1 | ## Change Log
2 |
3 | ### v2.72.0 (2016/04/17)
4 | - [#2176](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2176) Do not try to pipe Gzip responses with no body (@simov)
5 | - [#2175](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2175) Add 'delete' alias for the 'del' API method (@simov, @MuhanZou)
6 | - [#2172](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2172) Add support for deflate content encoding (@czardoz)
7 | - [#2169](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2169) Add callback option (@simov)
8 | - [#2165](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2165) Check for self.req existence inside the write method (@simov)
9 | - [#2167](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2167) Fix TravisCI badge reference master branch (@a0viedo)
10 |
11 | ### v2.71.0 (2016/04/12)
12 | - [#2164](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2164) Catch errors from the underlying http module (@simov)
13 |
14 | ### v2.70.0 (2016/04/05)
15 | - [#2147](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2147) Update eslint to version 2.5.3 🚀 (@simov, @greenkeeperio-bot)
16 | - [#2009](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2009) Support JSON stringify replacer argument. (@elyobo)
17 | - [#2142](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2142) Update eslint to version 2.5.1 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
18 | - [#2128](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2128) Update browserify-istanbul to version 2.0.0 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
19 | - [#2115](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2115) Update eslint to version 2.3.0 🚀 (@simov, @greenkeeperio-bot)
20 | - [#2089](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2089) Fix badges (@simov)
21 | - [#2092](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2092) Update browserify-istanbul to version 1.0.0 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
22 | - [#2079](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2079) Accept read stream as body option (@simov)
23 | - [#2070](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2070) Update bl to version 1.1.2 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
24 | - [#2063](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2063) Up bluebird and oauth-sign (@simov)
25 | - [#2058](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2058) Karma fixes for latest versions (@eiriksm)
26 | - [#2057](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2057) Update contributing guidelines (@simov)
27 | - [#2054](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2054) Update qs to version 6.1.0 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
28 |
29 | ### v2.69.0 (2016/01/27)
30 | - [#2041](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2041) restore aws4 as regular dependency (@rmg)
31 |
32 | ### v2.68.0 (2016/01/27)
33 | - [#2036](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2036) Add AWS Signature Version 4 (@simov, @mirkods)
34 | - [#2022](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2022) Convert numeric multipart bodies to string (@simov, @feross)
35 | - [#2024](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2024) Update har-validator dependency for nsp advisory #76 (@TylerDixon)
36 | - [#2016](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2016) Update qs to version 6.0.2 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
37 | - [#2007](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2007) Use the `extend` module instead of util._extend (@simov)
38 | - [#2003](https://github.com/request/request/pull/2003) Update browserify to version 13.0.0 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
39 | - [#1989](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1989) Update buffer-equal to version 1.0.0 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
40 | - [#1956](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1956) Check form-data content-length value before setting up the header (@jongyoonlee)
41 | - [#1958](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1958) Use IncomingMessage.destroy method (@simov)
42 | - [#1952](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1952) Adds example for Tor proxy (@prometheansacrifice)
43 | - [#1943](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1943) Update eslint to version 1.10.3 🚀 (@simov, @greenkeeperio-bot)
44 | - [#1924](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1924) Update eslint to version 1.10.1 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
45 | - [#1915](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1915) Remove content-length and transfer-encoding headers from defaultProxyHeaderWhiteList (@yaxia)
46 |
47 | ### v2.67.0 (2015/11/19)
48 | - [#1913](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1913) Update http-signature to version 1.1.0 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
49 |
50 | ### v2.66.0 (2015/11/18)
51 | - [#1906](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1906) Update README URLs based on HTTP redirects (@ReadmeCritic)
52 | - [#1905](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1905) Convert typed arrays into regular buffers (@simov)
53 | - [#1902](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1902) node-uuid@1.4.7 breaks build 🚨 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
54 | - [#1894](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1894) Fix tunneling after redirection from https (Original: #1881) (@simov, @falms)
55 | - [#1893](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1893) Update eslint to version 1.9.0 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
56 | - [#1852](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1852) Update eslint to version 1.7.3 🚀 (@simov, @greenkeeperio-bot, @paulomcnally, @michelsalib, @arbaaz, @vladimirich, @LoicMahieu, @JoshWillik, @jzaefferer, @ryanwholey, @djchie, @thisconnect, @mgenereu, @acroca, @Sebmaster, @Bloutiouf)
57 | - [#1876](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1876) Implement loose matching for har mime types (@simov)
58 | - [#1875](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1875) Update bluebird to version 3.0.2 🚀 (@simov, @greenkeeperio-bot)
59 | - [#1871](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1871) Update browserify to version 12.0.1 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
60 | - [#1866](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1866) Add missing quotes on x-token property in README (@miguelmota)
61 | - [#1874](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1874) Fix typo in README.md (@gswalden)
62 | - [#1860](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1860) Improve referer header tests and docs (@simov)
63 | - [#1861](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1861) Remove redundant call to Stream constructor (@watson)
64 | - [#1857](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1857) Fix Referer header to point to the original host name (@simov)
65 | - [#1850](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1850) Update karma-coverage to version 0.5.3 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
66 | - [#1847](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1847) Use node's latest version when building (@simov)
67 | - [#1836](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1836) Tunnel: fix wrong property name (@Bloutiouf)
68 | - [#1820](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1820) Set href as request.js uses it (@mgenereu)
69 | - [#1840](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1840) Update http-signature to version 1.0.2 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
70 | - [#1845](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1845) Update istanbul to version 0.4.0 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
71 |
72 | ### v2.65.0 (2015/10/11)
73 | - [#1833](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1833) Update aws-sign2 to version 0.6.0 🚀 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
74 | - [#1811](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1811) Enable loose cookie parsing in tough-cookie (@Sebmaster)
75 | - [#1830](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1830) Bring back tilde ranges for all dependencies (@simov)
76 | - [#1821](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1821) Implement support for RFC 2617 MD5-sess algorithm. (@BigDSK)
77 | - [#1828](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1828) Updated qs dependency to 5.2.0 (@acroca)
78 | - [#1818](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1818) Extract `readResponseBody` method out of `onRequestResponse` (@pvoisin)
79 | - [#1819](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1819) Run stringify once (@mgenereu)
80 | - [#1814](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1814) Updated har-validator to version 2.0.2 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
81 | - [#1807](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1807) Updated tough-cookie to version 2.1.0 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
82 | - [#1800](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1800) Add caret ranges for devDependencies, except eslint (@simov)
83 | - [#1799](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1799) Updated karma-browserify to version 4.4.0 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
84 | - [#1797](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1797) Updated tape to version 4.2.0 (@greenkeeperio-bot)
85 | - [#1788](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1788) Pinned all dependencies (@greenkeeperio-bot)
86 |
87 | ### v2.64.0 (2015/09/25)
88 | - [#1787](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1787) npm ignore examples, release.sh and disabled.appveyor.yml (@thisconnect)
89 | - [#1775](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1775) Fix typo in README.md (@djchie)
90 | - [#1776](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1776) Changed word 'conjuction' to read 'conjunction' in README.md (@ryanwholey)
91 | - [#1785](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1785) Revert: Set default application/json content-type when using json option #1772 (@simov)
92 |
93 | ### v2.63.0 (2015/09/21)
94 | - [#1772](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1772) Set default application/json content-type when using json option (@jzaefferer)
95 |
96 | ### v2.62.0 (2015/09/15)
97 | - [#1768](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1768) Add node 4.0 to the list of build targets (@simov)
98 | - [#1767](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1767) Query strings now cooperate with unix sockets (@JoshWillik)
99 | - [#1750](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1750) Revert doc about installation of tough-cookie added in #884 (@LoicMahieu)
100 | - [#1746](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1746) Missed comma in Readme (@vladimirich)
101 | - [#1743](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1743) Fix options not being initialized in defaults method (@simov)
102 |
103 | ### v2.61.0 (2015/08/19)
104 | - [#1721](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1721) Minor fix in README.md (@arbaaz)
105 | - [#1733](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1733) Avoid useless Buffer transformation (@michelsalib)
106 | - [#1726](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1726) Update README.md (@paulomcnally)
107 | - [#1715](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1715) Fix forever option in node > 0.10 #1709 (@calibr)
108 | - [#1716](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1716) Do not create Buffer from Object in setContentLength(iojs v3.0 issue) (@calibr)
109 | - [#1711](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1711) Add ability to detect connect timeouts (@kevinburke)
110 | - [#1712](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1712) Set certificate expiration to August 2, 2018 (@kevinburke)
111 | - [#1700](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1700) debug() when JSON.parse() on a response body fails (@phillipj)
112 |
113 | ### v2.60.0 (2015/07/21)
114 | - [#1687](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1687) Fix caseless bug - content-type not being set for multipart/form-data (@simov, @garymathews)
115 |
116 | ### v2.59.0 (2015/07/20)
117 | - [#1671](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1671) Add tests and docs for using the agent, agentClass, agentOptions and forever options.
