1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | import React, { ReactElement, SVGProps } from 'react';
5 | import { ImplicitLabelType } from '../component/Label';
6 | import { IfOverflow } from '../util/IfOverflowMatches';
7 | import { CartesianViewBox, D3Scale } from '../util/types';
8 | import { Props as XAxisProps } from './XAxis';
9 | import { Props as YAxisProps } from './YAxis';
10 | interface InternalReferenceLineProps {
11 | viewBox?: CartesianViewBox;
12 | xAxis?: Omit<XAxisProps, 'scale'> & {
13 | scale: D3Scale<string | number>;
14 | };
15 | yAxis?: Omit<YAxisProps, 'scale'> & {
16 | scale: D3Scale<string | number>;
17 | };
18 | clipPathId?: number | string;
19 | }
20 | export type Segment = {
21 | x?: number | string;
22 | y?: number | string;
23 | };
24 | export type ReferenceLinePosition = 'middle' | 'start' | 'end';
25 | interface ReferenceLineProps extends InternalReferenceLineProps {
26 | isFront?: boolean;
27 |
28 | alwaysShow?: boolean;
29 | ifOverflow?: IfOverflow;
30 | x?: number | string;
31 | y?: number | string;
32 | segment?: ReadonlyArray<Segment>;
33 | position?: ReferenceLinePosition;
34 | className?: number | string;
35 | yAxisId?: number | string;
36 | xAxisId?: number | string;
37 | shape?: ReactElement<SVGElement> | ((props: any) => ReactElement<SVGElement>);
38 | label?: ImplicitLabelType;
39 | }
40 | /**
41 | * This excludes `viewBox` prop from svg for two reasons:
42 | * 1. The components wants viewBox of object type, and svg wants string
43 | * - so there's a conflict, and the component will throw if it gets string
44 | * 2. Internally the component calls `filterProps` which filters the viewBox away anyway
45 | */
46 | export type Props = Omit<SVGProps<SVGLineElement>, 'viewBox'> & ReferenceLineProps;
47 | type EndPointsPropsSubset = {
48 | alwaysShow?: boolean;
49 | ifOverflow?: IfOverflow;
50 | segment?: ReadonlyArray<Segment>;
51 | x?: number | string;
52 | y?: number | string;
53 | };
54 | export declare const getEndPoints: (scales: any, isFixedX: boolean, isFixedY: boolean, isSegment: boolean, viewBox: CartesianViewBox, position: Props['position'], xAxisOrientation: XAxisProps['orientation'], yAxisOrientation: YAxisProps['orientation'], props: EndPointsPropsSubset) => any[];
55 | export declare class ReferenceLine extends React.Component<Props> {
56 | static displayName: string;
57 | static defaultProps: {
58 | isFront: boolean;
59 | ifOverflow: string;
60 | xAxisId: number;
61 | yAxisId: number;
62 | fill: string;
63 | stroke: string;
64 | fillOpacity: number;
65 | strokeWidth: number;
66 | position: string;
67 | };
68 | render(): React.JSX.Element;
69 | }
70 | export {};