1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 | "use strict";
12 | "production" !== process.env.NODE_ENV &&
13 | (function () {
14 | function getComponentNameFromType(type) {
15 | if (null == type) return null;
16 | if ("function" === typeof type)
17 | return type.$$typeof === REACT_CLIENT_REFERENCE$2
18 | ? null
19 | : type.displayName || type.name || null;
20 | if ("string" === typeof type) return type;
21 | switch (type) {
23 | return "Fragment";
25 | return "Portal";
27 | return "Profiler";
29 | return "StrictMode";
31 | return "Suspense";
33 | return "SuspenseList";
34 | }
35 | if ("object" === typeof type)
36 | switch (
37 | ("number" === typeof type.tag &&
38 | console.error(
39 | "Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue."
40 | ),
41 | type.$$typeof)
42 | ) {
44 | return (type.displayName || "Context") + ".Provider";
46 | return (type._context.displayName || "Context") + ".Consumer";
48 | var innerType = type.render;
49 | type = type.displayName;
50 | type ||
51 | ((type = innerType.displayName || innerType.name || ""),
52 | (type = "" !== type ? "ForwardRef(" + type + ")" : "ForwardRef"));
53 | return type;
54 | case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:
55 | return (
56 | (innerType = type.displayName || null),
57 | null !== innerType
58 | ? innerType
59 | : getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || "Memo"
60 | );
61 | case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:
62 | innerType = type._payload;
63 | type = type._init;
64 | try {
65 | return getComponentNameFromType(type(innerType));
66 | } catch (x) {}
67 | }
68 | return null;
69 | }
70 | function testStringCoercion(value) {
71 | return "" + value;
72 | }
73 | function checkKeyStringCoercion(value) {
74 | try {
75 | testStringCoercion(value);
76 | var JSCompiler_inline_result = !1;
77 | } catch (e) {
78 | JSCompiler_inline_result = !0;
79 | }
80 | if (JSCompiler_inline_result) {
81 | JSCompiler_inline_result = console;
82 | var JSCompiler_temp_const = JSCompiler_inline_result.error;
83 | var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0 =
84 | ("function" === typeof Symbol &&
85 | Symbol.toStringTag &&
86 | value[Symbol.toStringTag]) ||
87 | value.constructor.name ||
88 | "Object";
89 | JSCompiler_temp_const.call(
90 | JSCompiler_inline_result,
91 | "The provided key is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before using it here.",
92 | JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0
93 | );
94 | return testStringCoercion(value);
95 | }
96 | }
97 | function disabledLog() {}
98 | function disableLogs() {
99 | if (0 === disabledDepth) {
100 | prevLog = console.log;
101 | prevInfo = console.info;
102 | prevWarn = console.warn;
103 | prevError = console.error;
104 | prevGroup = console.group;
105 | prevGroupCollapsed = console.groupCollapsed;
106 | prevGroupEnd = console.groupEnd;
107 | var props = {
108 | configurable: !0,
109 | enumerable: !0,
110 | value: disabledLog,
111 | writable: !0
112 | };
113 | Object.defineProperties(console, {
114 | info: props,
115 | log: props,
116 | warn: props,
117 | error: props,
118 | group: props,
119 | groupCollapsed: props,
120 | groupEnd: props
121 | });
122 | }
123 | disabledDepth++;
124 | }
125 | function reenableLogs() {
126 | disabledDepth--;
127 | if (0 === disabledDepth) {
128 | var props = { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, writable: !0 };
129 | Object.defineProperties(console, {
130 | log: assign({}, props, { value: prevLog }),
131 | info: assign({}, props, { value: prevInfo }),
132 | warn: assign({}, props, { value: prevWarn }),
133 | error: assign({}, props, { value: prevError }),
134 | group: assign({}, props, { value: prevGroup }),
135 | groupCollapsed: assign({}, props, { value: prevGroupCollapsed }),
136 | groupEnd: assign({}, props, { value: prevGroupEnd })
137 | });
138 | }
139 | 0 > disabledDepth &&
140 | console.error(
141 | "disabledDepth fell below zero. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue."
