24.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1export const Me = 'Me';
2export const Color = 'Color';
3export const FirstName = 'First Name';
4export const LastName = 'Last Name';
5export const PhoneNumberLastName = 'Last Name';
6export const Comment = 'Comment';
7export const SelectCountry = 'Select Country';
8export const SelectCurrency = 'Select Currency';
9export const SelectAccountHolderType = 'Select Account Holder Type';
10export const Reports = 'Reports';
11export const Channel = 'Channel';
12export const SelectCarYear = 'Select Year';
13export const CarYear = 'Year';
14export const SelectState = 'Select State/Province';
15export const General = 'General';
16export const Name = 'Name';
17export const CarModel = 'Model';
18export const CarMake = 'Make';
19export const SelectCarModel = 'Select Model';
20export const SelectMonth = 'Select Month';
21export const Vin = 'Vin';
22export const EnterVin = 'Enter Vin';
23export const SelectCarMake = 'Select Make';
24export const SelectAddress = 'Select Address';
25export const Modules = 'Modules';
26export const Remove = 'Remove'
27export const SMS = 'SMS';
28export const NoCreditCardsSet = 'No credit cards set';
29export const SetCard = 'Set Card';
30export const ScanCard = 'Scan Card';
31export const Call = 'Call';
32export const MaidenName = 'Maiden Name';
33export const Buy = 'Purchase';
34export const Details = 'Details';
35export const Term = 'Term';
36export const Interval = 'Interval';
37export const IntervalCount = 'Interval Count';
38export const Types = 'Types';
39export const CheckingVerification = 'Checking identity verification ...';
40export const CheckingPendingIdentityConfirmation = 'Checking pending identity status';
41export const LoadingProfile = 'Loading profile ...';
42export const CardConfirmed = 'Card Confirmed';
43export const EnterPayOption = 'Enter Payment Option';
44export const CallType = 'Call type';
45export const IncomingCall = 'Incoming call ...';
46export const UnknownCaller = 'Unknown';
47export const IncomingCallFrom = (name) => {
48 name = name || UnknownCaller
49 return `Incoming call from ${name}`;
51export const Audio = 'Audio';
52export const Data = 'Data';
53export const Video = 'Video';
54export const SelectACommunicationsType = 'Select a communications type';
55export const Ago = (v) => {
56 return v + ' ago';
58export const ImagesVideo = 'Images/Video'
59export const Active = 'Active';
60export const Month = v => {
61 switch (v) {
62 case '1':
63 return 'Jan';
64 case '2':
65 return 'Feb';
66 case '3':
67 return 'Mar';
68 case '4':
69 return 'Apr';
70 case '5':
71 return 'May';
72 case '6':
73 return 'Jun';
74 case '7':
75 return 'Jul';
76 case '8':
77 return 'Aug';
78 case '9':
79 return 'Sep';
80 case '10':
81 return 'Oct';
82 case '11':
83 return 'Nov';
84 case '12':
85 return 'Dec';
86 }
87 return '';
89export const PersonalIdNumber = 'Personal SSN Number';
90export const Location = 'Location';
91export const Radius = 'Radius';
92export const SignInAs = 'Sign in as';
93export const Upload = 'Upload';
94export const SetupPaymentOption = 'Payment Option(s)';
95export const ThisMayTakeAWhile = 'This may take a while';
96export const Resend = 'Resend';
97export const Year = 'Year';
98export const Model = 'Model';
99export const Make = 'Make';
100export const Untitled = 'Untitled';
101export const CodeType = 'Code Type';
102export const ConfirmComplete = 'Confirm Complete';
103export const Step = 'Step';
104export const Discount = 'Discount';
105export const Code = 'Code';
106export const Percentage = 'Percentage';
107export const CardSet = 'Card set';
108export const NoServiceTask = 'No service task selected';
109export const ProviderLaborerEvents = 'Service Partner Events';
110export const Required = 'Required';
111export const TransactionSuccessfull = 'Transaction Successfull';
112export const ChangeServiceTask = 'Service Items';
113export const Start = 'Start';
114export const End = 'End';
115export const DropoffLocation = 'Drop off Location';
116export const PickupLocation = 'Pickup Location';
117export const SortBy = 'Sort by';
118export const ETA = 'ETA';
119export const from = 'from';
120export const $in = 'in';
121export const HoursMinutes = (hm) => {
122 var res = '';
123 if (hm && hm.hours && hm.hours !== '0') {
124 res = hm.hours + 'hr'
125 }
126 if (hm && hm.minutes !== undefined && hm.minutes !== null) {
