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1import React, { Component } from 'react';
2const reduce = require('lodash.reduce');
3const first = require('lodash.first');
4const tail = require('lodash.tail');
6import countryData from './country_data';
7const allCountriesObject = countryData.allCountriesObject;
9function reverseString(str) {
10 str = (str || '').toString()
11 // Step 1. Use the split() method to return a new array
12 var splitString = str.split(""); // var splitString = "hello".split("");
13 // ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
15 // Step 2. Use the reverse() method to reverse the new created array
16 var reverseArray = splitString.reverse(); // var reverseArray = ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"].reverse();
17 // ["o", "l", "l", "e", "h"]
19 // Step 3. Use the join() method to join all elements of the array into a string
20 var joinArray = reverseArray.join(""); // var joinArray = ["o", "l", "l", "e", "h"].join("");
21 // "olleh"
23 //Step 4. Return the reversed string
24 return joinArray; // "olleh"
26var tele = {
27 getCountryName: (me, phoneNumber, formatKey) => {
28 return tele.guessSelectedCountry(me, phoneNumber, formatKey);
29 },
30 socialSecurity: (text, pattern) => {
31 text = text.substr(0, 16);
32 pattern = pattern || '... .. ....';
33 if (!text || text.length === 0) {
34 return '';
35 }
37 if ((text && text.length < 2) || !pattern) {
38 return `${text}`;
39 }
41 const formattedObject = reduce(pattern, (acc, character) => {
42 if (acc.remainingText.length === 0) {
43 return acc;
44 }
46 if (character !== '.') {
47 return {
48 formattedText: acc.formattedText + character,
49 remainingText: acc.remainingText,
50 };
51 }
53 return {
54 formattedText: acc.formattedText + first(acc.remainingText),
55 remainingText: tail(acc.remainingText),
56 };
57 }, { formattedText: '', remainingText: text.split('') });
58 return formattedObject.formattedText + formattedObject.remainingText.join('');
59 },
60 date: (text, pattern) => {
61 text = text.substr(0, 16);
62 pattern = pattern || '....-..-..';
63 if (!text || text.length === 0) {
64 return '';
65 }
67 if ((text && text.length < 2) || !pattern) {
68 return `${text}`;
69 }
71 const formattedObject = reduce(pattern, (acc, character) => {
72 if (acc.remainingText.length === 0) {
73 return acc;
74 }
76 if (character !== '.') {
77 return {
78 formattedText: acc.formattedText + character,
79 remainingText: acc.remainingText,
80 };
81 }
83 return {
84 formattedText: acc.formattedText + first(acc.remainingText),
85 remainingText: tail(acc.remainingText),
86 };
87 }, { formattedText: '', remainingText: text.split('') });
88 return formattedObject.formattedText + formattedObject.remainingText.join('');
89 },
90 creditCard: (text, pattern) => {
91 text = text.substr(0, 16);
92 pattern = pattern || '.... .... .... ....';
93 if (!text || text.length === 0) {
94 return '';
95 }
97 if ((text && text.length < 2) || !pattern) {
98 return `${text}`;
99 }
101 const formattedObject = reduce(pattern, (acc, character) => {
102 if (acc.remainingText.length === 0) {
103 return acc;
104 }
106 if (character !== '.') {
107 return {
108 formattedText: acc.formattedText + character,
109 remainingText: acc.remainingText,
110 };
111 }
113 return {
114 formattedText: acc.formattedText + first(acc.remainingText),
115 remainingText: tail(acc.remainingText),
116 };
117 }, { formattedText: '', remainingText: text.split('') });
118 return formattedObject.formattedText + formattedObject.remainingText.join('');
119 },
120 removeNonNumbers: (val, and, nozero) => {
121 and = and || '';
122 var numbers = '0123456789' + and;
123 if (nozero) {
124 val = (val || '').toString();
125 }
126 else
127 val = (val || '0').toString();
128 return val.split('').filter(x => numbers.indexOf(x) !== -1).join('');
129 },
130 currency: (text, decimals) => {