142 | );
143 | }
144 | function describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name) {
145 | if (void 0 === prefix)
146 | try {
147 | throw Error();
148 | } catch (x) {
149 | var match = x.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/);
150 | prefix = (match && match[1]) || "";
151 | suffix =
152 | -1 < x.stack.indexOf("\n at")
153 | ? " (<anonymous>)"
154 | : -1 < x.stack.indexOf("@")
155 | ? "@unknown:0:0"
156 | : "";
157 | }
158 | return "\n" + prefix + name + suffix;
159 | }
160 | function describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, construct) {
161 | if (!fn || reentry) return "";
162 | var frame = componentFrameCache.get(fn);
163 | if (void 0 !== frame) return frame;
164 | reentry = !0;
165 | frame = Error.prepareStackTrace;
166 | Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0;
167 | var previousDispatcher = null;
168 | previousDispatcher = ReactSharedInternalsServer.H;
169 | ReactSharedInternalsServer.H = null;
170 | disableLogs();
171 | try {
172 | var RunInRootFrame = {
173 | DetermineComponentFrameRoot: function () {
174 | try {
175 | if (construct) {
176 | var Fake = function () {
177 | throw Error();
178 | };
179 | Object.defineProperty(Fake.prototype, "props", {
180 | set: function () {
181 | throw Error();
182 | }
183 | });
184 | if ("object" === typeof Reflect && Reflect.construct) {
185 | try {
186 | Reflect.construct(Fake, []);
187 | } catch (x) {
188 | var control = x;
189 | }
190 | Reflect.construct(fn, [], Fake);
191 | } else {
192 | try {
193 | Fake.call();
194 | } catch (x$0) {
195 | control = x$0;
196 | }
197 | fn.call(Fake.prototype);
198 | }
199 | } else {
200 | try {
201 | throw Error();
202 | } catch (x$1) {
203 | control = x$1;
204 | }
205 | (Fake = fn()) &&
206 | "function" === typeof Fake.catch &&
207 | Fake.catch(function () {});
208 | }
209 | } catch (sample) {
210 | if (sample && control && "string" === typeof sample.stack)
211 | return [sample.stack, control.stack];
212 | }
213 | return [null, null];
214 | }
215 | };
216 | RunInRootFrame.DetermineComponentFrameRoot.displayName =
217 | "DetermineComponentFrameRoot";
218 | var namePropDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
219 | RunInRootFrame.DetermineComponentFrameRoot,
220 | "name"
221 | );
222 | namePropDescriptor &&
223 | namePropDescriptor.configurable &&
224 | Object.defineProperty(
225 | RunInRootFrame.DetermineComponentFrameRoot,
226 | "name",
227 | { value: "DetermineComponentFrameRoot" }
228 | );
229 | var _RunInRootFrame$Deter =
230 | RunInRootFrame.DetermineComponentFrameRoot(),
231 | sampleStack = _RunInRootFrame$Deter[0],
232 | controlStack = _RunInRootFrame$Deter[1];
233 | if (sampleStack && controlStack) {
234 | var sampleLines = sampleStack.split("\n"),
235 | controlLines = controlStack.split("\n");
236 | for (
237 | _RunInRootFrame$Deter = namePropDescriptor = 0;
238 | namePropDescriptor < sampleLines.length &&
239 | !sampleLines[namePropDescriptor].includes(
240 | "DetermineComponentFrameRoot"
241 | );
242 |
243 | )
244 | namePropDescriptor++;
245 | for (
246 | ;
247 | _RunInRootFrame$Deter < controlLines.length &&
248 | !controlLines[_RunInRootFrame$Deter].includes(
249 | "DetermineComponentFrameRoot"
250 | );
251 |
252 | )
253 | _RunInRootFrame$Deter++;
254 | if (
255 | namePropDescriptor === sampleLines.length ||
256 | _RunInRootFrame$Deter === controlLines.length
257 | )
258 | for (
259 | namePropDescriptor = sampleLines.length - 1,
260 | _RunInRootFrame$Deter = controlLines.length - 1;
261 | 1 <= namePropDescriptor &&
262 | 0 <= _RunInRootFrame$Deter &&
263 | sampleLines[namePropDescriptor] !==
264 | controlLines[_RunInRootFrame$Deter];
265 |
266 | )
267 | _RunInRootFrame$Deter--;
268 | for (
269 | ;
270 | 1 <= namePropDescriptor && 0 <= _RunInRootFrame$Deter;
271 | namePropDescriptor--, _RunInRootFrame$Deter--
272 | )
273 | if (
274 | sampleLines[namePropDescriptor] !==
275 | controlLines[_RunInRootFrame$Deter]
276 | ) {
277 | if (1 !== namePropDescriptor || 1 !== _RunInRootFrame$Deter) {
278 | do
279 | if (
280 | (namePropDescriptor--,
281 | _RunInRootFrame$Deter--,
282 | 0 > _RunInRootFrame$Deter ||
283 | sampleLines[namePropDescriptor] !==
284 | controlLines[_RunInRootFrame$Deter])
285 | ) {
286 | var _frame =
287 | "\n" +
288 | sampleLines[namePropDescriptor].replace(
289 | " at new ",
290 | " at "
291 | );
292 | fn.displayName &&
293 | _frame.includes("<anonymous>") &&
294 | (_frame = _frame.replace("<anonymous>", fn.displayName));
295 | "function" === typeof fn &&
296 | componentFrameCache.set(fn, _frame);
297 | return _frame;
298 | }
299 | while (1 <= namePropDescriptor && 0 <= _RunInRootFrame$Deter);
300 | }
301 | break;
302 | }
303 | }
304 | } finally {
305 | (reentry = !1),
306 | (ReactSharedInternalsServer.H = previousDispatcher),
307 | reenableLogs(),
308 | (Error.prepareStackTrace = frame);
309 | }
310 | sampleLines = (sampleLines = fn ? fn.displayName || fn.name : "")
311 | ? describeBuiltInComponentFrame(sampleLines)
312 | : "";
313 | "function" === typeof fn && componentFrameCache.set(fn, sampleLines);
314 | return sampleLines;
315 | }