127 if (hm.hours < 2)
128 res = res + (res ? ' ' : '') + (hm.minutes || 0) + ' min';
129 }
130 return res;
132export const Started = 'Started';
133export const AddProfileImage = 'Add Profile Image';
134export const ValidUrl = 'Valid url please';
135export const CantBeEmpty = 'Please enter value';
136export const OnlyNumbersAllowed = 'Only numbers allowed';
137export const Length12 = 'Length should be 12';
138export const Length9to17 = 'Length should between 9 and 17';
139export const InvalidSS = 'Invalid Social Security number';
140export const Length3t4 = 'Length should be 3 or 4';
141export const Length8 = 'Length should be 8';
142export const Length9 = 'Length should be 9';
143export const YearInvalid = 'Invalid year, must be 4 digits';
144export const DebitIncorrect = 'Debit is not correct';
145export const Length4 = 'Length should be 4';
146export const Length5 = 'Length should be 5';
147export const ValidCharacters = 'Valid characters only please';
148export const Choose = 'Choose';
149export const ApplicationFee = 'Application Fee';
150export const ChargesPer = 'Chargers per';
151export const Amount = 'Amount';
152export const ChargedAmount = 'Charged Amount';
153export const Duration = 'Duration';
154export const AddYourVehicle = 'Add a vehicle';
155export const SelectFromLibraryOrTakePicture = 'Either select from your library or take a new picture.'
156export const UploadFailed = 'Upload Failed';
157export const ServiceTaskProcess = 'Service Task Process';
158export const SelectVehicle = 'Select Vehicle';
159export const CustomerCancels = 'You have canceled your service, Please order again soon!';
160export const ServiceTaskChargeFailure = 'Service Task Charge Failure';
161export const LaborerCancels = 'Service Partner Canceled';
162export const IllegalState = 'Something went wrong, please allow us one moment as we attempt to rectify the issue.';
163export const PaymentFailure = 'There was an error trying to complete the payment transaction.';
164export const EditServiceTaskItem = 'Edit item definition';
165export const WaitForHeroConfirmation = 'Wait for Hero confirmation';
166export const BankAccount = 'Bank Account';
167export const BankAccountOptions = 'Bank Account Options';
168export const LiveServiceTaskMenu = 'Live Service Task';
169export const ProviderStats = 'Service Provider Stats';
170export const IncorrectCode = 'That code did not quite match. Try again.'
171export const NO_LABORER_FOUND = 'All providers are assisting customers. Please check back shortly.';
172export const EVALUATE_LABORER = 'Than you for your Evaluation and using Hero!';
173export const DocumentationNeeded = 'Please upload an image of an identifying document such as a passport or a drivers licenses by selecting image below. Please make sure the identifying documents belong to the owner of the company being set up or the owner of the bank account utilized during set up.';
174export const DocumentationUploaded = 'Your documentation has been uploaded and saved. There is no need to re-submit your documentation.';
175export const NS_TEXT_EVALUATE_LABORER = 'Thanks for your evaluation. We will use this information to improve your Hero experience';
176export const FINAL_CALCULATEION_IS_COMPLETED = 'Bill calculated';
177export const TASK_IS_COMPLETED = 'This service is complete';
178export const ServiceTaskProcessDefinition = 'Service Task Process';
179export const NS_TEXT_TASK_IS_COMPLETED = 'Your Hero Service Provider has completed the service.';
180export const CANCELLED_SERVICE_TASK_NO_FAULT = 'The job was cancelled with no extra charge.';
181export const NS_TEXT_TASK_IS_COMPLTED = 'The Service was completed.';
182export const NS_TEXT_FINAL_CALCULATEION_IS_COMPLETED = 'Your final bill has calculated.';
183export const NS_TEXT_NO_LABORER_FOUND = 'All providers are assisting customers. Please check back shortly.';
184export const NOTIFY_USER_LABORER_FOUND_FOR_SERVICE_TASK = 'We have found a Service Provider for you.';
185export const NS_TEXT_NOTIFY_USER_LABORER_FOUND_FOR_SERVICE_TASK = 'We found someone to make your request a reality.';
186export const CheckList = 'Check list';
187export const AddImage = 'Add Image';
188export const HeroUser = 'Hero User';
189export const Images = 'Images';
190export const ImageRecommendation = 'We recommend that you take pictures before and after the job is complete.'
