24.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import React from 'react';
2import {
3 Animated,
4 NativeSyntheticEvent,
5 ViewProps,
6 View,
7 TargetedEvent,
8 TextInputFocusEventData,
9 ColorValue,
10} from 'react-native';
11import { NativeStackNavigatorProps } from './native-stack/types';
13export type SearchBarCommands = {
14 focus: () => void;
15 blur: () => void;
16 clearText: () => void;
17 toggleCancelButton: (show: boolean) => void;
18 setText: (text: string) => void;
19 cancelSearch: () => void;
22export type BackButtonDisplayMode = 'default' | 'generic' | 'minimal';
23export type StackPresentationTypes =
24 | 'push'
25 | 'modal'
26 | 'transparentModal'
27 | 'containedModal'
28 | 'containedTransparentModal'
29 | 'fullScreenModal'
30 | 'formSheet';
31export type StackAnimationTypes =
32 | 'default'
33 | 'fade'
34 | 'fade_from_bottom'
35 | 'flip'
36 | 'none'
37 | 'simple_push'
38 | 'slide_from_bottom'
39 | 'slide_from_right'
40 | 'slide_from_left'
41 | 'ios';
42export type BlurEffectTypes =
43 | 'extraLight'
44 | 'light'
45 | 'dark'
46 | 'regular'
47 | 'prominent'
48 | 'systemUltraThinMaterial'
49 | 'systemThinMaterial'
50 | 'systemMaterial'
51 | 'systemThickMaterial'
52 | 'systemChromeMaterial'
53 | 'systemUltraThinMaterialLight'
54 | 'systemThinMaterialLight'
55 | 'systemMaterialLight'
56 | 'systemThickMaterialLight'
57 | 'systemChromeMaterialLight'
58 | 'systemUltraThinMaterialDark'
59 | 'systemThinMaterialDark'
60 | 'systemMaterialDark'
61 | 'systemThickMaterialDark'
62 | 'systemChromeMaterialDark';
63export type ScreenReplaceTypes = 'push' | 'pop';
64export type SwipeDirectionTypes = 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
65export type ScreenOrientationTypes =
66 | 'default'
67 | 'all'
68 | 'portrait'
69 | 'portrait_up'
70 | 'portrait_down'
71 | 'landscape'
72 | 'landscape_left'
73 | 'landscape_right';
74export type HeaderSubviewTypes =
75 | 'back'
76 | 'right'
77 | 'left'
78 | 'center'
79 | 'searchBar';
81export type HeaderHeightChangeEventType = {
82 headerHeight: number;
85export type TransitionProgressEventType = {
86 progress: number;
87 closing: number;
88 goingForward: number;
91export type GestureResponseDistanceType = {
92 start?: number;
93 end?: number;
94 top?: number;
95 bottom?: number;
98export type SheetDetentTypes = 'medium' | 'large' | 'all';
99export type SearchBarPlacement = 'automatic' | 'inline' | 'stacked';
101export interface ScreenProps extends ViewProps {
102 active?: 0 | 1 | Animated.AnimatedInterpolation<number>;
103 activityState?: 0 | 1 | 2 | Animated.AnimatedInterpolation<number>;
104 children?: React.ReactNode;
105 /**
106 * Boolean indicating that swipe dismissal should trigger animation provided by `stackAnimation`. Defaults to `false`.
107 *
108 * @platform ios
109 */
110 customAnimationOnSwipe?: boolean;
111 /**
112 * All children screens should have the same value of their "enabled" prop as their container.
113 */
114 enabled?: boolean;
115 /**
116 * Internal boolean used to not attach events used only by native-stack. It prevents non native-stack navigators from sending transition progress from their Screen components.
117 */
118 isNativeStack?: boolean;
119 /**
120 * Internal boolean used to detect if current header has large title on iOS.
121 */
122 hasLargeHeader?: boolean;
123 /**
124 * Whether inactive screens should be suspended from re-rendering. Defaults to `false`.
125 * When `enableFreeze()` is run at the top of the application defaults to `true`.
126 */
127 freezeOnBlur?: boolean;
128 /**
129 * Boolean indicating whether the swipe gesture should work on whole screen. Swiping with this option results in the same transition animation as `simple_push` by default.
130 * It can be changed to other custom animations with `customAnimationOnSwipe` prop, but default iOS swipe animation is not achievable due to usage of custom recognizer.
