5.6 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# `<Pagination />` component
3Starting with version `2.4.0`, a customizable `<Pagination />` component has been added. This is how it looks like with its default configuration:
5![react-native-snap-carousel pagination](https://i.imgur.com/FLQcGGL.gif)
7## Table of contents
91. [Props](#props)
101. [Note on dots' colors](#note-on-dots-colors)
111. [Usage](#usage)
13## Props
15Prop | Description | Type | Default
16------ | ------ | ------ | ------
17**`activeDotIndex`** | Index of the currently active dot | Number | **Required**
18**`dotsLength`** | Number of dots to display | Number | **Required**
19`activeOpacity` | Opacity of the dot when tapped. The prop has no effect if `tappableDots` hasn't been set to `true`. | Number | 1
20`carouselRef` | Reference to the `Carousel` component to which pagination is linked. Needed only when setting `tappableDots` to `true`. | Object | `undefined`
21`containerStyle` | Style for dots' container that will be merged with the default one | View Style Object | `{}`
22`dotColor` | Background color of the active dot. **Use this if you want to animate the change between active and inactive colors**, and always in conjunction with `inactiveDotColor` (see [notes](#dots-colors)). | String | `undefined`
23`dotContainerStyle` | Style of each dot's container. Use this if you need to specify styles that wouldn't have any effect when defined with `dotStyle` (such as `flex`). | View Style Object | `{}`
24`dotElement` | Optional custom active dot element that will replace the default one. The element will receive a prop `active` set to `true` as well as a prop `index`. | React element | `undefined`
25`dotStyle` | Dots' style that will be merged with the default one | View Style Object | `{}`
26`inactiveDotColor` | Background color of the inactive dots. **Use this if you want to animate the change between active and inactive colors**, and always in conjunction with `dotColor` (see [notes](#dots-colors)). | String | `undefined`
27`inactiveDotElement` | Optional custom inactive dot element that will replace the default one. The element will receive a prop `active` set to `false` as well as a prop `index` | React element | `undefined`
28`inactiveDotOpacity` | Value of the opacity effect applied to inactive dots | Number | `0.5`
29`inactiveDotScale` | Value of the 'scale' transform applied to inactive dots | Number | `0.5`
30`inactiveDotStyle` | Dots' style that will be applied to inactive elements | View Style Object | `{}`
31`renderDots` | Function that gives you complete control over pagination's rendering. It will receive three parameters : `(activeIndex, total, context)`. This can be especially useful in order to replace dots with numbers. **:warning: You will need to provide your own logic to handle taps. See [this comment](https://github.com/archriss/react-native-snap-carousel/issues/273#issuecomment-368295203) for more info.** | Function | `undefined`
32`tappableDots` | Make default dots tappable, e.g. your carousel will slide to the corresponding item. Note that `carouselRef` must be specified for this to work. | Boolean | `false`
33`vertical` | Whether to layout dots vertically or horizontally | Boolean | `false`
35## Note on dots' colors
36If your active and inactive dots aren't of the same color, you have a choice to make:
371. either animate the color transition by specifying both `dotColor` and `inactiveDotColor`
381. or setting `{ backgroundColor }` in both `dotStyle` and `inactiveDotStyle`.
40**When animating the color transition, the dot component will no longer be able to use the native driver for scale and opacity transitions.** As stated in [React Native's doc](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/animations.html#caveats), color animations aren't supported by the native driver. And, unfortunately, it doesn't seem currently possible to run native-powered and js-powered animations at the same time on the same element.
42Basically, this is a tradeoff between color transition and optimal smoothness. We recommended you to try the first version and, if you experiment performance drops, to settle for the second one.
44## Usage
46Since `<Pagination />` is, purposely, a separated component, you need to connect it to your `<Carousel />` component manually. This is pretty straightforward, but here is an example to get you started.
49import Carousel, { Pagination } from 'react-native-snap-carousel';
51export default class MyCarousel extends Component {
53 _renderItem ({item, index}) {
54 return <MySlideComponent data={item} />
55 }
57 get pagination () {
58 const { entries, activeSlide } = this.state;
59 return (
60 <Pagination
61 dotsLength={entries.length}
62 activeDotIndex={activeSlide}
63 containerStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)' }}
64 dotStyle={{
65 width: 10,
66 height: 10,
67 borderRadius: 5,
68 marginHorizontal: 8,
69 backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.92)'
70 }}
71 inactiveDotStyle={{
72 // Define styles for inactive dots here
73 }}
74 inactiveDotOpacity={0.4}
75 inactiveDotScale={0.6}
76 />
77 );
78 }
80 render () {
81 return (
82 <View>
83 <Carousel
84 data={this.state.entries}
85 renderItem={this._renderItem}
86 onSnapToItem={(index) => this.setState({ activeSlide: index }) }
87 />
88 { this.pagination }
89 </View>
90 );
91 }