1 | # React-Toastify
2 |
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8 | ![React toastify](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5574267/35336500-e58f35b6-0118-11e8-800b-2da6594fc700.gif "React toastify")
9 |
10 |
11 | 🎉 React-Toastify allow you to add notification to your app with ease. No more nonsense!
12 |
13 | - [Demo](#demo)
14 | - [Installation](#installation)
15 | - [Features](#features)
16 | - [Usage](#usage)
17 | - [One component to rule them all](#one-component-to-rule-them-all)
18 | - [One ToastContainer to render them](#one-toastcontainer-to-render-them)
19 | - [What if I told you that the ToastContainer is optional](#what-if-i-told-you-that-the-toastcontainer-is-optional)
20 | - [Multi container support](#multi-container-support)
21 | - [Positioning toast](#positioning-toast)
22 | - [Set autoclose delay or disable it](#set-autoclose-delay-or-disable-it)
23 | - [Render a component](#render-a-component)
24 | - [Remove a toast programmatically](#remove-a-toast-programmatically)
25 | - [Usage with redux](#usage-with-redux)
26 | - [Pause toast timer when the window loses focus](#pause-toast-timer-when-the-window-loses-focus)
27 | - [Use a custom id](#use-a-custom-id)
28 | - [Prevent duplicate](#prevent-duplicate)
29 | - [Delay notification appearance](#delay-notification-appearance)
30 | - [Use a controlled progress bar](#use-a-controlled-progress-bar)
31 | - [Update a toast](#update-a-toast)
32 | - [Basic example](#basic-example)
33 | - [Update the content](#update-the-content)
34 | - [Update the toast id](#update-the-toast-id)
35 | - [Apply a transition](#apply-a-transition)
36 | - [Reset option or inherit from ToastContainer](#reset-option-or-inherit-from-toastcontainer)
37 | - [Define callback](#define-callback)
38 | - [Listen for change](#listen-for-change)
39 | - [Set a custom close button or simply remove it](#set-a-custom-close-button-or-simply-remove-it)
40 | - [Override the default one](#override-the-default-one)
41 | - [Define it per toast](#define-it-per-toast)
42 | - [Remove it](#remove-it)
43 | - [Add an undo option to a toast like google drive](#add-an-undo-option-to-a-toast-like-google-drive)
44 | - [Replace the default transition](#replace-the-default-transition)
45 | - [Define a custom enter and exit transition](#define-a-custom-enter-and-exit-transition)
46 | - [Ease your life with the cssTransition helper](#ease-your-life-with-the-csstransition-helper)
47 | - [Different duration for enter and exit](#different-duration-for-enter-and-exit)
48 | - [Handle transition based on the toast position](#handle-transition-based-on-the-toast-position)
49 | - [Create a transition from scratch](#create-a-transition-from-scratch)
50 | - [Swipe to remove](#swipe-to-remove)
51 | - [Define the width percentage to remove the toast](#define-the-width-percentage-to-remove-the-toast)
52 | - [Disable it](#disable-it)
53 | - [Le style](#le-style)
54 | - [style with css classes](#style-with-css-classes)
55 | - [style with glamor](#style-with-glamor)
56 | - [Define style globally](#define-style-globally)
57 | - [Right to left support](#right-to-left-support)
58 | - [Mobile](#mobile)
59 | - [Api](#api)
60 | - [ToastContainer](#toastcontainer)
61 | - [toast](#toast)
62 | - [cssTransition](#csstransition)
63 | - [Browser Support](#browser-support)
64 | - [Release Notes](#release-notes)
65 | - [Contribute](#contribute)
66 | - [License](#license)
67 |
68 | ## Demo
69 |
70 | [A demo is worth a thousand words](https://fkhadra.github.io/react-toastify/)
71 |
72 | ## Installation
73 |
74 | ```
75 | $ npm install --save react-toastify
76 | $ yarn add react-toastify
77 | ```
78 |
79 | > RC.5 `useLazyContainer has been removed. The lazy container is opt-in`
80 |
81 | ## Features
82 |
83 | - Easy to setup for real, you can make it work in less than 10sec!
84 | - Super easy to customize
85 | - RTL support
86 | - Swipe to close 👌
87 | - Can display a react component inside the toast!
88 | - Has ```onOpen``` and ```onClose``` hooks. Both can access the props passed to the react component rendered inside the toast
89 | - Can remove a toast programmatically
90 | - Define behavior per toast
91 | - Pause toast when window loses focus 👁
92 | - Fancy progress bar to display the remaining time
93 | - Possibility to update a toast
94 | - You can controll the progress bar a la npgrogress 😲
95 | - Starting v5 the `ToastContainer` is optional if you want to 😎
96 |
97 | ## Usage
98 |
99 | ### One component to rule them all
100 |
101 | #### One ToastContainer to render them
102 |
103 | The toasts inherit ToastContainer's props. **Props defined on toast supersede ToastContainer's props.**
104 |
105 | ```javascript
106 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
107 | import { ToastContainer, toast } from 'react-toastify';
108 | import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css';
109 | // minified version is also included
110 | // import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.min.css';
111 |
112 | class App extends Component {
113 | notify = () => toast("Wow so easy !");
114 |
115 | render(){
116 | return (
117 | <div>
118 | <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify !</button>
119 | <ToastContainer />
120 | </div>
121 | );
122 | }
123 | }
124 | ```
125 |
126 | Remember to render the `ToastContainer` *once* in your application tree.
