1 | import { Options as PrettierOptions } from 'prettier';
2 |
3 | import * as fs from 'fs';
4 | import * as glob from 'glob';
5 | import * as optimist from 'optimist';
6 | import * as path from 'path';
7 | import * as tslint from 'tslint';
8 | import { promisify } from 'util';
9 |
10 |
11 | const realpathAsync = promisify(fs.realpath);
12 | const readFileAsync = promisify(fs.readFile);
13 | const accessAsync = promisify(fs.access);
14 | const statAsync = promisify(fs.stat);
15 | const writeFileAsync = promisify(fs.writeFile);
16 |
17 | const existsAsync = async (filename: string) => {
18 | try {
19 | await accessAsync(filename);
20 | return true;
21 | } catch {
22 | return false;
23 | }
24 | };
25 |
26 | const globAsync = promisify(glob);
27 |
28 | interface ResinLintConfig {
29 | configPath: string;
30 | configFileName: string;
31 | extensions: string[];
32 | lang: 'coffeescript' | 'typescript';
33 | prettierCheck?: boolean;
34 | testsCheck?: boolean;
35 | }
36 |
37 | const configurations: { [key: string]: ResinLintConfig } = {
38 | coffeescript: {
39 | configPath: path.join(__dirname, '../config/coffeelint.json'),
40 | configFileName: 'coffeelint.json',
41 | extensions: ['coffee'],
42 | lang: 'coffeescript',
43 | },
44 | typescript: {
45 | configPath: path.join(__dirname, '../config/tslint.json'),
46 | configFileName: 'tslint.json',
47 | extensions: ['ts', 'tsx'],
48 | lang: 'typescript',
49 | },
50 | typescriptPrettier: {
51 | configPath: path.join(__dirname, '../config/tslint-prettier.json'),
52 | configFileName: 'tslint.json',
53 | extensions: ['ts', 'tsx'],
54 | lang: 'typescript',
55 | },
56 | };
57 |
58 | const prettierConfigPath = path.join(__dirname, '../config/.prettierrc');
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 | const getPackageJsonDir = async (dir: string): Promise<string> => {
69 | const name = await findFile('package.json', dir);
70 | if (name === null) {
71 | throw new Error('Could not find package.json!');
72 | }
73 | return path.dirname(name);
74 | };
75 |
76 | const read = async (filepath: string): Promise<string> => {
77 | const realPath = await realpathAsync(filepath);
78 | return readFileAsync(realPath, 'utf8');
79 | };
80 |
81 | const findFile = async (name: string, dir?: string): Promise<string | null> => {
82 | dir = dir || process.cwd();
83 | const filename = path.join(dir, name);
84 | if (await existsAsync(filename)) {
85 | return filename;
86 | }
87 | const parent = path.dirname(dir);
88 | if (dir === parent) {
89 | return null;
90 | }
91 | return findFile(name, parent);
92 | };
93 |
94 | const parseJSON = async (file: string): Promise<{}> => {
95 | try {
96 | return JSON.parse(await readFileAsync(file, 'utf8'));
97 | } catch (err) {
98 | console.error(`Could not parse ${file}`);
99 | throw err;
100 | }
101 | };
102 |
103 | const findFiles = async (
104 | extensions: string[],
105 | paths: string[] = [],
106 | ): Promise<string[]> => {
107 | const files: string[] = [];
108 | await Promise.all(
109 | paths.map(async p => {
110 | if ((await statAsync(p)).isDirectory()) {
111 | files.push(
112 | ...(await globAsync(`${p}/**/*.@(${extensions.join('|')})`)),
113 | );
114 | } else {
115 | files.push(p);
116 | }
117 | }),
118 | );
119 |
120 | return files.map(p => path.join(p));
121 | };
122 |
123 | const lintCoffeeFiles = async (
124 | files: string[],
125 | config: {},
126 | ): Promise<number> => {
127 | const coffeelint: any = require('coffeelint');
128 | const errorReport = new coffeelint.getErrorReport();
