1 | # react-sharedb
2 |
3 | > Run `ShareDB` in `React`
4 |
5 | ## What it does
6 |
7 | 1. Brings real-time collaboration to React using [ShareDB](https://github.com/share/sharedb);
8 | 2. Uses [Racer](https://derbyjs.com/docs/derby-0.10/models) to add a `model`
9 | to your app to do any data manipulations;
10 | 3. The `model` acts as a global singleton state, so you can use it as a
11 | replacement for other state-management systems like `Redux` or `MobX`;
12 | 4. Makes the `render` reactive similar to how it's done in `MobX` --
13 | rerendering happens whenever any `model` data you used in `render`
14 | changes.
15 |
16 | ## *\[Hooks\]* `use*()`
17 |
18 | ### `observer(FunctionalComponent)` HOF
19 |
20 | Higher Order Function which makes your functional component rendering reactive.
21 | **You have to** wrap your functional components in it to be able to use `react-sharedb` hooks.
22 |
23 | ```js
24 | import {observer, useDoc} from 'react-sharedb'
25 | export default observer(function User ({userId}) {
26 | let [user, $user] = useDoc('users', userId)
27 | if (!user) return null // <Loading />
28 | return (
29 | <input value={user.name} onChange={e => $user.set('name', e.target.value)} />
30 | )
31 | })
32 | ```
33 |
34 | ### `useDoc(collection, docId)`
35 |
36 | Refer to the documentation of [`subDoc()`](#subDoc) below
37 |
38 | ### `useLocalDoc(collection, docId)`
39 |
40 | A convenience method to get the document you are already subscribed to
41 | using the same API as `useDoc()`
42 |
43 | ```js
44 | let [game, $game] = useLocalDoc('games', gameId)
45 | // It's the same as doing:
46 | let [game, $game] = useLocal('games.' + gameId)
47 | ```
48 |
49 | ### `useQuery(collection, query)`
50 |
51 | Refer to the documentation of [`subQuery()`](#subQuery) below
52 |
53 | ### `useQueryIds(collection, ids, options)`
54 |
55 | Subscribe to documents in collection by their ids
56 |
57 | `collection` \[String\] -- collection name. Required
58 | `ids` \[Array\] -- array of strings which should be document ids.
59 | `options` \[Object\] --
60 | ```js
61 | {
62 | reverse: false // reverse the order of resulting array
63 | }
64 | ```
65 |
66 | Example:
67 |
68 | ```js
69 | observer(function Players ({ gameId }) {
70 | let [game] = useDoc('games', gameId)
71 | if (!game) return null // <Loading />
72 | let [players, $players] = useQueryIds('players', game.playerIds)
73 | if (!players) return null // <Loading />
74 |
75 | return (
76 | <div>{players.map(i => i.name).join(' ,')}</div>
77 | )
78 | })
79 | ```
80 |
81 | ### `useQueryDoc(collection, query)`
82 |
83 | Subscribe to a document using a query. It's the same as `useDoc()`, but
84 | with `query` parameter instead of the particular `docId`.
85 | `$limit: 1` and `$sort: { createdAt: -1 }` are added to the query automatically (if they don't already exist).
86 |
87 | `collection` \[String\] -- collection name. Required
88 | `query` \[Object\] -- query object, same as in `useQuery()`.
89 |
90 | Example:
91 |
92 | ```js
93 | observer(function NewPlayer ({ gameId }) {
94 | // { $sort: { createdAt: -1 }, $limit: 1 }
95 | // is added automatically to the query, so the newest player will be returned.
96 | // It's also reactive, so whenever a new player joins, you'll receive the new data and model.
97 | let [newPlayer, $newPlayer] = useQueryDoc('players', { gameId })
98 | if (!newPlayer) return null // <Loading />
99 |
100 | return (
101 | <div>New player joined: {newPlayer.name}</div>
102 | )
103 | })
104 | ```
105 |
106 | ### `useLocal(path)`
107 |
108 | Refer to the documentation of [`subLocal()`](#subLocal) below
109 |
110 | ### `useSession(path)`
111 |
112 | A convenience method to access the `_session` local collection.
