1 | # reactotron-core-client
2 |
3 | This provides the core functionality of the clients allowing it talk to talk to the server.
4 |
5 | It is used by `reactotron-react-dom` and `reactotron-react-native`.
6 |
7 | # Usage
8 |
9 | ```js
10 | import { createClient } from "reactotron-core-client"
11 |
12 | // setup a reactotron client
13 | const client = createClient({
14 | // injected in for compatibility
15 | createSocket: (path) => new WebSocket(path),
16 |
17 | host: "localhost",
18 | port: 9090,
19 | name: "I am a client!",
20 |
21 | // fires when we get connected to a server
22 | onConnect: () => console.log("hi"),
23 |
24 | // fires when we get disconnected from the server
25 | onDisconnect: () => console.log("bye"),
26 |
27 | // fires when the server is telling us something
28 | onCommand: ({ type, payload }) => {
29 | switch (type) {
30 | case "server.intro":
31 | const { name, version } = payload
32 | break
33 |
34 | case "state.values.request":
35 | const { path } = payload // the path to the state
36 | break
37 |
38 | case "state.keys.request":
39 | const { path } = payload // the path to the state
40 | break
41 |
42 | case "state.values.subscribe":
43 | const { paths } = payload // string array of state paths
44 | break
45 |
46 | case "state.action.dispatch":
47 | const { action } = payload // an object to be dispatch through the state plugin
48 | break
49 | }
50 | console.log(`I just received a ${type} command`)
51 | console.log(payload)
52 | },
53 | })
54 |
55 | // connect to the server
56 | client.connect()
57 |
58 | // send a log message as a string
59 | client.send("log", { level: "debug", message: "hello!" })
60 |
61 | // send a log message as a string that's important
62 | client.send("log", { level: "debug", message: "hello!" }, true)
63 |
64 | // sending an object log message
65 | client.send("log", {
66 | level: "debug",
67 | message: {
68 | nested: [1, 2, { hello: "there" }],
69 | fun: true,
70 | },
71 | })
72 |
73 | // send a warning
74 | client.send("log", { level: "warn", message: "oops" })
75 |
76 | // send an error with an optional stack trace
77 | client.send("log", {
78 | level: "error",
79 | message: "crap",
80 | stackTrace: [],
81 | })
82 |
83 | // report that an action is complete
84 | client.send("state.action.complete", {
85 | name: "LOGIN_REQUEST",
86 | action: {
87 | type: "LOGIN_REQUEST",
88 | email: "steve@kellock.ca",
89 | password: "secret...shhh....",
90 | },
91 | })
92 |
93 | // report that values have changed
94 | client.send("state.values.response", {
95 | path: "user.givenName",
96 | value: "Steve",
97 | valid: true,
98 | })
99 |
100 | // list the keys at a given path in state
101 | client.send("state.keys.response", {
102 | path: "user",
103 | keys: ["givenName", "familyName"],
104 | valid: true,
105 | })
106 |
107 | // let the server know the state values they're subscribed to have changed
108 | client.send("state.values.change", {
109 | changes: [
110 | { path: "user.givenName", value: "Steve" },
111 | {
112 | path: "user",
113 | value: { givenName: "Steve", familyName: "Kellock" },
114 | },
115 | ],
116 | })
117 |
118 | // report any API activity
119 | client.send("api.response", {
120 | request: {
121 | url: "https://api.example.com/v1/people",
122 | method: "POST",
123 | data: {
124 | user: { givenName: "Steve", familyName: "Kellock" },
125 | },
126 | headers: {
127 | Accept: "application/json",
128 | Cookie: "__ispy=mylittleye; __something=blue",
129 | },
130 | },
131 | response: {
132 | body: { result: "ok" },
133 | status: 200,
134 | headers: {
135 | Connection: "keep-alive",
136 | Server: "cloudflare-nginx",
137 | },
138 | },
139 | duration: 150.0,
140 | })
141 |
142 | // send a benchmark report up to the server
143 | client.send("bench.report", {
144 | title: "My Fast Algorithmz",
145 | steps: [
146 | { title: "Step 1", time: 0 },
147 | { title: "Step 2", time: 123 },
148 | { title: "Step 3", time: 1024 },
149 | ],
150 | })
151 |
152 | // a utility to time things
153 | const elapsed = client.startTimer()
154 | // do something you want to time
155 | const ms = elapsed() // the number of ms it took. ish.
156 |
157 | // display a custom event
158 | client.display({
159 | name: "MY EVENT",
160 | value: { color: "green", vegetable: "spinach", variant: "baby", salad: true },
161 | important: true,
162 | preview: "What's in my appetizer?",
163 | })
164 | ```
165 |
166 | # Why are we passing createSocket down?