127 | If you can't figure out where to put it, rendering it in the application root would be the best bet.
128 |
129 | #### What if I told you that the ToastContainer is optional
130 |
131 | ```javascript
132 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
133 | import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
134 | import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css';
135 |
136 | // Call it once in your app. At the root of your app is the best place
137 | toast.configure()
138 |
139 | const App = () => {
140 | const notify = () => toast("Wow so easy !");
141 |
142 | return <button onClick={notify}>Notify !</button>;
143 | }
144 | ```
145 |
146 | The library will mount a `ToastContainer` for you if none is mounted.
147 |
148 |
149 | #### Configure the ToastContainer when it is mounted on demand
150 |
151 | The configure function accept the same props as the ToastContainer. As soon as the container is
152 | rendered call to configure will have no effect.
153 |
154 | ```js
155 | toast.configure({
156 | autoClose: 8000,
157 | draggable: false,
158 | //etc you get the idea
159 | });
160 | ```
161 |
162 |
163 | #### Multi container support
164 |
165 | To enable multiple container support, you have to pass `enableMultiContainer` and specify a `containerId` and use it in
166 | each toast, to do so add `containerId` to the toast's options object.
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 | Note: adding `enableMultiContainer` prop to the `<ToastContainer/ >` will:
171 | - Check each toast to verify if its `containerId` match the container `containerId` so it can be rendered.
172 | - Ensure not to render any `toast` that has `containerId`.
173 | - Render any toast if both the `toast` and `<ToastContainer/ >` does not include `containerId` and `containerId` respectively.
174 |
175 | A simple example to demonstrate multi toast container capability.
176 |
177 | - Notify A button will show a toast on the bottom left.
178 | - Notify B button will show a toast on the top right.
179 |
180 | ```javascript
181 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
182 | import { ToastContainer, toast } from 'react-toastify';
183 | import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css';
184 |
185 |
186 | class App extends Component {
187 | notifyA = () => toast('Wow so easy !', {containerId: 'A'});
188 | notifyB = () => toast('Wow so easy !', {containerId: 'B'});
189 |
190 | render(){
191 | return (
192 | <div>
193 | <ToastContainer enableMultiContainer containerId={'A'} position={toast.POSITION.BOTTOM_LEFT} />
194 | <ToastContainer enableMultiContainer containerId={'B'} position={toast.POSITION.TOP_RIGHT} />
195 |
196 | <button onClick={this.notifyA}>Notify A !</button>
197 | <button onClick={this.notifyB}>Notify B !</button>
198 | </div>
199 | );
200 | }
201 | }
202 |
203 | ```
204 |
205 |
206 | ### Positioning toast
207 |
208 | By default, all the toasts will be positioned on the top right of your browser. If a position is set on a `toast`, the one defined on ToastContainer will be replaced.
209 |
210 | The following values are allowed: **top-right, top-center, top-left, bottom-right, bottom-center, bottom-left**
211 |
212 | For convenience, `toast` expose a POSITION property to avoid any typo.
213 |
214 | ```javascript
217 |
218 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
219 | import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
220 |
221 | class Position extends Component {
222 | notify = () => {
223 | toast("Default Notification !");
224 |
225 | toast.success("Success Notification !", {
226 | position: toast.POSITION.TOP_CENTER
227 | });
228 |
229 | toast.error("Error Notification !", {
230 | position: toast.POSITION.TOP_LEFT
231 | });
232 |
233 | toast.warn("Warning Notification !", {
234 | position: toast.POSITION.BOTTOM_LEFT
235 | });
236 |
237 | toast.info("Info Notification !", {
238 | position: toast.POSITION.BOTTOM_CENTER
239 | });
240 |
241 | toast("Custom Style Notification with css class!", {
242 | position: toast.POSITION.BOTTOM_RIGHT,
243 | className: 'foo-bar'
244 | });
245 | };
246 |
247 | render(){
248 | return <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify</button>;
249 | }
250 | }
251 | ```
252 |
253 | ### Set autoclose delay or disable it
254 |
255 | - Set the default delay
256 |
257 | ```js
258 | import React from 'react';
259 | import { ToastContainer } from 'react-toastify';
260 |
261 | // close toast after 8 seconds
262 | const App = () => (
263 | <ToastContainer autoClose={8000} />
264 | );
265 | ```
266 |
267 | - Set the delay per toast for more control
268 |
269 | ```js
270 | import React from 'react';
271 | import { ToastContainer, toast } from 'react-toastify';
272 |
273 | class App extends Component {
274 | closeAfter15 = () => toast("YOLO", { autoClose: 15000 });
275 |
276 | closeAfter7 = () => toast("7 Kingdoms", { autoClose: 7000 });
277 |
278 | render(){
279 | return (
280 | <div>
281 | <button onClick={this.closeAfter15}>Close after 15 seconds</button>
282 | <button onClick={this.closeAfter7}>Close after 7 seconds</button>
283 | <ToastContainer autoClose={8000} />
284 | </div>
285 | );
286 | }
287 | }
288 | ```
289 |
290 | - Disable it by default
291 |
292 | ```js
293 | <ToastContainer autoClose={false} />
294 | ```
295 |
296 | - Disable it per toast
297 |
298 | ```js
299 | toast("hello", {
300 | autoClose: false
301 | })
302 | ```
303 |
304 | ### Render a component
305 |
306 | When you render a component, a `closeToast` function is passed as a props. That way you can close the toast on user interaction for example.