131 try {
132 text = Number.parseInt(tele.removeNonNumbers(text)).toString();
133 } catch (e) { }
134 text = reverseString(text || '');
135 text = tele.removeNonNumbers(text)
136 var pattern = '--.----------';
137 if (!text || text.length === 0) {
138 return '';
139 }
141 // if ((text && text.length < 2) || !pattern) {
142 // return `${text}`;
143 // }
145 const formattedObject = reduce(pattern, (acc, character) => {
146 if (acc.remainingText.length === 0) {
147 return acc;
148 }
150 if (character !== '-') {
151 return {
152 formattedText: acc.formattedText + character,
153 remainingText: acc.remainingText,
154 };
155 }
157 return {
158 formattedText: acc.formattedText + first(acc.remainingText),
159 remainingText: tail(acc.remainingText),
160 };
161 }, { formattedText: '', remainingText: text.split('') });
162 var result = reverseString(formattedObject.formattedText + formattedObject.remainingText.join(''));
163 if (result.length == 0) {
164 result = '0.00';
165 }
166 else if (result.length === 1) {
167 result = '0.0' + result;
168 }
169 else if (result.length === 2) {
170 result = '0.' + result;
171 }
172 return result;
173 },
174 formatNumber: (text, pattern) => {
175 if (!text || text.length === 0) {
176 return '+';
177 }
178 if (text[0] === '+') {
179 text = text.substr(1);
180 }
182 if ((text && text.length < 2) || !pattern) {
183 return `+${text}`;
184 }
186 const formattedObject = reduce(pattern, (acc, character) => {
187 if (acc.remainingText.length === 0) {
188 return acc;
189 }
191 if (character !== '.') {
192 return {
193 formattedText: acc.formattedText + character,
194 remainingText: acc.remainingText,
195 };
196 }
198 return {
199 formattedText: acc.formattedText + first(acc.remainingText),
200 remainingText: tail(acc.remainingText),
201 };
202 }, { formattedText: '', remainingText: text.split('') });
203 return formattedObject.formattedText + formattedObject.remainingText.join('');
204 },
205 getFormattedPhoneNumber: (phoneNumber) => {
206 var choice = null;
207 phoneNumber = phoneNumber || '';
208 for (let i = 0; i < allCountriesObject.length; i++) {
209 if (phoneNumber.startsWith('+' + allCountriesObject[i].dialCode) ||
210 phoneNumber.startsWith(allCountriesObject[i].dialCode)) {
211 const isoCcode = allCountriesObject[i].iso2.toUpperCase();
212 choice = { best_choice: isoCcode, index: i };
213 break;
214 }
215 }
216 if (choice) {
217 var index = choice.index;
218 if (allCountriesObject[index]) {
219 const formattedNumber = tele.formatNumber(phoneNumber.replace(/\D/g, ''), allCountriesObject[index].format);
220 return formattedNumber;
221 }
222 }
223 return null;
224 },
225 guessSelectedCountry: (me, phoneNumber, formatKey) => {
226 for (let i = 0; i < allCountriesObject.length; i++) {
227 if (phoneNumber.startsWith('+' + allCountriesObject[i].dialCode) ||
228 allCountriesObject[i].dialCode === phoneNumber) {
229 const isoCcode = allCountriesObject[i].iso2.toUpperCase();
230 const formattedNumber = tele.formatNumber(phoneNumber.replace(/\D/g, ''), allCountriesObject[i].format);
231 var ops = {};
232 if (formatKey) {
233 ops = { [formatKey]: formattedNumber };
234 }
235 me.setState(Object.assign({ best_choice: isoCcode, index: i, formattedNumber }, ops));
236 break;
237 } else {
238 var ops = {};
239 if (phoneNumber.length < 4) {
241 if (formatKey) {
242 ops = { [formatKey]: phoneNumber };
243 }
244 me.setState(Object.assign({ iso_code: '', formattedNumber: phoneNumber }, ops));
245 } else {
246 if (me.state.index !== undefined) {
248 const formattedNumber = tele.formatNumber(phoneNumber.replace(/\D/g, ''),
249 allCountriesObject[me.state.index].format);
251 if (formatKey) {
252 ops = { [formatKey]: formattedNumber };
253 }
254 me.setState(Object.assign({
255 iso_code: me.state.best_choice,
256 formattedNumber,
257 }, ops));
258 }
259 }
260 }
261 }
262 }
265export default tele;