1 | import type { ViewStyle, TextStyle, TransformsStyle, ImageStyle } from 'react-native';
2 | export type RequiredKeys<T, K extends keyof T> = T & Required<Pick<T, K>>;
3 | export interface StyleProps extends ViewStyle, TextStyle {
4 | originX?: number;
5 | originY?: number;
6 | [key: string]: any;
7 | }
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 | export interface SharedValue<Value = unknown> {
19 | value: Value;
20 | get(): Value;
21 | set(value: Value | ((value: Value) => Value)): void;
22 | addListener: (listenerID: number, listener: (value: Value) => void) => void;
23 | removeListener: (listenerID: number) => void;
24 | modify: (modifier?: <T extends Value>(value: T) => T, forceUpdate?: boolean) => void;
25 | }
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 | type SharedValueDisableContravariance<Value = unknown> = Omit<SharedValue<Value>, 'set'>;
33 | export interface Mutable<Value = unknown> extends SharedValue<Value> {
34 | _isReanimatedSharedValue: true;
35 | _animation?: AnimationObject<Value> | null;
36 | |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 | _value: Value;
44 | }
45 | export type ShareableRef<T = unknown> = {
46 | __hostObjectShareableJSRef: T;
47 | };
48 | export type FlatShareableRef<T> = T extends ShareableRef<infer U> ? ShareableRef<U> : ShareableRef<T>;
49 | export type MapperRawInputs = unknown[];
50 | export type MapperOutputs = SharedValue[];
51 | export type MapperRegistry = {
52 | start: (mapperID: number, worklet: () => void, inputs: MapperRawInputs, outputs?: MapperOutputs) => void;
53 | stop: (mapperID: number) => void;
54 | };
55 | export type WorkletStackDetails = [
56 | error: Error,
57 | lineOffset: number,
58 | columnOffset: number
59 | ];
60 | type WorkletClosure = Record<string, unknown>;
61 | interface WorkletInitDataCommon {
62 | code: string;
63 | }
64 | type WorkletInitDataRelease = WorkletInitDataCommon;
65 | interface WorkletInitDataDev extends WorkletInitDataCommon {
66 | location: string;
67 | sourceMap: string;
68 | version: string;
69 | }
70 | interface WorkletBaseCommon {
71 | __closure: WorkletClosure;
72 | __workletHash: number;
73 | }
74 | interface WorkletBaseRelease extends WorkletBaseCommon {
75 | __initData: WorkletInitDataRelease;
76 | }
77 | interface WorkletBaseDev extends WorkletBaseCommon {
78 | __initData: WorkletInitDataDev;
79 |
80 | __stackDetails?: WorkletStackDetails;
81 | }
82 | export type WorkletFunction<Args extends unknown[] = unknown[], ReturnValue = unknown> = ((...args: Args) => ReturnValue) & (WorkletBaseRelease | WorkletBaseDev);
83 | /**
84 | * This function allows you to determine if a given function is a worklet. It
85 | * only works with Reanimated Babel plugin enabled. Unless you are doing
86 | * something with internals of Reanimated you shouldn't need to use this
87 | * function.
88 | *
89 | * ### Note
90 | *
91 | * Do not call it before the worklet is declared, as it will always return false
92 | * then. E.g.:
93 | *
94 | * ```ts
95 | * isWorkletFunction(myWorklet); // Will always return false.
96 | *
97 | * function myWorklet() {
98 | * 'worklet';
99 | * }
100 | * ```
101 | *
102 | * ### Maintainer note
103 | *
104 | * This function works well on the JS thread performance-wise, since the JIT can
105 | * inline it. However, on other threads it will not get optimized and we will
106 | * get a function call overhead. We want to change it in the future, but it's
107 | * not feasible at the moment.
