1 | # Change Log
2 |
3 | ## 0.1.3 (2021-03-02)
4 |
5 | - Allow React 17 as a peer dependency
6 |
7 | ## 0.1.2 (2020-10-30)
8 |
9 | - Fix TypeScript exports
10 |
11 | ## 0.1.1 (2020-10-29)
12 |
13 | - Performance Improvements
14 | - Experimental React Native support
15 | - Experimental Atom Effects
16 | - Experimental Snapshot construction
17 |
18 | ## 0.0.13 (2020-09-16)
19 |
20 | - Fix for bug affecting SSR
21 |
22 | ## 0.0.12 (2020-09-15)
23 |
24 | - Fix for bug affecting SSR on development builds
25 |
26 | ## 0.0.11 (2020-09-15)
27 |
28 | - Experimental React Concurrent Mode Support
29 | - Performance
30 | - Flow Types
31 | - ES, CommonJS, and UMD packages
32 | - Synchronization Across React Roots
33 | - Preliminary Developer Tools API
34 | - Test Infrastructure Fixes
35 |
36 | ## 0.0.10 (2020-06-18)
37 |
38 | ### Bug Fix
39 |
40 | - Fix exports for snapshot hooks
41 |
42 | ## 0.0.9 (2020-06-17)
43 |
44 | ### Features
45 |
46 | - TypeScript support now rolled into Recoil repository and package.
47 | - Recoil Snapshot API for observing and managing global Recoil state.
48 |
49 | ### Improvements
50 |
51 | - Throw error with meaningful message if user doesn't use an atom or selector with most Recoil hooks (#205) - Thanks @alexandrzavalii
52 | - Improve testing (#321, #318, #294, #262, #295) - Thanks @aaronabramov, @Komalov, @mondaychen, @drarmstr, and @tyler-mitchell
53 | - Improve open-source build (#249, #203, #33) - Thanks to @tony-go, @acutmore, and @jaredpalmer
54 |
55 | ### Bug Fixes
56 |
57 | - Some fixes for Server Side Rendering, though we do not officially support it yet. (#233, #220, #284) - Thanks @fyber-LJX, @Chrischuck, and @aulneau
58 | - Fix selectors recording dependency subscriptions in some cases (#296) - Thanks @drarmstr
59 | - Fix updaters in `useRecoilCallback()` getting current state (#260) - Thanks @drarmstr
60 | - Fix error messages when throwing certain errors in the open-source build. (#199) - Thanks @jonthomp
61 | - Reduce Flow errors for open-source builds (#308) - Thanks @Komalov
62 |
63 | ## 0.0.8 (2020-05-30)
64 |
65 | ### Bug Fixes
66 |
67 | - Build system and repository syncing fixed.
68 | - Fixed a bug where atoms that stored self-referential structures would cause an infinite loop. (#153)
69 | - Fixed bugs affecting Server-Side Rendering. (#53)
70 |
71 | ### Features
72 |
73 | - TypeScript support is now available via DefinitelyTyped.
74 | - `atomFamily` and `selectorFamily`: these provide a standard way to create atoms and selectors using memoized functions. Compared with doing this yourself, in the future these will help with memory management.
75 | - `noWait`, `waitForNone`, `waitForAny`, `waitForAll`: helpers for concurrency and other advanced logic in async selectors.
76 | - `constSelector` and `errorSelector`: selectors that always evaluate to a constant or always throw an error.
77 | - `readOnlySelector`: wraps a read-write atom or selector in a read-only interface, for when you need type covariance.