1 | ## v4.0.0
2 |
3 | - Add support for multi-resource locks (via [#55](https://github.com/mike-marcacci/node-redlock/pull/55)).
4 | - **BREAKING:** Change behavior of `unlock` to return an error if one or more entries cannot be removed.
5 | - **BREAKING:** Upgrade required engine to node 8+ in line w/ node LTS roadmap.
6 |
7 | ### v4.1.0
8 |
9 | - Update scripts for compatibility with LUA 5.2 (via [#63](https://github.com/mike-marcacci/node-redlock/pull/63)).
10 |
11 | ### v4.2.0
12 |
13 | - Update dependencies.
14 | - Stop testing on node version 8. (Due to dev dependency requirements only.)
15 | - Update docs (@ricmatsui via [#80](https://github.com/mike-marcacci/node-redlock/pull/80)).
16 | - Use evalsha for scripts (@yosiat via [#77](https://github.com/mike-marcacci/node-redlock/pull/77)).
17 |
18 | ## v5.0.0-alpha.1
19 |
20 | - Complete rewrite using TypeScript.
21 | - **BREAKING** Significant API changes; see [README.md](./README.md)
22 | - **BREAKING** Remove all production dependencies (replacing Bluebird with native promises).
23 | - **BREAKING** Drop support for Node < 12
24 |
25 | ## v5.0.0-beta.1
26 |
27 | - Compile to both ESM and CJS (@ekosz via [#114](https://github.com/mike-marcacci/node-redlock/pull/114/)).
28 | - Add compatibility with TypeScript 4.4 (@slosd via [#104](https://github.com/mike-marcacci/node-redlock/pull/104)).
29 | - Use docker compose to test against real clusters in CI (via #101)
30 | - Add documentation for contributing.
31 | - Upgrade dependencies.
32 | - **BREAKING** Change types for "using" helper (@ekosz via [#113](https://github.com/mike-marcacci/node-redlock/pull/114/)).
33 |
34 | ## v5.0.0-beta.2
35 |
36 | - Fix regression of retryCount: -1. (fixes #149)
37 | - Export RedlockAbortSignal type. (fixes #138)
38 | - Issue an improved error when passing non-integer durations. (fixes #120)
39 | - Upgrade dependencies.
40 |
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