1 | var $8zHUo$sortablejs = require("sortablejs");
2 | var $8zHUo$classnames = require("classnames");
3 | var $8zHUo$react = require("react");
4 | var $8zHUo$tinyinvariant = require("tiny-invariant");
5 |
6 | function $parcel$interopDefault(a) {
7 | return a && a.__esModule ? a.default : a;
8 | }
9 | function $parcel$export(e, n, v, s) {
10 | Object.defineProperty(e, n, {get: v, set: s, enumerable: true, configurable: true});
11 | }
12 | function $parcel$exportWildcard(dest, source) {
13 | Object.keys(source).forEach(function(key) {
14 | if (key === 'default' || key === '__esModule' || dest.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
15 | return;
16 | }
17 |
18 | Object.defineProperty(dest, key, {
19 | enumerable: true,
20 | get: function get() {
21 | return source[key];
22 | }
23 | });
24 | });
25 |
26 | return dest;
27 | }
28 |
29 | $parcel$export(module.exports, "Sortable", () => $882b6d93070905b3$re_export$Sortable);
30 | $parcel$export(module.exports, "Direction", () => $882b6d93070905b3$re_export$Direction);
31 | $parcel$export(module.exports, "DOMRect", () => $882b6d93070905b3$re_export$DOMRect);
32 | $parcel$export(module.exports, "GroupOptions", () => $882b6d93070905b3$re_export$GroupOptions);
33 | $parcel$export(module.exports, "MoveEvent", () => $882b6d93070905b3$re_export$MoveEvent);
34 | $parcel$export(module.exports, "Options", () => $882b6d93070905b3$re_export$Options);
35 | $parcel$export(module.exports, "PullResult", () => $882b6d93070905b3$re_export$PullResult);
36 | $parcel$export(module.exports, "PutResult", () => $882b6d93070905b3$re_export$PutResult);
37 | $parcel$export(module.exports, "SortableEvent", () => $882b6d93070905b3$re_export$SortableEvent);
38 | $parcel$export(module.exports, "SortableOptions", () => $882b6d93070905b3$re_export$SortableOptions);
39 | $parcel$export(module.exports, "Utils", () => $882b6d93070905b3$re_export$Utils);
40 | $parcel$export(module.exports, "ReactSortable", () => $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$export$11bbed9ee0012c13);
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 | function $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$1d0aa160432dfea5(node) {
47 | if (node.parentElement !== null) node.parentElement.removeChild(node);
48 | }
49 | function $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$6d240faa51aa562f(parent, newChild, index) {
50 | const refChild = parent.children[index] || null;
51 | parent.insertBefore(newChild, refChild);
52 | }
53 | function $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$d7d742816c28cf91(customs) {
54 | $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$77f49a256021c8de(customs);
55 | $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$a6177d5829f70ebc(customs);
56 | }
57 | function $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$77f49a256021c8de(customs) {
58 | customs.forEach((curr)=>$eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$1d0aa160432dfea5(curr.element));
59 | }
60 | function $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$a6177d5829f70ebc(customs) {
61 | customs.forEach((curr)=>{
62 | $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$6d240faa51aa562f(curr.parentElement, curr.element, curr.oldIndex);
63 | });
64 | }
65 | function $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$4655efe700f887a(evt, list) {
66 | const mode = $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$1fc0f6205829e19c(evt);
67 | const parentElement = {
68 | parentElement: evt.from
69 | };
70 | let custom = [];
71 | switch(mode){
72 | case "normal":
73 | const item = {
74 | element: evt.item,
75 | newIndex: evt.newIndex,
76 | oldIndex: evt.oldIndex,
77 | parentElement: evt.from
78 | };
79 | custom = [
80 | item
81 | ];
82 | break;
83 | case "swap":