307 |
308 | ```js
309 | import React from 'react';
310 | import { ToastContainer, toast } from "react-toastify";
311 |
312 | const Msg = ({ closeToast }) => (
313 | <div>
314 | Lorem ipsum dolor
315 | <button>Retry</button>
316 | <button onClick={closeToast}>Close</button>
317 | </div>
318 | )
319 |
320 | const App = () => (
321 | <div>
322 | <button onClick={() => toast(<Msg />)}>Hello 😀</button>
323 | <ToastContainer />
324 | </div>
325 | );
326 | ```
327 |
328 | You can also render a component using a function. More or less like a "render props":
329 |
330 | ```js
331 | toast(({ closeToast }) => <div>Functional swag 😎</div>);
332 | ```
333 |
334 | ### Remove a toast programmatically
335 |
336 | An id is returned each time you display a toast, use it to remove a given toast programmatically by calling ```toast.dismiss(id)```
337 |
338 | Without args, all the displayed toasts will be removed.
339 |
340 | ```javascript
341 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
342 | import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
343 |
344 | class Example extends Component {
345 | toastId = null;
346 |
347 | notify = () => this.toastId = toast("Lorem ipsum dolor");
348 |
349 | dismiss = () => toast.dismiss(this.toastId);
350 |
351 | dismissAll = () => toast.dismiss();
352 |
353 | render(){
354 | return (
355 | <div>
356 | <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify</button>
357 | <button onClick={this.dismiss}>Dismiss</button>
358 | <button onClick={this.dismissAll}>Dismiss All</button>
359 | </div>
360 | );
361 | }
362 | }
363 | ```
364 |
365 | ### Usage with redux
366 |
367 | "Talk is cheap. Show me the code"
368 |
369 | [![Edit react+redux+react-toastify](https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/s/2485wxy78j)
370 |
371 | ### Pause toast timer when the window loses focus
372 |
373 | The default behavior is to pause the toast timer whenever the window loses focus. You can opt-out by setting the `pauseOnFocusLoss` props to false:
374 |
375 | ```js
376 | // Opt-out for all toast
377 | <ToastContainer pauseOnFocusLoss={false} />
378 |
379 | // Opt-out per toast
380 | toast('Hello', {
381 | pauseOnFocusLoss: false
382 | })
383 | ```
384 |
385 | ### Use a custom id
386 |
387 | A custom `toastId` can be used to replace the one generated. You can use a `number` or a `string`.
388 |
389 | ```javascript
390 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
391 | import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
392 |
393 | class Example extends Component {
394 | notify = () => {
395 | toast("I cannot be duplicated !", {
396 | toastId: 13
397 | });
398 | }
399 |
400 | render(){
401 | return (
402 | <div>
403 | <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify</button>
404 | </div>
405 | );
406 | }
407 | }
408 | ```
409 |
410 | ### Prevent duplicate
411 |
412 | To prevent duplicates, you can check if a given toast is active by calling `toast.isActive(id)` like the snippet below. Or, you can use a custom `toastId`:
413 |
414 | ```javascript
415 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
416 | import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
417 |
418 | class Example extends Component {
419 | toastId = null;
420 | customToastId = 'xxx-yyy';
421 |
422 | notify = () => {
423 | if (! toast.isActive(this.toastId)) {
424 | this.toastId = toast("I cannot be duplicated !");
425 | }
426 |
427 | toast("xxx-yyy cannot be duplicated", {
428 | toastId: customToastId
429 | });
430 | }
431 |
432 | render(){
433 | return (
434 | <div>
435 | <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify</button>
436 | </div>
437 | );
438 | }
439 | }
440 | ```
441 |
442 | ### Delay notification appearance
443 |
444 | You can delay the notification appearance as shown below. Under the hood the lib simply use `setTimeout`.
445 |
446 | ```js
447 | toast('Show now');
448 | toast('Show after 1sec', { delay: 1000 })
449 | ```
450 |
451 | ### Use a controlled progress bar
452 |
453 | Imagine you want to see the progress of a file upload. The example below feature axios, but it works with anything!
454 |
455 | ```javascript
456 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
457 | import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
458 | import axios from 'axios';
459 |
460 | class Example extends Component {
461 | upload = () => {
462 | // we need to keep a reference of the toastId to be able to update it
463 | let toastId = null;
464 |
465 | axios.request({
466 | method: "post",
467 | url: "/foobar",
468 | data: myData,
469 | onUploadProgress: p => {
470 | const progress = p.loaded / p.total;
471 |
472 | // check if we already displayed a toast
473 | if(toastId === null){
474 | toastId = toast('Upload in Progress', {
475 | progress: progress
476 | });
477 | } else {
478 | toast.update(toastId, {
479 | progress: progress
480 | })
481 | }
482 | }
483 | }).then (data => {
484 | // Upload is done!
485 | // The remaining progress bar will be filled up
486 | // The toast will be closed when the transition end
487 | toast.done(toast.id)
488 | })
489 | }
490 |
491 | render(){
492 | return (
493 | <div>
494 | <button onClick={this.upload}>Upload something</button>
495 | </div>
496 | );
497 | }
498 | }
499 | ```
500 |
501 | ### Update a toast
502 |
503 | When you update a toast, the toast options and the content are inherited but don't worry you can update them.