113 |
114 | ```js
115 | let [userId, $userId] = useSession('userId')
116 | // It's the same as doing:
117 | let [userId, $userId] = useLocal('_session.userId')
118 | ```
119 |
120 | ### `usePage(path)`
121 |
122 | A convenience method to access the `_page` local collection.
123 |
124 | ```js
125 | let [game, $game] = usePage('game')
126 | // It's the same as doing:
127 | let [game, $game] = useLocal('_page.game')
128 | ```
129 |
130 | ### `useValue(value)`
131 |
132 | Refer to the documentation of [`subValue()`](#subValue) below
133 |
134 | ### `useModel(path)`
135 |
136 | Return a model scoped to `path` (memoized by the `path` argument).
137 | If `path` is not provided, returns the model scoped to the root path.
138 |
139 | ```js
140 | import React from 'react'
141 | import {render} from 'react-dom'
142 | import {observer, useModel, useLocal} from 'react-sharedb'
143 |
144 | const Main = observer(() => {
145 | return (
146 | <div style={{display: 'flex'}}>
147 | <Content />
148 | <Sidebar />
149 | </div>
150 | )
151 | })
152 |
153 | const Content = observer(() => {
154 | let $showSidebar = useModel('_page.Sidebar.show')
155 |
156 | // sidebar will be opened without triggering rerendering of the <Content /> component (this component)
157 | return (
158 | <div>
159 | <p>I am Content</p>
160 | <button onClick={() => $showSidebar.setDiff(true)}>Open Sidebar</button>
161 | </div>
162 | )
163 | })
164 |
165 | const Sidebar = observer(() => {
166 | let [show, $show] = useLocal('_page.Sidebar.show')
167 | if (!show) return null
168 | return (
169 | <div>
170 | <p>I am Sidebar</p>
171 | <button onClick={() => $show.del()}>Close</button>
172 | </div>
173 | )
174 | })
175 |
176 | render(<Main />, document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')))
177 | ```
178 |
179 | ### *\[Hooks\]* Example
180 |
181 | ```js
182 | import React from 'react'
183 | import {observer, useDoc, useQuery, useLocal, useValue} from 'react-sharedb'
184 |
185 | export default observer(function Game ({gameId}) {
186 | let [secret, $secret] = useValue('Game Secret Password')
187 | let [userId, $userId] = useLocal('_session.userId')
188 | let [user, $user] = useDoc('users', userId)
189 | let [game, $game] = useDoc('games', gameId)
190 | if (!(game && user)) return null // <Loading />
191 |
192 | let [players, $players] = useQuery('players', {_id: {$in: game.playerIds}})
193 | if (!players) return null // <Loading />
194 |
195 | let [users, $users] = useQuery('users', {_id: {$in: players.map(i => i.userId)}})
196 | if (!users) return null // <Loading />
197 |
198 | function updateSecret (event) {
199 | $secret.set(event.target.value)
200 | }
201 |
202 | function updateName (event) {
203 | $user.set('name', event.target.value)
204 | }
205 |
206 | return (
207 | <div>
208 | <label>
209 | Secret:
210 | <input type='text' value={code} onChange={updateSecret} />
211 | </label>
212 |
213 | <label>
214 | My User Name:
215 | <input type='text' value={user.name} onChange={updateName} />
216 | </label>
217 |
218 | <h1>Game {game.title}</h1>
219 |
220 | <h2>Users in game:</h2>
221 | <p>{users.map(i => i.name).join(', ')}</p>
222 | </div>
223 | )
224 | })
225 | ```
226 |
227 | ### TODO:
228 |
229 | 1. `useSubscribe(fns)`
230 | 2. `<Suspense />` support
231 |
232 | ## *\[Classes\]* HOC `@subscribe(cb)`
233 |
234 | `@subscribe` decorator is used to specify what you want to subscribe to.
