3.68 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.RemotionRoot = void 0;
4const jsx_runtime_1 = require("react/jsx-runtime");
5const react_1 = require("react");
6const shared_audio_tags_1 = require("./audio/shared-audio-tags");
7const CompositionManager_1 = require("./CompositionManager");
8const nonce_1 = require("./nonce");
9const random_1 = require("./random");
10const ready_manager_1 = require("./ready-manager");
11const timeline_position_state_1 = require("./timeline-position-state");
12const RemotionRoot = ({ children }) => {
13 var _a;
14 const [remotionRootId] = (0, react_1.useState)(() => String((0, random_1.random)(null)));
15 const [frame, setFrame] = (0, react_1.useState)((_a = window.remotion_initialFrame) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0);
16 const [playing, setPlaying] = (0, react_1.useState)(false);
17 const imperativePlaying = (0, react_1.useRef)(false);
18 const [fastRefreshes, setFastRefreshes] = (0, react_1.useState)(0);
19 const [playbackRate, setPlaybackRate] = (0, react_1.useState)(1);
20 const audioAndVideoTags = (0, react_1.useRef)([]);
21 (0, react_1.useLayoutEffect)(() => {
22 if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
23 window.remotion_setFrame = (f) => {
24 const id = (0, ready_manager_1.delayRender)();
25 setFrame(f);
26 requestAnimationFrame(() => (0, ready_manager_1.continueRender)(id));
27 };
28 window.remotion_isPlayer = false;
29 }
30 }, []);
31 const timelineContextValue = (0, react_1.useMemo)(() => {
32 return {
33 frame,
34 playing,
35 imperativePlaying,
36 rootId: remotionRootId,
37 playbackRate,
38 setPlaybackRate,
39 audioAndVideoTags,
40 };
41 }, [frame, playbackRate, playing, remotionRootId]);
42 const setTimelineContextValue = (0, react_1.useMemo)(() => {
43 return {
44 setFrame,
45 setPlaying,
46 };
47 }, []);
48 const nonceContext = (0, react_1.useMemo)(() => {
49 let counter = 0;
50 return {
51 getNonce: () => counter++,
52 fastRefreshes,
53 };
54 }, [fastRefreshes]);
55 (0, react_1.useEffect)(() => {
56 if (module.hot) {
57 module.hot.addStatusHandler((status) => {
58 if (status === 'idle') {
59 setFastRefreshes((i) => i + 1);
60 }
61 });
62 }
63 }, []);
64 return ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(nonce_1.NonceContext.Provider, Object.assign({ value: nonceContext }, { children: (0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(timeline_position_state_1.TimelineContext.Provider, Object.assign({ value: timelineContextValue }, { children: (0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(timeline_position_state_1.SetTimelineContext.Provider, Object.assign({ value: setTimelineContextValue }, { children: (0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(CompositionManager_1.CompositionManagerProvider, { children: (0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(shared_audio_tags_1.SharedAudioContextProvider
65 // In the preview, which is mostly played on Desktop, we opt out of the autoplay policy fix as described in https://github.com/remotion-dev/remotion/pull/554, as it mostly applies to mobile.
66 , Object.assign({
67 // In the preview, which is mostly played on Desktop, we opt out of the autoplay policy fix as described in https://github.com/remotion-dev/remotion/pull/554, as it mostly applies to mobile.
68 numberOfAudioTags: 0 }, { children: children }), void 0) }, void 0) }), void 0) }), void 0) }), void 0));
70exports.RemotionRoot = RemotionRoot;
71//# sourceMappingURL=RemotionRoot.js.map
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