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1import { defaultConfig } from './constants';
2import createFirestoreInstance from './createFirestoreInstance';
4let firestoreInstance;
7 * @name reduxFirestore
8 * @external
9 * @description Redux store enhancer that accepts configuration options and adds
10 * store.firestore. Enhancers are most commonly placed in redux's `compose` call
11 * along side applyMiddleware.
12 * @property {Object} firebaseInstance - Initiated firebase instance
13 * @property {Object} config - Containing react-redux-firebase specific configuration
14 * @return {Function} That accepts a component and returns a Component which
15 * wraps the provided component (higher order component).
16 * @return {Function} That enhances a redux store with store.firestore
17 * @example <caption>Setup</caption>
18 * import { createStore, compose } from 'redux'
19 * import { reduxFirestore } from 'redux-firestore'
20 * import firebase from 'firebase' // must be 4.5.0 or higher
21 import 'firebase/firestore' // make sure you add this for firestore
23 * // Redux Firestore Config
24 * const config = {
25 * // here is where you place other config options
26 * }
28 * // initialize script from Firestore page
29 * const fbConfg = {} // firebase config object
30 * firebase.initializeApp(fbConfig)
31 * firebase.firestore()
32 *
33 * // Add redux-firestore enhancer to store creation compose
34 * // Note: In full projects this will often be within createStore.js or store.js
35 const store = createStore(
36 makeRootReducer(),
37 initialState,
38 compose(
39 // pass firebase instance and config
40 reduxFirestore(firebase, reduxConfig),
41 // applyMiddleware(...middleware),
42 // ...enhancers
43 )
44 )
45 *
46 * // Use Function later to create store
47 * const store = createStoreWithFirestore(rootReducer, initialState)
48 */
49export default function reduxFirestore(firebaseInstance, otherConfig) {
50 return next => (reducer, initialState, middleware) => {
51 const store = next(reducer, initialState, middleware);
53 const configs = { ...defaultConfig, ...otherConfig };
54 firestoreInstance = createFirestoreInstance(
55 firebaseInstance.firebase_ || firebaseInstance, // eslint-disable-line no-underscore-dangle, no-undef, max-len
56 configs,
57 store.dispatch, // eslint-disable-line comma-dangle
58 );
60 store.firestore = firestoreInstance;
62 return store;
63 };
67 * @description Expose Firestore instance created internally. Useful for
68 * integrations into external libraries such as redux-thunk and redux-observable.
69 * @example <caption>redux-thunk integration</caption>
70 * import { applyMiddleware, compose, createStore } from 'redux';
71 * import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
72 * import makeRootReducer from './reducers';
73 * import { reduxFirestore, getFirestore } from 'redux-firestore';
74 *
75 * const fbConfig = {} // your firebase config
76 *
77 * const store = createStore(
78 * makeRootReducer(),
79 * initialState,
80 * compose(
81 * applyMiddleware([
82 * // Pass getFirestore function as extra argument
83 * thunk.withExtraArgument(getFirestore)
84 * ]),
85 * reduxFirestore(fbConfig)
86 * )
87 * );
88 * // then later
89 * export const addTodo = (newTodo) =>
90 * (dispatch, getState, getFirestore) => {
91 * const firebase = getFirestore()
92 * firebase
93 * .add('todos', newTodo)
94 * .then(() => {
95 * dispatch({ type: 'SOME_ACTION' })
96 * })
97 * };
98 *
99 */
100export const getFirestore = () => {
101 // TODO: Handle recieveing config and creating firebase instance if it doesn't exist
102 /* istanbul ignore next: Firebase instance always exists during tests */
103 if (!firestoreInstance) {
104 throw new Error(
105 'Firebase instance does not yet exist. Check your compose function.',
106 );
107 }
108 // TODO: Create new firebase here with config passed in
109 return firestoreInstance;