2.97 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// TypeScript Version: 2.9
3import * as React from 'react';
5interface Props {
6 /**
7 * Is the modal closable when user press esc key.
8 */
9 closeOnEsc?: boolean;
10 /**
11 * Is the modal closable when user click on overlay.
12 */
13 closeOnOverlayClick?: boolean;
14 /**
15 * Callback fired when the Modal is open and the animation is finished.
16 */
17 onEntered?: () => void;
18 /**
19 * Callback fired when the Modal has exited and the animation is finished.
20 */
21 onExited?: () => void;
22 /**
23 * Callback fired when the Modal is requested to be closed by a click on the overlay or when user press esc key.
24 */
25 onClose: () => void;
26 /**
27 * Callback fired when the escape key is pressed.
28 */
29 onEscKeyDown?: () => void;
30 /**
31 * Callback fired when the overlay is clicked.
32 */
33 onOverlayClick?: () => void;
34 /**
35 * Control if the modal is open or not.
36 */
37 open: boolean;
38 /**
39 * An object containing classNames to style the modal, can have properties 'overlay' (classname for overlay div), 'modal' (classname for modal content div),
40 * 'closeButton' (classname for the button that contain the close icon), 'closeIcon' (classname for close icon svg).
41 * You can customize the transition with 'transitionEnter', 'transitionEnterActive', 'transitionExit', 'transitionExitActive'
42 */
43 classNames?: object;
44 /**
45 * An object containing the styles objects to style the modal, can have properties 'overlay', 'modal', 'closeButton', 'closeIcon'.
46 */
47 styles?: object;
48 /**
49 * Should the dialog be centered.
50 */
51 center?: boolean;
52 /**
53 * Show the close icon.
54 */
55 showCloseIcon?: boolean;
56 /**
57 * Close icon size.
58 */
59 closeIconSize?: number;
60 /**
61 * A valid svg path to show as icon.
62 */
63 closeIconSvgPath?: any;
64 /**
65 * Animation duration in milliseconds.
66 */
67 animationDuration?: number;
68 /**
69 * You can specify a container prop which should be of type `Element`. The portal will be rendered inside that element.
70 * The default behavior will create a div node and render it at the at the end of document.body.
71 */
72 container?: any;
73 /**
74 * Whether to block scrolling when dialog is open
75 */
76 blockScroll?: boolean;
77 /**
78 * When the modal is open, trap focus within it
79 */
80 focusTrapped?: boolean;
81 /**
82 * Options to be passed to the focus trap, details available at https://github.com/davidtheclark/focus-trap#focustrap--createfocustrapelement-createoptions
83 */
84 focusTrapOptions?: object;
85 /**
86 * id attribute for overlay
87 */
88 overlayId?: string;
89 /**
90 * id attribute for modal
91 */
92 modalId?: string;
93 /**
94 * id attribute for close icon
95 */
96 closeIconId?: string;
97 /**
98 * ARIA role for modal
99 */
100 role?: string;
101 /**
102 * ARIA label for modal
103 */
104 ariaLabelledby?: string;
105 /**
106 * ARIA description for modal
107 */
108 ariaDescribedby?: string;
111declare const ReactReponsiveModal: React.ComponentType<Props>;
113export default ReactReponsiveModal;