5.98 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3var _defineProperty = require('@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty');
4var _objectSpread = require('@babel/runtime/helpers/objectSpread2');
5var _slicedToArray = require('@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray');
6var _objectWithoutProperties = require('@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties');
7var React = require('react');
8var index = require('./index-665c4ed8.cjs.prod.js');
10var _excluded = ["defaultOptions", "cacheOptions", "loadOptions", "options", "isLoading", "onInputChange", "filterOption"];
11function useAsync(_ref) {
12 var _ref$defaultOptions = _ref.defaultOptions,
13 propsDefaultOptions = _ref$defaultOptions === void 0 ? false : _ref$defaultOptions,
14 _ref$cacheOptions = _ref.cacheOptions,
15 cacheOptions = _ref$cacheOptions === void 0 ? false : _ref$cacheOptions,
16 propsLoadOptions = _ref.loadOptions;
17 _ref.options;
18 var _ref$isLoading = _ref.isLoading,
19 propsIsLoading = _ref$isLoading === void 0 ? false : _ref$isLoading,
20 propsOnInputChange = _ref.onInputChange,
21 _ref$filterOption = _ref.filterOption,
22 filterOption = _ref$filterOption === void 0 ? null : _ref$filterOption,
23 restSelectProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);
24 var propsInputValue = restSelectProps.inputValue;
25 var lastRequest = React.useRef(undefined);
26 var mounted = React.useRef(false);
27 var _useState = React.useState(Array.isArray(propsDefaultOptions) ? propsDefaultOptions : undefined),
28 _useState2 = _slicedToArray(_useState, 2),
29 defaultOptions = _useState2[0],
30 setDefaultOptions = _useState2[1];
31 var _useState3 = React.useState(typeof propsInputValue !== 'undefined' ? propsInputValue : ''),
32 _useState4 = _slicedToArray(_useState3, 2),
33 stateInputValue = _useState4[0],
34 setStateInputValue = _useState4[1];
35 var _useState5 = React.useState(propsDefaultOptions === true),
36 _useState6 = _slicedToArray(_useState5, 2),
37 isLoading = _useState6[0],
38 setIsLoading = _useState6[1];
39 var _useState7 = React.useState(undefined),
40 _useState8 = _slicedToArray(_useState7, 2),
41 loadedInputValue = _useState8[0],
42 setLoadedInputValue = _useState8[1];
43 var _useState9 = React.useState([]),
44 _useState10 = _slicedToArray(_useState9, 2),
45 loadedOptions = _useState10[0],
46 setLoadedOptions = _useState10[1];
47 var _useState11 = React.useState(false),
48 _useState12 = _slicedToArray(_useState11, 2),
49 passEmptyOptions = _useState12[0],
50 setPassEmptyOptions = _useState12[1];
51 var _useState13 = React.useState({}),
52 _useState14 = _slicedToArray(_useState13, 2),
53 optionsCache = _useState14[0],
54 setOptionsCache = _useState14[1];
55 var _useState15 = React.useState(undefined),
56 _useState16 = _slicedToArray(_useState15, 2),
57 prevDefaultOptions = _useState16[0],
58 setPrevDefaultOptions = _useState16[1];
59 var _useState17 = React.useState(undefined),
60 _useState18 = _slicedToArray(_useState17, 2),
61 prevCacheOptions = _useState18[0],
62 setPrevCacheOptions = _useState18[1];
63 if (cacheOptions !== prevCacheOptions) {
64 setOptionsCache({});
65 setPrevCacheOptions(cacheOptions);
66 }
67 if (propsDefaultOptions !== prevDefaultOptions) {
68 setDefaultOptions(Array.isArray(propsDefaultOptions) ? propsDefaultOptions : undefined);
69 setPrevDefaultOptions(propsDefaultOptions);
70 }
71 React.useEffect(function () {
72 mounted.current = true;
73 return function () {
74 mounted.current = false;
75 };
76 }, []);
77 var loadOptions = React.useCallback(function (inputValue, callback) {
78 if (!propsLoadOptions) return callback();
79 var loader = propsLoadOptions(inputValue, callback);
80 if (loader && typeof loader.then === 'function') {
81 loader.then(callback, function () {
82 return callback();
83 });
84 }
85 }, [propsLoadOptions]);
86 React.useEffect(function () {
87 if (propsDefaultOptions === true) {
88 loadOptions(stateInputValue, function (options) {
89 if (!mounted.current) return;
90 setDefaultOptions(options || []);
91 setIsLoading(!!lastRequest.current);
92 });
93 }
94 // NOTE: this effect is designed to only run when the component mounts,
95 // so we don't want to include any hook dependencies
96 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
97 }, []);
98 var onInputChange = React.useCallback(function (newValue, actionMeta) {
99 var inputValue = index.handleInputChange(newValue, actionMeta, propsOnInputChange);
100 if (!inputValue) {
101 lastRequest.current = undefined;
102 setStateInputValue('');
103 setLoadedInputValue('');
104 setLoadedOptions([]);
105 setIsLoading(false);
106 setPassEmptyOptions(false);
107 return;
108 }
109 if (cacheOptions && optionsCache[inputValue]) {
110 setStateInputValue(inputValue);
111 setLoadedInputValue(inputValue);
112 setLoadedOptions(optionsCache[inputValue]);
113 setIsLoading(false);
114 setPassEmptyOptions(false);
115 } else {
116 var request = lastRequest.current = {};
117 setStateInputValue(inputValue);
118 setIsLoading(true);
119 setPassEmptyOptions(!loadedInputValue);
120 loadOptions(inputValue, function (options) {
121 if (!mounted) return;
122 if (request !== lastRequest.current) return;
123 lastRequest.current = undefined;
124 setIsLoading(false);
125 setLoadedInputValue(inputValue);
126 setLoadedOptions(options || []);
127 setPassEmptyOptions(false);
128 setOptionsCache(options ? _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, optionsCache), {}, _defineProperty({}, inputValue, options)) : optionsCache);
129 });
130 }
131 }, [cacheOptions, loadOptions, loadedInputValue, optionsCache, propsOnInputChange]);
132 var options = passEmptyOptions ? [] : stateInputValue && loadedInputValue ? loadedOptions : defaultOptions || [];
133 return _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, restSelectProps), {}, {
134 options: options,
135 isLoading: isLoading || propsIsLoading,
136 onInputChange: onInputChange,
137 filterOption: filterOption
138 });
141exports.useAsync = useAsync;