504 |
505 | ![update-without-transition](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5574267/33761953-1ce2e0ea-dc0b-11e7-8967-a63c1185ce0e.gif)
506 |
507 | #### Basic example
508 |
509 | ```js
510 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
511 | import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
512 |
513 | class Update extends Component {
514 | toastId = null;
515 |
516 | notify = () => this.toastId = toast("Hello", { autoClose: false });
517 |
518 | update = () => toast.update(this.toastId, { type: toast.TYPE.INFO, autoClose: 5000 });
519 |
520 | render(){
521 | return (
522 | <div>
523 | <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify</button>
524 | <button onClick={this.update}>Update</button>
525 | </div>
526 | )
527 | }
528 | }
529 | ```
530 |
531 | #### Update the content
532 |
533 | If you want to change the content it's straightforward as well. You can render any valid element including a react component. Pass your value to a `render` option as follow:
534 |
535 | ```js
536 | // With a string
537 | toast.update(this.toastId, {
538 | render: "New content",
539 | type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
540 | autoClose: 5000
541 | });
542 |
543 | // Or with a component
544 | toast.update(this.toastId, {
545 | render: <MyComponent />
546 | type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
547 | autoClose: 5000
548 | });
549 | ```
550 |
551 | #### Update the toast id
552 |
553 | If you want to update the `toastId` it can be done. But don't forget to use the new id!
554 |
555 | ```js
556 | const myNewToastId = 'loremIpsum';
557 |
558 | toast.update(this.toastId, {
559 | render: "New content",
560 | type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
561 | autoClose: 5000,
562 | toastId: myNewToastId
563 | });
564 |
565 | toast.update(myNewToastId, {
566 | render: <MyComponent />
567 | autoClose: 6000
568 | });
569 | ```
570 |
571 | #### Apply a transition
572 |
573 | By default, when you update a toast, there is no transition applied. If you want to apply a transition, it can be done via the `className` or the `transition` option:
574 |
575 | ![update-with-transition](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5574267/33761952-1cc9d55a-dc0b-11e7-9a05-29186ea1c1f0.gif)
576 |
577 | ```js
578 | // with css
579 | toast.update(this.toastId, {
580 | render: "New Content",
581 | type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
582 | //Here the magic
583 | className: 'rotateY animated'
584 | })
585 |
586 | // with glamor
587 | toast.update(this.toastId, {
588 | render: "New Content",
589 | type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
590 | //Here the magic
591 | className: css({
592 | transform: "rotateY(360deg)",
593 | transition: "transform 0.6s"
594 | })
595 | })
596 |
597 | // with transition
598 | toast.update(this.toastId, {
599 | render: "New Content",
600 | type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
601 | //Here the magic
602 | transition: Rotate
603 | })
604 |
605 | ```
606 |
607 | #### Reset option or inherit from ToastContainer
608 |
609 | If you want to inherit props from the `ToastContainer`, you can reset an option by passing null.
610 | It's particulary useful when you remove the `closeButton` from a toast and you want it back during the update:
611 |
612 | ```js
613 | class Update extends Component {
614 | toastId = null;
615 |
616 | notify = () => this.toastId = toast("Hello", {
617 | autoClose: false,
618 | closeButton: false // Remove the closeButton
619 | });
620 |
621 | update = () => toast.update(this.toastId, {
622 | type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
623 | autoClose: 5000,
624 | closeButton: null // The closeButton defined on ToastContainer will be used
625 | });
626 |
627 | render(){
628 | return (
629 | <div>
630 | <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify</button>
631 | <button onClick={this.update}>Update</button>
632 | </div>
633 | )
634 | }
635 | }
636 | ```
637 |
638 | ### Define callback
639 |
640 | You can define two callbacks on `toast`. They are really useful when the toast are not used only to display messages.
641 |
642 | - onOpen is called inside componentDidMount
643 | - onClose is called inside componentWillUnmount
644 |
645 | ```javascript
646 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
647 | import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
648 |
649 | class Hook extends Component {
650 | notify = () => toast(<MyComponent foo="bar" />, {
651 | onOpen: ({ foo }) => window.alert('I counted to infinity once then..'),
652 | onClose: ({ foo }) => window.alert('I counted to infinity twice')
653 | });
654 |
655 | render(){
656 | return <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify</button>;
657 | }
658 | }
659 | ```
660 |
661 | ### Listen for change
662 |
663 | If you want to know when a toast is displayed or removed, `toast` expose a `onChange` method:
664 |
665 | ```js
666 | toast.onChange( numberOfToastDisplayed => {
667 | // Do whatever you want
668 | });
669 | ```
670 |
671 | ### Set a custom close button or simply remove it
672 |
673 | #### Override the default one
674 |
675 | You can pass a custom close button to the `ToastContainer` to replace the default one.
676 |
677 | ⚠️ **When you use a custom close button, your button will receive a ```closeToast``` function.
