1 | 'use strict'
2 |
3 | const fs = require('fs')
4 | const path = require('path')
5 | const util = require('util')
6 | const IConfiguration = require('./iconfiguration')
7 | const { check } = require('./mapping')
8 | const checkMethod = require('./checkMethod')
9 | const { parse } = require('./schema')
10 | const {
11 | $configurationInterface,
12 | $configurationRequests,
13 | $handlerMethod,
14 | $handlerSchema
15 | } = require('./symbols')
16 |
17 | const readFileAsync = util.promisify(fs.readFile)
18 | const statAsync = util.promisify(fs.stat)
19 |
20 | const defaultHandlers = {
21 | custom: require('./handlers/custom'),
22 | file: require('./handlers/file'),
23 | status: require('./handlers/status'),
24 | url: require('./handlers/url'),
25 | use: require('./handlers/use')
26 | }
27 |
28 | const defaults = {
29 | hostname: undefined,
30 | port: 5000,
31 | 'max-redirect': 10,
32 | listeners: [],
33 | mappings: [{
34 | match: /^\/proxy\/(https?)\/(.*)/,
35 | url: '$1://$2',
36 | 'unsecure-cookies': true
37 | }, {
38 | match: '(.*)',
39 | file: './$1'
40 | }]
41 | }
42 |
43 | function applyDefaults (configuration) {
44 | Object.keys(defaults).forEach(property => {
45 | if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(configuration, property)) {
46 | configuration[property] = defaults[property]
47 | }
48 | })
49 | }
50 |
51 | function getHandler (handlers, types, mapping) {
52 | for (let index = 0; index < types.length; ++index) {
53 | const type = types[index]
54 | const redirect = mapping[type]
55 | if (redirect !== undefined) {
56 | return {
57 | handler: handlers[type],
58 | redirect,
59 | type
60 | }
61 | }
62 | }
63 | return {}
64 | }
65 |
66 | function checkHandler (handler, type) {
67 | if (handler.schema) {
68 | handler[$handlerSchema] = parse(handler.schema)
69 | delete handler.schema
70 | }
71 | if (handler.method) {
72 | checkMethod(handler, $handlerMethod)
73 | delete handler.method
74 | }
75 | if (typeof handler.redirect !== 'function') {
76 | throw new Error('Invalid "' + type + '" handler: redirect is not a function')
77 | }
78 | }
79 |
80 | function validateHandler (type) {
81 | const handlers = this.handlers
82 | let handler = handlers[type]
83 | if (typeof handler === 'string') {
84 | handler = require(handler)
85 | handlers[type] = handler
86 | }
87 | checkHandler(handler, type)
88 | Object.freeze(handler)
89 | }
90 |
91 | function setHandlers (configuration) {
92 | if (configuration.handlers) {
93 |
94 | configuration.handlers = Object.assign({}, configuration.handlers, defaultHandlers)
95 | } else {
96 | configuration.handlers = Object.assign({}, defaultHandlers)
97 | }
98 | Object.keys(configuration.handlers).forEach(validateHandler.bind(configuration))
99 | configuration.handler = getHandler.bind(null, configuration.handlers, Object.keys(configuration.handlers))
100 | }
101 |
102 | function invalidListeners () {
103 | throw new Error('Invalid listeners member, must be an array of functions')
104 | }
105 |
106 | function checkListeners (configuration) {
107 | const listeners = configuration.listeners
108 | if (!Array.isArray(listeners)) {
109 | invalidListeners()
110 | }
111 | configuration.listeners = listeners.map(register => {
112 | let registerType = typeof register
113 | if (registerType === 'string') {
114 | register = require(path.join(configuration.cwd || process.cwd(), register))
115 | registerType = typeof register
116 | }
117 | if (registerType !== 'function') {
118 | invalidListeners()
119 | }
120 | return register
121 | })
122 | }
123 |
124 | async function readSslFile (configuration, filePath) {
125 | if (path.isAbsolute(filePath)) {