84 | const drag = {
85 | element: evt.item,
86 | oldIndex: evt.oldIndex,
87 | newIndex: evt.newIndex,
88 | ...parentElement
89 | };
90 | const swap = {
91 | element: evt.swapItem,
92 | oldIndex: evt.newIndex,
93 | newIndex: evt.oldIndex,
94 | ...parentElement
95 | };
96 | custom = [
97 | drag,
98 | swap
99 | ];
100 | break;
101 | case "multidrag":
102 | custom = evt.oldIndicies.map((curr, index)=>({
103 | element: curr.multiDragElement,
104 | oldIndex: curr.index,
105 | newIndex: evt.newIndicies[index].index,
106 | ...parentElement
107 | }));
108 | break;
109 | }
110 | const customs = $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$bc06a3af7dc65f53(custom, list);
111 | return customs;
112 | }
113 | function $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$c25cf8080bd305ec(normalized, list) {
114 | const a = $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$be2da95e6167b0bd(normalized, list);
115 | const b = $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$eca851ee65ae17e4(normalized, a);
116 | return b;
117 | }
118 | function $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$be2da95e6167b0bd(normalized, list) {
119 | const newList = [
120 | ...list
121 | ];
122 | normalized.concat().reverse().forEach((curr)=>newList.splice(curr.oldIndex, 1));
123 | return newList;
124 | }
125 | function $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$eca851ee65ae17e4(normalized, list, evt, clone) {
126 | const newList = [
127 | ...list
128 | ];
129 | normalized.forEach((curr)=>{
130 | const newItem = clone && evt && clone(curr.item, evt);
131 | newList.splice(curr.newIndex, 0, newItem || curr.item);
132 | });
133 | return newList;
134 | }
135 | function $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$1fc0f6205829e19c(evt) {
136 | if (evt.oldIndicies && evt.oldIndicies.length > 0) return "multidrag";
137 | if (evt.swapItem) return "swap";
138 | return "normal";
139 | }
140 | function $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$bc06a3af7dc65f53(inputs, list) {
141 | const normalized = inputs.map((curr)=>({
142 | ...curr,
143 | item: list[curr.oldIndex]
144 | })).sort((a, b)=>a.oldIndex - b.oldIndex);
145 | return normalized;
146 | }
147 | function $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$7553c81e62e31b7e(props) {
148 | const { list:
149 | list , setList: setList , children: children , tag: tag , style: style , className: className , clone: clone , onAdd:
150 | onAdd , onChange: onChange , onChoose: onChoose , onClone: onClone , onEnd: onEnd , onFilter: onFilter , onRemove: onRemove , onSort: onSort , onStart: onStart , onUnchoose: onUnchoose , onUpdate: onUpdate , onMove: onMove , onSpill: onSpill , onSelect: onSelect , onDeselect: onDeselect , ...options } = props;
151 | return options;
152 | }
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 | const $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store = {
157 | dragging: null
158 | };
159 | class $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$export$11bbed9ee0012c13 extends (0, $8zHUo$react.Component) {
160 | static defaultProps = {
161 | clone: (item)=>item
162 | };
163 | constructor(props){
164 | super(props);
165 |
166 | this.ref = (0, $8zHUo$react.createRef)();
167 |
168 | const newList = [
169 | ...props.list
170 | ].map((item)=>Object.assign(item, {
171 | chosen: false,
172 | selected: false
173 | }));
174 | props.setList(newList, this.sortable, $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store);
175 | (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$tinyinvariant)))(
176 | !props.plugins, `
177 | Plugins prop is no longer supported.
178 | Instead, mount it with "Sortable.mount(new MultiDrag())"
179 | Please read the updated README.md at https://github.com/SortableJS/react-sortablejs.