678 | You need to call it in order to close the toast.** ⚠️
679 |
680 | ```javascript
681 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
682 | import { toast, ToastContainer } from 'react-toastify';
683 |
684 | const CloseButton = ({ YouCanPassAnyProps, closeToast }) => (
685 | <i
686 | className="material-icons"
687 | onClick={closeToast}
688 | >
689 | delete
690 | </i>
691 | );
692 |
693 | class CustomClose extends Component {
694 | notify = () => {
695 | toast("The close button change when Chuck Norris display a toast");
696 | };
697 |
698 | render(){
699 | return (
700 | <div>
701 | <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify</button>;
702 | <ToastContainer closeButton={<CloseButton YouCanPassAnyProps="foo" />} />
703 | </div>
704 | );
705 | }
706 | }
707 | ```
708 |
709 | #### Define it per toast
710 |
711 | ```javascript
712 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
713 | import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
714 |
715 | // Let's use the closeButton we defined on the previous example
716 | class CustomClose extends Component {
717 | notify = () => {
718 | toast("The close button change when Chuck Norris display a toast",{
719 | closeButton: <CloseButton YouCanPassAnyProps="foo" />
720 | });
721 | };
722 |
723 | render(){
724 | return <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify</button>;
725 | }
726 | }
727 | ```
728 |
729 | #### Remove it
730 |
731 | Sometimes you don't want to display a close button. It can be removed globally or per toast. Pass
732 | `false` to `closeButton` props:
733 |
734 | - remove it by default
735 |
736 | ```js
737 | <ToastContainer closeButton={false} />
738 | ```
739 |
740 | - remove it per toast
741 |
742 | ```js
743 | toast("hello", {
744 | closeButton: false
745 | })
746 | ```
747 |
748 | -- if you removed it globally, you can display the default Button per toast (or you can set your custom button)
749 |
750 | ```js
751 | toast("hello", {
752 | closeButton: true // or <FontAwesomeCloseButton />
753 | })
754 | ```
755 |
756 | ### Add an undo option to a toast like google drive
757 |
758 | See it in action:
759 |
760 | [![Edit l2qkywz7xl](https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/s/l2qkywz7xl)
761 |
762 | ```javascript
763 | const ToastUndo = ({ id, undo, closeToast }) => {
764 | function handleClick(){
765 | undo(id);
766 | closeToast();
767 | }
768 |
769 | return (
770 | <div>
771 | <h3>
772 | Row Deleted <button onClick={handleClick}>UNDO</button>
773 | </h3>
774 | </div>
775 | );
776 | }
777 |
778 | class App extends Component {
779 | state = {
780 | collection: data,
781 | // Buffer
782 | toRemove: []
783 | };
784 |
785 | // Remove the row id from the buffer
786 | undo = id => {
787 | this.setState({
788 | toRemove: this.state.toRemove.filter(v => v !== id)
789 | });
790 | }
791 |
792 | // Remove definetly
793 | cleanCollection = () => this.setState({
794 | // Return element which are not included in toRemove
795 | collection: this.state.collection.filter(v => !this.state.toRemove.includes(v.id)),
796 | //Cleanup the buffer
797 | toRemove: []
798 | });
799 |
800 | // Remove row from render process
801 | // then display the toast with undo action available
802 | removeRow = e => {
803 | const id = e.target.dataset.rowId;
804 | this.setState({
805 | toRemove: [...this.state.toRemove, id]
806 | });
807 | toast(<ToastUndo undo={this.undo} id={id} />, {
808 | // hook will be called whent the component unmount
809 | onClose: this.cleanCollection
810 | });
811 | };
812 |
813 | renderRows() {
814 | const { collection, toRemove } = this.state;
815 |
816 | // Render all the element wich are not present in toRemove
817 | // Im using data-attribute to grab the row id
818 | return collection.filter(v => !toRemove.includes(v.id)).map(v => (
819 | <tr key={v.id}>
820 | <td>{v.firstName}</td>
821 | <td>{v.lastName}</td>
822 | <td>{v.email}</td>
823 | <td>
824 | <button onClick={this.removeRow} data-row-id={v.id}>
825 | Delete
826 | </button>
827 | </td>
828 | </tr>
829 | ));
830 | }
831 |
832 | render() {
833 | // Dont close the toast on click
834 | return (
835 | <div style={styles}>
836 | <table>
837 | <tbody>
838 | <tr>
839 | <th>name</th>
840 | <th>firstname</th>
841 | <th>gender</th>
842 | <th />
843 | </tr>
844 | {this.renderRows()}
845 | </tbody>
846 | </table>
847 | <ToastContainer closeOnClick={false} />
848 | </div>
849 | );
850 | }
851 | }
852 | ```
853 |
854 | ### Replace the default transition
855 |
856 | There is 4 built-in transitions provided:
857 |
858 | <details>
859 | <summary>Bounce</summary>
860 | <img src ="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5574267/38770379-985f49c8-4012-11e8-9db1-5d4d1f26a3d5.gif" />
861 | </details>
862 |
863 | <details>
864 | <summary>Slide</summary>
865 | <img src ="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5574267/38770381-98a81d24-4012-11e8-8011-1190f3fb17c3.gif" />
866 | </details>
867 |
868 | <details>
869 | <summary>Zoom</summary>
870 | <img src ="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5574267/38770382-98c16342-4012-11e8-9abf-3cf3d3eabd8c.gif" />
871 | </details>
872 | <details>
873 | <summary>Flip</summary>
874 | <img src ="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5574267/38770380-9877dde4-4012-11e8-9485-0dc43346ce30.gif" />
875 | </details>
876 |
877 | Bounce is used by default but you can replace it by your own transition or by one of the list above:
878 |
879 |
880 | ```js
881 | import { Slide, Zoom, Flip, Bounce } from 'react-toastify';
882 |
883 | <ToastContainer
884 | transition={Slide}
885 | />
886 | //...
887 | <ToastContainer
888 | transition={YourCustomTransition}
889 | />
890 |
891 | ```
892 | You get the idea...