316 | function describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type) {
317 | if (null == type) return "";
318 | if ("function" === typeof type) {
319 | var prototype = type.prototype;
320 | return describeNativeComponentFrame(
321 | type,
322 | !(!prototype || !prototype.isReactComponent)
323 | );
324 | }
325 | if ("string" === typeof type) return describeBuiltInComponentFrame(type);
326 | switch (type) {
328 | return describeBuiltInComponentFrame("Suspense");
330 | return describeBuiltInComponentFrame("SuspenseList");
331 | }
332 | if ("object" === typeof type)
333 | switch (type.$$typeof) {
335 | return (type = describeNativeComponentFrame(type.render, !1)), type;
336 | case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:
337 | return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type.type);
338 | case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:
339 | prototype = type._payload;
340 | type = type._init;
341 | try {
342 | return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type(prototype));
343 | } catch (x) {}
344 | }
345 | return "";
346 | }
347 | function getOwner() {
348 | var dispatcher = ReactSharedInternalsServer.A;
349 | return null === dispatcher ? null : dispatcher.getOwner();
350 | }
351 | function hasValidKey(config) {
352 | if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, "key")) {
353 | var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, "key").get;
354 | if (getter && getter.isReactWarning) return !1;
355 | }
356 | return void 0 !== config.key;
357 | }
358 | function defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName) {
359 | function warnAboutAccessingKey() {
360 | specialPropKeyWarningShown ||
361 | ((specialPropKeyWarningShown = !0),
362 | console.error(
363 | "%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://react.dev/link/special-props)",
364 | displayName
365 | ));
366 | }
367 | warnAboutAccessingKey.isReactWarning = !0;
368 | Object.defineProperty(props, "key", {
369 | get: warnAboutAccessingKey,
370 | configurable: !0
371 | });
372 | }
373 | function elementRefGetterWithDeprecationWarning() {
374 | var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(this.type);
375 | didWarnAboutElementRef[componentName] ||
376 | ((didWarnAboutElementRef[componentName] = !0),
377 | console.error(
378 | "Accessing element.ref was removed in React 19. ref is now a regular prop. It will be removed from the JSX Element type in a future release."
379 | ));
380 | componentName = this.props.ref;
381 | return void 0 !== componentName ? componentName : null;
382 | }
383 | function ReactElement(type, key, self, source, owner, props) {
384 | self = props.ref;
385 | type = {
386 | $$typeof: REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE,
387 | type: type,
388 | key: key,
389 | props: props,
390 | _owner: owner
391 | };
392 | null !== (void 0 !== self ? self : null)
393 | ? Object.defineProperty(type, "ref", {
394 | enumerable: !1,
395 | get: elementRefGetterWithDeprecationWarning
396 | })
397 | : Object.defineProperty(type, "ref", { enumerable: !1, value: null });
398 | type._store = {};
399 | Object.defineProperty(type._store, "validated", {
400 | configurable: !1,
401 | enumerable: !1,
402 | writable: !0,
403 | value: 0
404 | });
405 | Object.defineProperty(type, "_debugInfo", {
406 | configurable: !1,
407 | enumerable: !1,
408 | writable: !0,
409 | value: null
410 | });
411 | Object.freeze && (Object.freeze(type.props), Object.freeze(type));
412 | return type;
413 | }
414 | function jsxDEVImpl(
415 | type,
416 | config,
417 | maybeKey,
418 | isStaticChildren,
419 | source,
420 | self
421 | ) {
422 | if (
423 | "string" === typeof type ||
424 | "function" === typeof type ||
425 | type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE ||
426 | type === REACT_PROFILER_TYPE ||
427 | type === REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE ||
428 | type === REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE ||
429 | type === REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE ||
430 | type === REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE ||
431 | ("object" === typeof type &&
432 | null !== type &&
433 | (type.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE ||
434 | type.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE ||
435 | type.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE ||
436 | type.$$typeof === REACT_CONSUMER_TYPE ||
437 | type.$$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE ||
438 | type.$$typeof === REACT_CLIENT_REFERENCE$1 ||
439 | void 0 !== type.getModuleId))
440 | ) {
441 | var children = config.children;
442 | if (void 0 !== children)
443 | if (isStaticChildren)
444 | if (isArrayImpl(children)) {
445 | for (
446 | isStaticChildren = 0;
447 | isStaticChildren < children.length;
448 | isStaticChildren++
449 | )
450 | validateChildKeys(children[isStaticChildren], type);
451 | Object.freeze && Object.freeze(children);
452 | } else
453 | console.error(
454 | "React.jsx: Static children should always be an array. You are likely explicitly calling React.jsxs or React.jsxDEV. Use the Babel transform instead."
