1.17 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/** Imported from react-native */
2import type { MutableRefObject } from 'react';
4 * This is a helper function for when a component needs to be able to forward a
5 * ref to a child component, but still needs to have access to that component as
6 * part of its implementation.
7 *
8 * Its main use case is in wrappers for native components.
9 *
10 * Usage:
11 *
12 * Class MyView extends React.Component { _nativeRef = null;
13 *
14 * _setNativeRef = setAndForwardRef({
15 * getForwardedRef: () => this.props.forwardedRef,
16 * setLocalRef: ref => {
17 * this._nativeRef = ref;
18 * },
19 * });
20 *
21 * render() {
22 * return <View ref={this._setNativeRef} />;
23 * }
24 *
25 * }
26 *
27 * Const MyViewWithRef = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => ( <MyView {...props}
28 * forwardedRef={ref} /> ));
29 *
30 * Module.exports = MyViewWithRef;
31 */
32type ForwardedRef<T> = () => MutableRefObject<T> | ((ref: T) => void);
33declare function setAndForwardRef<T>({ getForwardedRef, setLocalRef, }: {
34 getForwardedRef: ForwardedRef<T>;
35 setLocalRef: (ref: T) => void;
36}): (ref: T) => void;
37export default setAndForwardRef;
38//# sourceMappingURL=setAndForwardRef.d.ts.map
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