131 * Defaults to `false`.
132 *
133 * @platform ios
134 */
135 fullScreenSwipeEnabled?: boolean;
136 /**
137 * Whether you can use gestures to dismiss this screen. Defaults to `true`.
138 *
139 * @platform ios
140 */
141 gestureEnabled?: boolean;
142 /**
143 * Use it to restrict the distance from the edges of screen in which the gesture should be recognized. To be used alongside `fullScreenSwipeEnabled`.
144 *
145 * @platform ios
146 */
147 gestureResponseDistance?: GestureResponseDistanceType;
148 /**
149 * Whether the home indicator should be hidden on this screen. Defaults to `false`.
150 *
151 * @platform ios
152 */
153 homeIndicatorHidden?: boolean;
154 /**
155 * Whether the keyboard should hide when swiping to the previous screen. Defaults to `false`.
156 *
157 * @platform ios
158 */
159 hideKeyboardOnSwipe?: boolean;
160 /**
161 * Boolean indicating whether, when the Android default back button is clicked, the `pop` action should be performed on the native side or on the JS side to be able to prevent it.
162 * Unfortunately the same behavior is not available on iOS since the behavior of native back button cannot be changed there.
163 * Defaults to `false`.
164 *
165 * @platform android
166 */
167 nativeBackButtonDismissalEnabled?: boolean;
168 /**
169 * Sets the navigation bar color. Defaults to initial status bar color.
170 *
171 * @platform android
172 */
173 navigationBarColor?: ColorValue;
174 /**
175 * Boolean indicating whether the content should be visible behind the navigation bar. Defaults to `false`.
176 *
177 * @platform android
178 */
179 navigationBarTranslucent?: boolean;
180 /**
181 * Sets the visibility of the navigation bar. Defaults to `false`.
182 *
183 * @platform android
184 */
185 navigationBarHidden?: boolean;
186 /**
187 * A callback that gets called when the current screen appears.
188 */
189 onAppear?: (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TargetedEvent>) => void;
190 onComponentRef?: (view: unknown) => void;
191 /**
192 * A callback that gets called when the current screen disappears.
193 */
194 onDisappear?: (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TargetedEvent>) => void;
195 /**
196 * A callback that gets called when the current screen is dismissed by hardware back (on Android) or dismiss gesture (swipe back or down).
197 * The callback takes the number of dismissed screens as an argument since iOS 14 native header back button can pop more than 1 screen at a time.
198 */
199 onDismissed?: (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<{ dismissCount: number }>) => void;
200 /**
201 * A callback that gets called when the header height has changed.
202 */
203 onHeaderHeightChange?: (
204 e: NativeSyntheticEvent<HeaderHeightChangeEventType>
205 ) => void;
206 /**
207 * A callback that gets called after swipe back is canceled.
208 */
209 onGestureCancel?: (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<null>) => void;
210 /**
211 * An internal callback that gets called when the native header back button is clicked on Android and `enableNativeBackButtonDismissal` is set to `false`. It dismises the screen using `navigation.pop()`.
212 *
213 * @platform android
214 */
215 onHeaderBackButtonClicked?: () => void;
216 /**
217 * An internal callback called when screen is dismissed by gesture or by native header back button and `preventNativeDismiss` is set to `true`.
218 *
219 * @platform ios
220 */
221 onNativeDismissCancelled?: (
222 e: NativeSyntheticEvent<{ dismissCount: number }>
223 ) => void;
224 /**
225 * An internal callback called every frame during the transition of screens of `native-stack`, used to feed transition context.
226 */
227 onTransitionProgress?: (
228 e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TransitionProgressEventType>
229 ) => void;
230 /**
231 * A callback that gets called when the current screen will appear. This is called as soon as the transition begins.
232 */
233 onWillAppear?: (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TargetedEvent>) => void;
234 /**
235 * A callback that gets called when the current screen will disappear. This is called as soon as the transition begins.
236 */
237 onWillDisappear?: (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TargetedEvent>) => void;
238 /**
239 * Boolean indicating whether to prevent current screen from being dismissed.
240 * Defaults to `false`.
241 *
242 * @platform ios
243 */
244 preventNativeDismiss?: boolean;
245 ref?: React.Ref<View>;
246 /**
247 * How should the screen replacing another screen animate. Defaults to `pop`.
