666 BTypeScriptView Raw
2 * TouchableItem provides an abstraction on top of TouchableNativeFeedback and
3 * TouchableOpacity to handle platform differences.
4 *
5 * On Android, you can pass the props of TouchableNativeFeedback.
6 * On other platforms, you can pass the props of TouchableOpacity.
7 */
8import * as React from 'react';
9import { ViewProps } from 'react-native';
10export declare type Props = ViewProps & {
11 pressColor?: string;
12 disabled?: boolean;
13 borderless?: boolean;
14 delayPressIn?: number;
15 onPress?: () => void;
16 children: React.ReactNode;
18export default function TouchableItem({ borderless, pressColor, style, children, ...rest }: Props): JSX.Element;