180 | `);
181 | }
182 | componentDidMount() {
183 | if (this.ref.current === null) return;
184 | const newOptions = this.makeOptions();
185 | (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$sortablejs))).create(this.ref.current, newOptions);
186 | }
187 | componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
188 | if (prevProps.disabled !== this.props.disabled && this.sortable) this.sortable.option("disabled", this.props.disabled);
189 | }
190 | render() {
191 | const { tag: tag , style: style , className: className , id: id } = this.props;
192 | const classicProps = {
193 | style: style,
194 | className: className,
195 | id: id
196 | };
197 |
198 | const newTag = !tag || tag === null ? "div" : tag;
199 | return (0, $8zHUo$react.createElement)(newTag, {
200 |
201 | ref: this.ref,
202 | ...classicProps
203 | }, this.getChildren());
204 | }
205 | getChildren() {
206 | const { children: children , dataIdAttr: dataIdAttr , selectedClass: selectedClass = "sortable-selected" , chosenClass: chosenClass = "sortable-chosen" , dragClass: dragClass = "sortable-drag" , fallbackClass: fallbackClass = "sortable-falback" , ghostClass: ghostClass = "sortable-ghost" , swapClass: swapClass = "sortable-swap-highlight" , filter: filter = "sortable-filter" , list: list , } = this.props;
207 |
208 | if (!children || children == null) return null;
209 | const dataid = dataIdAttr || "data-id";
210 | return (0, $8zHUo$react.Children).map(children, (child, index)=>{
211 | if (child === undefined) return undefined;
212 | const item = list[index] || {};
213 | const { className: prevClassName } = child.props;
214 |
215 | const filtered = typeof filter === "string" && {
216 | [filter.replace(".", "")]: !!item.filtered
217 | };
218 | const className = (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$classnames)))(prevClassName, {
219 | [selectedClass]: item.selected,
220 | [chosenClass]: item.chosen,
221 | ...filtered
222 | });
223 | return (0, $8zHUo$react.cloneElement)(child, {
224 | [dataid]: child.key,
225 | className: className
226 | });
227 | });
228 | }
229 | get sortable() {
230 | const el = this.ref.current;
231 | if (el === null) return null;
232 | const key = Object.keys(el).find((k)=>k.includes("Sortable"));
233 | if (!key) return null;
234 |
235 | return el[key];
236 | }
237 | makeOptions() {
238 | const DOMHandlers = [
239 | "onAdd",
240 | "onChoose",
241 | "onDeselect",
242 | "onEnd",
243 | "onRemove",
244 | "onSelect",
245 | "onSpill",
246 | "onStart",
247 | "onUnchoose",
248 | "onUpdate",
249 | ];
250 | const NonDOMHandlers = [
251 | "onChange",
252 | "onClone",
253 | "onFilter",
254 | "onSort",
255 | ];
256 | const newOptions = (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$7553c81e62e31b7e)(this.props);
257 | DOMHandlers.forEach((name)=>newOptions[name] = this.prepareOnHandlerPropAndDOM(name));
258 | NonDOMHandlers.forEach((name)=>newOptions[name] = this.prepareOnHandlerProp(name));
259 | const onMove1 = (evt, originalEvt)=>{
260 | const { onMove: onMove } = this.props;
261 | const defaultValue = evt.willInsertAfter || -1;
262 | if (!onMove) return defaultValue;
263 | const result = onMove(evt, originalEvt, this.sortable, $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store);
264 | if (typeof result === "undefined") return false;
265 | return result;
266 | };
267 | return {
268 | ...newOptions,
269 | onMove: onMove1
270 | };
271 | }
272 | prepareOnHandlerPropAndDOM(evtName) {
273 | return (evt)=>{
274 |
275 | this.callOnHandlerProp(evt, evtName);
276 |
277 |
278 | this[evtName](evt);
279 | };
280 | }
281 | prepareOnHandlerProp(evtName) {
282 | return (evt)=>{
283 |
284 | this.callOnHandlerProp(evt, evtName);
285 | };
286 | }
287 | callOnHandlerProp(evt, evtName) {
288 | const propEvent = this.props[evtName];
289 | if (propEvent) propEvent(evt, this.sortable, $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store);
290 | }
291 |
292 | onAdd(evt) {
293 | const { list: list , setList: setList , clone: clone } = this.props;
294 | const otherList = [
295 | ...$7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store.dragging.props.list
296 | ];
297 | const customs = (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$4655efe700f887a)(evt, otherList);
298 | (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$77f49a256021c8de)(customs);
299 | const newList = (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$eca851ee65ae17e4)(customs, list, evt, clone).map((item)=>Object.assign(item, {
300 | selected: false
301 | }));
302 | setList(newList, this.sortable, $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store);