235 |
236 | `@subscribe` gives react component a personal local scope model, located at path `$components.<random_id>`.
237 | This model will be automatically cleared when the component is unmounted.
238 |
239 | ### HOW TO: Subscribe to data and use it in render()
240 |
241 | `@subscribe` accepts a single argument -- `cb`, which receives `props` and must return the `subscriptions object`.
242 |
243 | Each `key` in the `subscriptions object` will fetch specified data from the MongoDB or a Local path and
244 | will write it into the component's personal scope model under that `key`.
245 |
246 | The read-only data of the component's model is available as `this.props.store`.
247 | Use it to render the data you subscribed to, same way you would use `this.state`.
248 |
249 | **IMPORTANT** As with `this.state`, the `this.props.store` **SHOULD NOT** be modified directly! Read below to find out how to modify data.
250 |
251 | Example:
252 |
253 | ```js
254 | import React from 'react'
255 | import {subscribe, subLocal, subDoc, subQuery} from 'react-sharedb'
256 |
257 | @subscribe(props => ({
258 | myUserId: subLocal('_session.userId'),
259 | room: subDoc('rooms', props.roomId)
260 | }))
261 | @subscribe(props => ({
262 | myUser: subDoc('users', props.store.userId),
263 | usersInRoom: subQuery('users', {_id: {
264 | $in: props.store.room && props.store.room.userIds || []
265 | }})
266 | }))
267 | export default class Room extends React.Component {
268 | render () {
269 | let {room, myUser, usersInRoom} = this.props.store
270 | return <Fragment>
271 | <h1>{room.name}</h1>
272 | <h2>Me: {myUser.name}</h2>
273 | <p>Other users in the room: {usersInRoom.map(user => user.name)}</p>
274 | </Fragment>
275 | }
276 | }
277 | ```
278 |
279 | As seen from the example, you can combine multiple `@subscribe` one after another.
280 |
281 | ### HOW TO: Modify the data you subscribed to
282 |
283 | The actual scoped model of the component is available as `this.props.$store`.
284 | Use it to modify the data. For the API to modify stuff refer to the [Racer documentation](https://derbyjs.com/docs/derby-0.10/models)
285 |
286 | In addition, all things from `subscriptions object` you subscribed to are
287 | available to you as additional scope models in `this.props` under names `this.props.$KEY`
288 |
289 | Example:
290 |
291 | ```js
292 | import React from 'react'
293 | import {subscribe, subLocal, subDoc, subQuery} from 'react-sharedb'
294 |
295 | @subscribe(props => ({
296 | room: subDoc('rooms', props.roomId)
297 | }))
298 | export default class Room extends React.Component {
299 | updateName = () => {
300 | let {$store, $room} = this.props
301 | $room.set('name', 'New Name')
302 | // You can also use $store to do the same:
303 | $store.set('room.name', 'New Name')
304 | }
305 | render () {
306 | let {room} = this.props.store
307 | return <Fragment>
308 | <h1>{room.name}</h1>
309 | <button onClick={this.updateName}>Update Name</button>
310 | </Fragment>
311 | }
312 | }
313 | ```
314 |
315 | ## *\[Classes\]* `sub*()` functions
316 |
317 | Use sub*() functions to define a particular subscription.
318 |
319 | <a name="subDoc"></a>
320 | ### `subDoc(collection, docId)`
321 |
322 | Subscribe to a particular document.
323 | You'll receive the document data as `props.store.{key}`
324 |
325 | `collection` \[String\] -- collection name. Required
326 | `docId` \[String\] -- document id. Required
327 |
328 | Example:
329 |
330 | ```js
331 | @subscribe(props => ({
332 | room: subDoc('rooms', props.roomId)
333 | }))
334 | ```
335 |
336 | <a name="subQuery"></a>
337 | ### `subQuery(collection, query)`
338 |
339 | Subscribe to the Mongo query.
