1 | /// <reference types="react" />
2 | export declare type MouseEvents = {
3 | [K in keyof GlobalEventHandlersEventMap]: GlobalEventHandlersEventMap[K] extends MouseEvent ? K : never;
4 | }[keyof GlobalEventHandlersEventMap];
5 | export interface RootCloseOptions {
6 | disabled?: boolean;
7 | clickTrigger?: MouseEvents;
8 | }
9 | /**
10 | * The `useRootClose` hook registers your callback on the document
11 | * when rendered. Powers the `<Overlay/>` component. This is used achieve modal
12 | * style behavior where your callback is triggered when the user tries to
13 | * interact with the rest of the document or hits the `esc` key.
14 | *
15 | * @param {Ref<HTMLElement>| HTMLElement} ref The element boundary
16 | * @param {function} onRootClose
17 | * @param {object=} options
18 | * @param {boolean=} options.disabled
19 | * @param {string=} options.clickTrigger The DOM event name (click, mousedown, etc) to attach listeners on
20 | */
21 | declare function useRootClose(ref: React.RefObject<Element> | Element | null | undefined, onRootClose: (e: Event) => void, { disabled, clickTrigger }?: RootCloseOptions): void;
22 | export default useRootClose;