455 | );
456 | else validateChildKeys(children, type);
457 | } else {
458 | children = "";
459 | if (
460 | void 0 === type ||
461 | ("object" === typeof type &&
462 | null !== type &&
463 | 0 === Object.keys(type).length)
464 | )
465 | children +=
466 | " You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.";
467 | null === type
468 | ? (isStaticChildren = "null")
469 | : isArrayImpl(type)
470 | ? (isStaticChildren = "array")
471 | : void 0 !== type && type.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE
472 | ? ((isStaticChildren =
473 | "<" +
474 | (getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || "Unknown") +
475 | " />"),
476 | (children =
477 | " Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?"))
478 | : (isStaticChildren = typeof type);
479 | console.error(
480 | "React.jsx: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s",
481 | isStaticChildren,
482 | children
483 | );
484 | }
485 | if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, "key")) {
486 | children = getComponentNameFromType(type);
487 | var keys = Object.keys(config).filter(function (k) {
488 | return "key" !== k;
489 | });
490 | isStaticChildren =
491 | 0 < keys.length
492 | ? "{key: someKey, " + keys.join(": ..., ") + ": ...}"
493 | : "{key: someKey}";
494 | didWarnAboutKeySpread[children + isStaticChildren] ||
495 | ((keys =
496 | 0 < keys.length ? "{" + keys.join(": ..., ") + ": ...}" : "{}"),
497 | console.error(
498 | 'A props object containing a "key" prop is being spread into JSX:\n let props = %s;\n <%s {...props} />\nReact keys must be passed directly to JSX without using spread:\n let props = %s;\n <%s key={someKey} {...props} />',
499 | isStaticChildren,
500 | children,
501 | keys,
502 | children
503 | ),
504 | (didWarnAboutKeySpread[children + isStaticChildren] = !0));
505 | }
506 | children = null;
507 | void 0 !== maybeKey &&
508 | (checkKeyStringCoercion(maybeKey), (children = "" + maybeKey));
509 | hasValidKey(config) &&
510 | (checkKeyStringCoercion(config.key), (children = "" + config.key));
511 | if ("key" in config) {
512 | maybeKey = {};
513 | for (var propName in config)
514 | "key" !== propName && (maybeKey[propName] = config[propName]);
515 | } else maybeKey = config;
516 | children &&
517 | defineKeyPropWarningGetter(
518 | maybeKey,
519 | "function" === typeof type
520 | ? type.displayName || type.name || "Unknown"
521 | : type
522 | );
523 | return ReactElement(type, children, self, source, getOwner(), maybeKey);
524 | }
525 | function validateChildKeys(node, parentType) {
526 | if (
527 | "object" === typeof node &&
528 | node &&
529 | node.$$typeof !== REACT_CLIENT_REFERENCE
530 | )
531 | if (isArrayImpl(node))
532 | for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
533 | var child = node[i];
534 | isValidElement(child) && validateExplicitKey(child, parentType);
535 | }
536 | else if (isValidElement(node))
537 | node._store && (node._store.validated = 1);
538 | else if (
539 | (null === node || "object" !== typeof node
540 | ? (i = null)
541 | : ((i =
543 | node["@@iterator"]),
544 | (i = "function" === typeof i ? i : null)),
545 | "function" === typeof i &&
546 | i !== node.entries &&
547 | ((i = i.call(node)), i !== node))
548 | )
549 | for (; !(node = i.next()).done; )
550 | isValidElement(node.value) &&
551 | validateExplicitKey(node.value, parentType);
552 | }
553 | function isValidElement(object) {
554 | return (
555 | "object" === typeof object &&
556 | null !== object &&
557 | object.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE
558 | );
559 | }
560 | function validateExplicitKey(element, parentType) {
561 | if (
562 | element._store &&
563 | !element._store.validated &&
564 | null == element.key &&
565 | ((element._store.validated = 1),
566 | (parentType = getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType)),
567 | !ownerHasKeyUseWarning[parentType])
568 | ) {
569 | ownerHasKeyUseWarning[parentType] = !0;
570 | var childOwner = "";
571 | element &&
572 | null != element._owner &&
573 | element._owner !== getOwner() &&
574 | ((childOwner = null),
575 | "number" === typeof element._owner.tag