893 |
894 | ### Define a custom enter and exit transition
895 |
896 | The toast relies on `react-transition-group` for the enter and exit transition. Any transition built with react-transition-group should work !
897 |
898 | ![toastify_custom_trans](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5574267/31049179-0d52e14c-a62e-11e7-9abd-b0d169a0fadc.gif)
899 |
900 |
901 | I'll use the zoom animation from animate.css. Of course, you could create your own animation.
902 |
903 | ```css
904 | /* style.css*/
905 | @keyframes zoomIn {
906 | from {
907 | opacity: 0;
908 | transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3);
909 | }
910 |
911 | 50% {
912 | opacity: 1;
913 | }
914 | }
915 |
916 | .zoomIn {
917 | animation-name: zoomIn;
918 | }
919 |
920 | @keyframes zoomOut {
921 | from {
922 | opacity: 1;
923 | }
924 |
925 | 50% {
926 | opacity: 0;
927 | transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3);
928 | }
929 |
930 | to {
931 | opacity: 0;
932 | }
933 | }
934 |
935 | .zoomOut {
936 | animation-name: zoomOut;
937 | }
938 |
939 | /* Not needed with the cssTransition helper */
940 |
941 | .animate {
942 | animation-duration: 800ms;
943 | }
944 | ```
945 |
946 | #### Ease your life with the cssTransition helper
947 |
948 | The easiest way to roll your own transition is by using the `cssTransition` helper. Doing so you don't need to deal with `react-transition-group`. You only need to provide the `enter` and the `exit` class name, the transition `duration` is set
949 | to `750ms` by default but it can be overridden:
950 |
951 | ```js
952 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
953 | import { toast, cssTransition } from 'react-toastify';
954 | import './style.css';
955 |
956 | const Zoom = cssTransition({
957 | enter: 'zoomIn',
958 | exit: 'zoomOut',
959 | // default to 750ms, can be omitted
960 | duration = 750,
961 | });
962 |
963 | class App extends Component {
964 | notify = () => {
965 | toast("ZoomIn and ZoomOut", {
966 | transition: Zoom,
967 | autoClose: 5000
968 | });
969 | };
970 |
971 | render(){
972 | return <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify</button>;
973 | }
974 | }
975 | ```
976 |
977 | ##### Different duration for enter and exit
978 |
979 | If you want the transition duration to be different between the enter and exit transition pass an array:
980 |
981 | ```js
982 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
983 | import { toast, cssTransition } from 'react-toastify';
984 | import './style.css';
985 |
986 | const Zoom = cssTransition({
987 | enter: 'zoomIn',
988 | exit: 'zoomOut',
989 | duration: [500, 800]
990 | });
991 |
992 | class App extends Component {
993 | notify = () => {
994 | toast("ZoomIn and ZoomOut", {
995 | transition: Zoom,
996 | autoClose: 5000
997 | });
998 | };
999 |
1000 | render(){
1001 | return <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify</button>;
1002 | }
1003 | }
1004 | ```
1005 |
1006 | ##### Handle transition based on the toast position
1007 |
1008 | Some transitions are based on the toast position. This is the case for the default one. If you pass `appendPosition` to the `cssTransition` helper as shown below, the current position will be appended to the `enter` and `exit` class name:
1009 |
1010 | ```js
1011 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
1012 | import { toast, cssTransition } from 'react-toastify';
1013 | import './style.css';
1014 |
1015 | const Zoom = cssTransition({
1016 | // zoomIn will become zoomIn--top-right or zoomIn--top-left and so on
1017 | enter: 'zoomIn',
1018 | // zoomIn will become zoomOut--top-right or zoomOut--top-left and so on
1019 | exit: 'zoomOut',
1020 | // default to false
1021 | appendPosition: true
1022 | });
1023 |
1024 | class App extends Component {
1025 | notify = () => {
1026 | toast("ZoomIn and ZoomOut", {
1027 | transition: Zoom,
1028 | autoClose: 5000
1029 | });
1030 | };
1031 |
1032 | render(){
1033 | return <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify</button>;
1034 | }
1035 | }
1036 | ```
1037 |
1038 | #### Create a transition from scratch
1039 |
1040 | ```js
1041 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
1042 | import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
1043 | import Transition from 'react-transition-group/Transition';
1044 | import './style.css';
1045 |
1046 | const ZoomInAndOut = ({ children, position, ...props }) => (
1047 | <Transition
1048 | {...props}
1049 | {/* Same as the animation duration */}
1050 | timeout={800}
1051 | onEnter={ node => node.classList.add('zoomIn', 'animate')}
1052 | onExit={node => {
1053 | node.classList.remove('zoomIn', 'animate');
1054 | node.classList.add('zoomOut', 'animate');
1055 | }}
1056 | >
1057 | {children}
1058 | </Transition>
1059 | );
1060 |
1061 | class App extends Component {
1062 | notify = () => {
1063 | toast("ZoomIn and ZoomOut", {
1064 | transition: ZoomInAndOut,
1065 | autoClose: 5000
1066 | });
1067 | };
1068 |
1069 | render(){
1070 | return <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify</button>;
1071 | }
1072 | }
1073 |
1074 | ```
1075 |
1076 | ### Swipe to remove
1077 |
1078 | You can swipe the toast to remove it:
1079 |
1080 | ![drag](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5574267/38770523-9438ff7c-4014-11e8-93a5-acd7dbdae52b.gif)
1081 |
1082 | #### Define the width percentage to remove the toast