129 |
130 | await Promise.all(
131 | files.map(async file => {
132 | const source = await read(file);
133 | errorReport.lint(file, source, config);
134 | }),
135 | );
136 |
137 | const reporter: any = require('coffeelint/lib/reporters/default');
138 | const report = new reporter(errorReport, {
139 | colorize: process.stdout.isTTY,
140 | quiet: false,
141 | });
142 |
143 | report.publish();
144 |
145 | return errorReport.getExitCode();
146 | };
147 |
148 | const lintTsFiles = async function(
149 | files: string[],
150 | config: {},
151 | prettierConfig: PrettierOptions | undefined,
152 | autoFix: boolean,
153 | ): Promise<number> {
154 | const prettier = prettierConfig ? await import('prettier') : undefined;
155 | const linter = new tslint.Linter({
156 | fix: autoFix,
157 | formatter: 'stylish',
158 | });
159 |
160 | const exitCodes = await Promise.all(
161 | files.map(async file => {
162 | let source = await read(file);
163 | linter.lint(
164 | file,
165 | source,
166 | config as tslint.Configuration.IConfigurationFile,
167 | );
168 | if (prettier) {
169 | if (autoFix) {
170 | const newSource = prettier.format(source, prettierConfig);
171 | if (source !== newSource) {
172 | source = newSource;
173 | await writeFileAsync(file, source);
174 | }
175 | } else {
176 | const isPrettified = prettier.check(source, prettierConfig);
177 | if (!isPrettified) {
178 | console.log(
179 | `Error: File ${file} hasn't been formatted with prettier`,
180 | );
181 | return 1;
182 | }
183 | }
184 | }
185 | return 0;
186 | }),
187 | );
188 | const failureCode = exitCodes.find(exitCode => exitCode !== 0);
189 | if (failureCode) {
190 | return failureCode;
191 | }
192 |
193 | const errorReport = linter.getResult();
194 |
195 |
196 | console.log(linter.getResult().output);
197 |
198 | return errorReport.errorCount === 0 ? 0 : 1;
199 | };
200 |
201 | const lintMochaTestFiles = async function(files: string[]): Promise<number> {
202 | const { lintMochaTests } = await import('./mocha-tests-lint');
203 | const res = await lintMochaTests(files);
204 | if (res.isError) {
205 | console.error('Mocha tests check FAILED!');
206 | console.error(res.message);
207 | return 1;
208 | }
209 | return 0;
210 | };
211 |
212 | const runLint = async function(
213 | resinLintConfig: ResinLintConfig,
214 | paths: string[],
215 | config: {},
216 | autoFix: boolean,
217 | ) {
218 | let linterExitCode: number | undefined;
219 | const scripts = await findFiles(resinLintConfig.extensions, paths);
220 |
221 | if (resinLintConfig.lang === 'typescript') {
222 | let prettierConfig: PrettierOptions | undefined;
223 | if (resinLintConfig.prettierCheck) {
224 | prettierConfig = (await parseJSON(prettierConfigPath)) as PrettierOptions;
225 | prettierConfig.parser = 'typescript';
226 | }
227 |
228 | linterExitCode = await lintTsFiles(
229 | scripts,
230 | config,
231 | prettierConfig,
232 | autoFix,
233 | );
234 | }
235 |
236 | if (resinLintConfig.lang === 'coffeescript') {
237 | linterExitCode = await lintCoffeeFiles(scripts, config);
238 | }
239 |
240 | if (resinLintConfig.testsCheck) {
241 | const testsExitCode = await lintMochaTestFiles(scripts);
242 | if (linterExitCode === 0) {
243 | linterExitCode = testsExitCode;
244 | }
245 | }
246 |
247 | process.on('exit', () => process.exit(linterExitCode));
248 | };
249 |
250 | export const lint = async (passedParams: any) => {
251 | const options = optimist(passedParams)
252 | .usage('Usage: resin-lint [options] [...]')
