10.9 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1export const errors = {
2 abandonedHeadElementChild: {
3 reason: 'Unexpected metadata element after head',
4 description:
5 'Unexpected element after head. Expected the element before `</head>`',
6 url: false
7 },
8 abruptClosingOfEmptyComment: {
9 reason: 'Unexpected abruptly closed empty comment',
10 description: 'Unexpected `>` or `->`. Expected `-->` to close comments'
11 },
12 abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier: {
13 reason: 'Unexpected abruptly closed public identifier',
14 description:
15 'Unexpected `>`. Expected a closing `"` or `\'` after the public identifier'
16 },
17 abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier: {
18 reason: 'Unexpected abruptly closed system identifier',
19 description:
20 'Unexpected `>`. Expected a closing `"` or `\'` after the identifier identifier'
21 },
22 absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference: {
23 reason: 'Unexpected non-digit at start of numeric character reference',
24 description:
25 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected `[0-9]` for decimal references or `[0-9a-fA-F]` for hexadecimal references'
26 },
27 cdataInHtmlContent: {
28 reason: 'Unexpected CDATA section in HTML',
29 description:
30 'Unexpected `<![CDATA[` in HTML. Remove it, use a comment, or encode special characters instead'
31 },
32 characterReferenceOutsideUnicodeRange: {
33 reason: 'Unexpected too big numeric character reference',
34 description:
35 'Unexpectedly high character reference. Expected character references to be at most hexadecimal 10ffff (or decimal 1114111)'
36 },
37 closingOfElementWithOpenChildElements: {
38 reason: 'Unexpected closing tag with open child elements',
39 description:
40 'Unexpectedly closing tag. Expected other tags to be closed first',
41 url: false
42 },
43 controlCharacterInInputStream: {
44 reason: 'Unexpected control character',
45 description:
46 'Unexpected control character `%x`. Expected a non-control code point, 0x00, or ASCII whitespace'
47 },
48 controlCharacterReference: {
49 reason: 'Unexpected control character reference',
50 description:
51 'Unexpectedly control character in reference. Expected a non-control code point, 0x00, or ASCII whitespace'
52 },
53 disallowedContentInNoscriptInHead: {
54 reason: 'Disallowed content inside `<noscript>` in `<head>`',
55 description:
56 'Unexpected text character `%c`. Only use text in `<noscript>`s in `<body>`',
57 url: false
58 },
59 duplicateAttribute: {
60 reason: 'Unexpected duplicate attribute',
61 description:
62 'Unexpectedly double attribute. Expected attributes to occur only once'
63 },
64 endTagWithAttributes: {
65 reason: 'Unexpected attribute on closing tag',
66 description: 'Unexpected attribute. Expected `>` instead'
67 },
68 endTagWithTrailingSolidus: {
69 reason: 'Unexpected slash at end of closing tag',
70 description: 'Unexpected `%c-1`. Expected `>` instead'
71 },
72 endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement: {
73 reason: 'Unexpected unopened end tag',
74 description: 'Unexpected end tag. Expected no end tag or another end tag',
75 url: false
76 },
77 eofBeforeTagName: {
78 reason: 'Unexpected end of file',
79 description: 'Unexpected end of file. Expected tag name instead'
80 },
81 eofInCdata: {
82 reason: 'Unexpected end of file in CDATA',
83 description: 'Unexpected end of file. Expected `]]>` to close the CDATA'
84 },
85 eofInComment: {
86 reason: 'Unexpected end of file in comment',
87 description: 'Unexpected end of file. Expected `-->` to close the comment'
88 },
89 eofInDoctype: {
90 reason: 'Unexpected end of file in doctype',
91 description:
92 'Unexpected end of file. Expected a valid doctype (such as `<!doctype html>`)'
93 },
94 eofInElementThatCanContainOnlyText: {
95 reason: 'Unexpected end of file in element that can only contain text',
96 description: 'Unexpected end of file. Expected text or a closing tag',
97 url: false
98 },
99 eofInScriptHtmlCommentLikeText: {
100 reason: 'Unexpected end of file in comment inside script',
101 description: 'Unexpected end of file. Expected `-->` to close the comment'
102 },
103 eofInTag: {
104 reason: 'Unexpected end of file in tag',
105 description: 'Unexpected end of file. Expected `>` to close the tag'
106 },
107 incorrectlyClosedComment: {
108 reason: 'Incorrectly closed comment',
109 description: 'Unexpected `%c-1`. Expected `-->` to close the comment'
110 },
111 incorrectlyOpenedComment: {
112 reason: 'Incorrectly opened comment',
113 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected `<!--` to open the comment'
114 },
115 invalidCharacterSequenceAfterDoctypeName: {
116 reason: 'Invalid sequence after doctype name',
117 description: 'Unexpected sequence at `%c`. Expected `public` or `system`'
118 },
119 invalidFirstCharacterOfTagName: {
120 reason: 'Invalid first character in tag name',
121 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected an ASCII letter instead'
122 },
123 misplacedDoctype: {
124 reason: 'Misplaced doctype',
125 description: 'Unexpected doctype. Expected doctype before head',
126 url: false
127 },
128 misplacedStartTagForHeadElement: {
129 reason: 'Misplaced `<head>` start tag',
130 description:
131 'Unexpected start tag `<head>`. Expected `<head>` directly after doctype',
132 url: false
133 },
134 missingAttributeValue: {
135 reason: 'Missing attribute value',
136 description:
137 'Unexpected `%c-1`. Expected an attribute value or no `%c-1` instead'
138 },
139 missingDoctype: {
140 reason: 'Missing doctype before other content',
141 description: 'Expected a `<!doctype html>` before anything else',
142 url: false
143 },
144 missingDoctypeName: {
145 reason: 'Missing doctype name',
146 description: 'Unexpected doctype end at `%c`. Expected `html` instead'
147 },
148 missingDoctypePublicIdentifier: {
