1 |
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13 | export interface AlertButton {
14 | text?: string | undefined;
15 | onPress?: ((value?: string) => void) | undefined;
16 | isPreferred?: boolean | undefined;
17 | style?: 'default' | 'cancel' | 'destructive' | undefined;
18 | }
19 |
20 | interface AlertOptions {
21 | /** @platform android */
22 | cancelable?: boolean | undefined;
23 | userInterfaceStyle?: 'unspecified' | 'light' | 'dark' | undefined;
24 | /** @platform android */
25 | onDismiss?: (() => void) | undefined;
26 | }
27 |
28 | /**
29 | * Launches an alert dialog with the specified title and message.
30 | *
31 | * Optionally provide a list of buttons. Tapping any button will fire the
32 | * respective onPress callback and dismiss the alert. By default, the only
33 | * button will be an 'OK' button.
34 | *
35 | * This is an API that works both on iOS and Android and can show static
36 | * alerts. On iOS, you can show an alert that prompts the user to enter
37 | * some information.
38 | *
39 | * ## iOS
40 | *
41 | * On iOS you can specify any number of buttons. Each button can optionally
42 | * specify a style, which is one of 'default', 'cancel' or 'destructive'.
43 | *
44 | * ## Android
45 | *
46 | * On Android at most three buttons can be specified. Android has a concept
47 | * of a neutral, negative and a positive button:
48 | *
49 | * - If you specify one button, it will be the 'positive' one (such as 'OK')
50 | * - Two buttons mean 'negative', 'positive' (such as 'Cancel', 'OK')
51 | * - Three buttons mean 'neutral', 'negative', 'positive' (such as 'Later', 'Cancel', 'OK')
52 | *
53 | * ```
54 | * // Works on both iOS and Android
55 | * Alert.alert(
56 | * 'Alert Title',
57 | * 'My Alert Msg',
58 | * [
59 | * {text: 'Ask me later', onPress: () => console.log('Ask me later pressed')},
60 | * {text: 'Cancel', onPress: () => console.log('Cancel Pressed'), style: 'cancel'},
61 | * {text: 'OK', onPress: () => console.log('OK Pressed')},
62 | * ]
63 | * )
64 | * ```
65 | */
66 | export interface AlertStatic {
67 | alert: (
68 | title: string,
69 | message?: string,
70 | buttons?: AlertButton[],
71 | options?: AlertOptions,
72 | ) => void;
73 | prompt: (
74 | title: string,
75 | message?: string,
76 | callbackOrButtons?: ((text: string) => void) | AlertButton[],
77 | type?: AlertType,
78 | defaultValue?: string,
79 | keyboardType?: string,
80 | options?: AlertOptions,
81 | ) => void;
82 | }
83 |
84 | export type AlertType =
85 | | 'default'
86 | | 'plain-text'
87 | | 'secure-text'
88 | | 'login-password';
89 |
90 | export const Alert: AlertStatic;
91 | export type Alert = AlertStatic;