167 |
168 | # Messages
169 |
170 | ### client.intro
171 |
172 | The client sends this message to the server when it first connects. It contains
173 | all the configuration information used to configure the client.
174 |
175 | For example:
176 |
177 | ```js
178 | {
179 | "host": "localhost", // the server we're connecting to
180 | "port": 9090, // the server's port
181 | "name": "My Fantastic App", // the name of our app
182 | "userAgent": "Internet Explorer 3.0", // the user agent
183 | "reactotronVersion": "0.99.1", // the version of reactotron
184 | "environment": "development" // our environment
185 | }
186 | ```
187 |
188 | ### server.intro
189 |
190 | The client receives this message from the server once connected. It contains
191 | configuration information used by the server.
192 |
193 | Right now the payload is empty because I haven't even created the server!
194 |
195 | It'll probably have things like directory, version... I really don't know yet.
196 |
197 | ```json
198 | {
199 | "name": "I Am Server. Roar.",
200 | "version": "0.99.1"
201 | }
202 | ```
203 |
204 | ### log
205 |
206 | The client sends this to the server to log a message, warning or error. For
207 | warnings and errors, we pass through an optional stackTrace array.
208 |
209 | Log:
210 |
211 | ```json
212 | {
213 | "value": "hello!",
214 | "level": "debug"
215 | }
216 | ```
217 |
218 | Warn:
219 |
220 | ```json
221 | {
222 | "value": "hello!",
223 | "level": "warn",
224 | "stackTrace": null
225 | }
226 | ```
227 |
228 | Error:
229 |
230 | ```json
231 | {
232 | "value": "hello!",
233 | "level": "error",
234 | "stackTrace": [{ "lineNo": 1, "file": "foo.js" }]
235 | }
236 | ```
237 |
238 | TBD: The actual stack trace format. I've seen a couple of formats unfortunately
239 | and I need to research what these will look like.
240 |
241 | Also, how is source maps going to factor in?
242 |
243 | ### image
244 |
245 | Send from the client to the server to pass an image. The uri field is required
246 | and is a `data-uri`. This means, an ordinary http link will work, but as will embedding the image inline.
247 |
248 | ```json
249 | {
250 | "uri": "http://placekitten.com/g/400/400",
251 | "preview": "placekitten.com!",
252 | "filename": "cat.jpg",
253 | "width": 400,
254 | "height": 400,
255 | "caption": "D'awwwwwww"
256 | }
257 | ```
258 |
259 | ### clear
260 |
261 | An instruction sent from the client to the server to clear the history on the server.
262 |
263 | ### state.action.complete
264 |
265 | Sent from the client to the server when an action is complete. It's up to you
266 | to decide what an action is. For Redux, these are actions dispatched. For MobX,
267 | these are the results of `spy`.
268 |
269 | ```json
270 | {
271 | "name": "MY_ACTION",
272 | "value": {}
273 | }
274 | ```
275 |
276 | ### state.action.dispatch
277 |
278 | Sent from the client to the server in order to dispatch this action through the
279 | state system.
280 |
281 | ```json
282 | {
283 | "action": { "type": "LOGIN_REQUEST", "password": "s3cr3t@g3ntm@n" }
284 | }
285 | ```
286 |
287 | ### state.values.request
288 |
289 | Sent from the server to the client to ask for the values of state.
290 |
291 | ```json
292 | {
293 | "path": "account"
294 | }
295 | ```
296 |
297 | ### state.values.response
298 |
299 | Sent from the client to the server in response to `state.values.request`.
300 |
301 | ```json
302 | {
303 | "path": "account",
304 | "valid": true,
305 | "value": {
306 | "givenName": "Steve",
307 | "familyName": "Kellock"
308 | }
309 | }
310 | ```
311 |
312 | ### state.values.subscribe
313 |
314 | Sent from the server to the client to ask for notification when something
315 | in the state changes.
316 |
317 | ```json
318 | {
319 | "paths": ["account", "cart.total"]
320 | }
321 | ```
322 |
323 | ### state.values.change
324 |
325 | Sent from the client to the server when one of the subscriptions found in
326 | `state.values.subscribe` has changed.
327 |
328 | ```json
329 | {
330 | "changes": [
331 | {
332 | "path": "account",
333 | "value": {
334 | "email": "steve@kellock.ca"
335 | }
336 | },
337 | {
338 | "path": "cart.total",
339 | "value": 100.01
340 | }
341 | ]
342 | }
343 | ```
344 |
345 | ### state.keys.request
346 |
347 | Sent from the server to the client to enumerate the keys inside state.
348 |
349 | ```json
350 | {
351 | "path": "account"
352 | }
353 | ```
354 |
355 | ### state.keys.response
356 |
357 | Sent from the client to server in response to `state.keys.request`.
