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1# Contributing to Regenerator
3Regenerator uses GitHub as its sole source of truth. Everything happens
4here. Facebook employees who contribute to Regenerator are expected to do
5so in the same way as everyone else. In other words, this document applies
6equally to all contributors.
8### Code of Conduct
9The code of conduct is described in [`CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md`](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
11### `master` is unsafe
13We will do our best to keep `master` in good shape, with tests passing at
14all times. But in order to move fast, we will make API changes that your
15application might not be compatible with. We will do our best to
16communicate these changes and always version appropriately so you can lock
17into a specific version if need be.
19### Pull Requests
21In case you've never submitted a pull request (PR) via GitHub before,
22please read [this short
23tutorial](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request). If
24you've submitted a PR before, there should be nothing surprising about our
25procedures for Regenerator.
27*Before* submitting a pull request, please make sure the following is done…
291. Fork the repo and create your branch from `master`.
302. If you've added code that should be tested, add tests!
313. Ensure the test suite passes (`npm test`).
324. If you haven't already, complete the CLA.
335. Submit a pull request via GitHub.
346. Check that Travis CI tests pass (pull request turns green).
36### Contributor License Agreement ("CLA")
38In order to accept your pull request, we need you to submit a CLA. You
39only need to do this once, so if you've done this for another Facebook
40open source project, you're good to go. If you are submitting a pull
41request for the first time, just let us know that you have completed the
42CLA and we can cross-check with your GitHub username.
44Complete your CLA here: <https://code.facebook.com/cla>
46## Bugs
48### Where to Find Known Issues
50We will be using GitHub Issues for all bugs. Before filing a new issue,
51please try to make sure your problem doesn't already exist. If you think
52your issue is more general than one that already exists, our preference is
53still to modify the original issue to reflect the underlying problem more
56### Reporting New Issues
58The best way to get a bug fixed is to provide a reduced test case, and the
59easiest way to reduce a testcase is to edit it in [the
60sandbox](http://facebook.github.io/regenerator/) until you're satisfied
61and then click the "report a bug" link (the new issue will be populated
62automatically with your code).
64### Security Bugs
66Facebook has a [bounty program](https://www.facebook.com/whitehat/) for
67the safe disclosure of security bugs. With that in mind, please do not
68file public issues and go through the process outlined on that page.
70## Coding Style
72* Use semicolons;
73* Commas last,
74* 2 spaces for indentation (no tabs).
75* Prefer `"` over `'`
76* 80 character line length
77* Match surrounding coding style.
78* Less code is better code.
80## License
82By contributing to Regenerator, you agree that your contributions will be
83licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).