118 | Forever option defaults to using http(s).Agent in node 0.12+ (@simov)
119 | - [#1679](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1679) Fix - do not remove OAuth param when using OAuth realm (@simov, @jhalickman)
120 | - [#1668](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1668) updated dependencies (@deamme)
121 | - [#1656](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1656) Fix form method (@simov)
122 | - [#1651](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1651) Preserve HEAD method when using followAllRedirects (@simov)
123 | - [#1652](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1652) Update `encoding` option documentation in README.md (@daniel347x)
124 | - [#1650](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1650) Allow content-type overriding when using the `form` option (@simov)
125 | - [#1646](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1646) Clarify the nature of setting `ca` in `agentOptions` (@jeffcharles)
126 |
127 | ### v2.58.0 (2015/06/16)
128 | - [#1638](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1638) Use the `extend` module to deep extend in the defaults method (@simov)
129 | - [#1631](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1631) Move tunnel logic into separate module (@simov)
130 | - [#1634](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1634) Fix OAuth query transport_method (@simov)
131 | - [#1603](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1603) Add codecov (@simov)
132 |
133 | ### v2.57.0 (2015/05/31)
134 | - [#1615](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1615) Replace '.client' with '.socket' as the former was deprecated in 2.2.0. (@ChALkeR)
135 |
136 | ### v2.56.0 (2015/05/28)
137 | - [#1610](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1610) Bump module dependencies (@simov)
138 | - [#1600](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1600) Extract the querystring logic into separate module (@simov)
139 | - [#1607](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1607) Re-generate certificates (@simov)
140 | - [#1599](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1599) Move getProxyFromURI logic below the check for Invaild URI (#1595) (@simov)
141 | - [#1598](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1598) Fix the way http verbs are defined in order to please intellisense IDEs (@simov, @flannelJesus)
142 | - [#1591](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1591) A few minor fixes: (@simov)
143 | - [#1584](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1584) Refactor test-default tests (according to comments in #1430) (@simov)
144 | - [#1585](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1585) Fixing documentation regarding TLS options (#1583) (@mainakae)
145 | - [#1574](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1574) Refresh the oauth_nonce on redirect (#1573) (@simov)
146 | - [#1570](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1570) Discovered tests that weren't properly running (@seanstrom)
147 | - [#1569](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1569) Fix pause before response arrives (@kevinoid)
148 | - [#1558](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1558) Emit error instead of throw (@simov)
149 | - [#1568](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1568) Fix stall when piping gzipped response (@kevinoid)
150 | - [#1560](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1560) Update combined-stream (@apechimp)
151 | - [#1543](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1543) Initial support for oauth_body_hash on json payloads (@simov, @aesopwolf)
152 | - [#1541](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1541) Fix coveralls (@simov)
153 | - [#1540](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1540) Fix recursive defaults for convenience methods (@simov)
154 | - [#1536](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1536) More eslint style rules (@froatsnook)
155 | - [#1533](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1533) Adding dependency status bar to README.md (@YasharF)
156 | - [#1539](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1539) ensure the latest version of har-validator is included (@ahmadnassri)
157 | - [#1516](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1516) forever+pool test (@devTristan)
158 |
159 | ### v2.55.0 (2015/04/05)
160 | - [#1520](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1520) Refactor defaults (@simov)
161 | - [#1525](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1525) Delete request headers with undefined value. (@froatsnook)
162 | - [#1521](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1521) Add promise tests (@simov)
163 | - [#1518](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1518) Fix defaults (@simov)
164 | - [#1515](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1515) Allow static invoking of convenience methods (@simov)
165 | - [#1505](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1505) Fix multipart boundary extraction regexp (@simov)
166 | - [#1510](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1510) Fix basic auth form data (@simov)
167 |
168 | ### v2.54.0 (2015/03/24)
169 | - [#1501](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1501) HTTP Archive 1.2 support (@ahmadnassri)
170 | - [#1486](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1486) Add a test for the forever agent (@akshayp)
171 | - [#1500](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1500) Adding handling for no auth method and null bearer (@philberg)
172 | - [#1498](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1498) Add table of contents in readme (@simov)
173 | - [#1477](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1477) Add support for qs options via qsOptions key (@simov)
174 | - [#1496](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1496) Parameters encoded to base 64 should be decoded as UTF-8, not ASCII. (@albanm)
175 | - [#1494](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1494) Update eslint (@froatsnook)
176 | - [#1474](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1474) Require Colon in Basic Auth (@erykwalder)
177 | - [#1481](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1481) Fix baseUrl and redirections. (@burningtree)
178 | - [#1469](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1469) Feature/base url (@froatsnook)
179 | - [#1459](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1459) Add option to time request/response cycle (including rollup of redirects) (@aaron-em)
180 | - [#1468](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1468) Re-enable io.js/node 0.12 build (@simov, @mikeal, @BBB)
181 | - [#1442](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1442) Fixed the issue with strictSSL tests on 0.12 & io.js by explicitly setting a cipher that matches the cert. (@BBB, @nicolasmccurdy, @demohi, @simov, @0x4139)
182 | - [#1460](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1460) localAddress or proxy config is lost when redirecting (@simov, @0x4139)
183 | - [#1453](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1453) Test on Node.js 0.12 and io.js with allowed failures (@nicolasmccurdy, @demohi)
184 | - [#1426](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1426) Fixing tests to pass on io.js and node 0.12 (only test-https.js stiff failing) (@mikeal)
185 | - [#1446](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1446) Missing HTTP referer header with redirects Fixes #1038 (@simov, @guimonz)
186 | - [#1428](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1428) Deprecate Node v0.8.x (@nylen)
187 | - [#1436](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1436) Add ability to set a requester without setting default options (@tikotzky)