358 |
359 | ```json
360 | {
361 | "path": "account",
362 | "valid": true,
363 | "keys": ["givenName", "familyName"]
364 | }
365 | ```
366 |
367 | ### api.response
368 |
369 | Sent from the client to server when an API has finished a request.
370 |
371 | ```json
372 | {
373 | "request": {
374 | "url": "https://api.example.com/people/1",
375 | "method": "PUT",
376 | "data": {
377 | "firstName": "Steve",
378 | "lastName": "Kellock"
379 | },
380 | "headers": {
381 | "Accept": "application/json",
382 | "Cookie": "__ispy=mylittleye; __something=blue"
383 | }
384 | },
385 | "response": {
386 | "body": {},
387 | "status": 200,
388 | "headers": {
389 | "Connection": "keep-alive",
390 | "Server": "cloudflare-nginx"
391 | }
392 | },
393 | "duration": 120.0
394 | }
395 | ```
396 |
397 | ### bench.report
398 |
399 | Sent from the client to server when it's time to report some performance details.
400 |
401 | ```json
402 | {
403 | "title": "My Sorting Algorithm",
404 | "steps": [
405 | { "title": "start", "time": 0 },
406 | { "title": "lookup tables", "time": 123 },
407 | { "title": "randomize", "time": 422 }
408 | ]
409 | }
410 | ```
411 |
412 | ### display
413 |
414 | Sent from the client to the server to provide a way to show "custom" commands.
415 |
416 | ```json
417 | {
418 | "name": "MY EVENT",
419 | "value": {
420 | "color": "green",
421 | "vegetable": "spinach",
422 | "variant": "baby",
423 | "salad": true
424 | },
425 | "image": {
426 | "uri": "http://placekitten.com/g/400/400"
427 | },
428 | "important": true,
429 | "preview": "What's in my appetizer?"
430 | }
431 | ```
432 |
433 | # Plugins
434 |
435 | Reactotron is extensible via plugins. You add plugins by calling the `use`
436 | function on the the client.
437 |
438 | A plugin looks like this:
439 |
440 | ```js
441 | export default () => (reactotron) => {}
442 | ```
443 |
444 | - A function that:
445 | - returns a function with 1 parameter (reactotron) that:
446 | - returns an object
447 |
448 | ### The 1st Function
449 |
450 | You use the first function to configure your plugin. If you don't have any
451 | configuration required for your plugin, just leave it empty like above.
452 |
453 | ### The 2nd function
454 |
455 | The 2nd function gets called with the reactotron object. Among other things,
456 | it contains (most importantly) a function called `send()`.
457 |
458 | ### The return object
459 |
460 | This contains hooks into reactotron. By naming the keys certain things, you're
461 | able to hook into guts to do stuff. Most importantly `onCommand` to receive
462 | events from the server and `features` to define extra functions on reactotron.
463 |
464 | ```js
465 | // counter-plugin.js
466 | export default () => (reactotron) => {
467 | let commandCounter = 0
468 | return {
469 | onCommand: (command) => {
470 | commandCounter++
471 | if (commandCounter === 69) console.log("tee hee")
472 | },
473 | }
474 | }
475 | ```
476 |
477 | Here's what a plugin can do.
478 |
479 | ```js
480 | {
481 | // Fires whenever a command is received from the server.
482 | //
483 | // command is an object with:
484 | // .type - String - the name of the command
485 | // .payload - anything - maybe null, maybe a string, maybe an object, not a function
486 | // its whatever the server sent.
487 | onCommand: command => {
488 | const { type, payload } = command
489 | },
490 |
491 | // Fires when we connect to the server. Will only be called if the plugin
492 | // is setup before connecting to the server.
493 | onConnect: () => {},
494 |
495 | // Fires when we disconnect from the server.
496 | onDisconnect: () => {},
497 |
498 | // fires when the plugin is attached (this only happens once at initialization)
499 | onPlugin: reactotron => console.log('I have been attached to ', reactotron),
500 |
501 | // This is an object (not a function). The keys are strings. The values are functions.
502 | // Every entry in here will become a method on the Reactotron client object.
503 | // Collisions are handled on a first-come first-serve basis.
504 | //
505 | // These names are reserved:
506 | // connect, configure, send, use, options, connected, plugins, and socket.
507 | //
508 | // Sorry.
509 | //
510 | // I went with this mixin approach because the interface feels nice from the
511 | // calling code point-of-view.
512 | features: {
513 | // Reactotron.log('hello!')
514 | log: (message) => send('log', { level: 'debug', message } ),
515 |
516 | // Reactotron.warn('look out! falling rocks!')
517 | warn: (message) => send('log', { level: 'warn', message } ),
518 | }
519 |
520 | }
521 | ```