248 * The following values are currently supported:
249 * - "push" – the new screen will perform push animation.
250 * - "pop" – the new screen will perform pop animation.
251 */
252 replaceAnimation?: ScreenReplaceTypes;
253 /**
254 * In which orientation should the screen appear.
255 * The following values are currently supported:
256 * - "default" - resolves to "all" without "portrait_down" on iOS. On Android, this lets the system decide the best orientation.
257 * - "all" – all orientations are permitted
258 * - "portrait" – portrait orientations are permitted
259 * - "portrait_up" – right-side portrait orientation is permitted
260 * - "portrait_down" – upside-down portrait orientation is permitted
261 * - "landscape" – landscape orientations are permitted
262 * - "landscape_left" – landscape-left orientation is permitted
263 * - "landscape_right" – landscape-right orientation is permitted
264 */
265 screenOrientation?: ScreenOrientationTypes;
266 /**
267 * Describes heights where a sheet can rest.
268 * Works only when `stackPresentation` is set to `formSheet`.
269 * Defaults to `large`.
270 *
271 * Available values:
272 *
273 * - `large` - only large detent level will be allowed
274 * - `medium` - only medium detent level will be allowed
275 * - `all` - all detent levels will be allowed
276 *
277 * @platform ios
278 */
279 sheetAllowedDetents?: SheetDetentTypes;
280 /**
281 * Whether the sheet should expand to larger detent when scrolling.
282 * Works only when `stackPresentation` is set to `formSheet`.
283 * Defaults to `true`.
284 *
285 * @platform ios
286 */
287 sheetExpandsWhenScrolledToEdge?: boolean;
288 /**
289 * The corner radius that the sheet will try to render with.
290 * Works only when `stackPresentation` is set to `formSheet`.
291 *
292 * If set to non-negative value it will try to render sheet with provided radius, else it will apply system default.
293 *
294 * If left unset system default is used.
295 *
296 * @platform ios
297 */
298 sheetCornerRadius?: number;
299 /**
300 * Boolean indicating whether the sheet shows a grabber at the top.
301 * Works only when `stackPresentation` is set to `formSheet`.
302 * Defaults to `false`.
303 *
304 * @platform ios
305 */
306 sheetGrabberVisible?: boolean;
307 /**
308 * The largest sheet detent for which a view underneath won't be dimmed.
309 * Works only when `stackPresentation` is set to `formSheet`.
310 *
311 * If this prop is set to:
312 *
313 * - `large` - the view underneath won't be dimmed at any detent level
314 * - `medium` - the view underneath will be dimmed only when detent level is `large`
315 * - `all` - the view underneath will be dimmed for any detent level
316 *
317 * Defaults to `all`.
318 *
319 * @platform ios
320 */
321 sheetLargestUndimmedDetent?: SheetDetentTypes;
322 /**
323 * How the screen should appear/disappear when pushed or popped at the top of the stack.
324 * The following values are currently supported:
325 * - "default" – uses a platform default animation
326 * - "fade" – fades screen in or out
327 * - "fade_from_bottom" – performs a fade from bottom animation
328 * - "flip" – flips the screen, requires stackPresentation: "modal" (iOS only)
329 * - "simple_push" – performs a default animation, but without shadow and native header transition (iOS only)
330 * - `slide_from_bottom` – performs a slide from bottom animation
331 * - "slide_from_right" - slide in the new screen from right to left (Android only, resolves to default transition on iOS)
332 * - "slide_from_left" - slide in the new screen from left to right
333 * - "ios" - iOS like slide in animation (Android only, resolves to default transition on iOS)
334 * - "none" – the screen appears/dissapears without an animation
335 */
336 stackAnimation?: StackAnimationTypes;
337 /**
338 * How should the screen be presented.
339 * The following values are currently supported:
340 * - "push" – the new screen will be pushed onto a stack which on iOS means that the default animation will be slide from the side, the animation on Android may vary depending on the OS version and theme.
341 * - "modal" – the new screen will be presented modally. In addition this allow for a nested stack to be rendered inside such screens.
342 * - "transparentModal" – the new screen will be presented modally but in addition the second to last screen will remain attached to the stack container such that if the top screen is non opaque the content below can still be seen. If "modal" is used instead the below screen will get unmounted as soon as the transition ends.
