1 | ## React Popper
2 |
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9 |
10 | React wrapper around [Popper.js](https://popper.js.org).
11 |
12 | ## Install
13 |
14 | Via package managers:
15 |
16 | ```bash
17 | npm install react-popper@next --save
18 | # or
19 | yarn add react-popper@next
20 | ```
21 |
22 | Via `script` tag (UMD library exposed as `ReactPopper`):
23 |
24 | ```html
25 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/react-popper/dist/index.umd.js"></script>
26 | ```
27 |
28 | ## Usage
29 |
30 | > Using `react-popper@0.x`? You can find its documentation [clicking here](https://github.com/souporserious/react-popper/tree/v0.x)
31 |
32 | Example:
33 |
34 | ```jsx
35 | import { Manager, Reference, Popper } from 'react-popper';
36 |
37 | const Example = () => (
38 | <Manager>
39 | <Reference>
40 | {({ ref }) => (
41 | <button type="button" ref={ref}>
42 | Reference element
43 | </button>
44 | )}
45 | </Reference>
46 | <Popper placement="right">
47 | {({ ref, style, placement, arrowProps }) => (
48 | <div ref={ref} style={style} data-placement={placement}>
49 | Popper element
50 | <div ref={arrowProps.ref} style={arrowProps.style} />
51 | </div>
52 | )}
53 | </Popper>
54 | </Manager>
55 | );
56 | ```
57 |
58 | `react-popper` makes use of a React pattern called **"render prop"**, if you are not
59 | familiar with it, please read more [on the official React documentation](https://reactjs.org/docs/render-props.html).
60 |
61 | > Using React <=15 or Preact? The components created with them don't support to return
62 | [fragments](https://reactjs.org/docs/fragments.html), this means that you will need to
63 | wrap `<Reference />` and `<Popper />` into a single, common, `<div />` to make `react-popper` work.
64 |
65 | ### API documentation
66 |
67 | The `Manager` component is a simple wrapper that needs to surround all the other `react-popper` components in order
68 | to make them communicate with each others.
69 |
70 | The `Popper` component accepts the properties `children`, `placement`, `modifiers`, `eventsEnabled` and `positionFixed`.
71 |
72 | ```jsx
73 | <Popper
74 | innerRef={(node) => this.popperNode = node}
75 | placement="right"
76 | modifiers={{ preventOverflow: { enabled: false } }}
77 | eventsEnabled={true}
78 | positionFixed={false}
79 | >
80 | { props => [...] }
81 | </Popper>
82 | ```
83 |
84 | ##### `children`
85 |
86 | ```js
87 | children: ({|
88 | ref: (?HTMLElement) => void,
89 | style: { [string]: string | number },
90 | placement: ?Placement,
91 | outOfBoundaries: ?boolean,
92 | scheduleUpdate: () => void,
93 | arrowProps: {
94 | ref: (?HTMLElement) => void,
95 | style: { [string]: string | number },
96 | },
97 | |}) => Node
98 | ```
99 |
100 | A function (render prop) that takes as argument an object containing the properties
101 | `ref`, `style`, `placement`, and`arrowProps`.
102 |
103 | The first 3 properties are the `ref` property that is going to be used to retrieve the [React refs](https://reactjs.org/docs/refs-and-the-dom.html) of the **popper** element, the `style` property,
104 | which contains the CSS styles (React CSS properties) computed by Popper.js and needed to style
105 | the **popper** element so that it gets positioned in the desired way.
106 | These styles should be applied to your React component using the `style` prop or with any CSS-in-JS
107 | library of your choice.
108 |
109 | The `placement` property describes the placement of your popper after Popper.js has applied all the modifiers
110 | that may have flipped or altered the originally provided `placement` property. You can use this to alter the
111 | style of the popper and or of the arrow according to the definitive placement. For instance, you can use this
112 | property to orient the arrow to the right direction.
113 |
114 | `scheduleUpdate` is a function you can call to schedule a Popper.js position update. It will directly call the [Popper#scheduleUpdate](https://popper.js.org/popper-documentation.html#Popper.scheduleUpdate) method.
115 |
116 | The `arrowProps` argument is an object, containing a `style` and `ref` properties that are identical to the
117 | ones provided as first and second argument of `children`, but are relative to the **arrow** element rather than
118 | the popper. Use them to, accordingly, retrieve the ref of the **arrow** element and style it.
119 |
120 | ##### `innerRef`
121 | ```js
122 | innerRef?: (?HTMLElement) => void
123 | ```
124 |
125 | Function that can be used to obtain popper reference
126 |
127 | ##### `placement`
128 |
129 | ```js
130 | placement?: PopperJS$Placement;
131 | ```
132 |
133 | One of the accepted placement values listed in the [Popper.js documentation](https://popper.js.org/popper-documentation.html#Popper.placements).
134 | Your popper is going to be placed according to the value of this property.
135 | Defaults to `bottom`.
