4.43 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3 *
4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6 *
7 * @format
8 */
10import type * as React from 'react';
12export type MeasureOnSuccessCallback = (
13 x: number,
14 y: number,
15 width: number,
16 height: number,
17 pageX: number,
18 pageY: number,
19) => void;
21export type MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback = (
22 x: number,
23 y: number,
24 width: number,
25 height: number,
26) => void;
28export type MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback = (
29 left: number,
30 top: number,
31 width: number,
32 height: number,
33) => void;
36 * NativeMethods provides methods to access the underlying native component directly.
37 * This can be useful in cases when you want to focus a view or measure its on-screen dimensions,
38 * for example.
39 * The methods described here are available on most of the default components provided by React Native.
40 * Note, however, that they are not available on composite components that aren't directly backed by a
41 * native view. This will generally include most components that you define in your own app.
42 * For more information, see [Direct Manipulation](https://reactnative.dev/docs/direct-manipulation).
43 * @see https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/master/Libraries/Renderer/shims/ReactNativeTypes.js#L87
44 */
45export interface NativeMethods {
46 /**
47 * Determines the location on screen, width, and height of the given view and
48 * returns the values via an async callback. If successful, the callback will
49 * be called with the following arguments:
50 *
51 * - x
52 * - y
53 * - width
54 * - height
55 * - pageX
56 * - pageY
57 *
58 * Note that these measurements are not available until after the rendering
59 * has been completed in native. If you need the measurements as soon as
60 * possible, consider using the [`onLayout`
61 * prop](docs/view.html#onlayout) instead.
62 */
63 measure(callback: MeasureOnSuccessCallback): void;
65 /**
66 * Determines the location of the given view in the window and returns the
67 * values via an async callback. If the React root view is embedded in
68 * another native view, this will give you the absolute coordinates. If
69 * successful, the callback will be called with the following
70 * arguments:
71 *
72 * - x
73 * - y
74 * - width
75 * - height
76 *
77 * Note that these measurements are not available until after the rendering
78 * has been completed in native.
79 */
80 measureInWindow(callback: MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback): void;
82 /**
83 * Like [`measure()`](#measure), but measures the view relative an ancestor,
84 * specified as `relativeToNativeComponentRef`. This means that the returned x, y
85 * are relative to the origin x, y of the ancestor view.
86 * _Can also be called with a relativeNativeNodeHandle but is deprecated._
87 */
88 measureLayout(
89 relativeToNativeComponentRef: HostInstance | number,
90 onSuccess: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback,
91 onFail?: () => void,
92 ): void;
94 /**
95 * This function sends props straight to native. They will not participate in
96 * future diff process - this means that if you do not include them in the
97 * next render, they will remain active (see [Direct
98 * Manipulation](https://reactnative.dev/docs/direct-manipulation)).
99 */
100 setNativeProps(nativeProps: object): void;
102 /**
103 * Requests focus for the given input or view. The exact behavior triggered
104 * will depend on the platform and type of view.
105 */
106 focus(): void;
108 /**
109 * Removes focus from an input or view. This is the opposite of `focus()`.
110 */
111 blur(): void;
115 * @deprecated Use NativeMethods instead.
116 */
117export type NativeMethodsMixin = NativeMethods;
119 * @deprecated Use NativeMethods instead.
120 */
121export type NativeMethodsMixinType = NativeMethods;
123export type HostInstance = NativeMethods;
126 * Represents a native component, such as those returned from `requireNativeComponent`.
127 *
128 * @see https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/v0.62.0-rc.5/Libraries/Renderer/shims/ReactNativeTypes.js
129 *
130 * @todo This should eventually be defined as an AbstractComponent, but that
131 * should first be introduced in the React typings.
132 */
133export interface HostComponent<P>
134 extends Pick<
135 React.ComponentClass<P>,
136 Exclude<keyof React.ComponentClass<P>, 'new'>
137 > {
138 new (props: P, context?: any): React.Component<P> & HostInstance;