343 * - "containedModal" – will use "UIModalPresentationCurrentContext" modal style on iOS and will fallback to "modal" on Android.
344 * - "containedTransparentModal" – will use "UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext" modal style on iOS and will fallback to "transparentModal" on Android.
345 * - "fullScreenModal" – will use "UIModalPresentationFullScreen" modal style on iOS and will fallback to "modal" on Android.
346 * - "formSheet" – will use "UIModalPresentationFormSheet" modal style on iOS and will fallback to "modal" on Android.
347 */
348 stackPresentation?: StackPresentationTypes;
349 /**
350 * Sets the status bar animation (similar to the `StatusBar` component). Requires enabling (or deleting) `View controller-based status bar appearance` in your Info.plist file on iOS.
351 */
352 statusBarAnimation?: 'none' | 'fade' | 'slide';
353 /**
354 * Sets the status bar color (similar to the `StatusBar` component). Defaults to initial status bar color.
355 *
356 * @platform android
357 */
358 statusBarColor?: ColorValue;
359 /**
360 * Whether the status bar should be hidden on this screen. Requires enabling (or deleting) `View controller-based status bar appearance` in your Info.plist file on iOS. Defaults to `false`.
361 */
362 statusBarHidden?: boolean;
363 /**
364 * Sets the status bar color (similar to the `StatusBar` component). Requires enabling (or deleting) `View controller-based status bar appearance` in your Info.plist file on iOS. Defaults to `auto`.
365 */
366 statusBarStyle?: 'inverted' | 'auto' | 'light' | 'dark';
367 /**
368 * Sets the translucency of the status bar. Defaults to `false`.
369 *
370 * @platform android
371 */
372 statusBarTranslucent?: boolean;
373 /**
374 * Sets the direction in which you should swipe to dismiss the screen.
375 * When using `vertical` option, options `fullScreenSwipeEnabled: true`, `customAnimationOnSwipe: true` and `stackAnimation: 'slide_from_bottom'` are set by default.
376 * The following values are supported:
377 * - `vertical` – dismiss screen vertically
378 * - `horizontal` – dismiss screen horizontally (default)
379 *
380 * @platform ios
381 */
382 swipeDirection?: SwipeDirectionTypes;
383 /**
384 * Changes the duration (in milliseconds) of `slide_from_bottom`, `fade_from_bottom`, `fade` and `simple_push` transitions on iOS. Defaults to `350`.
385 * The duration of `default` and `flip` transitions isn't customizable.
386 *
387 * @platform ios
388 */
389 transitionDuration?: number;
392export interface ScreenContainerProps extends ViewProps {
393 children?: React.ReactNode;
394 /**
395 * A prop that gives users an option to switch between using Screens for the navigator (container). All children screens should have the same value of their "enabled" prop as their container.
396 */
397 enabled?: boolean;
398 /**
399 * A prop to be used in navigators always showing only one screen (providing only `0` or `2` `activityState` values) for better implementation of `ScreenContainer` on iOS.
400 */
401 hasTwoStates?: boolean;
404export interface GestureDetectorBridge {
405 stackUseEffectCallback: (
406 stackRef: React.MutableRefObject<React.Ref<NativeStackNavigatorProps>>
407 ) => void;
410export interface ScreenStackProps extends ViewProps {
411 children?: React.ReactNode;
412 /**
413 * A callback that gets called when the current screen finishes its transition.
414 */
415 onFinishTransitioning?: (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TargetedEvent>) => void;
416 gestureDetectorBridge?: React.MutableRefObject<GestureDetectorBridge>;
417 ref?: React.MutableRefObject<React.Ref<View>>;
420export interface ScreenStackHeaderConfigProps extends ViewProps {
421 /**
422 * Whether to show the back button with custom left side of the header.
423 */
424 backButtonInCustomView?: boolean;
425 /**
426 * Controls the color of the navigation header.
427 */
428 backgroundColor?: ColorValue;
429 /**
430 * Title to display in the back button.
431 * @platform ios.
432 */
433 backTitle?: string;
434 /**
435 * Allows for customizing font family to be used for back button title on iOS.
436 * @platform ios
437 */
438 backTitleFontFamily?: string;
439 /**
440 * Allows for customizing font size to be used for back button title on iOS.