340 | You'll receive the docuents as an array: `props.store.{key}`
341 | You'll also receive an array of ids of those documents as `props.store.{key}Ids`
342 |
343 | `collection` \[String\] -- collection name. Required
344 | `query` \[Object\] -- query (regular, `$count`, `$aggregate` queries are supported). Required
345 |
346 | Example:
347 |
348 | ```js
349 | @subscribe(props => ({
350 | users: subQuery('users', { roomId: props.roomId, anonymous: false })
351 | }))
352 | ```
353 |
354 | **IMPORTANT:** The scope model `${key}`, which you receive from subscription, targets
355 | an the array in the local model of the component, NOT the global `collection` path.
356 | So you won't be able to use it to efficiently update document's data. Instead you should manually
357 | create a scope model which targets a particular document, using the id:
358 |
359 | ```js
360 | let {usersInRoom, $store} = this.props.store
361 | for (let user of usersInRoom) {
362 | $store.scope(`${collection}.${user.id}`).setEach({
363 | joinedRoom: true,
364 | updatedAt: Date.now()
365 | })
366 | }
367 | ```
368 |
369 | <a name="subLocal"></a>
370 | ### `subLocal(path)`
371 |
372 | Subscribe to the data you already have in your local model by path.
373 | You'll receive the data on that path as `props.store.{key}`
374 |
375 | You will usually use it to subscribe to private collections like `_page` or `_session`.
376 | This is very useful when you want to share the state between multiple components.
377 |
378 | It's also possible to subscribe to the path from a public collection, for example when you
379 | want to work with some nested value of a particular document you have already subscribed to.
380 |
381 | Example:
382 |
383 | ```js
384 | const TopBar = subscribe(props => ({
385 | sidebarOpened: subLocal('_page.Sidebar.opened')
386 | }))({
387 | $sidebarOpened
388 | }) =>
389 | <button
390 | onClick={() => $sidebarOpened.setDiff(true)}
391 | >Open Sidebar</button>
392 |
393 | const Sidebar = subscribe(props => ({
394 | sidebarOpened: subLocal('_page.Sidebar.opened')
395 | }))({
396 | store: {sidebarOpened}
397 | }) =>
398 | sidebarOpened ? <p>Sidebar</p> : null
399 | ```
400 |
401 | <a name="subValue"></a>
402 | ### `subValue(value)`
403 |
404 | A constant value to assign to the local scoped model of the component.
405 |
406 | `value` \[String\] -- value to assign (any type)
407 |
408 | ### *\[Classes\]* Example
409 |
410 | Below is an example of a simple app with 2 components:
411 | 1. `Home` -- sets up my userId and renders `Room`
412 | 2. `Room` -- shows my user name ands lets user update it,
413 | shows all users which are currently in the room.
414 |
415 | ```js
416 | // Home.jsx
417 | import React from 'react'
418 | import Room from './Room.jsx'
419 | import {model, subscribe, subLocal, subDoc, subQuery} from 'react-sharedb'
420 |
421 | // `subscribe` means that the data is reactive and gets dynamically updated
422 | // whenever the data in MongoDB or in private collections gets updated.
423 |
424 | @subscribe(props => ({
425 | // Subscribe to the path in a private collection `_session`.
426 | //
427 | // `private` collection means that the data does NOT get synced with MongoDB.
428 | // Data in these collections live only on the client-side.
429 | //
430 | // Collection is considered `private` when its name starts from `_` or `$`.
431 | //
432 | // Private collections like `_session` are used as a singleton client-only storage,
433 | // an alternative to `Redux` or `MobX`.
434 | //
435 | // You can have as many private collections as you like, but the common
436 | // guideline is to use just one collection to store all private data -- `_session`
437 | userId: subLocal('_session.userId')
438 | }))
439 |
440 | export default class Home extends React.Component {
441 | constructor (...props) {
442 | super(...props)
443 |
444 | // For each thing you subscribe to, you receive a scoped `model`
445 | // with the same name prefixed with `$` in `props`. Use it
446 | // to update the data with the `model` operations available in Racer:
447 | // https://derbyjs.com/docs/derby-0.10/models
448 | let {$userId} = this.props
449 |
450 | // Update the private path `_session.userId` with the new value
451 | //
452 | // We'll use this `_session.userId` in all other children
453 | // components to easily get the userId without doing the potentially
454 | // heavy/long process of fetching the userId over and over again.