188 | - [#1435](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1435) dry up verb methods (@sethpollack)
189 | - [#1423](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1423) Allow fully qualified multipart content-type header (@simov)
190 | - [#1430](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1430) Fix recursive requester (@tikotzky)
191 | - [#1429](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1429) Throw error when making HEAD request with a body (@tikotzky)
192 | - [#1419](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1419) Add note that the project is broken in 0.12.x (@nylen)
193 | - [#1413](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1413) Fix basic auth (@simov)
194 | - [#1397](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1397) Improve pipe-from-file tests (@nylen)
195 |
196 | ### v2.53.0 (2015/02/02)
197 | - [#1396](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1396) Do not rfc3986 escape JSON bodies (@nylen, @simov)
198 | - [#1392](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1392) Improve `timeout` option description (@watson)
199 |
200 | ### v2.52.0 (2015/02/02)
201 | - [#1383](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1383) Add missing HTTPS options that were not being passed to tunnel (@brichard19) (@nylen)
202 | - [#1388](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1388) Upgrade mime-types package version (@roderickhsiao)
203 | - [#1389](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1389) Revise Setup Tunnel Function (@seanstrom)
204 | - [#1374](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1374) Allow explicitly disabling tunneling for proxied https destinations (@nylen)
205 | - [#1376](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1376) Use karma-browserify for tests. Add browser test coverage reporter. (@eiriksm)
206 | - [#1366](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1366) Refactor OAuth into separate module (@simov)
207 | - [#1373](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1373) Rewrite tunnel test to be pure Node.js (@nylen)
208 | - [#1371](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1371) Upgrade test reporter (@nylen)
209 | - [#1360](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1360) Refactor basic, bearer, digest auth logic into separate class (@simov)
210 | - [#1354](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1354) Remove circular dependency from debugging code (@nylen)
211 | - [#1351](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1351) Move digest auth into private prototype method (@simov)
212 | - [#1352](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1352) Update hawk dependency to ~2.3.0 (@mridgway)
213 | - [#1353](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1353) Correct travis-ci badge (@dogancelik)
214 | - [#1349](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1349) Make sure we return on errored browser requests. (@eiriksm)
215 | - [#1346](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1346) getProxyFromURI Extraction Refactor (@seanstrom)
216 | - [#1337](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1337) Standardize test ports on 6767 (@nylen)
217 | - [#1341](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1341) Emit FormData error events as Request error events (@nylen, @rwky)
218 | - [#1343](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1343) Clean up readme badges, and add Travis and Coveralls badges (@nylen)
219 | - [#1345](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1345) Update README.md (@Aaron-Hartwig)
220 | - [#1338](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1338) Always wait for server.close() callback in tests (@nylen)
221 | - [#1342](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1342) Add mock https server and redo start of browser tests for this purpose. (@eiriksm)
222 | - [#1339](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1339) Improve auth docs (@nylen)
223 | - [#1335](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1335) Add support for OAuth plaintext signature method (@simov)
224 | - [#1332](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1332) Add clean script to remove test-browser.js after the tests run (@seanstrom)
225 | - [#1327](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1327) Fix errors generating coverage reports. (@nylen)
226 | - [#1330](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1330) Return empty buffer upon empty response body and encoding is set to null (@seanstrom)
227 | - [#1326](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1326) Use faster container-based infrastructure on Travis (@nylen)
228 | - [#1315](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1315) Implement rfc3986 option (@simov, @nylen, @apoco, @DullReferenceException, @mmalecki, @oliamb, @cliffcrosland, @LewisJEllis, @eiriksm, @poislagarde)
229 | - [#1314](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1314) Detect urlencoded form data header via regex (@simov)
230 | - [#1317](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1317) Improve OAuth1.0 server side flow example (@simov)
231 |
232 | ### v2.51.0 (2014/12/10)
233 | - [#1310](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1310) Revert changes introduced in https://github.com/request/request/pull/1282 (@simov)
234 |
235 | ### v2.50.0 (2014/12/09)
236 | - [#1308](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1308) Add browser test to keep track of browserify compability. (@eiriksm)
237 | - [#1299](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1299) Add optional support for jsonReviver (@poislagarde)
238 | - [#1277](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1277) Add Coveralls configuration (@simov)
239 | - [#1307](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1307) Upgrade form-data, add back browserify compability. Fixes #455. (@eiriksm)
240 | - [#1305](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1305) Fix typo in README.md (@LewisJEllis)
241 | - [#1288](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1288) Update README.md to explain custom file use case (@cliffcrosland)
242 |
243 | ### v2.49.0 (2014/11/28)
244 | - [#1295](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1295) fix(proxy): no-proxy false positive (@oliamb)
245 | - [#1292](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1292) Upgrade `caseless` to 0.8.1 (@mmalecki)
246 | - [#1276](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1276) Set transfer encoding for multipart/related to chunked by default (@simov)
247 | - [#1275](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1275) Fix multipart content-type headers detection (@simov)
248 | - [#1269](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1269) adds streams example for review (@tbuchok)
249 | - [#1238](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1238) Add examples README.md (@simov)
250 |
251 | ### v2.48.0 (2014/11/12)
252 | - [#1263](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1263) Fixed a syntax error / typo in README.md (@xna2)
253 | - [#1253](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1253) Add multipart chunked flag (@simov, @nylen)
254 | - [#1251](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1251) Clarify that defaults() does not modify global defaults (@nylen)
255 | - [#1250](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1250) Improve documentation for pool and maxSockets options (@nylen)
256 | - [#1237](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1237) Documenting error handling when using streams (@vmattos)
257 | - [#1244](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1244) Finalize changelog command (@nylen)