441 * @platform ios
442 */
443 backTitleFontSize?: number;
444 /**
445 * Whether the back button title should be visible or not. Defaults to `true`.
446 * @platform ios
447 */
448 backTitleVisible?: boolean;
449 /**
450 * Blur effect to be applied to the header. Works with backgroundColor's alpha < 1.
451 * @platform ios
452 */
453 blurEffect?: BlurEffectTypes;
454 /**
455 * Pass HeaderLeft, HeaderRight and HeaderTitle
456 */
457 children?: React.ReactNode;
458 /**
459 * Controls the color of items rendered on the header. This includes back icon, back text (iOS only) and title text. If you want the title to have different color use titleColor property.
460 */
461 color?: ColorValue;
462 /**
463 * Whether the stack should be in rtl or ltr form.
464 */
465 direction?: 'rtl' | 'ltr';
466 /**
467 * Boolean indicating whether to show the menu on longPress of iOS >= 14 back button.
468 * @platform ios
469 */
470 disableBackButtonMenu?: boolean;
471 /**
472 * How the back button behaves by default (when not customized). Available on iOS>=14, and is used only when none of: `backTitleFontFamily`, `backTitleFontSize`, `disableBackButtonMenu` or `backTitle` is set.
473 * The following values are currently supported (they correspond to https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uinavigationitembackbuttondisplaymode?language=objc):
474 * - "default" – show given back button previous controller title, system generic or just icon based on available space
475 * - "generic" – show given system generic or just icon based on available space
476 * - "minimal" – show just an icon
477 * @platform ios
478 */
479 backButtonDisplayMode?: BackButtonDisplayMode;
480 /**
481 * When set to true the header will be hidden while the parent Screen is on the top of the stack. The default value is false.
482 */
483 hidden?: boolean;
484 /**
485 * Boolean indicating whether to hide the back button in header.
486 */
487 hideBackButton?: boolean;
488 /**
489 * Boolean indicating whether to hide the elevation shadow or the bottom border on the header.
490 */
491 hideShadow?: boolean;
492 /**
493 * Boolean to set native property to prefer large title header (like in iOS setting).
494 * For large title to collapse on scroll, the content of the screen should be wrapped in a scrollable view such as `ScrollView` or `FlatList`.
495 * If the scrollable area doesn't fill the screen, the large title won't collapse on scroll.
496 * Only supported on iOS.
497 *
498 * @platform ios
499 */
500 largeTitle?: boolean;
501 /**
502 * Controls the color of the navigation header when the edge of any scrollable content reaches the matching edge of the navigation bar.
503 */
504 largeTitleBackgroundColor?: ColorValue;
505 /**
506 * Customize the color to be used for the large title. By default uses the titleColor property.
507 * @platform ios
508 */
509 largeTitleColor?: ColorValue;
510 /**
511 * Customize font family to be used for the large title.
512 * @platform ios
513 */
514 largeTitleFontFamily?: string;
515 /**
516 * Customize the size of the font to be used for the large title.
517 * @platform ios
518 */
519 largeTitleFontSize?: number;
520 /**
521 * Customize the weight of the font to be used for the large title.
522 * @platform ios
523 */
524 largeTitleFontWeight?: string;
525 /**
526 * Boolean that allows for disabling drop shadow under navigation header when the edge of any scrollable content reaches the matching edge of the navigation bar.
527 */
528 largeTitleHideShadow?: boolean;
529 /**
530 * Callback which is executed when screen header is attached
531 */
532 onAttached?: () => void;
533 /**
534 * Callback which is executed when screen header is detached
535 */
536 onDetached?: () => void;
537 /**
538 * String that can be displayed in the header as a fallback for `headerTitle`.
539 */
540 title?: string;
541 /**
542 * Allows for setting text color of the title.
543 */
544 titleColor?: ColorValue;
545 /**
546 * Customize font family to be used for the title.
547 */
548 titleFontFamily?: string;
549 /**
550 * Customize the size of the font to be used for the title.
551 */
552 titleFontSize?: number;
553 /**
554 * Customize the weight of the font to be used for the title.
555 */
556 titleFontWeight?: string;
557 /**
558 * A flag to that lets you opt out of insetting the header. You may want to
559 * set this to `false` if you use an opaque status bar. Defaults to `true`.
560 * Only supported on Android. Insets are always applied on iOS because the
561 * header cannot be opaque.