191export const LABORER_ACCEPTANCE = 'You accepted';
192export const LABORER_ASSIGNED = 'You have been assigned';
193export const EVALUATE_CUSTOMER = 'You have evaluated a customer.';
194export const NS_TEXT_EVALUATE_CUSTOMER = 'You have evaluated a customer. Thanks for your opinion, we will use this information to improve your daily experiences.';
195export const NS_TEXT_LABORER_ASSIGNED = 'Congrats, you have been assigned a Service to complete.';
196export const NS_TEXT_LABORER_ACCEPTANCE = 'You have accepted a service';
197export const NS_TEXT_LABORER_ARRIVES = 'You have arrived on site.';
198export const LABORER_ARRIVES = 'You have arrived.';
199export const NEW_JOB_NOTIFICATION = 'New Service';
200export const NS_TEXT_NEW_JOB_NOTIFICATION = 'A new service opportunity is available for a short time.';
201export const Towing = 'Towing';
202export const LaborerEnRoute = 'Service provider is coming'
203export const LaborerHasArrived = 'Service provider has arrived';
204export const LaborerHasCome = (name) => {
205 if (name) {
206 return name + ' has arrived';
207 }
208 return LaborerHasArrived;
210export const LaborerShowArrive = name => {
211 if (name) {
212 return `${name} should arrive`;
213 }
214 return _LaborerShouldArrive
216const _LaborerShouldArrive = 'Service Partner should arrive';
217export const LaborerIsComing = (name) => {
218 if (name) {
219 return name + ' is coming';
220 }
221 else LaborerEnRoute;
223export const FinalCost = 'Final cost';
224export const StartPeriod = 'Start Period';
225export const NewProviderSideMenu = 'New Service Provider';
226export const CancelTask = 'Cancel Task';
227export const WhenFinished = 'When finished';
228export const PressDone = 'Press done below.'
229export const NoCheckListExplanation = 'No check list for this type of service.';
230export const LaborerCurrentWorking = 'In progress';
231export const LaborerAssigned = 'Service Provider Assigned';
232export const CalculatingReceipt = 'Calculating Receipt';
233export const NoCheckList = 'No check list';
234export const OnRoute = 'On Route';
235export const EndPeriod = 'End Period';
236export const BusinessName = 'Business Name';
237export const Vehicles = 'Vehicles';
238export const DefaultCurrency = 'Default Currency';
239export const AddVerificationDocument = 'Add Verification Document';
240export const Error = 'Error';
241export const ThereIsAnIssueWorkingOutYourLocation = 'There is an issue working out your location, we are looking into it.'
242export const YourApplicationFailed = 'Your application has failed';
243export const CouldntFindDirections = "Couldn't find directions. Try a different location."