1083 |
1084 | You need to drag 80% of the toast width to remove it. This can be changed to fit your need:
1085 |
1086 | - Replace the default one:
1087 |
1088 | ```js
1089 | <ToastContainer draggablePercent={60}>
1090 | ```
1091 |
1092 | - Replace per toast:
1093 |
1094 | ```js
1095 | toast('Hello', {
1096 | draggablePercent: 60
1097 | });
1098 | ```
1099 |
1100 | #### Disable it
1101 |
1102 | - Disable by default for all toast:
1103 |
1104 | ```js
1105 | <ToastContainer draggable={false}>
1106 | ```
1107 |
1108 | - Disable per toast:
1109 |
1110 | ```js
1111 | toast('Hello', {
1112 | draggable: false
1113 | });
1114 | ```
1115 |
1116 |
1117 | ### Le style
1118 |
1119 | #### style with css classes
1120 |
1121 | ```javascript
1122 | toast("Custom style",{
1123 | className: 'black-background',
1124 | bodyClassName: "grow-font-size",
1125 | progressClassName: 'fancy-progress-bar'
1126 | });
1127 | ```
1128 |
1129 | #### style with glamor
1130 |
1131 | ```javascript
1132 | import { css } from 'glamor';
1133 |
1134 | toast("Custom style",{
1135 | className: css({
1136 | background: 'black'
1137 | }),
1138 | bodyClassName: css({
1139 | fontSize: '60px'
1140 | }),
1141 | progressClassName: css({
1142 | background: "repeating-radial-gradient(circle at center, red 0, blue, green 30px)"
1143 | })
1144 | });
1145 | ```
1146 |
1147 | #### Define style globally
1148 |
1149 | ```js
1150 | <ToastContainer
1151 | className='toast-container'
1152 | toastClassName="dark-toast"
1153 | progressClassName={css({
1154 | height: "2px"
1155 | })}
1156 | />
1157 | ```
1158 |
1159 | #### Right to left support
1160 |
1161 | Your app need to support rtl content? Set the rtl props to `true`:
1162 |
1163 | ```javascript
1164 | render(){
1165 | return(
1166 | {/*Component*/}
1167 | <ToastContainer rtl />
1168 | {/*Component*/}
1169 | );
1170 | }
1171 | ```
1172 |
1173 | #### Include the bare minimum style
1174 |
1175 | To include the bare minimum required style you can do as follow:
1176 |
1177 | ```js
1178 | import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.minimal.css`;
1179 | ```
1180 |
1181 | ### Mobile
1182 |
1183 | On mobile the toast will take all the available width.
1184 |
1185 | ![react toastiy mobile](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5574267/28754040-ae7195ea-753d-11e7-86e1-f23c5e6bc531.gif)
1186 |
1187 | ## Api
1188 |
1189 | ### ToastContainer
1190 |
1191 | | Props | Type | Default | Description |
1192 | |----------------------|------------------------|-----------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
1193 | | position | string | top-right | One of top-right, top-center, top-left, bottom-right, bottom-center, bottom-left |
1194 | | autoClose | false or number | 5000 | Delay in ms to close the toast. If set to false, the notification need to be closed manualy |
1195 | | closeButton | React Element or false | - | A React Component to replace the default close button or `false` to hide the button |
1196 | | transition | function | - | A reference to a valid react-transition-group/Transition component |
1197 | | hideProgressBar | bool | false | Display or not the progress bar below the toast(remaining time) |
1198 | | pauseOnHover | bool | true | Keep the timer running or not on hover |
1199 | | pauseOnFocusLoss | bool | true | Pause the timer when the window loses focus |
1200 | | rtl | bool | false | Support right to left content |
1201 | | closeOnClick | bool | true | Dismiss toast on click |
1202 | | newestOnTop | bool | false | Display newest toast on top |
1203 | | className | string\|object | - | Add optional classes to the container |
1204 | | style | object | - | Add optional inline style to the container |
1205 | | toastClassName | string\|object | - | Add optional classes to the toast |
1206 | | bodyClassName | string\|object | - | Add optional classes to the toast body |
1207 | | progressClassName | string\|object | - | Add optional classes to the progress bar |
1208 | | progressStyle | object | - | Add optional inline style to the progress bar |
1209 | | draggable | bool | true | Allow toast to be draggable |
1210 | | draggablePercent | number | 80 | The percentage of the toast's width it takes for a drag to dismiss a toast(value between 0 and 100) |
1211 | | enableMultiContainer | bool | - | Enable multi toast container support |
1212 | | containerId | string\number | - | Container id used to match toast with the same containerId |
1213 | | role | string | alert | Defne the ARIA role for the toasts |
1214 |
1215 |
1216 |
1217 | ### toast
1218 |
1219 | All the method of toast return a **toastId** except `dismiss` and `isActive`.
1220 | The **toastId** can be used to remove a toast programmatically or to check if the toast is displayed.
1221 |
1222 |
1223 | | Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
1224 | | --------- | ------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
1225 | | content | string or React Element | ✓ | Element that will be displayed |
1226 | | options | object | ✘ | Options listed below | |
1227 |
1228 | - Available options :
1229 | - `type`: Kind of notification. One of "default", "success", "info", "warning", "error". You can use `toast.TYPE.SUCCESS` and so on to avoid any typo.
1230 | - `onOpen`: Called inside componentDidMount
1231 | - `onClose`: Called inside componentWillUnmount
1232 | - `autoClose`: same as ToastContainer.