562 *
563 * @platform android
564 */
565 topInsetEnabled?: boolean;
566 /**
567 * Boolean indicating whether the navigation bar is translucent.
568 */
569 translucent?: boolean;
572export interface SearchBarProps {
573 /**
574 * Reference to imperatively modify search bar.
575 *
576 * Currently supported operations are:
577 *
578 * * `focus` - focuses the search bar
579 * * `blur` - removes focus from the search bar
580 * * `clearText` - removes any text present in the search bar input field
581 * * `setText` - sets the search bar's content to given value
582 * * `cancelSearch` - cancel search in search bar.
583 * * `toggleCancelButton` - depending on passed boolean value, hides or shows cancel button (iOS only)
584 */
585 ref?: React.RefObject<SearchBarCommands>;
587 /**
588 * The auto-capitalization behavior
589 */
590 autoCapitalize?: 'none' | 'words' | 'sentences' | 'characters';
591 /**
592 * Automatically focuses search bar on mount
593 *
594 * @platform android
595 */
596 autoFocus?: boolean;
597 /**
598 * The search field background color
599 */
600 barTintColor?: ColorValue;
601 /**
602 * The color for the cursor caret and cancel button text.
603 *
604 * @platform ios
605 */
606 tintColor?: ColorValue;
607 /**
608 * The text to be used instead of default `Cancel` button text
609 *
610 * @platform ios
611 */
612 cancelButtonText?: string;
613 /**
614 * Specifies whether the back button should close search bar's text input or not.
615 *
616 * @platform android
617 */
618 disableBackButtonOverride?: boolean;
619 /**
620 * Indicates whether to hide the navigation bar
621 *
622 * @platform ios
623 */
624 hideNavigationBar?: boolean;
625 /**
626 * Indicates whether to hide the search bar when scrolling
627 *
628 * @platform ios
629 */
630 hideWhenScrolling?: boolean;
632 /**
633 * Sets type of the input. Defaults to `text`.
634 *
635 * @platform android
636 */
637 inputType?: 'text' | 'phone' | 'number' | 'email';
638 /**
639 * Indicates whether to obscure the underlying content
640 */
641 obscureBackground?: boolean;
642 /**
643 * A callback that gets called when search bar has lost focus
644 */
645 onBlur?: (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TargetedEvent>) => void;
646 /**
647 * A callback that gets called when the cancel button is pressed
648 *
649 * @platform ios
650 */
651 onCancelButtonPress?: (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TargetedEvent>) => void;
653 /**
654 * A callback that gets called when the text changes. It receives the current text value of the search bar.
655 */
656 onChangeText?: (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TextInputFocusEventData>) => void;
658 /**
659 * A callback that gets called when search bar is closed
660 *
661 * @platform android
662 */
663 onClose?: () => void;
664 /**
665 * A callback that gets called when search bar has received focus
666 */
667 onFocus?: (e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TargetedEvent>) => void;
668 /**
669 * A callback that gets called when search bar is opened
670 *
671 * @platform android
672 */
673 onOpen?: () => void;
674 /**
675 * A callback that gets called when the search button is pressed. It receives the current text value of the search bar.
676 */
677 onSearchButtonPress?: (
678 e: NativeSyntheticEvent<TextInputFocusEventData>
679 ) => void;
680 /**
681 * Text displayed when search field is empty
682 */
683 placeholder?: string;
684 /**
685 * Position of the search bar
686 *
687 * Supported values:
688 *
689 * * `automatic` - the search bar is placed according to current layout
690 * * `inline` - the search bar is placed on the trailing edge of navigation bar
691 * * `stacked` - the search bar is placed below the other content in navigation bar
692 *
693 * Defaults to `stacked`
694 *
695 * @platform iOS (>= 16.0)
696 */
697 placement?: SearchBarPlacement;
698 /**
699 * The search field text color
700 */
701 textColor?: ColorValue;
702 /**
703 * The search hint text color
704 *
705 * @plaform android
706 */
707 hintTextColor?: ColorValue;
708 /**
709 * The search and close icon color shown in the header
710 *
711 * @plaform android
712 */
713 headerIconColor?: ColorValue;
714 /**
715 * Show the search hint icon when search bar is focused
716 *
717 * @plaform android
718 * @default true
719 */
720 shouldShowHintSearchIcon?: boolean;