244export const Gender = 'Gender';
245export const Menu = 'Menu';
246export const DateOfBirth = "Date of Birth"
247export const BeALaborer = 'Work with Hero';
248export const VerifyIdentification = 'Verify Identity';
249export const STRIPE_ACCOUNT_LEGAL_ENTITY_OPTIONS_PART2 = 'Legal Entity';
250export const STRIPE_ACCOUNT_LEGAL_ENTITY_OPTIONS_PART3 = 'Legal Entity';
251export const LaborerIdentityVerification = 'Confirm Service Partner';
252export const BeAProvider = 'Service Provider';
253export const BeACustomer = 'Customer';
254export const StartAddressOnly = 'Starting Address Only';
255export const StartDestinationAddress = 'Start and Destination Addresses';
256export const TOWING = Towing;
257export const SignOut = "Sign out";
258export const AddItemRegionPrice = 'Add Region Price';
259export const EditItemRegionPrice = 'Edit Region Price';
260export const NewProvider = 'New Service Provider';
261export const NewMessage = 'New Message';
262export const Dispute = 'Dispute';
263export const ServiceTaskImages = 'Service Task Images';
264export const DisputeMessages = 'DisputeMessages';
265export const Receipt = 'Receipt';
266export const Minutes = 'Minutes';
267export const ContinueDispute = 'Continue Dispute';
268export const HeroCustomer = 'Customer';
269export const HeroCustomers = 'Customers';
270export const ChangeRole = 'Change Role';
271export const ModeChoice = 'Back';
272export const Search = 'Search';
273export const History = 'History';
274export const Patience = 'Wait For Approval';
275export const NoCarSet = 'No car set';
276export const IdentityVerifications = 'Identity Verifications';
277export const Heroes = 'Heroes';
278export const No = 'No';
279export const Yes = 'Yes';
280export const IsWorking = 'is working';
281export const StartDate = 'Valid Start Date';
282export const BillSent = 'Bill sent';
283export const BillSentToCustomer = 'Bill sent to customer';
284export const ProviderRejected = 'Service Provider rejection';
285export const JobRejection = 'Service Unavailable';
286export const JobRejectionExplanation = 'The service request has been assigned to someone else. Please stay online and the next available service request will come to you.';
287export const ProviderRejectionNote = 'The provider has rejected your attempt to join. If this is an error, contact the provider and try again.'
288export const PaymentComplete = 'Your payment is complete';
289export const PaymentConfirmed = 'Payment confirmed';
290export const OfferLastUntil = 'Offer last until';
291export const ItWas = 'It was';
292export const WaitForProviderApproval = 'Wait for provider approval, please.';
293export const PleaseEvaluateWork = (name) => {
294 if (!name) {
295 return `Please evaluate the work`;
296 }
297 return `Please evaluate ${name}'s work`;
300export const Confirm = "Confirm";
301export const PastServiceTransactions = 'Past Transactions';
302export const EndDate = 'Valid Until';
303export const YourTotalIs = 'Your total is';
304export const Option = 'Option';
305export const UseBasePrice = 'Use Base Price';
306export const Kilometers = 'km';
307export const Free = 'Free';
308export const Quantity = 'Quantity';
309export const QuantityPer = 'Quantity counted per item';
310export const ServiceTask = 'Service Task';
311export const UseQuantity = 'Use Quantity';
312export const Additive = 'Additive';
313export const Deleted = 'Deleted';
314export const PercentageBased = 'Percentage Based';
315export const StartTrip = 'Start Trip';
316export const Value = 'Discount Value';
317export const SelectServiceTaskOption = 'Select Service Task Option';
318export const TaxPercent = 'Tax %';
319export const CreatePackagePlanItem = 'Create Package Plan Item';
320export const UpdatePackagePlanItem = 'Update Package Plan Item';
321export const Created = 'Created';
322export const Id = 'Id';
323export const Price = 'Price';
324export const UseDistanceBasedPrice = 'Use Distance Based Price';
325export const UseStartDate = 'Use Start Date';
326export const DontUseStartDate = 'Dont Use Start Date';
327export const UseEndDate = 'Use End Date';
328export const SendNotification = 'Send Notification to';
329export const DontUseEndDate = `Don't Use End Date`;
330export const BasePrice = 'Base Price';
331export const PriceInCents = 'Price in cents';
332export const On = 'On';
333export const Off = 'Off';
334export const PricePerMile = 'Price Per Mile';
335export const EnterValidPhoneNumber = 'Enter valid phone number';
336export const EnterValidEmail = 'Enter valid email';
337export const ShortDescription = 'Short Description';
338export const TooLong = 'Too long';
339export const RegionRadius = 'Region Radius';