149 reason: 'Missing public identifier in doctype',
150 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected identifier for `public` instead'
151 },
152 missingDoctypeSystemIdentifier: {
153 reason: 'Missing system identifier in doctype',
154 description:
155 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected identifier for `system` instead (suggested: `"about:legacy-compat"`)'
156 },
157 missingEndTagName: {
158 reason: 'Missing name in end tag',
159 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected an ASCII letter instead'
160 },
161 missingQuoteBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier: {
162 reason: 'Missing quote before public identifier in doctype',
163 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected `"` or `\'` instead'
164 },
165 missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier: {
166 reason: 'Missing quote before system identifier in doctype',
167 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected `"` or `\'` instead'
168 },
169 missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference: {
170 reason: 'Missing semicolon after character reference',
171 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected `;` instead'
172 },
173 missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypePublicKeyword: {
174 reason: 'Missing whitespace after public identifier in doctype',
175 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected ASCII whitespace instead'
176 },
177 missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword: {
178 reason: 'Missing whitespace after system identifier in doctype',
179 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected ASCII whitespace instead'
180 },
181 missingWhitespaceBeforeDoctypeName: {
182 reason: 'Missing whitespace before doctype name',
183 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected ASCII whitespace instead'
184 },
185 missingWhitespaceBetweenAttributes: {
186 reason: 'Missing whitespace between attributes',
187 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected ASCII whitespace instead'
188 },
189 missingWhitespaceBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers: {
190 reason:
191 'Missing whitespace between public and system identifiers in doctype',
192 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected ASCII whitespace instead'
193 },
194 nestedComment: {
195 reason: 'Unexpected nested comment',
196 description: 'Unexpected `<!--`. Expected `-->`'
197 },
198 nestedNoscriptInHead: {
199 reason: 'Unexpected nested `<noscript>` in `<head>`',
200 description:
201 'Unexpected `<noscript>`. Expected a closing tag or a meta element',
202 url: false
203 },
204 nonConformingDoctype: {
205 reason: 'Unexpected non-conforming doctype declaration',
206 description:
207 'Expected `<!doctype html>` or `<!doctype html system "about:legacy-compat">`',
208 url: false
209 },
210 nonVoidHtmlElementStartTagWithTrailingSolidus: {
211 reason: 'Unexpected trailing slash on start tag of non-void element',
212 description: 'Unexpected `/`. Expected `>` instead'
213 },
214 noncharacterCharacterReference: {
215 reason:
216 'Unexpected noncharacter code point referenced by character reference',
217 description: 'Unexpected code point. Do not use noncharacters in HTML'
218 },
219 noncharacterInInputStream: {
220 reason: 'Unexpected noncharacter character',
221 description: 'Unexpected code point `%x`. Do not use noncharacters in HTML'
222 },
223 nullCharacterReference: {
224 reason: 'Unexpected NULL character referenced by character reference',
225 description: 'Unexpected code point. Do not use NULL characters in HTML'
226 },
227 openElementsLeftAfterEof: {
228 reason: 'Unexpected end of file',
229 description: 'Unexpected end of file. Expected closing tag instead',
230 url: false
231 },
232 surrogateCharacterReference: {
233 reason: 'Unexpected surrogate character referenced by character reference',
234 description:
235 'Unexpected code point. Do not use lone surrogate characters in HTML'
236 },
237 surrogateInInputStream: {
238 reason: 'Unexpected surrogate character',
239 description:
240 'Unexpected code point `%x`. Do not use lone surrogate characters in HTML'
241 },
242 unexpectedCharacterAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier: {
243 reason: 'Invalid character after system identifier in doctype',
244 description: 'Unexpected character at `%c`. Expected `>`'
245 },
246 unexpectedCharacterInAttributeName: {
247 reason: 'Unexpected character in attribute name',
248 description:
249 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected whitespace, `/`, `>`, `=`, or probably an ASCII letter'
250 },
251 unexpectedCharacterInUnquotedAttributeValue: {
252 reason: 'Unexpected character in unquoted attribute value',
253 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Quote the attribute value to include it'
254 },
255 unexpectedEqualsSignBeforeAttributeName: {
256 reason: 'Unexpected equals sign before attribute name',
257 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Add an attribute name before it'
258 },
259 unexpectedNullCharacter: {
260 reason: 'Unexpected NULL character',
261 description:
262 'Unexpected code point `%x`. Do not use NULL characters in HTML'
263 },
264 unexpectedQuestionMarkInsteadOfTagName: {
265 reason: 'Unexpected question mark instead of tag name',
266 description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected an ASCII letter instead'
267 },
268 unexpectedSolidusInTag: {
269 reason: 'Unexpected slash in tag',
270 description:
271 'Unexpected `%c-1`. Expected it followed by `>` or in a quoted attribute value'
272 },
273 unknownNamedCharacterReference: {
274 reason: 'Unexpected unknown named character reference',
275 description:
276 'Unexpected character reference. Expected known named character references'
277 }