1 | # React Tether
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3 | ![CI Status](https://github.com/danreeves/react-tether/actions/workflows/main.yml/badge.svg)
4 | [![Sauce Test Status](https://app.saucelabs.com/buildstatus/react-tether)](https://app.saucelabs.com/u/react-tether)
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6 | > Cross-browser Testing Platform and Open Source <3 Provided by [Sauce Labs](https://saucelabs.com/).
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8 | ---
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10 | React wrapper around [Tether](https://github.com/shipshapecode/tether), a positioning engine to make overlays, tooltips and dropdowns better
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12 | ![React Tether](images/tether-header.png)
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14 | ## Install
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16 | `npm install react-tether`
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18 | **As of version 2, a minimum of React 16.3 is required. If you need support for React < 16.3 please use the [1.x branch](https://github.com/danreeves/react-tether/tree/1.x).**
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20 | ## Example Usage
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22 | ```javascript
23 | import TetherComponent from "react-tether";
24 |
25 | class SimpleDemo extends React.Component {
26 | constructor(props) {
27 | super(props);
28 | this.state = {
29 | isOpen: false,
30 | };
31 | }
32 |
33 | render() {
34 | const { isOpen } = this.state;
35 |
36 | return (
37 | <TetherComponent
38 | attachment="top center"
39 | constraints={[
40 | {
41 | to: "scrollParent",
42 | attachment: "together",
43 | },
44 | ]}
45 | /* renderTarget: This is what the item will be tethered to, make sure to attach the ref */
46 | renderTarget={(ref) => (
47 | <button
48 | ref={ref}
49 | onClick={() => {
50 | this.setState({ isOpen: !isOpen });
51 | }}
52 | >
53 | Toggle Tethered Content
54 | </button>
55 | )}
56 | /* renderElement: If present, this item will be tethered to the the component returned by renderTarget */
57 | renderElement={(ref) =>
58 | isOpen && (
59 | <div ref={ref}>
60 | <h2>Tethered Content</h2>
61 | <p>A paragraph to accompany the title.</p>
62 | </div>
63 | )
64 | }
65 | />
66 | );
67 | }
68 | }
69 | ```
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71 | ## Props
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73 | #### `renderTarget`: PropTypes.func
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75 | This is a [render prop](https://reactjs.org/docs/render-props.html), the component returned from this function will be Tether's `target`. One argument, ref, is passed into this function. This is a ref that must be attached to the highest possible DOM node in the tree. If this is not done the element will not render.
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77 | #### `renderElement`: PropTypes.func
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79 | This is a [render prop](https://reactjs.org/docs/render-props.html), the component returned from this function will be Tether's `element`, that will be moved. If no component is returned, the target will still render, but with no element tethered. One argument, ref, is passed into this function. This is a ref that must be attached to the highest possible DOM node in the tree. If this is not done the element will not render.
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81 | #### `renderElementTag`: PropTypes.string
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83 | The tag that is used to render the Tether element, defaults to `div`.
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85 | #### `renderElementTo`: PropTypes.string
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87 | Where in the DOM the Tether element is appended. Passes in any valid selector to `document.querySelector`. Defaults to `document.body`.
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89 | Tether requires this element to be `position: static;`, otherwise it will default to `document.body`. See [this example](https://danreeves.github.io/react-tether/tests/renderelementto/) for more information.
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91 | #### `Tether Options`:
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93 | Any valid [Tether options](https://tetherjs.dev/#usage).
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95 | #### `children`:
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97 | Previous versions of react-tether used children to render the target and component, using children will now throw an error. Please use renderTarget and renderElement instead
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99 | ## Imperative API
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101 | The following methods are exposed on the component instance:
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103 | - `getTetherInstance(): Tether`
104 | - `disable(): void`
105 | - `enable(): void`
106 | - `on(event: string, handler: function, ctx: any): void`
107 | - `once(event: string, handler: function, ctx: any): void`
108 | - `off(event: string, handler: function): void`
109 | - `position(): void`
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111 | #### Example usage:
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113 | ```javascript
114 | <TetherComponent
115 | ref={(tether) => (this.tether = tether)}
116 | renderTarget={(ref) => <Target ref={ref} />}
117 | renderElement={(ref) => (
118 | <Element ref={ref} onResize={() => this.tether && this.tether.position()} />
119 | )}
120 | />
121 | ```
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123 | ## Run Example
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125 | clone repo
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127 | `git clone git@github.com:danreeves/react-tether.git`
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129 | move into folder
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131 | `cd ~/react-tether`
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133 | install dependencies
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135 | `npm install`
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137 | run dev mode
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139 | `npm run demo`
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141 | open your browser and visit: `http://localhost:1234/`