1 | [![React Swipeable — Formidable, We build the modern web](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FormidableLabs/react-swipeable/main/react-swipeable-Hero.png)](https://formidable.com/open-source/)
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3 | React swipe event handler hook
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5 | [![npm downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/react-swipeable.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-swipeable) [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/react-swipeable.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-swipeable) [![build status](https://github.com/FormidableLabs/react-swipeable/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/FormidableLabs/react-swipeable/actions) [![gzip size](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/react-swipeable)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=react-swipeable) [![maintenance status](https://img.shields.io/badge/maintenance-active-green.svg)](https://github.com/FormidableLabs/react-swipeable#maintenance-status)
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7 | [![Edit react-swipeable image carousel](https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/s/github/FormidableLabs/react-swipeable/tree/main/examples?file=/app/SimpleCarousel/Carousel.tsx)
8 |
9 | ### [Github Pages Demo](http://formidablelabs.github.io/react-swipeable/)
10 |
11 | ### Api
12 |
13 | Use the hook and set your swipe(d) handlers.
14 |
15 | ```jsx
16 | const handlers = useSwipeable({
17 | onSwiped: (eventData) => console.log("User Swiped!", eventData),
18 | ...config,
19 | });
20 | return <div {...handlers}> You can swipe here </div>;
21 | ```
22 |
23 | Spread `handlers` onto the element you wish to track swipes on.
24 |
25 | ## Props / Config Options
26 |
27 | ### Event handler props
28 |
29 | ```js
30 | {
31 | onSwiped, // After any swipe (SwipeEventData) => void
32 | onSwipedLeft, // After LEFT swipe (SwipeEventData) => void
33 | onSwipedRight, // After RIGHT swipe (SwipeEventData) => void
34 | onSwipedUp, // After UP swipe (SwipeEventData) => void
35 | onSwipedDown, // After DOWN swipe (SwipeEventData) => void
36 | onSwipeStart, // Start of swipe (SwipeEventData) => void *see details*
37 | onSwiping, // During swiping (SwipeEventData) => void
38 | onTap, // After a tap ({ event }) => void
39 |
40 | // Pass through callbacks, event provided: ({ event }) => void
41 | onTouchStartOrOnMouseDown, // Called for `touchstart` and `mousedown`
42 | onTouchEndOrOnMouseUp, // Called for `touchend` and `mouseup`
43 | }
44 | ```
45 |
46 | #### Details
47 | - `onSwipeStart` - called only once per swipe at the start and before the first `onSwiping` callback
48 | - The `first` property of the `SwipeEventData` will be `true`
49 |
50 | ### Configuration props and default values
51 |
52 | ```js
53 | {
54 | delta: 10, // min distance(px) before a swipe starts. *See Notes*
55 | preventScrollOnSwipe: false, // prevents scroll during swipe (*See Details*)
56 | trackTouch: true, // track touch input
57 | trackMouse: false, // track mouse input
58 | rotationAngle: 0, // set a rotation angle
59 | swipeDuration: Infinity, // allowable duration of a swipe (ms). *See Notes*
60 | touchEventOptions: { passive: true }, // options for touch listeners (*See Details*)
61 | }
62 | ```
63 |
64 | #### delta
65 |
66 | `delta` can be either a `number` or an `object` specifying different deltas for each direction, [`left`, `right`, `up`, `down`], direction values are optional and will default to `10`;
67 |
68 | ```js
69 | {
70 | delta: { up: 20, down: 20 } // up and down ">= 20", left and right default to ">= 10"
71 | }
72 | ```
73 |
74 | #### swipeDuration
75 | A swipe lasting more than `swipeDuration`, in milliseconds, will **not** be considered a swipe.
76 | - It will also **not** trigger any callbacks and the swipe event will stop being tracked
77 | - **Defaults** to `Infinity` for backwards compatibility, a sensible duration could be something like `250`
78 | - Feature mimicked from `use-gesture` [swipe.duration](https://use-gesture.netlify.app/docs/options/#swipeduration)
79 |
80 | ```js
81 | {
82 | swipeDuration: 250 // only swipes under 250ms will trigger callbacks
83 | }
84 | ```
85 |
86 | #### touchEventOptions
87 |
88 | Allows the user to set the options for the touch event listeners( currently only `passive` option ).
