1 | /**
2 | * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3 | *
4 | * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 | * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6 | *
7 | * @format
8 | */
9 |
10 | import {NativeEventSubscription} from '../EventEmitter/RCTNativeAppEventEmitter';
11 |
12 | export type BackPressEventName = 'hardwareBackPress';
13 |
14 | /**
15 | * Detect hardware back button presses, and programmatically invoke the
16 | * default back button functionality to exit the app if there are no
17 | * listeners or if none of the listeners return true.
18 | * The event subscriptions are called in reverse order
19 | * (i.e. last registered subscription first), and if one subscription
20 | * returns true then subscriptions registered earlier
21 | * will not be called.
22 | *
23 | * @see https://reactnative.dev/docs/backhandler
24 | */
25 | export interface BackHandlerStatic {
26 | exitApp(): void;
27 | addEventListener(
28 | eventName: BackPressEventName,
29 | handler: () => boolean | null | undefined,
30 | ): NativeEventSubscription;
31 | }
32 |
33 | export const BackHandler: BackHandlerStatic;
34 | export type BackHandler = BackHandlerStatic;