576 | ? (childOwner = getComponentNameFromType(element._owner.type))
577 | : "string" === typeof element._owner.name &&
578 | (childOwner = element._owner.name),
579 | (childOwner = " It was passed a child from " + childOwner + "."));
580 | var prevGetCurrentStack = ReactSharedInternalsServer.getCurrentStack;
581 | ReactSharedInternalsServer.getCurrentStack = function () {
582 | var stack = describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(element.type);
583 | prevGetCurrentStack && (stack += prevGetCurrentStack() || "");
584 | return stack;
585 | };
586 | console.error(
587 | 'Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.%s%s See https://react.dev/link/warning-keys for more information.',
588 | parentType,
589 | childOwner
590 | );
591 | ReactSharedInternalsServer.getCurrentStack = prevGetCurrentStack;
592 | }
593 | }
594 | function getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType) {
595 | var info = "",
596 | owner = getOwner();
597 | owner &&
598 | (owner = getComponentNameFromType(owner.type)) &&
599 | (info = "\n\nCheck the render method of `" + owner + "`.");
600 | info ||
601 | ((parentType = getComponentNameFromType(parentType)) &&
602 | (info =
603 | "\n\nCheck the top-level render call using <" + parentType + ">."));
604 | return info;
605 | }
606 | var React = require("react"),
607 | REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.transitional.element"),
608 | REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.portal"),
609 | REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.fragment"),
610 | REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"),
611 | REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.profiler");
612 | Symbol.for("react.provider");
613 | var REACT_CONSUMER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.consumer"),
614 | REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.context"),
615 | REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"),
616 | REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.suspense"),
617 | REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"),
618 | REACT_MEMO_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.memo"),
619 | REACT_LAZY_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.lazy"),
620 | REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"),
621 | MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = Symbol.iterator,
622 | REACT_CLIENT_REFERENCE$2 = Symbol.for("react.client.reference"),
623 | ReactSharedInternalsServer =
625 | if (!ReactSharedInternalsServer)
626 | throw Error(
627 | 'The "react" package in this environment is not configured correctly. The "react-server" condition must be enabled in any environment that runs React Server Components.'
628 | );
629 | var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
630 | assign = Object.assign,
631 | REACT_CLIENT_REFERENCE$1 = Symbol.for("react.client.reference"),
632 | isArrayImpl = Array.isArray,
633 | disabledDepth = 0,
634 | prevLog,
635 | prevInfo,
636 | prevWarn,
637 | prevError,
638 | prevGroup,
639 | prevGroupCollapsed,
640 | prevGroupEnd;
641 | disabledLog.__reactDisabledLog = !0;
642 | var prefix,
643 | suffix,
644 | reentry = !1;
645 | var componentFrameCache = new (
646 | "function" === typeof WeakMap ? WeakMap : Map
647 | )();
648 | var REACT_CLIENT_REFERENCE = Symbol.for("react.client.reference"),
649 | specialPropKeyWarningShown;
650 | var didWarnAboutElementRef = {};
651 | var didWarnAboutKeySpread = {},
652 | ownerHasKeyUseWarning = {};
653 | exports.Fragment = REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE;
654 | exports.jsx = function (type, config, maybeKey, source, self) {
655 | return jsxDEVImpl(type, config, maybeKey, !1, source, self);
656 | };
657 | exports.jsxDEV = function (
658 | type,
659 | config,
660 | maybeKey,
661 | isStaticChildren,
662 | source,
663 | self
664 | ) {
665 | return jsxDEVImpl(type, config, maybeKey, isStaticChildren, source, self);
666 | };
667 | exports.jsxs = function (type, config, maybeKey, source, self) {
668 | return jsxDEVImpl(type, config, maybeKey, !0, source, self);
669 | };
670 | })();