340export const SubscriptionDiscount = 'Subscription Discount';
341export const ZipCodeInvalid = 'Zip code invalid';
342export const Environment = 'Environment';
343export const ServiceTaskType = 'Service task type';
344export const IncorrectLength = 'Incorrect length';
345export const EditServiceTaskDefinitionOption = 'Edit';
346export const MustBeInThePast = 'The date must be in the past';
347export const MustBeAtLeast18 = 'Must be at least 18 years';
348export const EditServiceTask = 'Edit';
349export const Description = 'Description';
350export const InvalidCard = 'Invalid Card';
351export const DefaultCost = 'Default Cost';
352export const CostPerMile = 'Cost per mile';
353export const InvalidMonth = 'Invalid month';
354export const InvalidYear = 'InvalidYear';
355export const AddressLine1 = 'Address Line 1';
356export const Minut = 'min';
357export const Hours = 'hr(s)';
358export const Months = 'months';
359export const Days = 'day(s)';
360export const Seconds = 's';
361export const AddRegionPrice = 'Add Region Price';
362export const EditRegionPrice = 'Edit Region Price'
363export const AddressLine2 = 'Address Line 2';
364export const AddressPostalCode = 'Postal Code';
365export const PersonalAddressCity = 'Personal Address City';
366export const PersonalAddressLine1 = 'Personal Address Line 1';
367export const PersonalAddressLine2 = 'Personal Address Line 2';
368export const PersonalAddressPostalCode = 'Personal Address Postal Code';
369export const PersonalAddressState = 'Personal Address State';
370export const PersonalAddressTwoLetterCountry = 'Personal Address Two Letter Country';
371export const AddressState = 'State';
372export const BusinessVatId = 'Vat Id'
373export const BusinessTaxId = 'Tax Id';
374export const City = 'City';
375export const State = 'State';
376export const CityOrTown = 'City/Town';
377export const HeroEmployee = 'Hero Employee';
378export const SocialAccount = 'Social Account';
379export const ChangeCharges = 'Change Charges';
380export const Roles = 'Roles';
381export const Country = 'Country';
382export const AddressTwoLetterCountry = 'Two Letter Country Code';
383export const AccountHolderName = 'Account Holder Name';
384export const AccountHolderType = 'Account Holder Type';
385export const Currency = 'Currency';
386export const Role = 'Role';
387export const AccountNumber = 'Account Number';
388export const BankName = 'Bank Name';
389export const RoutingNumber = 'Routing Number';
390export const BusinessUrl = 'Business Url';
391export const Vehicle = 'Vehicle';
392export const Zip = 'ZIP';
393export const SocialId = 'Social Security Number';
394export const ProductDescription = 'Product Description';
395export const StatementDescriptor = 'Statement Descriptor (max 22 characters)';
396export const SupportEmail = 'Support Email';
397export const SupportPhone = 'Support Phone';
398export const SupportUrl = 'Support Url';
399export const Email = 'Email';
400export const PendingEmailAddress = 'Press to enter verification code';
401export const PendingPhoneNumber = 'Press to enter verification code';
402export const CardNumber = 'cvv';
403export const Address = 'Address';
404export const ToggleVideo = 'Toggle Video';
405export const TOSAcceptanceDate = 'TOS Agreement Date';
406export const Cvc = 'Cvc';
407export const ExpirationYear = 'Expiration Year';
408export const Last4Digits = 'Last 4 Digits';
409export const Expiration = 'Exp';
410export const ExpirationMonth = 'Expiration Month';
411export const StateProvince = 'State/Province';
412export const EndTrip = 'End Trip';
413export const EnterStartAddress = "Enter start address";
414export const ConfirmJob = 'Confirm';
415export const EnterDestinationAddress = "Enter destination address";
416export const SearchScreen = 'Search';
417export const NoOffer = 'No offer';
418export const TellUsWhereYouAreGoing = 'Tell us where you are going, please.';
419export const TakeAPicture = 'Take Picture';
420export const SelectImage = 'Select Image';
421export const Sorry = 'Sorry';
422export const ImageToBig = 'Image is too big, please use a smaller version. (8 meg max)';
423export const NoLaborerFound = 'All Service Providers are assisting other customers, please check back shortly.';
424export const CustomerCancelled = 'Customer cancelled the Service request';
425export const Ok = 'Ok';
426export const Validation = 'Oops';
427export const ValidationMessage = 'Please fix validation errors.';
428export const LateCancellation = 'Late cancellation';
429export const Directions = 'Directions';
430export const EnterInformation = 'Enter Phone/Email'