258 | - [#1241](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1241) Fix typo (@alexanderGugel)
259 | - [#1223](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1223) Show latest version number instead of "upcoming" in changelog (@nylen)
260 | - [#1236](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1236) Document how to use custom CA in README (#1229) (@hypesystem)
261 | - [#1228](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1228) Support for oauth with RSA-SHA1 signing (@nylen)
262 | - [#1216](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1216) Made json and multipart options coexist (@nylen, @simov)
263 | - [#1225](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1225) Allow header white/exclusive lists in any case. (@RReverser)
264 |
265 | ### v2.47.0 (2014/10/26)
266 | - [#1222](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1222) Move from mikeal/request to request/request (@nylen)
267 | - [#1220](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1220) update qs dependency to 2.3.1 (@FredKSchott)
268 | - [#1212](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1212) Improve tests/test-timeout.js (@nylen)
269 | - [#1219](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1219) remove old globalAgent workaround for node 0.4 (@request)
270 | - [#1214](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1214) Remove cruft left over from optional dependencies (@nylen)
271 | - [#1215](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1215) Add proxyHeaderExclusiveList option for proxy-only headers. (@RReverser)
272 | - [#1211](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1211) Allow 'Host' header instead of 'host' and remember case across redirects (@nylen)
273 | - [#1208](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1208) Improve release script (@nylen)
274 | - [#1213](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1213) Support for custom cookie store (@nylen, @mitsuru)
275 | - [#1197](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1197) Clean up some code around setting the agent (@FredKSchott)
276 | - [#1209](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1209) Improve multipart form append test (@simov)
277 | - [#1207](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1207) Update changelog (@nylen)
278 | - [#1185](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1185) Stream multipart/related bodies (@simov)
279 |
280 | ### v2.46.0 (2014/10/23)
281 | - [#1198](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1198) doc for TLS/SSL protocol options (@shawnzhu)
282 | - [#1200](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1200) Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md (@gitter-badger)
283 | - [#1196](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1196) Upgrade taper test reporter to v0.3.0 (@nylen)
284 | - [#1199](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1199) Fix lint error: undeclared var i (@nylen)
285 | - [#1191](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1191) Move self.proxy decision logic out of init and into a helper (@FredKSchott)
286 | - [#1190](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1190) Move _buildRequest() logic back into init (@FredKSchott)
287 | - [#1186](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1186) Support Smarter Unix URL Scheme (@FredKSchott)
288 | - [#1178](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1178) update form documentation for new usage (@FredKSchott)
289 | - [#1180](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1180) Enable no-mixed-requires linting rule (@nylen)
290 | - [#1184](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1184) Don't forward authorization header across redirects to different hosts (@nylen)
291 | - [#1183](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1183) Correct README about pre and postamble CRLF using multipart and not mult... (@netpoetica)
292 | - [#1179](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1179) Lint tests directory (@nylen)
293 | - [#1169](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1169) add metadata for form-data file field (@dotcypress)
294 | - [#1173](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1173) remove optional dependencies (@seanstrom)
295 | - [#1165](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1165) Cleanup event listeners and remove function creation from init (@FredKSchott)
296 | - [#1174](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1174) update the request.cookie docs to have a valid cookie example (@seanstrom)
297 | - [#1168](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1168) create a detach helper and use detach helper in replace of nextTick (@seanstrom)
298 | - [#1171](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1171) in post can send form data and use callback (@MiroRadenovic)
299 | - [#1159](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1159) accept charset for x-www-form-urlencoded content-type (@seanstrom)
300 | - [#1157](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1157) Update README.md: body with json=true (@Rob--W)
301 | - [#1164](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1164) Disable tests/test-timeout.js on Travis (@nylen)
302 | - [#1153](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1153) Document how to run a single test (@nylen)
303 | - [#1144](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1144) adds documentation for the "response" event within the streaming section (@tbuchok)
304 | - [#1162](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1162) Update eslintrc file to no longer allow past errors (@FredKSchott)
305 | - [#1155](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1155) Support/use self everywhere (@seanstrom)
306 | - [#1161](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1161) fix no-use-before-define lint warnings (@emkay)
307 | - [#1156](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1156) adding curly brackets to get rid of lint errors (@emkay)
308 | - [#1151](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1151) Fix localAddress test on OS X (@nylen)
309 | - [#1145](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1145) documentation: fix outdated reference to setCookieSync old name in README (@FredKSchott)
310 | - [#1131](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1131) Update pool documentation (@FredKSchott)
311 | - [#1143](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1143) Rewrite all tests to use tape (@nylen)
312 | - [#1137](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1137) Add ability to specifiy querystring lib in options. (@jgrund)
313 | - [#1138](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1138) allow hostname and port in place of host on uri (@cappslock)
314 | - [#1134](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1134) Fix multiple redirects and `self.followRedirect` (@blakeembrey)
315 | - [#1130](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1130) documentation fix: add note about npm test for contributing (@FredKSchott)
316 | - [#1120](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1120) Support/refactor request setup tunnel (@seanstrom)
317 | - [#1129](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1129) linting fix: convert double quote strings to use single quotes (@FredKSchott)
318 | - [#1124](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1124) linting fix: remove unneccesary semi-colons (@FredKSchott)
319 |
320 | ### v2.45.0 (2014/10/06)
321 | - [#1128](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1128) Add test for setCookie regression (@nylen)
322 | - [#1127](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1127) added tests around using objects as values in a query string (@bcoe)