126 | return (await readFileAsync(filePath)).toString()
127 | }
128 | return (await readFileAsync(path.join(configuration.ssl.cwd, filePath))).toString()
129 | }
130 |
131 | async function checkProtocol (configuration) {
132 | if (configuration.ssl) {
133 | configuration.ssl.cert = await readSslFile(configuration, configuration.ssl.cert)
134 | configuration.ssl.key = await readSslFile(configuration, configuration.ssl.key)
135 | configuration.protocol = 'https'
136 | } else {
137 | configuration.protocol = 'http'
138 | }
139 | if (![true, false, undefined].includes(configuration.http2)) {
140 | throw new Error('Invalid http2 setting')
141 | }
142 | if (!configuration.http2) {
143 | configuration.http2 = false
144 | }
145 | }
146 |
147 | async function checkMappings (configuration) {
148 | const configurationInterface = new IConfiguration(configuration)
149 | configuration[$configurationInterface] = configurationInterface
150 | for await (const mapping of configuration.mappings) {
151 | await check(configuration, mapping)
152 | }
153 | }
154 |
155 | function setCwd (folderPath, configuration) {
156 | if (configuration.handlers) {
157 | Object.keys(configuration.handlers).forEach(prefix => {
158 | const handler = configuration.handlers[prefix]
159 | if (typeof handler === 'string' && handler.match(/^\.\.?\//)) {
160 | configuration.handlers[prefix] = path.join(folderPath, handler)
161 | }
162 | })
163 | }
164 | if (configuration.mappings) {
165 | configuration.mappings.forEach(mapping => {
166 | if (!mapping.cwd) {
167 | mapping.cwd = folderPath
168 | }
169 | })
170 | }
171 | if (configuration.ssl && !configuration.ssl.cwd) {
172 | configuration.ssl.cwd = folderPath
173 | }
174 | configuration.cwd = folderPath
175 | }
176 |
177 | function extend (filePath, configuration) {
178 | const folderPath = path.dirname(filePath)
179 | setCwd(folderPath, configuration)
180 | if (configuration.extend) {
181 | const basefilePath = path.join(folderPath, configuration.extend)
182 | delete configuration.extend
183 | return readFileAsync(basefilePath)
184 | .then(buffer => JSON.parse(buffer.toString()))
185 | .then(baseConfiguration => {
186 |
187 | const baseMappings = baseConfiguration.mappings
188 | const mergedConfiguration = Object.assign(baseConfiguration, configuration)
189 | if (baseMappings && baseMappings !== mergedConfiguration.mappings) {
190 | mergedConfiguration.mappings = [...configuration.mappings, ...baseMappings]
191 | }
192 | return extend(basefilePath, mergedConfiguration)
193 | })
194 | }
195 | return configuration
196 | }
197 |
198 | module.exports = {
199 | async check (configuration) {
200 | if (typeof configuration !== 'object' || configuration === null) {
201 | throw new Error('Configuration must be an object')
202 | }
203 | const checkedConfiguration = Object.assign({}, configuration)
204 | applyDefaults(checkedConfiguration)
205 | setHandlers(checkedConfiguration)
206 | checkListeners(checkedConfiguration)
207 | await checkProtocol(checkedConfiguration)
208 | await checkMappings(checkedConfiguration)
209 | checkedConfiguration[$configurationRequests] = {
210 | lastId: 0,
211 | holding: Promise.resolve(),
212 | contexts: []
213 | }
214 | return checkedConfiguration
215 | },
216 |
217 | async read (fileName) {
218 | let filePath
219 | if (path.isAbsolute(fileName)) {
220 | filePath = fileName
221 | } else {
222 | filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), fileName)
223 | }
224 | return statAsync(filePath)
225 | .then(() => readFileAsync(filePath).then(buffer => JSON.parse(buffer.toString())))
226 | .then(configuration => extend(filePath, configuration))
227 | }
228 | }