108 | */
109 | export declare function isWorkletFunction<Args extends unknown[] = unknown[], ReturnValue = unknown, BuildType extends WorkletBaseDev | WorkletBaseRelease = WorkletBaseDev>(value: unknown): value is WorkletFunction<Args, ReturnValue> & BuildType;
110 | export type AnimatedPropsAdapterFunction = (props: Record<string, unknown>) => void;
111 | export type AnimatedPropsAdapterWorklet = WorkletFunction<[
112 | props: Record<string, unknown>
113 | ], void>;
114 | export interface NestedObject<T> {
115 | [key: string]: NestedObjectValues<T>;
116 | }
117 | export type NestedObjectValues<T> = T | Array<NestedObjectValues<T>> | NestedObject<T>;
118 | type Animatable = number | string | Array<number>;
119 | export type AnimatableValueObject = {
120 | [key: string]: Animatable;
121 | };
122 | export type AnimatableValue = Animatable | AnimatableValueObject;
123 | export interface AnimationObject<T = AnimatableValue> {
124 | [key: string]: any;
125 | callback?: AnimationCallback;
126 | current?: T;
127 | toValue?: AnimationObject<T>['current'];
128 | startValue?: AnimationObject<T>['current'];
129 | finished?: boolean;
130 | strippedCurrent?: number;
131 | cancelled?: boolean;
132 | reduceMotion?: boolean;
133 | __prefix?: string;
134 | __suffix?: string;
135 | onFrame: (animation: any, timestamp: Timestamp) => boolean;
136 | onStart: (nextAnimation: any, current: any, timestamp: Timestamp, previousAnimation: any) => void;
137 | }
138 | export interface Animation<T extends AnimationObject> extends AnimationObject {
139 | onFrame: (animation: T, timestamp: Timestamp) => boolean;
140 | onStart: (nextAnimation: T, current: AnimatableValue, timestamp: Timestamp, previousAnimation: Animation<any> | null | T) => void;
141 | }
142 | export declare enum SensorType {
144 | GYROSCOPE = 2,
145 | GRAVITY = 3,
147 | ROTATION = 5
148 | }
149 | export declare enum IOSReferenceFrame {
150 | XArbitraryZVertical = 0,
151 | XArbitraryCorrectedZVertical = 1,
152 | XMagneticNorthZVertical = 2,
153 | XTrueNorthZVertical = 3,
154 | Auto = 4
155 | }
156 | export type SensorConfig = {
157 | interval: number | 'auto';
158 | adjustToInterfaceOrientation: boolean;
159 | iosReferenceFrame: IOSReferenceFrame;
160 | };
161 | export type AnimatedSensor<T extends Value3D | ValueRotation> = {
162 | sensor: SharedValue<T>;
163 | unregister: () => void;
164 | isAvailable: boolean;
165 | config: SensorConfig;
166 | };
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 | export type AnimationCallback = (finished?: boolean, current?: AnimatableValue) => void;
173 | export type Timestamp = number;
174 | export type Value3D = {
175 | x: number;
176 | y: number;
177 | z: number;
178 | interfaceOrientation: InterfaceOrientation;
179 | };
180 | export type ValueRotation = {
181 | qw: number;
182 | qx: number;
183 | qy: number;
184 | qz: number;
185 | yaw: number;
186 | pitch: number;
187 | roll: number;
188 | interfaceOrientation: InterfaceOrientation;
189 | };
190 | export declare enum InterfaceOrientation {
191 | ROTATION_0 = 0,
192 | ROTATION_90 = 90,
193 | ROTATION_180 = 180,
194 | ROTATION_270 = 270
195 | }
196 | export type ShadowNodeWrapper = {
197 | __hostObjectShadowNodeWrapper: never;
198 | };
199 | export declare enum KeyboardState {
200 | UNKNOWN = 0,
201 | OPENING = 1,
202 | OPEN = 2,
203 | CLOSING = 3,
204 | CLOSED = 4
205 | }
206 | export type AnimatedKeyboardInfo = {
207 | height: SharedValue<number>;
208 | state: SharedValue<KeyboardState>;
209 | };
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 | export interface MeasuredDimensions {
222 | x: number;
223 | y: number;
224 | width: number;
225 | height: number;
226 | pageX: number;
227 | pageY: number;
228 | }
229 | export interface AnimatedKeyboardOptions {
230 | isStatusBarTranslucentAndroid?: boolean;
231 | isNavigationBarTranslucentAndroid?: boolean;
232 | }
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 | export declare enum ReduceMotion {
241 | System = "system",
242 | Always = "always",
243 | Never = "never"
244 | }
245 | export type EasingFunction = (t: number) => number;
246 | export type TransformArrayItem = Extract<TransformsStyle['transform'], Array<unknown>>[number];
247 | type MaybeSharedValue<Value> = Value | (Value extends AnimatableValue ? SharedValueDisableContravariance<Value> : never);
248 | type MaybeSharedValueRecursive<Value> = Value extends (infer Item)[] ? SharedValueDisableContravariance<Item[]> | (MaybeSharedValueRecursive<Item> | Item)[] : Value extends object ? SharedValueDisableContravariance<Value> | {
249 | [Key in keyof Value]: MaybeSharedValueRecursive<Value[Key]> | Value[Key];
250 | } : MaybeSharedValue<Value>;
251 | type DefaultStyle = ViewStyle & ImageStyle & TextStyle;
252 | export type AnimatedStyle<Style = DefaultStyle> = Style | MaybeSharedValueRecursive<Style>;
253 | export type AnimatedTransform = MaybeSharedValueRecursive<TransformsStyle['transform']>;
254 |
255 | export type AnimateStyle<Style = DefaultStyle> = AnimatedStyle<Style>;
256 |
257 | export type StylesOrDefault<T> = 'style' extends keyof T ? MaybeSharedValueRecursive<T['style']> : Record<string, unknown>;
258 | export {};
259 |
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