323 | - [#1103](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1103) Support/refactor request constructor (@nylen, @seanstrom)
324 | - [#1119](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1119) add basic linting to request library (@FredKSchott)
325 | - [#1121](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1121) Revert "Explicitly use sync versions of cookie functions" (@nylen)
326 | - [#1118](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1118) linting fix: Restructure bad empty if statement (@FredKSchott)
327 | - [#1117](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1117) Fix a bad check for valid URIs (@FredKSchott)
328 | - [#1113](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1113) linting fix: space out operators (@FredKSchott)
329 | - [#1116](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1116) Fix typo in `noProxyHost` definition (@FredKSchott)
330 | - [#1114](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1114) linting fix: Added a `new` operator that was missing when creating and throwing a new error (@FredKSchott)
331 | - [#1096](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1096) No_proxy support (@samcday)
332 | - [#1107](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1107) linting-fix: remove unused variables (@FredKSchott)
333 | - [#1112](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1112) linting fix: Make return values consistent and more straitforward (@FredKSchott)
334 | - [#1111](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1111) linting fix: authPieces was getting redeclared (@FredKSchott)
335 | - [#1105](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1105) Use strict mode in request (@FredKSchott)
336 | - [#1110](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1110) linting fix: replace lazy '==' with more strict '===' (@FredKSchott)
337 | - [#1109](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1109) linting fix: remove function call from if-else conditional statement (@FredKSchott)
338 | - [#1102](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1102) Fix to allow setting a `requester` on recursive calls to `request.defaults` (@tikotzky)
339 | - [#1095](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1095) Tweaking engines in package.json (@pdehaan)
340 | - [#1082](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1082) Forward the socket event from the httpModule request (@seanstrom)
341 | - [#972](https://github.com/request/request/pull/972) Clarify gzip handling in the README (@kevinoid)
342 | - [#1089](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1089) Mention that encoding defaults to utf8, not Buffer (@stuartpb)
343 | - [#1088](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1088) Fix cookie example in README.md and make it more clear (@pipi32167)
344 | - [#1027](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1027) Add support for multipart form data in request options. (@crocket)
345 | - [#1076](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1076) use Request.abort() to abort the request when the request has timed-out (@seanstrom)
346 | - [#1068](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1068) add optional postamble required by .NET multipart requests (@netpoetica)
347 |
348 | ### v2.43.0 (2014/09/18)
349 | - [#1057](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1057) Defaults should not overwrite defined options (@davidwood)
350 | - [#1046](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1046) Propagate datastream errors, useful in case gzip fails. (@ZJONSSON, @Janpot)
351 | - [#1063](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1063) copy the input headers object #1060 (@finnp)
352 | - [#1031](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1031) Explicitly use sync versions of cookie functions (@ZJONSSON)
353 | - [#1056](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1056) Fix redirects when passing url.parse(x) as URL to convenience method (@nylen)
354 |
355 | ### v2.42.0 (2014/09/04)
356 | - [#1053](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1053) Fix #1051 Parse auth properly when using non-tunneling proxy (@isaacs)
357 |
358 | ### v2.41.0 (2014/09/04)
359 | - [#1050](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1050) Pass whitelisted headers to tunneling proxy. Organize all tunneling logic. (@isaacs, @Feldhacker)
360 | - [#1035](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1035) souped up nodei.co badge (@rvagg)
361 | - [#1048](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1048) Aws is now possible over a proxy (@steven-aerts)
362 | - [#1039](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1039) extract out helper functions to a helper file (@seanstrom)
363 | - [#1021](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1021) Support/refactor indexjs (@seanstrom)
364 | - [#1033](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1033) Improve and document debug options (@nylen)
365 | - [#1034](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1034) Fix readme headings (@nylen)
366 | - [#1030](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1030) Allow recursive request.defaults (@tikotzky)
367 | - [#1029](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1029) Fix a couple of typos (@nylen)
368 | - [#675](https://github.com/request/request/pull/675) Checking for SSL fault on connection before reading SSL properties (@VRMink)
369 | - [#989](https://github.com/request/request/pull/989) Added allowRedirect function. Should return true if redirect is allowed or false otherwise (@doronin)
370 | - [#1025](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1025) [fixes #1023] Set self._ended to true once response has ended (@mridgway)
371 | - [#1020](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1020) Add back removed debug metadata (@FredKSchott)
372 | - [#1008](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1008) Moving to module instead of cutomer buffer concatenation. (@mikeal)
373 | - [#770](https://github.com/request/request/pull/770) Added dependency badge for README file; (@timgluz, @mafintosh, @lalitkapoor, @stash, @bobyrizov)
374 | - [#1016](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1016) toJSON no longer results in an infinite loop, returns simple objects (@FredKSchott)
375 | - [#1018](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1018) Remove pre-0.4.4 HTTPS fix (@mmalecki)
376 | - [#1006](https://github.com/request/request/pull/1006) Migrate to caseless, fixes #1001 (@mikeal)
377 | - [#995](https://github.com/request/request/pull/995) Fix parsing array of objects (@sjonnet19)
378 | - [#999](https://github.com/request/request/pull/999) Fix fallback for browserify for optional modules. (@eiriksm)
379 | - [#996](https://github.com/request/request/pull/996) Wrong oauth signature when multiple same param keys exist [updated] (@bengl, @hyjin)
380 |
381 | ### v2.40.0 (2014/08/06)
382 | - [#992](https://github.com/request/request/pull/992) Fix security vulnerability. Update qs (@poeticninja)
383 | - [#988](https://github.com/request/request/pull/988) “--” -> “—” (@upisfree)
384 | - [#987](https://github.com/request/request/pull/987) Show optional modules as being loaded by the module that reqeusted them (@iarna)
385 |
386 | ### v2.39.0 (2014/07/24)
387 | - [#976](https://github.com/request/request/pull/976) Update README.md (@pvoznenko)
388 |
389 | ### v2.38.0 (2014/07/22)
390 | - [#952](https://github.com/request/request/pull/952) Adding support to client certificate with proxy use case (@ofirshaked)
391 | - [#884](https://github.com/request/request/pull/884) Documented tough-cookie installation. (@wbyoung)
392 | - [#935](https://github.com/request/request/pull/935) Correct repository url (@fritx)
393 | - [#963](https://github.com/request/request/pull/963) Update changelog (@nylen)