89 | - `touchstart`, `touchmove`, and `touchend` event listeners
90 | - **Defaults** to `{ passive: true }`
91 | - this provides users full control of if/when they want to set [passive](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener#options)
92 | - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener#options
93 | - `preventScrollOnSwipe` option **supersedes** `touchEventOptions.passive` for `touchmove` event listener
94 | - See `preventScrollOnSwipe` for [more details](#preventscrollonswipe-details)
95 |
96 | ## Swipe Event Data
97 |
98 | All Event Handlers are called with the below event data, `SwipeEventData`.
99 |
100 | ```js
101 | {
102 | event, // source event
103 | initial, // initial swipe [x,y]
104 | first, // true for the first event of a tracked swipe
105 | deltaX, // x offset (current.x - initial.x)
106 | deltaY, // y offset (current.y - initial.y)
107 | absX, // absolute deltaX
108 | absY, // absolute deltaY
109 | velocity, // √(absX^2 + absY^2) / time - "absolute velocity" (speed)
110 | vxvy, // [ deltaX/time, deltaY/time] - velocity per axis
111 | dir, // direction of swipe (Left|Right|Up|Down)
112 | }
113 | ```
114 |
115 | **None of the props/config options are required.**
116 |
117 | ### Hook details
118 |
119 | - Hook use requires **react >= 16.8.3**
120 | - The props contained in `handlers` are currently `ref` and `onMouseDown`
121 | - Please spread `handlers` as the props contained in it could change as react changes event listening capabilities
122 |
123 | ### `preventScrollOnSwipe` details
124 |
125 | This prop prevents scroll during swipe in most cases. Use this to **stop scrolling** in the browser while a user swipes.
126 |
127 | Swipeable will call `e.preventDefault()` internally in an attempt to stop the browser's [touchmove](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/touchmove) event default action (mostly scrolling).
128 |
129 | **NOTE:** `preventScrollOnSwipe` option **supersedes** `touchEventOptions.passive` for the `touchmove` event listener
130 |
131 | **Example scenario:**
132 | > If a user is swiping right with props `{ onSwipedRight: userSwipedRight, preventScrollOnSwipe: true }` then `e.preventDefault()` will be called, but if the user was swiping left then `e.preventDefault()` would **not** be called.
133 |
134 | `e.preventDefault()` is only called when:
135 | - `preventScrollOnSwipe: true`
136 | - `trackTouch: true`
137 | - the users current swipe has an associated `onSwiping` or `onSwiped` handler/prop
138 |
139 | Please experiment with the [example app](http://formidablelabs.github.io/react-swipeable/) to test `preventScrollOnSwipe`.
140 |
141 | #### passive listener details
142 | Swipeable adds the passive event listener option, by default, to **internal uses** of touch `addEventListener`'s. We set the `passive` option to `false` only when `preventScrollOnSwipe` is `true` and only to `touchmove`. Other listeners will retain `passive: true`.
143 |
144 | **When `preventScrollOnSwipe` is:**
145 | - `true` => `el.addEventListener('touchmove', cb, { passive: false })`
146 | - `false` => `el.addEventListener('touchmove', cb, { passive: true })`
147 |
148 | Here is more information on react's long running passive [event issue](https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/6436).
149 |
150 | We previously had issues with chrome lighthouse performance deducting points for not having passive option set so it is now on by default except in the case mentioned above.
151 |
152 | If, however, you really **need** _all_ of the listeners to be passive (for performance reasons or otherwise), you can prevent all scrolling on the swipeable container by using the `touch-action` css property instead, [see below for an example](#how-to-use-touch-action-to-prevent-scrolling).
153 |
154 | ### Version 7 Updates and migration
155 |
156 | If upgrading from v6 refer to the release notes and the [migration doc](./migration.md).
