1 | # UID
2 |
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10 | To generate a _stable_ UID/Key for a given `item`, consistently between client and server, **in 900 bytes**.
11 |
12 | ⚠️ SSR: **Not compatible with Strict or Concurent mode**. Consider using _native_ `useId`(React 18) hook instead.
13 |
14 | > If your clientside is using StrictMode it will never match SSR-ed Ids due to double invocation
15 |
16 | Example - https://codesandbox.io/s/kkmwr6vv47
17 |
18 | ## API
19 |
20 | React UID provides 3 different APIs
21 |
22 | - vanilla js API - `uid(item) -> key`
23 | - React Component, via renderProp based API - `<UID>{ id => <><label htmlFor={id}/><input id={id}/></>}</UID>`
24 | - React Hooks - `useUID`
25 |
26 | #### Javascript
27 |
28 | - `uid(item, [index])` - generates UID for an object(array, function and so on), result could be used as React `key`.
29 | `item` should be an object, but could be anything. In case it is not an "object", and might have non-unique value - you have to specify second argument - `index`
30 |
31 | ```js
32 | import { uid } from 'react-uid';
33 |
34 | // objects
35 | const data = [{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }];
36 | data.map((item) => <li key={uid(item)}>{item}</li>);
37 |
38 | // unique strings
39 | const data = ['a', 'b'];
40 | data.map((item) => <li key={uid(item)}>{item}</li>);
41 |
42 | // strings
43 | const data = ['a', 'a'];
44 | data.map((item, index) => <li key={uid(item, index)}>{item}</li>);
45 | ```
46 |
47 | JS API might be NOT (multi-tenant)**SSR friendly**,
48 |
49 | #### React Components
50 |
51 | - (deprecated)`UID` - renderless container for generation Ids
52 | - `UIDConsumer` - renderless container for generation Ids
53 |
54 | ```js
55 | import {UID} from 'react-uid';
56 |
57 | <UID>
58 | {id => (
59 | <Fragment>
60 | <input id={id} />
61 | <label htmlFor={id} />
62 | </Fragment>
63 | )}
64 | </UID>
65 |
66 | // you can apply some "naming conventions" to the keys
67 | <UID name={ id => `unique-${id}` }>
68 | {id => (
69 | <Fragment>
70 | <input id={id} />
71 | <label htmlFor={id} />
72 | </Fragment>
73 | )}
74 | </UID>
75 |
76 | // UID also provide `uid` as a second argument
77 | <UID>
78 | {(_, uid) => (
79 | data.map( item => <li key={uid(item)}>{item}</li>)
80 | )}
81 | </UID>
82 |
83 | // in the case `item` is not an object, but number or string - provide and index
84 | <UID>
85 | {(_, uid) => (
86 | data.map( (item, index) => <li key={uid(item, index)}>{item}</li>)
87 | )}
88 | </UID>
89 | ```
90 |
91 | The difference between `uid` and `UID` versions are in "nesting" - any `UID` used inside another `UID` would contain "parent prefix" in the result, scoping `uid` to the local tree branch.
92 |
93 | UID might be NOT **SSR friendly**,
94 |
95 | #### Hooks (16.8+)
96 |
97 | - `useUID()` will generate a "stable" UID
98 | - `useUIDSeed()` will generate a seed generator, you can use for multiple fields
99 |
100 | ```js
101 | import { useUID, useUIDSeed } from 'react-uid';
102 |
103 | const Form = () => {
104 | const uid = useUID();
105 | return (
106 | <>
107 | <label htmlFor={uid}>Email: </label>
108 | <input id={uid} name="email" />
109 | </>
110 | )
111 | }
112 |
113 | const Form = () => {
114 | const seed = useUIDSeed();
115 | return (
116 | <>
117 | <label htmlFor={seed('email')}>Email: </label>
118 | <input id={seed('email')} name="email" />
119 | {data.map(item => <div key={seed(item)}>...</div>
120 | </>
121 | )
122 | }
123 | ```
124 |
125 | Hooks API **is SSR friendly**,
126 |
127 | ### Server-side friendly UID
128 |
129 | - `UIDReset`, `UIDConsumer`, `UIDFork` - SSR friendly UID. Could maintain consistency across renders.
130 | They are much more complex than `UID`, and provide functionality you might not need.
131 |
132 | The key difference - they are not using global "singlentone" to track used IDs,
133 | but read it from Context API, thus works without side effects.
134 |
135 | Next example will generate the same code, regardless how many time you will render it
136 |
137 | ```js
138 | import { UIDReset, UIDConsumer } from 'react-uid';
139 |
140 | <UIDReset>
141 | <UIDConsumer>
142 | {(id, uid) => (
143 | <Fragment>
144 | <input id={id} />
145 | <label htmlFor={id} />
146 | data.map( item => <li key={uid(item)}>{item}</li>)
147 | </Fragment>
148 | )}
149 | </UIDConsumer>
150 | </UIDReset>;
151 | ```
152 |
153 | **UID** is not 100% SSR friendly - use **UIDConsumer**.
154 |
155 | ### Code splitting
156 |
157 | Codesplitting may affect the order or existence of the components, so alter
158 | the `componentDidMount` order, and change the generated ID as result.
159 |
160 | In case of SPA, this is not something you should be bothered about, but for SSR
161 | this could be fatal.
162 |
163 | Next example will generate consistent keys regardless of component mount order.
164 | Each call to `UIDFork` creates a new branch of UIDs untangled from siblings.
165 |
166 | ```js
167 | import {UIDReset, UIDFork, UIDConsumer} from 'react-uid';
168 |
169 | <UIDReset>
170 | <UIDFork>
171 | <AsyncLoadedCompoent>
172 | <UIDConsumer>
173 | { uid => <span>{uid} is unique </span>}
174 | </UIDConsumer>
175 | </UIDFork>
176 | <UIDFork>
177 | <AsyncLoadedCompoent>
178 | <UIDConsumer>
179 | { uid => <span>{uid} is unique </span>}
180 | </UIDConsumer>
181 | </UIDFork>
182 | </UIDReset>
183 | ```
184 |
185 | The hooks API only needs the `<UIDFork>` wrapper.
186 |
187 | ### So hard?
188 |
189 | "Basic API" is not using Context API to keep realization simple, and React tree more flat.
190 |
191 | # Types
192 |
193 | Written in TypeScript
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195 | # Licence
196 |
197 | MIT