1 | import React from 'react';
2 | import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
3 | import user from '@testing-library/user-event';
4 | import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
5 | import { testForCustomClass, testForCustomTag } from '../testUtils';
6 | import { Alert } from '..';
7 |
8 | describe('Alert', () => {
9 | beforeEach(() => {
10 | jest.resetModules();
11 | jest.useFakeTimers();
12 | });
13 |
14 | it('should render children', () => {
15 | render(<Alert>Yo!</Alert>);
16 | expect(screen.getByText('Yo!')).toBeInTheDocument();
17 | });
18 |
19 | it('should render additional classes', () => {
20 | testForCustomClass(Alert);
21 | });
22 |
23 | it('should render custom tag', () => {
24 | testForCustomTag(Alert);
25 | });
26 |
27 | it('should pass close className down', () => {
28 | const noop = () => {};
29 | render(
30 | <Alert toggle={noop} closeClassName="test-class-name">
31 | Yo!
32 | </Alert>,
33 | );
34 |
35 | expect(screen.getByLabelText('Close')).toHaveClass('test-class-name');
36 | });
37 |
38 | it('should pass other props down', () => {
39 | render(<Alert data-testprop="testvalue">Yo!</Alert>);
40 | expect(screen.getByText('Yo!')).toHaveAttribute(
41 | 'data-testprop',
42 | 'testvalue',
43 | );
44 | });
45 |
46 | it('should have "success" as default color', () => {
47 | render(<Alert>Yo!</Alert>);
48 | expect(screen.getByText('Yo!')).toHaveClass('alert-success');
49 | });
50 |
51 | it('should accept color prop', () => {
52 | render(<Alert color="warning">Yo!</Alert>);
53 | expect(screen.getByText('Yo!')).toHaveClass('alert-warning');
54 | });
55 |
56 | it('should use a div tag by default', () => {
57 | render(<Alert>Yo!</Alert>);
58 | expect(screen.getByText('Yo!').tagName.toLowerCase()).toEqual('div');
59 | });
60 |
61 | it('should be non dismissible by default', () => {
62 | render(<Alert>Yo!</Alert>);
63 |
64 | expect(screen.queryByLabelText('Close')).toBe(null);
65 | expect(screen.getByText('Yo!')).not.toHaveClass('alert-dismissible');
66 | });
67 |
68 | it('should show dismiss button if passed toggle', () => {
69 | render(
70 | <Alert color="danger" toggle={() => {}}>
71 | Yo!
72 | </Alert>,
73 | );
74 |
75 | expect(screen.getByLabelText('Close')).toBeInTheDocument();
76 | expect(screen.getByText('Yo!')).toHaveClass('alert-dismissible');
77 | });
78 |
79 | it('should be empty if not isOpen', () => {
80 | render(<Alert isOpen={false}>Yo!</Alert>);
81 | expect(screen.queryByText('Yo!')).toBe(null);
82 | });
83 |
84 | it('should be dismissible', () => {
85 | const mockFn = jest.fn();
86 | render(
87 | <Alert color="danger" toggle={mockFn}>
88 | Yo!
89 | </Alert>,
90 | );
91 | screen.getByText('Yo!');
92 |
93 | user.click(screen.getByLabelText('Close'));
94 | expect(mockFn).toHaveBeenCalled();
95 | });
96 |
97 | it('should render close button with custom aria-label', () => {
98 | render(
99 | <Alert toggle={() => {}} closeAriaLabel="oseclay">
100 | Yo!
101 | </Alert>,
102 | );
103 |
104 | expect(screen.getByLabelText('oseclay')).toBeInTheDocument();
105 | });
106 |
107 | it('should have default transitionTimeouts', () => {
108 | render(<Alert>Hello</Alert>);
109 |
110 | expect(screen.getByText(/hello/i)).not.toHaveClass('show');
111 |
112 | jest.advanceTimersByTime(150);
113 | expect(screen.getByText(/hello/i)).toHaveClass('show');
114 | });
115 |
116 | it('should have support configurable transitionTimeouts', () => {
117 | render(
118 | <Alert
119 | transition={{
120 | timeout: 0,
121 | appear: false,
122 | enter: false,
123 | exit: false,
124 | }}
125 | >
126 | Hello
127 | </Alert>,
128 | );
129 |
130 | expect(screen.getByText(/hello/i)).toHaveClass('show');
131 | });
132 |
133 | it('works with strict mode', () => {
134 | const spy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error');
135 | render(
136 | <React.StrictMode>
137 | <Alert>Hello</Alert>
138 | </React.StrictMode>,
139 | );
140 | expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
141 | });
142 | });