431export const UnableToCancelExplanation = 'Unable to cancel explanation';
432export const UnableToCancel = 'Unable to cancel';
433export const SomethingWentWrong = 'Something went wrong';
434export const Online = 'Online';
435export const Offline = 'Offline';
436export const Arrived = 'Arrived';
437export const ThankYou = 'Thank you';
438export const Received = 'Received';
439export const AddressOfDestination = 'Address of destination';
440export const Total = 'Total';
441export const ServiceProvider = 'Service Provider';
442export const YouAreBlankFarFrom = (distInMeters) => {
443 return `You are ${distInMeters} meters from the next navigation step.`;
445export const From = 'From';
446export const Select = 'Select';
447export const DistanceToNext = 'Dist. to next : ';
448export const InTheNext = 'In the next';
449export const Next = 'Next';
450export const Done = 'Done';
451export const Add = 'Add';
452export const None = 'None';
453export const BillConfirmed = 'Bill confirmed';
454export const Laborer = 'Service Partner';
455export const Bill = 'Bill';
456export const Waiting = 'Waiting';
457export const TryAgain = 'Try Again';
458export const Previous = 'Previous';
459export const SendMessage = 'Send';
460export const CreateServiceTaskCategory = 'Create Service Task Category';
461export const Cancel = 'Cancel';
462export const LookingForLaborer = 'Looking for laborer';
463export const GoOffline = 'Go Offline';
464export const Disabled = 'Disabled';
465export const Enabled = 'Enabled';
466export const StayOnline = 'Stay Online';
467export const Back = 'Back';
468export const EmptyList = '-- Empty --';
469export const Photos = 'Photos';
470export const StatisSum = 'Static Sum';
471export const TakePicture = 'Select';
472export const RequiredLocations = 'Required Locations';
473export const CustomerEvents = 'Customer Events';
474export const GettingDirections = 'Getting Directions';
475export const MinutesAway = 'minutes away';
476export const Home = 'Home';
477export const Notifications = 'Notifications';
478export const Notification = 'Notification';
479export const Properties = 'Properties';
480export const JobOffer = 'Job Offer';
481export const PlaceOrder = 'Place Order';
482export const Edit = 'Edit';
483export const Delete = 'Delete';
484export const MyLocation = 'My Location';
485export const AccountVerification = 'Account Verification';
486export const CellNumber = 'Cell #';
487export const VerificationCode = 'Verification Code';
488export const EnterVerificationCode = 'Enter verification code';
489export const HeroStats = 'Statistics';
490export const TwilioNumbers = 'Twilio Numbers';
491export const Requests = 'Requests';
492export const UnprintedReports = 'Unprint Reports';
493export const HeroCarCare = 'Hero Car Care';
494export const Settings = 'Settings';
495export const Stats = 'Stats';
496export const PrintedReports = 'Printed Reports';
497export const Test = 'Test';
498export const NoneSelected = 'None selected';
499export const ChargeCustomerSomeOtherAmount = 'Change Charges';
500export const ChargeCustomer = 'Charge Customer';
501export const Customers = 'Customers';
502export const Users = 'Users';
503export const ServiceTasks = 'Service Tasks';
504export const RequestReport = 'Request Report';
505export const Maximum = 'Maximum';
506export const CustomersStatistics = 'Customer Statistics';
507export const Refund = 'Refund';
508export const CloseDispute = 'CloseDispute';
509export const IconSource = 'Icon Source';
510export const Transactions = 'Transactions';
511export const AreYouSure = 'Are You Sure?';
512export const RateCustomer = 'Rate customer';
513export const Cancelling = 'Cancelling';
514export const Comments = 'Comments';
515export const CurrentLocation = 'Current location';
516export const SSNLast4 = 'SSN Last 4 digits';
517export const Complete = 'Complete';
518export const Completed = 'Completed';
519export const StartingLocation = 'Starting Location';
520export const JobAddress = 'Job Address';
521export const Decline = 'Decline';
522export const Accept = 'Accept';
523export const Reject = 'Reject';
524export const Change = 'Change';
525export const ServiceTaskOptions = 'Service Options';
526export const Working = 'Working';
527export const Calculating = 'Calculating';
528export const Unknown = 'Unknown';
529export const Reference = 'Reference';
530export const Save = 'Save';
531export const Miles = 'miles';
532export const DistanceCharge = 'Distance';
533export const MilesShort = 'mi';
534export const SendEmail = 'Send Email';
535export const WebRtc = 'Web RTC';
536export const Create = 'Create';
537export const Update = 'Update';
\No newline at end of file