455 | $userId.set(this.getUserId())
456 | }
457 |
458 | // Get my userId somehow (for example from the server-side response).
459 | // For simplicity, we'll just generate a random guid in this example
460 | // by creating an empty user document each time, so whenever
461 | // you open a new page, you'll be a new user.
462 | getUserId = () => model.add('users', {})
463 |
464 | render = () => <Room roomId={'myCoolRoom1'} />
465 | }
466 | ```
467 |
468 | ```js
469 | // Room.jsx
470 | import React from 'react'
471 | import {model, subscribe, subLocal, subDoc, subQuery} from 'react-sharedb'
472 |
473 | @subscribe(props => ({
474 |
475 | // Subscribe to the same private path again to get the userId, which
476 | // we did manually setup in the parent `<Home>` component.
477 | // The pattern of subscribing and updating data in a private path
478 | // can be used to expose some data from one component to another.
479 | userId: subLocal('_session.userId'),
480 |
481 | // Subscribe to the particular document from a public collection `rooms` by id.
482 | // `public` means that it DOES sync with MongoDB.
483 | // `public` collection names start with a regular letter a-z.
484 | // You can also use ClassCase for collection names (A-Z), but it is
485 | // NOT recommended unless you have such guidelines in your project.
486 | room: subDoc('rooms', props.roomId)
487 |
488 | }))
489 |
490 | // All things you subscribe to end up in `props.store` under the same name.
491 | // We can do a second subscribe using the data we received in the first one.
492 |
493 | @subscribe(props => ({
494 |
495 | // Subscribe to the particular document from a public collection by id
496 | // which we got from the previous subscription
497 | myUser: subDoc('users', props.store.userId),
498 |
499 | // Subscribe to a query to get docs from a public `users` collection
500 | // using the array of userIds from `room` received in the previous subscription
501 | users: subQuery('users', {_id: {
502 | $in: props.store.room && props.store.room.userIds || []
503 | }})
504 |
505 | }))
506 |
507 | // Additionally, whenever you subscribe to the MongoDB query, you also
508 | // receive the `Ids` in store.
509 | // For example, subscribing to the `users` collection above populated
510 | // `props.store.users` (array of documents) AND
511 | // `props.store.userIds` (array of ids) - auto singular name with the `Ids` suffix
512 |
513 | export default class Room extends React.Component {
514 | constructor (...props) {
515 | super(...props)
516 | let {$room, roomId} = this.props
517 | let {userId, room, room: {userIds = []}} = this.props.store
518 |
519 | // Create an empty room if it wasn't created yet
520 | if (!room) model.add('rooms', {id: roomId, title: `Room #${roomId}`})
521 |
522 | // Add user to the room unless he's already there
523 | if (!userIds.includes(userId)) $room.push('userIds', userId)
524 | }
525 |
526 | changeName = (event) => {
527 | let {$myUser} = this.props
528 | $myUser.setEach({name: event.target.value})
529 | }
530 |
531 | render () {
532 | let { myUser, room, users, userId } = this.props.store
533 | return (
534 | <main>
535 | <h1>{room.title}</h1>
536 | <section>
537 | My User Name:
538 | <input type='text' value={myUser.name} onChange={this.changeName} />
539 | </section>
540 | <h3>Users in the room:</h3>
541 | {
542 | users
543 | .filter(({id}) => id !== userId) // exclude my user
544 | .map(user =>
545 | <section key={user.id}>
546 | {user.name || `User ${user.id}`}
547 | </section>
548 | )
549 | }
550 | </main>
551 | )
552 | }
553 | }
554 | ```
555 |
556 | ## Licence
557 |
558 | MIT
559 |
560 | (c) Decision Mapper - http://decisionmapper.com