1 | import { CSSProperties, ForwardRefExoticComponent, ReactHTML, ReactNode, RefAttributes, Component } from "react";
2 | import Sortable, { MoveEvent, Options, SortableEvent } from "sortablejs";
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7 | type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
8 | export interface ItemInterface {
9 |
10 | id: string | number;
11 |
12 | selected?: boolean;
13 |
14 | chosen?: boolean;
15 |
16 | filtered?: boolean;
17 | [property: string]: any;
18 | }
19 | export interface ReactSortableProps<T> extends ReactSortableOptions, Omit<Options, AllMethodNames> {
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23 | list: T[];
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27 | setList: (newState: T[], sortable: Sortable | null, store: Store) => void;
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36 | tag?: ForwardRefExoticComponent<RefAttributes<any>> | keyof ReactHTML;
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44 | clone?: (currentItem: T, evt: SortableEvent) => T;
45 | style?: CSSProperties;
46 | className?: string;
47 | id?: string;
48 | children?: ReactNode;
49 | }
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55 | export interface Store {
56 | dragging: null | ReactSortable<any>;
57 | }
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62 | export type ReactSortableOptions = Partial<Record<AllMethodsExceptMove, (evt: SortableEvent, sortable: Sortable | null, store: Store) => void>> & {
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70 | onMove?: (evt: MoveEvent, originalEvent: Event, sortable: Sortable | null, store: Store) => boolean | -1 | 1 | void;
71 | };
72 |
73 | export type AllMethodNames = "onAdd" | "onChange" | "onChoose" | "onClone" | "onEnd" | "onFilter" | "onMove" | "onRemove" | "onSort" | "onSpill" | "onStart" | "onUnchoose" | "onUpdate" | "onSelect" | "onDeselect";
74 |
75 | export type HandledMethodNames = "onAdd" | "onRemove" | "onUpdate" | "onStart" | "onEnd" | "onSpill" | "onSelect" | "onDeselect" | "onChoose" | "onUnchoose";
76 | export type UnHandledMethodNames = Exclude<AllMethodsExceptMove, HandledMethodNames | "onMove">;
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80 | export type AllMethodsExceptMove = Exclude<AllMethodNames, "onMove">;
81 | export class ReactSortable<T extends ItemInterface> extends Component<ReactSortableProps<T>> {
82 | static defaultProps: Partial<ReactSortableProps<any>>;
83 | constructor(props: ReactSortableProps<T>);
84 | componentDidMount(): void;
85 | componentDidUpdate(prevProps: ReactSortableProps<T>): void;
86 | render(): JSX.Element;
87 | /** Appends the `sortable` property to this component */
88 | private get sortable();
89 | /** Converts all the props from `ReactSortable` into the `options` object that `Sortable.create(el, [options])` can use. */
90 | makeOptions(): Options;
91 | /** Prepares a method that will be used in the sortable options to call an `on[Handler]` prop & an `on[Handler]` ReactSortable method. */
92 | prepareOnHandlerPropAndDOM(evtName: HandledMethodNames): (evt: SortableEvent) => void;
93 | /** Prepares a method that will be used in the sortable options to call an `on[Handler]` prop */
94 | prepareOnHandlerProp(evtName: Exclude<AllMethodsExceptMove, HandledMethodNames>): (evt: SortableEvent) => void;
95 | /** Calls the `props.on[Handler]` function */
96 | callOnHandlerProp(evt: SortableEvent, evtName: AllMethodsExceptMove): void;
97 | onAdd(evt: MultiDragEvent): void;
98 | onRemove(evt: MultiDragEvent): void;
99 | onUpdate(evt: MultiDragEvent): void;
100 | onStart(): void;
101 | onEnd(): void;
102 | onChoose(evt: SortableEvent): void;
103 | onUnchoose(evt: SortableEvent): void;
104 | onSpill(evt: SortableEvent): void;
105 | onSelect(evt: MultiDragEvent): void;
106 | onDeselect(evt: MultiDragEvent): void;
107 | }
108 | interface MultiIndices {
109 | multiDragElement: HTMLElement;
110 | index: number;
111 | }
112 | interface MultiDragEvent extends SortableEvent {
113 | clones: HTMLElement[];
114 | oldIndicies: MultiIndices[];
115 | newIndicies: MultiIndices[];
116 | swapItem: HTMLElement | null;
117 | }
118 | export { default as Sortable, Direction, DOMRect, GroupOptions, MoveEvent, Options, PullResult, PutResult, SortableEvent, SortableOptions, Utils, } from "sortablejs";
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