1 | # readlineSync
2 |
3 | ## <a name="deprecated_methods_and_options"></a>Deprecated Methods and Options
4 |
5 | The readlineSync current version is fully compatible with older version.
6 | The following methods and options are deprecated.
7 |
8 | ### <a name="deprecated_methods_and_options-setprint_method"></a>`setPrint` method
9 |
10 | Use the [`print`](README.md#basic_options-print) option.
11 | For the [Default Options](README.md#basic_options), use:
12 |
13 | ```js
14 | readlineSync.setDefaultOptions({print: value});
15 | ```
16 |
17 | instead of:
18 |
19 | ```js
20 | readlineSync.setPrint(value);
21 | ```
22 |
23 | ### <a name="deprecated_methods_and_options-setprompt_method"></a>`setPrompt` method
24 |
25 | Use the [`prompt`](README.md#basic_options-prompt) option.
26 | For the [Default Options](README.md#basic_options), use:
27 |
28 | ```js
29 | readlineSync.setDefaultOptions({prompt: value});
30 | ```
31 |
32 | instead of:
33 |
34 | ```js
35 | readlineSync.setPrompt(value);
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ### <a name="deprecated_methods_and_options-setencoding_method"></a>`setEncoding` method
39 |
40 | Use the [`encoding`](README.md#basic_options-encoding) option.
41 | For the [Default Options](README.md#basic_options), use:
42 |
43 | ```js
44 | readlineSync.setDefaultOptions({encoding: value});
45 | ```
46 |
47 | instead of:
48 |
49 | ```js
50 | readlineSync.setEncoding(value);
51 | ```
52 |
53 | ### <a name="deprecated_methods_and_options-setmask_method"></a>`setMask` method
54 |
55 | Use the [`mask`](README.md#basic_options-mask) option.
56 | For the [Default Options](README.md#basic_options), use:
57 |
58 | ```js
59 | readlineSync.setDefaultOptions({mask: value});
60 | ```
61 |
62 | instead of:
63 |
64 | ```js
65 | readlineSync.setMask(value);
66 | ```
67 |
68 | ### <a name="deprecated_methods_and_options-setbuffersize_method"></a>`setBufferSize` method
69 |
70 | Use the [`bufferSize`](README.md#basic_options-buffersize) option.
71 | For the [Default Options](README.md#basic_options), use:
72 |
73 | ```js
74 | readlineSync.setDefaultOptions({bufferSize: value});
75 | ```
76 |
77 | instead of:
78 |
79 | ```js
80 | readlineSync.setBufferSize(value);
81 | ```
82 |
83 | ### <a name="deprecated_methods_and_options-noechoback_option"></a>`noEchoBack` option
84 |
85 | Use [`hideEchoBack`](README.md#basic_options-hideechoback) option instead of it.
86 |
87 | ### <a name="deprecated_methods_and_options-notrim_option"></a>`noTrim` option
88 |
89 | Use [`keepWhitespace`](README.md#basic_options-keepwhitespace) option instead of it.