303 | }
304 | onRemove(evt) {
305 | const { list: list , setList: setList } = this.props;
306 | const mode = (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$1fc0f6205829e19c)(evt);
307 | const customs = (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$4655efe700f887a)(evt, list);
308 | (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$a6177d5829f70ebc)(customs);
309 | let newList = [
310 | ...list
311 | ];
312 |
313 | if (evt.pullMode !== "clone") newList = (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$be2da95e6167b0bd)(customs, newList);
314 | else {
315 |
316 | let customClones = customs;
317 | switch(mode){
318 | case "multidrag":
319 | customClones = customs.map((item, index)=>({
320 | ...item,
321 | element: evt.clones[index]
322 | }));
323 | break;
324 | case "normal":
325 | customClones = customs.map((item)=>({
326 | ...item,
327 | element: evt.clone
328 | }));
329 | break;
330 | case "swap":
331 | default:
332 | (0, ($parcel$interopDefault($8zHUo$tinyinvariant)))(true, `mode "${mode}" cannot clone. Please remove "props.clone" from <ReactSortable/> when using the "${mode}" plugin`);
333 | }
334 | (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$77f49a256021c8de)(customClones);
335 |
336 | customs.forEach((curr)=>{
337 | const index = curr.oldIndex;
338 | const newItem = this.props.clone(curr.item, evt);
339 | newList.splice(index, 1, newItem);
340 | });
341 | }
342 |
343 | newList = newList.map((item)=>Object.assign(item, {
344 | selected: false
345 | }));
346 | setList(newList, this.sortable, $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store);
347 | }
348 | onUpdate(evt) {
349 | const { list: list , setList: setList } = this.props;
350 | const customs = (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$4655efe700f887a)(evt, list);
351 | (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$77f49a256021c8de)(customs);
352 | (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$a6177d5829f70ebc)(customs);
353 | const newList = (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$c25cf8080bd305ec)(customs, list);
354 | return setList(newList, this.sortable, $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store);
355 | }
356 | onStart() {
357 | $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store.dragging = this;
358 | }
359 | onEnd() {
360 | $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store.dragging = null;
361 | }
362 | onChoose(evt) {
363 | const { list: list , setList: setList } = this.props;
364 | const newList = list.map((item, index)=>{
365 | let newItem = item;
366 | if (index === evt.oldIndex) newItem = Object.assign(item, {
367 | chosen: true
368 | });
369 | return newItem;
370 | });
371 | setList(newList, this.sortable, $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store);
372 | }
373 | onUnchoose(evt) {
374 | const { list: list , setList: setList } = this.props;
375 | const newList = list.map((item, index)=>{
376 | let newItem = item;
377 | if (index === evt.oldIndex) newItem = Object.assign(newItem, {
378 | chosen: false
379 | });
380 | return newItem;
381 | });
382 | setList(newList, this.sortable, $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store);
383 | }
384 | onSpill(evt) {
385 | const { removeOnSpill: removeOnSpill , revertOnSpill: revertOnSpill } = this.props;
386 | if (removeOnSpill && !revertOnSpill) (0, $eb03e74f8f7db1f3$export$1d0aa160432dfea5)(evt.item);
387 | }
388 | onSelect(evt) {
389 | const { list: list , setList: setList } = this.props;
390 | const newList = list.map((item)=>Object.assign(item, {
391 | selected: false
392 | }));
393 | evt.newIndicies.forEach((curr)=>{
394 | const index = curr.index;
395 | if (index === -1) {
396 | console.log(`"${evt.type}" had indice of "${curr.index}", which is probably -1 and doesn't usually happen here.`);
397 | console.log(evt);
398 | return;
399 | }
400 | newList[index].selected = true;
401 | });
402 | setList(newList, this.sortable, $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store);
403 | }
404 | onDeselect(evt) {
405 | const { list: list , setList: setList } = this.props;
406 | const newList = list.map((item)=>Object.assign(item, {
407 | selected: false
408 | }));
409 | evt.newIndicies.forEach((curr)=>{
410 | const index = curr.index;
411 | if (index === -1) return;
412 | newList[index].selected = true;
413 | });
414 | setList(newList, this.sortable, $7fe8e3ea572bda7a$var$store);
415 | }
416 | }
417 |
418 |
419 | var $faefaad95e5fcca0$exports = {};
420 |
421 |
422 | $parcel$exportWildcard(module.exports, $faefaad95e5fcca0$exports);
423 |
424 |
425 |