157 |
158 | ## FAQs
159 |
160 | ### How can I add a swipe listener to the `document`?
161 | Example by [@merrywhether #180](https://github.com/FormidableLabs/react-swipeable/issues/180#issuecomment-649677983)
162 |
163 | ##### Example codesandbox with swipeable on document and nested swipe
164 | https://codesandbox.io/s/react-swipeable-document-swipe-example-1yvr2v
165 |
166 | ```js
167 | const { ref } = useSwipeable({
168 | ...
169 | }) as { ref: RefCallback<Document> };
170 |
171 | useEffect(() => {
172 | ref(document);
173 | // Clean up swipeable event listeners
174 | return () => ref({});
175 | });
176 | ```
177 | **Note:** Issues can arise if you forget to clean up listeners - [#332](https://github.com/FormidableLabs/react-swipeable/issues/322)
178 |
179 | ### How to share `ref` from `useSwipeable`?
180 |
181 | **Example ref passthrough, [more details #189](https://github.com/FormidableLabs/react-swipeable/issues/189#issuecomment-656302682):**
182 | ```js
183 | const MyComponent = () => {
184 | const handlers = useSwipeable({ onSwiped: () => console.log('swiped') })
185 |
186 | // setup ref for your usage
187 | const myRef = React.useRef();
188 |
189 | const refPassthrough = (el) => {
190 | // call useSwipeable ref prop with el
191 | handlers.ref(el);
192 |
193 | // set myRef el so you can access it yourself
194 | myRef.current = el;
195 | }
196 |
197 | return (<div {...handlers} ref={refPassthrough} />
198 | }
199 | ```
200 |
201 | ### How to use `touch-action` to prevent scrolling?
202 |
203 | Sometimes you don't want the `body` of your page to scroll along with the user manipulating or swiping an item. Or you might want all of the internal event listeners to be passive and performant.
204 |
205 | You can prevent scrolling via [preventScrollOnSwipe](#preventscrollonswipe-details), which calls `event.preventDefault()` during `onTouchMove`. **But** there may be a simpler, more effective solution, which has to do with a simple CSS property.
206 |
207 | `touch-action` is a CSS property that sets how an element's region can be manipulated by a touchscreen user. See the [documentation for `touch-action`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/touch-action) to determine which property value to use for your particular use case.
208 |
209 | #### Static example
210 | ```js
211 | const handlers = useSwipeable({
212 | onSwiped: (eventData) => console.log("User Swiped!", eventData),
213 | ...config,
214 | });
215 |
216 | return <div {...handlers} style={{ touchAction: 'pan-y' }}>Swipe here</div>;
217 | ```
218 | This explanation and example borrowed from `use-gesture`'s [wonderful docs](https://use-gesture.netlify.app/docs/extras/#touch-action).
219 |
220 | #### Dynamic example
221 | ```js
222 | const MySwipeableComponent = props => {
223 | const [stopScroll, setStopScroll] = useState(false);
224 |
225 | const handlers = useSwipeable({
226 | onSwipeStart: () => setStopScroll(true),
227 | onSwiped: () => setStopScroll(false)
228 | });
229 |
230 | return <div {...handlers} style={{ touchAction: stopScroll ? 'none' : 'auto' }}>Swipe here</div>;
231 | };
232 | ```
233 |
234 | This is a somewhat contrived example as the final outcome would be similar to the static example. However, there may be cases where you want to determine when the user can scroll based on the user's swiping action along with any number of variables from state and props.
235 |
236 | ## License
237 |
238 | [MIT]((./LICENSE))
239 |
240 | ## Contributing
241 |
242 | Please see our [contributions guide](./CONTRIBUTING.md).
243 |
244 | ### Maintainers
245 | [Project Maintenance](./CONTRIBUTING.md#project-maintainers)
246 |
247 | ## Maintenance Status
248 |
249 | **Active:** Formidable is actively working on this project, and we expect to continue for work for the foreseeable future. Bug reports, feature requests and pull requests are welcome.