394 | - [#960](https://github.com/request/request/pull/960) Support gzip with encoding on node pre-v0.9.4 (@kevinoid)
395 | - [#953](https://github.com/request/request/pull/953) Add async Content-Length computation when using form-data (@LoicMahieu)
396 | - [#844](https://github.com/request/request/pull/844) Add support for HTTP[S]_PROXY environment variables. Fixes #595. (@jvmccarthy)
397 | - [#946](https://github.com/request/request/pull/946) defaults: merge headers (@aj0strow)
398 |
399 | ### v2.37.0 (2014/07/07)
400 | - [#957](https://github.com/request/request/pull/957) Silence EventEmitter memory leak warning #311 (@watson)
401 | - [#955](https://github.com/request/request/pull/955) check for content-length header before setting it in nextTick (@camilleanne)
402 | - [#951](https://github.com/request/request/pull/951) Add support for gzip content decoding (@kevinoid)
403 | - [#949](https://github.com/request/request/pull/949) Manually enter querystring in form option (@charlespwd)
404 | - [#944](https://github.com/request/request/pull/944) Make request work with browserify (@eiriksm)
405 | - [#943](https://github.com/request/request/pull/943) New mime module (@eiriksm)
406 | - [#927](https://github.com/request/request/pull/927) Bump version of hawk dep. (@samccone)
407 | - [#907](https://github.com/request/request/pull/907) append secureOptions to poolKey (@medovob)
408 |
409 | ### v2.35.0 (2014/05/17)
410 | - [#901](https://github.com/request/request/pull/901) Fixes #555 (@pigulla)
411 | - [#897](https://github.com/request/request/pull/897) merge with default options (@vohof)
412 | - [#891](https://github.com/request/request/pull/891) fixes 857 - options object is mutated by calling request (@lalitkapoor)
413 | - [#869](https://github.com/request/request/pull/869) Pipefilter test (@tgohn)
414 | - [#866](https://github.com/request/request/pull/866) Fix typo (@dandv)
415 | - [#861](https://github.com/request/request/pull/861) Add support for RFC 6750 Bearer Tokens (@phedny)
416 | - [#809](https://github.com/request/request/pull/809) upgrade tunnel-proxy to 0.4.0 (@ksato9700)
417 | - [#850](https://github.com/request/request/pull/850) Fix word consistency in readme (@0xNobody)
418 | - [#810](https://github.com/request/request/pull/810) add some exposition to mpu example in README.md (@mikermcneil)
419 | - [#840](https://github.com/request/request/pull/840) improve error reporting for invalid protocols (@FND)
420 | - [#821](https://github.com/request/request/pull/821) added secureOptions back (@nw)
421 | - [#815](https://github.com/request/request/pull/815) Create changelog based on pull requests (@lalitkapoor)
422 |
423 | ### v2.34.0 (2014/02/18)
424 | - [#516](https://github.com/request/request/pull/516) UNIX Socket URL Support (@lyuzashi)
425 | - [#801](https://github.com/request/request/pull/801) 794 ignore cookie parsing and domain errors (@lalitkapoor)
426 | - [#802](https://github.com/request/request/pull/802) Added the Apache license to the package.json. (@keskival)
427 | - [#793](https://github.com/request/request/pull/793) Adds content-length calculation when submitting forms using form-data li... (@Juul)
428 | - [#785](https://github.com/request/request/pull/785) Provide ability to override content-type when `json` option used (@vvo)
429 | - [#781](https://github.com/request/request/pull/781) simpler isReadStream function (@joaojeronimo)
430 |
431 | ### v2.32.0 (2014/01/16)
432 | - [#767](https://github.com/request/request/pull/767) Use tough-cookie CookieJar sync API (@stash)
433 | - [#764](https://github.com/request/request/pull/764) Case-insensitive authentication scheme (@bobyrizov)
434 | - [#763](https://github.com/request/request/pull/763) Upgrade tough-cookie to 0.10.0 (@stash)
435 | - [#744](https://github.com/request/request/pull/744) Use Cookie.parse (@lalitkapoor)
436 | - [#757](https://github.com/request/request/pull/757) require aws-sign2 (@mafintosh)
437 |
438 | ### v2.31.0 (2014/01/08)
439 | - [#645](https://github.com/request/request/pull/645) update twitter api url to v1.1 (@mick)
440 | - [#746](https://github.com/request/request/pull/746) README: Markdown code highlight (@weakish)
441 | - [#745](https://github.com/request/request/pull/745) updating setCookie example to make it clear that the callback is required (@emkay)
442 | - [#742](https://github.com/request/request/pull/742) Add note about JSON output body type (@iansltx)
443 | - [#741](https://github.com/request/request/pull/741) README example is using old cookie jar api (@emkay)
444 | - [#736](https://github.com/request/request/pull/736) Fix callback arguments documentation (@mmalecki)
445 |
446 | ### v2.30.0 (2013/12/13)
447 | - [#732](https://github.com/request/request/pull/732) JSHINT: Creating global 'for' variable. Should be 'for (var ...'. (@Fritz-Lium)
448 | - [#730](https://github.com/request/request/pull/730) better HTTP DIGEST support (@dai-shi)
449 | - [#728](https://github.com/request/request/pull/728) Fix TypeError when calling request.cookie (@scarletmeow)
450 |
451 | ### v2.29.0 (2013/12/06)
452 | - [#727](https://github.com/request/request/pull/727) fix requester bug (@jchris)
453 |
454 | ### v2.28.0 (2013/12/04)
455 | - [#724](https://github.com/request/request/pull/724) README.md: add custom HTTP Headers example. (@tcort)
456 | - [#719](https://github.com/request/request/pull/719) Made a comment gender neutral. (@unsetbit)
457 | - [#715](https://github.com/request/request/pull/715) Request.multipart no longer crashes when header 'Content-type' present (@pastaclub)
458 | - [#710](https://github.com/request/request/pull/710) Fixing listing in callback part of docs. (@lukasz-zak)
459 | - [#696](https://github.com/request/request/pull/696) Edited README.md for formatting and clarity of phrasing (@Zearin)
460 | - [#694](https://github.com/request/request/pull/694) Typo in README (@VRMink)
461 | - [#690](https://github.com/request/request/pull/690) Handle blank password in basic auth. (@diversario)
462 | - [#682](https://github.com/request/request/pull/682) Optional dependencies (@Turbo87)
463 | - [#683](https://github.com/request/request/pull/683) Travis CI support (@Turbo87)
464 | - [#674](https://github.com/request/request/pull/674) change cookie module,to tough-cookie.please check it . (@sxyizhiren)
465 | - [#666](https://github.com/request/request/pull/666) make `ciphers` and `secureProtocol` to work in https request (@richarddong)
466 | - [#656](https://github.com/request/request/pull/656) Test case for #304. (@diversario)
467 | - [#662](https://github.com/request/request/pull/662) option.tunnel to explicitly disable tunneling (@seanmonstar)
468 | - [#659](https://github.com/request/request/pull/659) fix failure when running with NODE_DEBUG=request, and a test for that (@jrgm)
469 | - [#630](https://github.com/request/request/pull/630) Send random cnonce for HTTP Digest requests (@wprl)
470 |
471 | ### v2.27.0 (2013/08/15)
472 | - [#619](https://github.com/request/request/pull/619) decouple things a bit (@joaojeronimo)
473 |
474 | ### v2.26.0 (2013/08/07)
475 | - [#613](https://github.com/request/request/pull/613) Fixes #583, moved initialization of self.uri.pathname (@lexander)
476 | - [#605](https://github.com/request/request/pull/605) Only include ":" + pass in Basic Auth if it's defined (fixes #602) (@bendrucker)
477 |
478 | ### v2.24.0 (2013/07/23)
479 | - [#596](https://github.com/request/request/pull/596) Global agent is being used when pool is specified (@Cauldrath)
480 | - [#594](https://github.com/request/request/pull/594) Emit complete event when there is no callback (@RomainLK)
481 | - [#601](https://github.com/request/request/pull/601) Fixed a small typo (@michalstanko)
482 |
483 | ### v2.23.0 (2013/07/23)
484 | - [#589](https://github.com/request/request/pull/589) Prevent setting headers after they are sent (@geek)