1233 | - `closeButton`: `false` to disable, a `React Component` to replace or `true` to display the default button.
1234 | - `transition`: same as ToastContainer.
1235 | - `closeOnClick`: same as ToastContainer.
1236 | - `hideProgressBar`: same as ToastContainer.
1237 | - `position`: same as ToastContainer
1238 | - `pauseOnHover`: same as ToastContainer
1239 | - `pauseOnFocusLoss`: same as ToastContainer
1240 | - `className`: same as ToastContainer toastClassName
1241 | - `bodyClassName`: same as ToastContainer
1242 | - `progressClassName`: same as ToastContainer
1243 | - `draggable`: same as ToastContainer
1244 | - `draggablePercent`: same as ToastContainer
1245 | - `role`: same as ToastContainer
1246 | - `toastId`: optional integer or string to manually set a toastId. If an invalid type is provided a generated toastId will be used
1247 | - `progress`: a value between 0..1 to control the progress bar
1248 | - `render`: string or React Element, only available when calling update
1249 | - `delay`: a number to let you delay the toast appearance
1250 | - `containerId`: string or number to match a specific Toast container
1251 | - `onClick`: Called when click inside Toast notification
1252 |
1253 | :warning:️ *Toast options supersede ToastContainer props* :warning:
1254 |
1255 | :warning:️ *Manually setting a toastId overwrite automatically generated toastIds* :warning:
1256 |
1257 | ```js
1258 | const Img = ({ src }) => <div><img width={48} src={src} /></div>;
1259 | const options = {
1260 | onOpen: props => console.log(props.foo),
1261 | onClose: props => console.log(props.foo),
1262 | autoClose: 6000,
1263 | closeButton: <FontAwesomeCloseButton />,
1264 | type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
1265 | hideProgressBar: false,
1266 | position: toast.POSITION.TOP_LEFT,
1267 | pauseOnHover: true,
1268 | transition: MyCustomTransition,
1269 | progress: 0.2
1270 | // and so on ...
1271 | };
1272 |
1273 | const toastId = toast(<Img foo={bar}/>, options) // default, type: 'default'
1274 | toast(({ closeToast }) => <div>Render props like</div>, options);
1275 | toast.success("Hello", options) // add type: 'success' to options
1276 | toast.info("World", options) // add type: 'info' to options
1277 | toast.warn(<Img />, options) // add type: 'warning' to options
1278 | toast.error(<Img />, options) // add type: 'error' to options
1279 | toast.dismiss() // Remove all toasts !
1280 | toast.dismiss(toastId) // Remove given toast
1281 | toast.isActive(toastId) //Check if a toast is displayed or not
1282 | toast.update(toastId, {
1283 | type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
1284 | render: <Img foo={bar}/>
1285 | });
1286 | toast.done(toastId) // completes the controlled progress bar
1287 | toast.configure({
1288 | autoClose: 8000,
1289 | draggable: false,
1290 | //same as ToastContainer props
1291 | })
1292 | toast.useLazyContainer(false) // disable lazy container
1293 | ```
1294 |
1295 | ### cssTransition
1296 |
1297 | | Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
1298 | |----------------|--------|----------|---------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
1299 | | enter | string | ✓ | - | The class name that will be used when the toast enter |
1300 | | exit | string | ✓ | - | The class name that will be used when the toast exit |
1301 | | duration | number\| Array<number> | ✘ | 750 | The transition duration in ms. |
1302 | | appendPosition | bool | ✘ | false | Append or not the position to the class name: `yourClassName--top-right`, `yourClassName--bottom-left`... |
1303 |
1304 | ```js
1305 | import { cssTransition } from 'react-toastify';
1306 |
1307 | const Zoom = cssTransition({
1308 | enter: 'zoomIn',
1309 | exit: 'zoomOut',
1310 | duration: 750,
1311 | appendPosition: false
1312 | });
1313 |
1314 | const Zoom = cssTransition({
1315 | enter: 'zoomIn',
1316 | exit: 'zoomOut',
1317 | duration: [500, 600],
1318 | appendPosition: false
1319 | });
1320 | ```
1321 |
1322 | ## Browser Support
1323 |
1324 | ![IE](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/398893/3528325/20373e76-078e-11e4-8e3a-1cb86cf506f0.png) | ![Chrome](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/398893/3528328/23bc7bc4-078e-11e4-8752-ba2809bf5cce.png) | ![Firefox](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/398893/3528329/26283ab0-078e-11e4-84d4-db2cf1009953.png) | ![Opera](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/398893/3528330/27ec9fa8-078e-11e4-95cb-709fd11dac16.png) | ![Safari](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/398893/3528331/29df8618-078e-11e4-8e3e-ed8ac738693f.png) | ![Edge](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/edge/edge_48x48.png)
1325 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
1326 | IE 11+ ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ |
1327 |
1328 | ## Release Notes
1329 |
1330 | You can find the release note for the latest release [here](https://github.com/fkhadra/react-toastify/releases/latest)
1331 |
1332 |
1333 | You can browse them all [here](https://github.com/fkhadra/react-toastify/releases)
1334 |
1335 | ## Contribute
1336 |
1337 | Show your ❤️ and support by giving a ⭐. Any suggestions are welcome ! Take a look at the contributing guide.
1338 |
1339 | You can also find me on [reactiflux](https://www.reactiflux.com/). My pseudo is Fadi.
1340 |
1341 | ## License
1342 |
1343 | Licensed under MIT