1 | import WebpackDevServer from 'webpack-dev-server';
2 | import { Configuration, LoaderContext } from 'webpack';
3 | import { TransformOptions } from 'buble';
4 | import { Handler, DocumentationObject, PropDescriptor } from 'react-docgen';
5 | import { ASTNode } from 'ast-types';
6 | import { NodePath } from 'ast-types/lib/node-path';
7 | import { Styles } from 'jss';
8 | import { RecursivePartial } from './RecursivePartial';
9 | import { ExpandMode } from './RsgComponent';
10 | import { PropsObject } from './RsgPropsObject';
11 | import { CodeExample } from './RsgExample';
12 | import { ConfigSection, Section } from './RsgSection';
13 | import { Theme } from './RsgTheme';
14 | declare type OptionsType = {
15 | displayName: string;
16 | file: string;
17 | shouldShowDefaultExample: string;
18 | customLangs: string[];
19 | };
20 | export interface StyleguidistLoaderContext extends LoaderContext<OptionsType> {
21 | _styleguidist: SanitizedStyleguidistConfig;
22 | }
23 | interface BaseStyleguidistConfig {
24 | assetsDir: string | string[];
25 | tocMode: ExpandMode;
26 | compilerConfig: TransformOptions;
27 | components: (() => string[]) | string | string[];
28 | configDir: string;
29 | context: Record<string, any>;
30 | contextDependencies: string[];
31 | configureServer(server: WebpackDevServer, env: string): string;
32 | dangerouslyUpdateWebpackConfig: (server: Configuration, env: string) => Configuration;
33 | defaultExample: string | false;
34 | exampleMode: ExpandMode;
35 | editorConfig: {
36 | theme: string;
37 | };
38 | getComponentPathLine(componentPath: string): string;
39 | getExampleFilename(componentPath: string): string;
40 | handlers: (componentPath: string) => Handler[];
41 | ignore: string[];
42 | logger: {
43 | info(message: string): void;
44 | warn(message: string): void;
45 | debug(message: string): void;
46 | };
47 | minimize: boolean;
48 | mountPointId: string;
49 | moduleAliases: Record<string, string>;
50 | pagePerSection: boolean;
51 | previewDelay: number;
52 | printBuildInstructions(config: SanitizedStyleguidistConfig): void;
53 | printServerInstructions(config: SanitizedStyleguidistConfig, options: {
54 | isHttps: boolean;
55 | }): void;
56 | propsParser(filePath: string, code: string, resolver: (ast: ASTNode, parser: {
57 | parse: (input: string) => ASTNode;
58 | }) => NodePath<any, any> | NodePath[], handlers: Handler[]): DocumentationObject;
59 | require: string[];
60 | resolver(ast: ASTNode, parser: {
61 | parse: (code: string) => ASTNode;
62 | }): NodePath<any, any> | NodePath[];
63 | ribbon?: {
64 | text?: string;
65 | url: string;
66 | };
67 | serverHost: string;
68 | serverPort: number;
69 | showCode: boolean;
70 | showUsage: boolean;
71 | showSidebar: boolean;
72 | skipComponentsWithoutExample: boolean;
73 | sortProps(props: PropDescriptor[]): PropDescriptor[];
74 | styleguideComponents: Record<string, string>;
75 | styleguideDir: string;
76 | styles: Styles | string | ((theme: Theme) => Styles);
77 | template: any;
78 | theme: RecursivePartial<Theme> | string;
79 | title: string;
80 | updateDocs(doc: PropsObject, file: string): PropsObject;
81 | updateExample(props: Omit<CodeExample, 'type'>, ressourcePath: string): Omit<CodeExample, 'type'>;
82 | updateWebpackConfig(config: Configuration): Configuration;
83 | usageMode: ExpandMode;
84 | verbose: boolean;
85 | version: string;
86 | webpackConfig: Configuration | ((env?: string) => Configuration);
87 | }
88 | export interface ProcessedStyleguidistConfig extends BaseStyleguidistConfig {
89 | sections: Section[];
90 | theme: RecursivePartial<Theme>;
91 | styles: ((th: Theme) => Styles) | Styles;
92 | }
93 | export declare type ProcessedStyleguidistCSSConfig = Pick<ProcessedStyleguidistConfig, 'theme'> & Pick<ProcessedStyleguidistConfig, 'styles'>;
94 | export interface SanitizedStyleguidistConfig extends BaseStyleguidistConfig {
95 | sections: ConfigSection[];
96 | }
97 | /**
98 | * definition of the config object where everything is optional
99 | * note that teh default example can be both a string and a boolean but ends
100 | * up only being a string after sanitizing
101 | */
102 | export interface StyleguidistConfig extends RecursivePartial<Omit<SanitizedStyleguidistConfig, 'defaultExample'>> {
103 | defaultExample?: string | boolean;
104 | }
105 | export {};
106 |
\ | No newline at end of file |