136 |
137 | ```js
138 | outOfBoundaries: ?boolean;
139 | ```
140 |
141 | A boolean that can be used to hide the popper element in case it's overflowing
142 | from its boundaries. [Read more](https://popper.js.org/popper-documentation.html#modifiers..hide).
143 |
144 | ##### `eventsEnabled`
145 |
146 | ```js
147 | eventsEnabled?: boolean;
148 | ```
149 |
150 | Tells `react-popper` to enable or disable the [Popper.js event listeners](https://popper.js.org/popper-documentation.html#Popper.Defaults.eventsEnabled). `true` by default.
151 |
152 | ##### `positionFixed`
153 |
154 | Set this property to `true` to tell Popper.js to use the `position: fixed` strategy
155 | to position the popper element. By default it's false, meaning that it will use the
156 | `position: absolute` strategy.
157 |
158 | ##### `modifiers`
159 |
160 | ```js
161 | modifiers?: PopperJS$Modifiers;
162 | ```
163 |
164 | An object containing custom settings for the [Popper.js modifiers](https://popper.js.org/popper-documentation.html#modifiers).
165 | You can use this property to override their settings or to inject your custom ones.
166 |
167 | ## Usage with `ReactDOM.createPortal`
168 |
169 | Popper.js is smart enough to work even if the **popper** and **reference** elements aren't
170 | in the same DOM context.
171 | This means that you can use [`ReactDOM.createPortal`](https://reactjs.org/docs/portals.html)
172 | (or any pre React 16 alternative) to move the popper component somewhere else in the DOM.
173 |
174 | This can be useful if you want to position a tooltip inside an `overflow: hidden` container
175 | that you want to make overflow. Please note that you can also try the `positionFixed` strategy
176 | to obtain a similar effect with less hassle.
177 |
178 | ```jsx
179 | import { Manager, Reference, Popper } from 'react-popper';
180 |
181 | const Example = () => (
182 | <Manager>
183 | <Reference>
184 | {({ ref }) => (
185 | <button type="button" ref={ref}>
186 | Reference
187 | </button>
188 | )}
189 | </Reference>
190 | {ReactDOM.createPortal(
191 | <Popper>
192 | {({ placement, ref, style }) => (
193 | <div ref={ref} style={style} data-placement={placement}>
194 | Popper
195 | </div>
196 | )}
197 | </Popper>,
198 | document.querySelector('#destination')
199 | )}
200 | </Manager>
201 | );
202 | ```
203 |
204 | ## Usage without a reference `HTMLElement`
205 |
206 | Whenever you need to position a popper based on some arbitrary coordinates, you can provide `Popper` with a `referenceElement` property that is going to be used in place of the `referenceProps.getRef` React ref.
207 |
208 | The `referenceElement` property must be an object with an interface compatible with an `HTMLElement` as described in the [Popper.js referenceObject documentation](https://popper.js.org/popper-documentation.html#referenceObject), this implies that you may also provide a real HTMLElement if needed.
209 |
210 | If `referenceElement` is defined, it will take precedence over any `referenceProps.ref` provided refs.
211 |
212 | ```jsx
213 | import { Popper } from 'react-popper';
214 |
215 | class VirtualReference {
216 | getBoundingClientRect() {
217 | return {
218 | top: 10,
219 | left: 10,
220 | bottom: 20,
221 | right: 100,
222 | width: 90,
223 | height: 10,
224 | };
225 | }
226 |
227 | get clientWidth() {
228 | return this.getBoundingClientRect().width;
229 | }
230 |
231 | get clientHeight() {
232 | return this.getBoundingClientRect().height;
233 | }
234 | }
235 |
236 | // This is going to create a virtual reference element
237 | // positioned 10px from top and left of the document
238 | // 90px wide and 10px high
239 | const virtualReferenceElement = new VirtualReference();
240 |
241 | // This popper will be positioned relatively to the
242 | // virtual reference element defined above
243 | const Example = () => (
244 | <Popper referenceElement={virtualReferenceElement}>
245 | {({ ref, style, placement, arrowProps }) => (
246 | <div ref={ref} style={style} data-placement={placement}>
247 | Popper element
248 | <div ref={arrowProps.ref} style={arrowProps.style} />
249 | </div>
250 | )}
251 | </Popper>
252 | );
253 | ```
254 |
255 | ## Flow and TypeScript types
256 |
257 | This library is built with Flow but it supports TypeScript as well.
258 |
259 | You can find the exported Flow types in `src/index.js`, and the
260 | TypeScript definitions in `typings/react-popper.d.ts`.
261 |
262 | ## Running Locally
263 |
264 | #### clone repo
265 |
266 | `git clone git@github.com:FezVrasta/react-popper.git`
267 |
268 | #### move into folder
269 |
270 | `cd ~/react-popper`
271 |
272 | #### install dependencies
273 |
274 | `npm install` or `yarn`
275 |
276 | #### run dev mode
277 |
278 | `npm run demo:dev` or `yarn demo:dev`
279 |
280 | #### open your browser and visit:
281 |
282 | `http://localhost:1234/`