5.58 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.Sequence = exports.SequenceContext = void 0;
4const jsx_runtime_1 = require("react/jsx-runtime");
5const react_1 = require("react");
6const CompositionManager_1 = require("../CompositionManager");
7const get_timeline_clip_name_1 = require("../get-timeline-clip-name");
8const nonce_1 = require("../nonce");
9const timeline_position_state_1 = require("../timeline-position-state");
10const use_frame_1 = require("../use-frame");
11const use_unsafe_video_config_1 = require("../use-unsafe-video-config");
12exports.SequenceContext = (0, react_1.createContext)(null);
13const Sequence = ({ from, durationInFrames = Infinity, children, name, layout = 'absolute-fill', showInTimeline = true, showLoopTimesInTimeline, }) => {
14 const [id] = (0, react_1.useState)(() => String(Math.random()));
15 const parentSequence = (0, react_1.useContext)(exports.SequenceContext);
16 const { rootId } = (0, react_1.useContext)(timeline_position_state_1.TimelineContext);
17 const cumulatedFrom = parentSequence
18 ? parentSequence.cumulatedFrom + parentSequence.relativeFrom
19 : 0;
20 const actualFrom = cumulatedFrom + from;
21 const nonce = (0, nonce_1.useNonce)();
22 if (layout !== 'absolute-fill' && layout !== 'none') {
23 throw new TypeError(`The layout prop of <Sequence /> expects either "absolute-fill" or "none", but you passed: ${layout}`);
24 }
25 if (typeof durationInFrames !== 'number') {
26 throw new TypeError(`You passed to durationInFrames an argument of type ${typeof durationInFrames}, but it must be a number.`);
27 }
28 if (durationInFrames <= 0) {
29 throw new TypeError(`durationInFrames must be positive, but got ${durationInFrames}`);
30 }
31 // Infinity is non-integer but allowed!
32 if (durationInFrames % 1 !== 0 && Number.isFinite(durationInFrames)) {
33 throw new TypeError(`The "durationInFrames" of a sequence must be an integer, but got ${durationInFrames}.`);
34 }
35 if (typeof from !== 'number') {
36 throw new TypeError(`You passed to the "from" props of your <Sequence> an argument of type ${typeof from}, but it must be a number.`);
37 }
38 if (from % 1 !== 0) {
39 throw new TypeError(`The "from" prop of a sequence must be an integer, but got ${from}.`);
40 }
41 const absoluteFrame = (0, use_frame_1.useAbsoluteCurrentFrame)();
42 const unsafeVideoConfig = (0, use_unsafe_video_config_1.useUnsafeVideoConfig)();
43 const compositionDuration = unsafeVideoConfig
44 ? unsafeVideoConfig.durationInFrames
45 : 0;
46 const actualDurationInFrames = Math.min(compositionDuration - from, parentSequence
47 ? Math.min(parentSequence.durationInFrames +
48 (parentSequence.cumulatedFrom + parentSequence.relativeFrom) -
49 actualFrom, durationInFrames)
50 : durationInFrames);
51 const { registerSequence, unregisterSequence } = (0, react_1.useContext)(CompositionManager_1.CompositionManager);
52 const contextValue = (0, react_1.useMemo)(() => {
53 var _a;
54 return {
55 cumulatedFrom,
56 relativeFrom: from,
57 durationInFrames: actualDurationInFrames,
58 parentFrom: (_a = parentSequence === null || parentSequence === void 0 ? void 0 : parentSequence.relativeFrom) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0,
59 id,
60 };
61 }, [
62 cumulatedFrom,
63 from,
64 actualDurationInFrames,
65 parentSequence === null || parentSequence === void 0 ? void 0 : parentSequence.relativeFrom,
66 id,
67 ]);
68 const timelineClipName = (0, react_1.useMemo)(() => {
69 return name !== null && name !== void 0 ? name : (0, get_timeline_clip_name_1.getTimelineClipName)(children);
70 }, [children, name]);
71 (0, react_1.useEffect)(() => {
72 var _a;
73 registerSequence({
74 from,
75 duration: actualDurationInFrames,
76 id,
77 displayName: timelineClipName,
78 parent: (_a = parentSequence === null || parentSequence === void 0 ? void 0 : parentSequence.id) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null,
79 type: 'sequence',
80 rootId,
81 showInTimeline,
82 nonce,
83 showLoopTimesInTimeline,
84 });
85 return () => {
86 unregisterSequence(id);
87 };
88 }, [
89 durationInFrames,
90 actualFrom,
91 id,
92 name,
93 registerSequence,
94 timelineClipName,
95 unregisterSequence,
96 parentSequence === null || parentSequence === void 0 ? void 0 : parentSequence.id,
97 actualDurationInFrames,
98 rootId,
99 from,
100 showInTimeline,
101 nonce,
102 showLoopTimesInTimeline,
103 ]);
104 const endThreshold = (() => {
105 return actualFrom + durationInFrames - 1;
106 })();
107 const content = absoluteFrame < actualFrom
108 ? null
109 : absoluteFrame > endThreshold
110 ? null
111 : children;
112 return ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(exports.SequenceContext.Provider, Object.assign({ value: contextValue }, { children: content === null ? null : layout === 'absolute-fill' ? ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)("div", Object.assign({ style: {
113 position: 'absolute',
114 display: 'flex',
115 width: '100%',
116 height: '100%',
117 top: 0,
118 bottom: 0,
119 left: 0,
120 right: 0,
121 } }, { children: content }), void 0)) : (content) }), void 0));
123exports.Sequence = Sequence;
124//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
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