253 | .describe(
254 | 'f',
255 | 'Specify a linting config file to extend and override resin-lint rules',
256 | )
257 | .describe('p', 'Print default resin-lint linting rules')
258 | .describe(
259 | 'i',
260 | 'Ignore linting config files in project directory and its parents',
261 | )
262 | .boolean('typescript', 'Lint typescript files instead of coffeescript')
263 | .boolean('fix', 'Attempt to automatically fix lint errors')
264 | .boolean('no-prettier', 'Disables the prettier code format checks')
265 | .boolean(
266 | 'tests',
267 | 'Treat input files as test sources to perform extra relevant checks',
268 | )
269 | .boolean('u', 'Run unused import check');
270 |
271 | if (options.argv._.length < 1 && !options.argv.p) {
272 | options.showHelp();
273 | process.exit(1);
274 | }
275 |
276 | if (options.argv.u) {
277 | const depcheck = await import('depcheck');
278 | await Promise.all(
279 | options.argv._.map(async (dir: string) => {
280 | dir = await getPackageJsonDir(dir);
281 | const { dependencies } = await depcheck(path.resolve('./', dir), {
282 | ignoreMatches: [
283 | '@types/*',
284 | 'supervisor',
285 | 'coffee-script',
286 | 'coffeescript',
287 | 'colors',
288 | 'coffeescope2',
289 | ],
290 | });
291 | if (dependencies.length > 0) {
292 | console.log(`${dependencies.length} unused dependencies:`);
293 | for (const dep of dependencies) {
294 | console.log(`\t${dep}`);
295 | }
296 | process.exit(1);
297 | }
298 | console.log('No unused dependencies!');
299 | console.log();
300 | }),
301 | );
302 | }
303 |
304 | let configOverridePath;
305 |
306 | const prettierCheck = options.argv.prettier !== false;
307 | const testsCheck = options.argv.tests === true;
308 | const typescriptCheck = options.argv.typescript;
309 | const autoFix = options.argv.fix === true;
310 | const resinLintConfiguration = typescriptCheck
311 | ? prettierCheck
312 | ? configurations.typescriptPrettier
313 | : configurations.typescript
314 | : configurations.coffeescript;
315 |
316 | if (options.argv.p) {
317 | console.log(await readFileAsync(resinLintConfiguration.configPath, 'utf8'));
318 | process.exit(0);
319 | }
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 | let config: {} = typescriptCheck
324 | ? tslint.Configuration.loadConfigurationFromPath(
325 | resinLintConfiguration.configPath,
326 | )
327 | : await parseJSON(resinLintConfiguration.configPath);
328 |
329 | if (options.argv.f) {
330 | configOverridePath = await realpathAsync(options.argv.f);
331 | }
332 |
333 | if (!options.argv.i && !configOverridePath) {
334 | configOverridePath = await findFile(resinLintConfiguration.configFileName);
335 | }
336 |
337 | if (configOverridePath) {
338 |
339 | if (typescriptCheck) {
340 | const configOverride = tslint.Configuration.loadConfigurationFromPath(
341 | configOverridePath,
342 | );
343 | config = tslint.Configuration.extendConfigurationFile(
344 | config as tslint.Configuration.IConfigurationFile,
345 | configOverride,
346 | );
347 | } else {
348 | const configOverride = await parseJSON(configOverridePath);
349 | const { merge } = await import('lodash');
350 | config = merge(config, configOverride);
351 | }
352 | }
353 |
354 | const paths = options.argv._;
355 |
356 | resinLintConfiguration.prettierCheck = prettierCheck;
357 | resinLintConfiguration.testsCheck = testsCheck;
358 | await runLint(resinLintConfiguration, paths, config, autoFix);
359 | };