485 | - [#587](https://github.com/request/request/pull/587) Global cookie jar disabled by default (@threepointone)
486 |
487 | ### v2.22.0 (2013/07/05)
488 | - [#544](https://github.com/request/request/pull/544) Update http-signature version. (@davidlehn)
489 | - [#581](https://github.com/request/request/pull/581) Fix spelling of "ignoring." (@bigeasy)
490 | - [#568](https://github.com/request/request/pull/568) use agentOptions to create agent when specified in request (@SamPlacette)
491 | - [#564](https://github.com/request/request/pull/564) Fix redirections (@criloz)
492 | - [#541](https://github.com/request/request/pull/541) The exported request function doesn't have an auth method (@tschaub)
493 | - [#542](https://github.com/request/request/pull/542) Expose Request class (@regality)
494 |
495 | ### v2.21.0 (2013/04/30)
496 | - [#536](https://github.com/request/request/pull/536) Allow explicitly empty user field for basic authentication. (@mikeando)
497 | - [#532](https://github.com/request/request/pull/532) fix typo (@fredericosilva)
498 | - [#497](https://github.com/request/request/pull/497) Added redirect event (@Cauldrath)
499 | - [#503](https://github.com/request/request/pull/503) Fix basic auth for passwords that contain colons (@tonistiigi)
500 | - [#521](https://github.com/request/request/pull/521) Improving test-localAddress.js (@noway421)
501 | - [#529](https://github.com/request/request/pull/529) dependencies versions bump (@jodaka)
502 |
503 | ### v2.20.0 (2013/04/22)
504 | - [#523](https://github.com/request/request/pull/523) Updating dependencies (@noway421)
505 | - [#520](https://github.com/request/request/pull/520) Fixing test-tunnel.js (@noway421)
506 | - [#519](https://github.com/request/request/pull/519) Update internal path state on post-creation QS changes (@jblebrun)
507 | - [#510](https://github.com/request/request/pull/510) Add HTTP Signature support. (@davidlehn)
508 | - [#502](https://github.com/request/request/pull/502) Fix POST (and probably other) requests that are retried after 401 Unauthorized (@nylen)
509 | - [#508](https://github.com/request/request/pull/508) Honor the .strictSSL option when using proxies (tunnel-agent) (@jhs)
510 | - [#512](https://github.com/request/request/pull/512) Make password optional to support the format: http://username@hostname/ (@pajato1)
511 | - [#513](https://github.com/request/request/pull/513) add 'localAddress' support (@yyfrankyy)
512 | - [#498](https://github.com/request/request/pull/498) Moving response emit above setHeaders on destination streams (@kenperkins)
513 | - [#490](https://github.com/request/request/pull/490) Empty response body (3-rd argument) must be passed to callback as an empty string (@Olegas)
514 | - [#479](https://github.com/request/request/pull/479) Changing so if Accept header is explicitly set, sending json does not ov... (@RoryH)
515 | - [#475](https://github.com/request/request/pull/475) Use `unescape` from `querystring` (@shimaore)
516 | - [#473](https://github.com/request/request/pull/473) V0.10 compat (@isaacs)
517 | - [#471](https://github.com/request/request/pull/471) Using querystring library from visionmedia (@kbackowski)
518 | - [#461](https://github.com/request/request/pull/461) Strip the UTF8 BOM from a UTF encoded response (@kppullin)
519 | - [#460](https://github.com/request/request/pull/460) hawk 0.10.0 (@hueniverse)
520 | - [#462](https://github.com/request/request/pull/462) if query params are empty, then request path shouldn't end with a '?' (merges cleanly now) (@jaipandya)
521 | - [#456](https://github.com/request/request/pull/456) hawk 0.9.0 (@hueniverse)
522 | - [#429](https://github.com/request/request/pull/429) Copy options before adding callback. (@nrn, @nfriedly, @youurayy, @jplock, @kapetan, @landeiro, @othiym23, @mmalecki)
523 | - [#454](https://github.com/request/request/pull/454) Destroy the response if present when destroying the request (clean merge) (@mafintosh)
524 | - [#310](https://github.com/request/request/pull/310) Twitter Oauth Stuff Out of Date; Now Updated (@joemccann, @isaacs, @mscdex)
525 | - [#413](https://github.com/request/request/pull/413) rename googledoodle.png to .jpg (@nfriedly, @youurayy, @jplock, @kapetan, @landeiro, @othiym23, @mmalecki)
526 | - [#448](https://github.com/request/request/pull/448) Convenience method for PATCH (@mloar)
527 | - [#444](https://github.com/request/request/pull/444) protect against double callbacks on error path (@spollack)
528 | - [#433](https://github.com/request/request/pull/433) Added support for HTTPS cert & key (@mmalecki)
529 | - [#430](https://github.com/request/request/pull/430) Respect specified {Host,host} headers, not just {host} (@andrewschaaf)
530 | - [#415](https://github.com/request/request/pull/415) Fixed a typo. (@jerem)
531 | - [#338](https://github.com/request/request/pull/338) Add more auth options, including digest support (@nylen)
532 | - [#403](https://github.com/request/request/pull/403) Optimize environment lookup to happen once only (@mmalecki)
533 | - [#398](https://github.com/request/request/pull/398) Add more reporting to tests (@mmalecki)
534 | - [#388](https://github.com/request/request/pull/388) Ensure "safe" toJSON doesn't break EventEmitters (@othiym23)
535 | - [#381](https://github.com/request/request/pull/381) Resolving "Invalid signature. Expected signature base string: " (@landeiro)
536 | - [#380](https://github.com/request/request/pull/380) Fixes missing host header on retried request when using forever agent (@mac-)
537 | - [#376](https://github.com/request/request/pull/376) Headers lost on redirect (@kapetan)
538 | - [#375](https://github.com/request/request/pull/375) Fix for missing oauth_timestamp parameter (@jplock)
539 | - [#374](https://github.com/request/request/pull/374) Correct Host header for proxy tunnel CONNECT (@youurayy)
540 | - [#370](https://github.com/request/request/pull/370) Twitter reverse auth uses x_auth_mode not x_auth_type (@drudge)
541 | - [#369](https://github.com/request/request/pull/369) Don't remove x_auth_mode for Twitter reverse auth (@drudge)
542 | - [#344](https://github.com/request/request/pull/344) Make AWS auth signing find headers correctly (@nlf)
543 | - [#363](https://github.com/request/request/pull/363) rfc3986 on base_uri, now passes tests (@jeffmarshall)
544 | - [#362](https://github.com/request/request/pull/362) Running `rfc3986` on `base_uri` in `oauth.hmacsign` instead of just `encodeURIComponent` (@jeffmarshall)
545 | - [#361](https://github.com/request/request/pull/361) Don't create a Content-Length header if we already have it set (@danjenkins)
546 | - [#360](https://github.com/request/request/pull/360) Delete self._form along with everything else on redirect (@jgautier)
547 | - [#355](https://github.com/request/request/pull/355) stop sending erroneous headers on redirected requests (@azylman)
548 | - [#332](https://github.com/request/request/pull/332) Fix #296 - Only set Content-Type if body exists (@Marsup)
549 | - [#343](https://github.com/request/request/pull/343) Allow AWS to work in more situations, added a note in the README on its usage (@nlf)
550 | - [#320](https://github.com/request/request/pull/320) request.defaults() doesn't need to wrap jar() (@StuartHarris)
551 | - [#322](https://github.com/request/request/pull/322) Fix + test for piped into request bumped into redirect. #321 (@alexindigo)
552 | - [#326](https://github.com/request/request/pull/326) Do not try to remove listener from an undefined connection (@strk)
553 | - [#318](https://github.com/request/request/pull/318) Pass servername to tunneling secure socket creation (@isaacs)
554 | - [#317](https://github.com/request/request/pull/317) Workaround for #313 (@isaacs)
555 | - [#293](https://github.com/request/request/pull/293) Allow parser errors to bubble up to request (@mscdex)
