1 | # Contributing
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3 | Found a bug? Want a new feature? Don't like the docs? Please send a pull request or raise an issue.
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5 | ## Raising issues
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7 | When raising an issue, please add as much details as possible. Screenshots, video recordings, or anything else that can make it easier to reproduce the bug you are reporting.
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9 | - A new option is to create a code pen with the code that causes the bug. Fork this [example](https://www.webpackbin.com/bins/-Kxr6IEf5zXSQvGCgKBR) and add your code there, then fork and add the new link to the issue.
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11 | ## Creating Pull Requests
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13 | Pull requests are always welcome. To speed up the review process, please ensure that your pull request have:
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15 | - A good title and description message;
16 | - Recommended that each commit follows the commit message format #{issueId}: {commitDescriptionj}
17 | - Tests covering the changes;
18 | - Story (storybook) if it's a new feature;
19 | - Green builds;
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21 | In order to send a Pull Request, you will need to setup your environment - check instructions below;
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23 | ## How to setup the development environment
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25 | Fork and clone the repo:
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27 | - `git clone git@github.com:leandrowd/react-responsive-carousel.git`
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29 | Ensure you have the right node version:
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31 | - `nvm use` # or `nvm install` in case the right version is not installed. Find the right version looking at the `.nvmrc` file.
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33 | Install dependencies:
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35 | - `yarn install`
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37 | Start the dev server:
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39 | - `yarn start` and open the browser on `http://localhost:1234/index.html`
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41 | Run the tests:
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43 | - `yarn test`
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45 | Format the files:
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47 | - `yarn format:write` # this will also run as part of the pre-commit hook. CI will fail the build if unformatted files are pushed.
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49 | Develop on storybooks (optional):
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51 | - `yarn storybook`