [property, value._isReanimatedSharedValue ? value.value : value]));
12 | };
13 | const getCurrentStyle = component => {
14 | const styleObject = component.props.style;
15 | let currentStyle = {};
16 | if (Array.isArray(styleObject)) {
17 |
18 |
19 | styleObject.forEach(style => {
20 | currentStyle = {
21 | ...currentStyle,
22 | ...style
23 | };
24 | });
25 | return currentStyle;
26 | }
27 | const jestInlineStyles = component.props.jestInlineStyle;
28 | const jestAnimatedStyleValue = component.props.jestAnimatedStyle?.value;
29 | if (Array.isArray(jestInlineStyles)) {
30 | for (const obj of jestInlineStyles) {
31 | if ('jestAnimatedStyle' in obj) {
32 | continue;
33 | }
34 | const inlineStyles = getStylesFromObject(obj);
35 | currentStyle = {
36 | ...currentStyle,
37 | ...inlineStyles
38 | };
39 | }
40 | currentStyle = {
41 | ...styleObject,
42 | ...currentStyle,
43 | ...jestAnimatedStyleValue
44 | };
45 | return currentStyle;
46 | }
47 | const inlineStyles = getStylesFromObject(jestInlineStyles);
48 | currentStyle = isEmpty(jestAnimatedStyleValue) ? {
49 | ...styleObject,
50 | ...inlineStyles
51 | } : {
52 | ...styleObject,
53 | ...jestAnimatedStyleValue
54 | };
55 | return currentStyle;
56 | };
57 | const checkEqual = (current, expected) => {
58 | if (Array.isArray(expected)) {
59 | if (!Array.isArray(current) || expected.length !== current.length) {
60 | return false;
61 | }
62 | for (let i = 0; i < current.length; i++) {
63 | if (!checkEqual(current[i], expected[i])) {
64 | return false;
65 | }
66 | }
67 | } else if (typeof current === 'object' && current) {
68 | if (typeof expected !== 'object' || !expected) {
69 | return false;
70 | }
71 | for (const property in expected) {
72 | if (!checkEqual(current[property], expected[property])) {
73 | return false;
74 | }
75 | }
76 | } else {
77 | return current === expected;
78 | }
79 | return true;
80 | };
81 | const findStyleDiff = (current, expected, shouldMatchAllProps) => {
82 | const diffs = [];
83 | let isEqual = true;
84 | let property;
85 | for (property in expected) {
86 | if (!checkEqual(current[property], expected[property])) {
87 | isEqual = false;
88 | diffs.push({
89 | property,
90 | current: current[property],
91 | expect: expected[property]
92 | });
93 | }
94 | }
95 | if (shouldMatchAllProps && Object.keys(current).length !== Object.keys(expected).length) {
96 | isEqual = false;
97 |
98 | let property;
99 | for (property in current) {
100 | if (expected[property] === undefined) {
101 | diffs.push({
102 | property,
103 | current: current[property],
104 | expect: expected[property]
105 | });
106 | }
107 | }
108 | }
109 | return {
110 | isEqual,
111 | diffs
112 | };
113 | };
114 | const compareStyle = (component, expectedStyle, config) => {
115 | if (!component.props.style) {
116 | return {
117 | message: () => `Component doesn't have a style.`,
118 | pass: false
119 | };
120 | }
121 | const {
122 | shouldMatchAllProps
123 | } = config;
124 | const currentStyle = getCurrentStyle(component);
125 | const {
126 | isEqual,
127 | diffs
128 | } = findStyleDiff(currentStyle, expectedStyle, shouldMatchAllProps);
129 | if (isEqual) {
130 | return {
131 | message: () => 'ok',
132 | pass: true
133 | };
134 | }
135 | const currentStyleStr = JSON.stringify(currentStyle);
136 | const expectedStyleStr = JSON.stringify(expectedStyle);
137 | const differences = diffs.map(diff => `- '${diff.property}' should be ${JSON.stringify(diff.expect)}, but is ${JSON.stringify(diff.current)}`).join('\n');
138 | return {
139 | message: () => `Expected: ${expectedStyleStr}\nReceived: ${currentStyleStr}\n\nDifferences:\n${differences}`,
140 | pass: false
141 | };
142 | };
143 | let frameTime = Math.round(1000 / defaultFramerateConfig.fps);
144 | const beforeTest = () => {
145 | jest.useFakeTimers();
146 | };
147 | const afterTest = () => {
148 | jest.runOnlyPendingTimers();
149 | jest.useRealTimers();
150 | };
151 | export const withReanimatedTimer = animationTest => {
152 | console.warn('This method is deprecated, you should define your own before and after test hooks to enable jest.useFakeTimers(). Check out the documentation for details on testing');
153 | beforeTest();
154 | animationTest();
155 | afterTest();
156 | };
157 | export const advanceAnimationByTime = (time = frameTime) => {
158 | console.warn('This method is deprecated, use jest.advanceTimersByTime directly');
159 | jest.advanceTimersByTime(time);
160 | jest.runOnlyPendingTimers();
161 | };
162 | export const advanceAnimationByFrame = count => {
163 | console.warn('This method is deprecated, use jest.advanceTimersByTime directly');
164 | jest.advanceTimersByTime(count * frameTime);
165 | jest.runOnlyPendingTimers();
166 | };
167 | const requireFunction = isJest() ? require : () => {
168 | throw new ReanimatedError('`setUpTests` is available only in Jest environment.');
169 | };
170 | export const setUpTests = (userFramerateConfig = {}) => {
171 | let expect = global.expect;
172 | if (expect === undefined) {
173 | const expectModule = requireFunction('expect');
174 | expect = expectModule;
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 | if (typeof expect === 'object') {
180 | const jestGlobals = requireFunction('@jest/globals');
181 | expect = jestGlobals.expect;
182 | }
183 | if (expect === undefined || expect.extend === undefined) {
184 | expect = expectModule.default;
185 | }
186 | }
187 | const framerateConfig = {
188 | ...defaultFramerateConfig,
189 | ...userFramerateConfig
190 | };
191 | frameTime = Math.round(1000 / framerateConfig.fps);
192 | expect.extend({
193 | toHaveAnimatedStyle(component, expectedStyle, config = {}) {
194 | return compareStyle(component, expectedStyle, config);
195 | }
196 | });
197 | };
198 | export const getAnimatedStyle = component => {
199 | return getCurrentStyle(
200 |
201 |
202 | component);
203 | };
204 |
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