556 | - [#290](https://github.com/request/request/pull/290) A test for #289 (@isaacs)
557 | - [#280](https://github.com/request/request/pull/280) Like in node.js print options if NODE_DEBUG contains the word request (@Filirom1)
558 | - [#207](https://github.com/request/request/pull/207) Fix #206 Change HTTP/HTTPS agent when redirecting between protocols (@isaacs)
559 | - [#214](https://github.com/request/request/pull/214) documenting additional behavior of json option (@jphaas)
560 | - [#272](https://github.com/request/request/pull/272) Boundary begins with CRLF? (@elspoono, @timshadel, @naholyr, @nanodocumet, @TehShrike)
561 | - [#284](https://github.com/request/request/pull/284) Remove stray `console.log()` call in multipart generator. (@bcherry)
562 | - [#241](https://github.com/request/request/pull/241) Composability updates suggested by issue #239 (@polotek)
563 | - [#282](https://github.com/request/request/pull/282) OAuth Authorization header contains non-"oauth_" parameters (@jplock)
564 | - [#279](https://github.com/request/request/pull/279) fix tests with boundary by injecting boundry from header (@benatkin)
565 | - [#273](https://github.com/request/request/pull/273) Pipe back pressure issue (@mafintosh)
566 | - [#268](https://github.com/request/request/pull/268) I'm not OCD seriously (@TehShrike)
567 | - [#263](https://github.com/request/request/pull/263) Bug in OAuth key generation for sha1 (@nanodocumet)
568 | - [#265](https://github.com/request/request/pull/265) uncaughtException when redirected to invalid URI (@naholyr)
569 | - [#262](https://github.com/request/request/pull/262) JSON test should check for equality (@timshadel)
570 | - [#261](https://github.com/request/request/pull/261) Setting 'pool' to 'false' does NOT disable Agent pooling (@timshadel)
571 | - [#249](https://github.com/request/request/pull/249) Fix for the fix of your (closed) issue #89 where self.headers[content-length] is set to 0 for all methods (@sethbridges, @polotek, @zephrax, @jeromegn)
572 | - [#255](https://github.com/request/request/pull/255) multipart allow body === '' ( the empty string ) (@Filirom1)
573 | - [#260](https://github.com/request/request/pull/260) fixed just another leak of 'i' (@sreuter)
574 | - [#246](https://github.com/request/request/pull/246) Fixing the set-cookie header (@jeromegn)
575 | - [#243](https://github.com/request/request/pull/243) Dynamic boundary (@zephrax)
576 | - [#240](https://github.com/request/request/pull/240) don't error when null is passed for options (@polotek)
577 | - [#211](https://github.com/request/request/pull/211) Replace all occurrences of special chars in RFC3986 (@chriso)
578 | - [#224](https://github.com/request/request/pull/224) Multipart content-type change (@janjongboom)
579 | - [#217](https://github.com/request/request/pull/217) need to use Authorization (titlecase) header with Tumblr OAuth (@visnup)
580 | - [#203](https://github.com/request/request/pull/203) Fix cookie and redirect bugs and add auth support for HTTPS tunnel (@milewise)
581 | - [#199](https://github.com/request/request/pull/199) Tunnel (@isaacs)
582 | - [#198](https://github.com/request/request/pull/198) Bugfix on forever usage of util.inherits (@isaacs)
583 | - [#197](https://github.com/request/request/pull/197) Make ForeverAgent work with HTTPS (@isaacs)
584 | - [#193](https://github.com/request/request/pull/193) Fixes GH-119 (@goatslacker)
585 | - [#188](https://github.com/request/request/pull/188) Add abort support to the returned request (@itay)
586 | - [#176](https://github.com/request/request/pull/176) Querystring option (@csainty)
587 | - [#182](https://github.com/request/request/pull/182) Fix request.defaults to support (uri, options, callback) api (@twilson63)
588 | - [#180](https://github.com/request/request/pull/180) Modified the post, put, head and del shortcuts to support uri optional param (@twilson63)
589 | - [#179](https://github.com/request/request/pull/179) fix to add opts in .pipe(stream, opts) (@substack)
590 | - [#177](https://github.com/request/request/pull/177) Issue #173 Support uri as first and optional config as second argument (@twilson63)
591 | - [#170](https://github.com/request/request/pull/170) can't create a cookie in a wrapped request (defaults) (@fabianonunes)
592 | - [#168](https://github.com/request/request/pull/168) Picking off an EasyFix by adding some missing mimetypes. (@serby)
593 | - [#161](https://github.com/request/request/pull/161) Fix cookie jar/headers.cookie collision (#125) (@papandreou)
594 | - [#162](https://github.com/request/request/pull/162) Fix issue #159 (@dpetukhov)
595 | - [#90](https://github.com/request/request/pull/90) add option followAllRedirects to follow post/put redirects (@jroes)
596 | - [#148](https://github.com/request/request/pull/148) Retry Agent (@thejh)
597 | - [#146](https://github.com/request/request/pull/146) Multipart should respect content-type if previously set (@apeace)
598 | - [#144](https://github.com/request/request/pull/144) added "form" option to readme (@petejkim)
599 | - [#133](https://github.com/request/request/pull/133) Fixed cookies parsing (@afanasy)
600 | - [#135](https://github.com/request/request/pull/135) host vs hostname (@iangreenleaf)
601 | - [#132](https://github.com/request/request/pull/132) return the body as a Buffer when encoding is set to null (@jahewson)
602 | - [#112](https://github.com/request/request/pull/112) Support using a custom http-like module (@jhs)
603 | - [#104](https://github.com/request/request/pull/104) Cookie handling contains bugs (@janjongboom)
604 | - [#121](https://github.com/request/request/pull/121) Another patch for cookie handling regression (@jhurliman)
605 | - [#117](https://github.com/request/request/pull/117) Remove the global `i` (@3rd-Eden)
606 | - [#110](https://github.com/request/request/pull/110) Update to Iris Couch URL (@jhs)
607 | - [#86](https://github.com/request/request/pull/86) Can't post binary to multipart requests (@kkaefer)
608 | - [#105](https://github.com/request/request/pull/105) added test for proxy option. (@dominictarr)
609 | - [#102](https://github.com/request/request/pull/102) Implemented cookies - closes issue 82: https://github.com/mikeal/request/issues/82 (@alessioalex)
610 | - [#97](https://github.com/request/request/pull/97) Typo in previous pull causes TypeError in non-0.5.11 versions (@isaacs)
611 | - [#96](https://github.com/request/request/pull/96) Authless parsed url host support (@isaacs)
612 | - [#81](https://github.com/request/request/pull/81) Enhance redirect handling (@danmactough)
613 | - [#78](https://github.com/request/request/pull/78) Don't try to do strictSSL for non-ssl connections (@isaacs)
614 | - [#76](https://github.com/request/request/pull/76) Bug when a request fails and a timeout is set (@Marsup)
615 | - [#70](https://github.com/request/request/pull/70) add test script to package.json (@isaacs, @aheckmann)
616 | - [#73](https://github.com/request/request/pull/73) Fix #71 Respect the strictSSL flag (@isaacs)
617 | - [#69](https://github.com/request/request/pull/69) Flatten chunked requests properly (@isaacs)
618 | - [#67](https://github.com/request/request/pull/67) fixed global variable leaks (@aheckmann)
619 | - [#66](https://github.com/request/request/pull/66) Do not overwrite established content-type headers for read stream deliver (@voodootikigod)
620 | - [#53](https://github.com/request/request/pull/53) Parse json: Issue #51 (@benatkin)
621 | - [#45](https://github.com/request/request/pull/45) Added timeout option (@mbrevoort)
622 | - [#35](https://github.com/request/request/pull/35) The "end" event isn't emitted for some responses (@voxpelli)
623 | - [#31](https://github.com/request/request/pull/31) Error on piping a request to a destination (@tobowers) |
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